888 resultados para Failure and quality loss


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In Brazil zinnias have good prospect for the flowering potted plant market, once consumers demand for new forms of products is stimulated by novelty. 'Persian Carpet' is a highly ornamental plant, with fast growth, minimal labor requirements and low cost seeds. The present study evaluated the effect of growth regulators on development and quality of 'Persian Carpet' grown as a potted plant. Growth regulators are commonly used to control growth and produce short and compact plants. Paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g. L-1) were applied as a single drench, and daminozide (2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 g. L-1) as a single foliar spray to runoff. Regulators were applied at apical flower bud stage. Daminozide (5.0 g. L-1), paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0 g. L-1) significantly reduced plant height and side branches length compared to the control. Plant height showed a negative linear response to the increasing concentration of daminozide or paclobutrazol. Paclobutrazol (1.0 mg a.i./pot) and chlormequat (1.0 g. L-1) increased foliage and flowers harvest index. Plant spread diameter and canopy shape were improved with paclobutrazol (0.75 mg a.i./pot). Chlormequat (2.0 and 3.0 g. L-1) caused phytotoxicity symptoms, turning plants unsuitable for commercialization. Studied regulators concentrations did not affect flower diameter and production cycle. Although regulators controlled height and side branches growth significantly, plants were not short and compact enough to attend market quality.


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Two tests were performed. In the first, resistance to Didymella bryoniae was determined for the following genotypes: the pumpkins 'Ikky', 'Agroceres', 'Kirameki' and 'Shelper', watermelon progenies 1a, 2a, 3a, 5a, 1b, 2b, 3b and 5b, and 'Gherkin' (C. anguria). The plants were inoculated with the fungus during transplanting. The evaluations of the test were performed every 15 d according to a scoring scale adopted by Dusi et al. (1994). The second test examined compatibility among the rootstocks x grafts, and their effects on production. The rootstocks, 5 pumpkins including 'Ikky', 'Agroceres', 'Kirameki', 'Shelper', six watermelon progenies 1a, 2a, 5a, 1b, 2b and 5b, and one 'Gherkin', were planted one week before planting of the grafted 'Bônus No. 2' melon. The experiments were carried out with 12 treatments, including the control ('Bônus No. 2') with 3 replications with 14 grafted plants per each replication. For the first test, the first three evaluations (at 15, 30 and 45 d after inoculation) did not show characteristic lesions of stem canker, but progeny 3b was found to be susceptible in evaluations performed at 60 and 75 d after inoculation. Progeny 3a demonstrated intermediate susceptibility, while progenies 1a, 2a, 5a, 1b, 2b and 5b, the pumpkins 'Kirameki', 'Shelper', 'Ikky' and 'Agroceres', and 'Gherkin', showed resistance to Didymella bryoniae. In the second test, watermelon progenies 1a, 5a, 1b and 2b, and the pumpkins 'Kirameki', 'Shelper', 'Ikky' and 'Agroceres' showed a level of grafting success of 100%, while results with progenies 2a and 5b, and 'Gherkin' were different in grafting success, respectively 91.67, 98.33 and 43.33%. For other fruit parameters, weight, longitudinal and transverse diameters, pulp thickness and level of total soluble solids, there were no differences among the treatments.


