772 resultados para Facilitating condititons
Catheter-induced pulmonary artery rupture is an infrequent complication that may occur during invasive cardiopulmonary monitoring. Fatal cases are uncommon and result from hemoptysis and flooding of the opposite lung with resulting hypoyxia. Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency is a rare genetic disorder characterised by low serum levels of alpha-1-antitrypsin, critical in maintaining connective tissue integrity. Besides pulmonary emphysema, recent observations suggest that alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency may also be involved in vascular wall weakening, thereby predisposing arteries to dissection and aneurysm formation. In this article, we describe an autopsy case of pulmonary artery iatrogenic rupture due to insertion of a Swan-Ganz catheter in an 82-year-old woman suffering from pulmonary hypertension and alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. The exact source of bleeding could not be precisely identified during autopsy due to the extent of tissue hemorrhage, though postmortem angiography revealed a contrast medium extravasation from a branch of the left pulmonary lower lobar artery. The case herein emphasises the importance of postmortem angiography in facilitating the detection of vascular injuries, the importance of familiarity with intensive care techniques and procedures on behalf of forensic pathologists as well as in-depth knowledge of all possible contributing conditions and predisposing disorders in the pathogenesis of death.
Social capital a dense network of associations facilitating cooperation within a community typically leads to positive political and economic outcomes, as demonstrated by a large literature following Putnam. A growing literature emphasizes the potentially "dark side" of social capital. This paper examines the role of social capital in the downfall of democracy in interwar Germany by analyzing Nazi party entry rates in a cross-section of towns and cities. Before the Nazi Party's triumphs at the ballot box, it built an extensive organizational structure, becoming a mass movement with nearly a million members by early 1933. We show that dense networks of civic associations such as bowling clubs, animal breeder associations, or choirs facilitated the rise of the Nazi Party. The effects are large: Towns with one standard deviation higher association density saw at least one-third faster growth in the strength of the Nazi Party. IV results based on 19th century measures of social capital reinforce our conclusions. In addition, all types of associations veteran associations and non-military clubs, "bridging" and "bonding" associations positively predict NS party entry. These results suggest that social capital in Weimar Germany aided the rise of the Nazi movement that ultimately destroyed Germany's first democracy.
Do high levels of human capital foster economic growth by facilitating technology adoption? If so, countries with more human capital should have adopted more rapidly the skilled-labor augmenting technologies becoming available since the 1970 s. High human capital levels should therefore have translated into fast growth in more compared to less human-capital-intensive industries in the 1980 s. Theories of international specialization point to human capital accumulation as another important determinant of growth in human-capital-intensive industries. Using data for a large sample of countries, we find significant positive effects of human capital levels and human capital accumulation on output and employment growth in human-capital-intensive industries.
In order to interpret the biplot it is necessary to know which points usually variables are the ones that are important contributors to the solution, and this information is available separately as part of the biplot s numerical results. We propose a new scaling of the display, called the contribution biplot, which incorporates this diagnostic directly into the graphical display, showing visually the important contributors and thus facilitating the biplot interpretation and often simplifying the graphical representation considerably. The contribution biplot can be applied to a wide variety of analyses such as correspondence analysis, principal component analysis, log-ratio analysis and the graphical results of a discriminant analysis/MANOVA, in fact to any method based on the singular-value decomposition. In the contribution biplot one set of points, usually the rows of the