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Marker assisted selection depends on the identification of tightly linked association between marker and the trait of interest. In the present work, functional (EST-SSRs) and genomic (gSSRs) microsatellite markers were used to detect putative QTLs for sugarcane yield components (stalk number, diameter and height) and as well as for quality parameters (Brix, Pol and fibre) in plant cane. The mapping population (200 individuals) was derived from a bi-parental cross (IACSP95-3018 x IACSP93-3046) from the IAC Sugarcane Breeding Program. As the map is under construction, single marker trait association analysis based on the likelihood ratio test was undertaken to detect the QTLs. Of the 215 single dose markers evaluated (1:1 and 3:1), 90 (42%) were associated with putative QTLs involving 43 microsatellite primers (18 gSSRs and 25 EST-SSRs). For the yield components, 41 marker/trait associations were found: 20 for height, 6 for diameter and 15 for stalk number. An EST-SSRs marker with homology to non-phototropic hypocotyls 4 (NPH4) protein was associated with a putative QTL with positive effect for diameter as also with a negative effect for stalk number. In relation to the quality parameters, 18 marker trait associations were found for Brix, 19 for Pol, and 12 for fibre. For fibre, 58% of the QTLs detected showed a negative effect on this trait. Some makers associated with QTLs with a negative effect for fibre showed a positive effect for Pol, reflecting the negative correlation generally observed between these traits.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate dry matter yield and loss of grazing due to animal trampling in response to sowing density and spacing between lines in the planting. Sorghum hybrid 1P400 was submitted to six treatments, composed of three sowing density combinations (12; 16 and 20 kg/ha of seeds) and two spacing between lines (0.40 and 0.80 m). Sorghum hybrid 1P400 was sowed in two seasons, at the end of spring (December 3rd, 2005) and the other at the end of summer (March 20th, 2006). Cultivation strategies influenced plant population in the two experimental seasons. Diameter of the stem in season 1 decreased with density increase, whereas in the second season, interaction between sowing density and spacing was significant. In the first season, 0.40-m spacing promoted greater losses due to grazing stepping, that is, 891 kg/ha of DM, whereas in the second season there was no statistical difference. There was no significant difference in forage dry matter yield in sowing densities among the two studied seasons. Dry mater production of sorghum hybrids 1P400 did not increase with the increase of the sowing density in the two sowing seasons, therefore it is recommended 12 kg/ha of seeds for the sowing. Sorghum IP400 cultivated in 0.80-m spacing resulted in lower forage loss caused by grazing bovine trampling. © 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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The phenotypic characterization as well as the knowledge of the correlation among traits, is the first step to quantify the potential of a cross for further QTL (quantitative trait loci) detection. The present work aimed to evaluate the yield components and quality parameters variability of a mapping population derived from a bi-parental cross between IACSP95-3018 and IACSP93-3046 at plant cane and ratoon cane as well as to estimate the heritabilities and pair-wise correlation among the traits evaluated. The progeny clones differed significantly for the traits measures indicating the existence of significant amount of variability among them as also as the presence of transgressive clones. Broad-sense heritabilities values were generally high for stalk diameter, stalk weight, stalk height, Brix and Pol%Cane in plant cane and ratoon cane. Tones of sugarcane per hectare (TCH) were significantly correlated with stalk weight and stalk number in both years. Regarding to all the yield components, stalk number together with stalk weight were the most important components in the determination of TCH. While fiber and Pol%Cane were negative correlated showing that they are inversely correlated traits. © 2012 Society for Sugar Research & Promotion.


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Background: Radiotherapy is an important tool in the control of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease. We aimed to evaluate pain and of quality of life of patients with spinal metastatic disease undergoing radiotherapy with supportive treatment. Methods. The study enrolled 30 patients. From January 2008 to January 2010, patients selection included those treated with a 20Gy tumour dose in five fractions. Patients completed the visual analogue scale for pain assessment and the SF-36 questionnaire for quality of life assessment. Results: The most frequent primary sites were breast, multiple myeloma, prostate and lymphoma. It was found that 14 spinal metastatic disease patients (46.66%) had restricted involvement of three or fewer vertebrae, while 16 patients (53.33%) had cases involving more than three vertebrae. The data from the visual analogue scale evaluation of pain showed that the average initial score was 5.7 points, the value 30days after the end of radiotherapy was 4.60 points and the average value 6months after treatment was 4.25 points. Notably, this final value was 25.43% lower than the value from the initial analysis. With regard to the quality of life evaluation, only the values for the functional capability and social aspects categories of the questionnaire showed significant improvement. Conclusion: Radiotherapy with supportive treatment appears to be an important tool for the treatment of pain in patients with spinal metastatic disease. © 2013 Valesin Filho et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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It is known that several factors can affect the clinical success and durability of fixed partial dentures. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to present a literature review about the longevity, clinical success, and quality, as well as, patients' and dental surgeons' satisfaction of ceramic fixed dentures. High rate of patients' satisfaction has been observed in relation to the esthetic of ceramic crowns. In addition, the literature has shown that dental ceramics can be used in several clinical situations with high success rate and longevity. Despite of failures and complications of ceramic restorations, nowadays, with the improvement of mechanical properties of such materials, ceramic crowns present a favorable prognosis and can be used in several clinical situations with high success rate, clinical quality, and great patients' satisfaction. © 2013 The American Ceramic Society.


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The sugarcane borer, Diatraea saccharalis (F.) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), is a key pest of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.). While damage caused by this pest has increased in the past 20 yr, studies investigating the insect-plant interactions are still lacking. Moreover, there is no information about the consequences of borer damage on the parameters of sugar quality. Therefore, two field experiments were performed during the 2010 and 2011 growing seasons in Brazil to compare the raw material and sugar quality of SP80-3280 sugarcane plants with and without the sugarcane borer. Plants were protected within screen cages and infested weekly during the 2010 and 2011 seasons, using egg masses starting at the second and third internode stage. At harvest, 25.77 and 19.01% of the internodes were bored by larvae (infestation intensity, II) in the first and second seasons, respectively. There was no correlation between the borer gallery total volume and II. The fiber content significantly increased with increasing II. The stalk biometric parameters, such as length, diameter, and yield, were not correlated with II. The sucrose yield significantly decreased with increasing II. Consequently, sugar yield losses were estimated at 8.83 and 19.80% per 1% bored internode for the first and second seasons, respectively. The concentration of phenolic compounds increased, and unclarified juice color quality decreased, with increasing II. Significant differences were detected in the quality of the sugar. These results should be confirmed for other sugarcane cultivars and incorporated into an economic injury level to enhance decision-making strategies for borer management. © 2013 by the American Society of Agronomy, 5585 Guilford Road, Madison, WI 53711. All rights reserved.


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Ghrelin is a gastrointestinal hormone that acts in releasing growth hormone and influences the body general metabolism. It has been proposed as a candidate gene for traits such as growth, carcass quality, and milk production of livestock because it influences feed intake. In this context, the aim of this study was to verify the existence of polymorphisms in the ghrelin gene and their associations with milk, fat and protein yield, and percentage in water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). A group of 240 animals was studied. Five primer pairs were used and 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were found in the ghrelin gene by sequencing. The animals were genotyped for 8 SNP by PCR-RFLP. The SNP g.960G>A and g.778C>T were associated with fat yield and the SNP g.905T>C was associated with fat yield and percentage and protein percentage. These SNP are located in intronic regions of DNA and may be in noncoding RNA sites or affect transcriptional efciency. The ghrelin gene in buffaloes influences milk fat and protein synthesis. The polymorphisms observed can be used as molecular markers to assist selection. © 2013 American Dairy Science Association.


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OBJETIVO:Revisar a literatura sobre estudos que estimaram a prevalência de pressão arterial elevada (PAE) ou hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) em adolescentes brasileiros, considerando os procedimentos metodológicos empregados.MÉTODOS:Pesquisa bibliográfica de estudos de prevalência de PAE/HAS em adolescentes de 1995 a 2010. A busca foi realizada nas bases de dados eletrônicos PubMed/Medline, Lilacs, SciELO, Isi e Adolec. Foram utilizados os descritores: hipertensão, pressão arterial, adolescente, estudantes, estudos transversais, prevalência e Brasil, nas línguas portuguesa e inglesa. Além disso, foi elaborado um escore, baseado nas Recommendations for Blood Pressure Measurement in Humans and Experimental Animals e nas VI Diretrizes Brasileiras de Hipertensão, para a análise dos procedimentos utilizados para medida da PA nos estudos variando de 0 a 18.RESULTADOS:Foram identificados 21 artigos, a maioria publicada nos últimos 10 anos, sendo 90,5% realizados em base escolar e nas regiões sudeste, nordeste e sul do país. As prevalências de PAE/HAS variaram de 2,5 a 30,9%. A pontuação dos estudos variou de 0 a 16. Foi observada uma correlação negativa significante (rho = -0,504; p = 0,020) entre a prevalência de PAE/HAS e o escore da qualidade da medida da PA.CONCLUSÃO:A grande variabilidade das estimativas da PAE/HAS parece ser influenciada pelos procedimentos metodológicos utilizados nos estudos.


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Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the most serious public health problems. The increasing prevalence of CKD in developed and developing countries has led to a global epidemic. The hypothesis proposed is that patients undergoing dialysis would experience a marked negative influence on physiological variables of sleep and autonomic nervous system activity, compromising quality of life.Methods/Design: A prospective, consecutive, double blind, randomized controlled clinical trial is proposed to address the effect of dialysis on sleep, pulmonary function, respiratory mechanics, upper airway collapsibility, autonomic nervous activity, depression, anxiety, stress and quality of life in patients with CKD. The measurement protocol will include body weight (kg); height (cm); body mass index calculated as weight/height(2); circumferences (cm) of the neck, waist, and hip; heart and respiratory rates; blood pressures; Mallampati index; tonsil index; heart rate variability; maximum ventilatory pressures; negative expiratory pressure test, and polysomnography (sleep study), as well as the administration of specific questionnaires addressing sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life.Discussion: CKD is a major public health problem worldwide, and its incidence has increased in part by the increased life expectancy and increasing number of cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension. Sleep disorders are common in patients with renal insufficiency. Our hypothesis is that the weather weight gain due to volume overload observed during interdialytic period will influence the degree of collapsibility of the upper airway due to narrowing and predispose to upper airway occlusion during sleep, and to investigate the negative influences of haemodialysis in the physiological variables of sleep, and autonomic nervous system, and respiratory mechanics and thereby compromise the quality of life of patients.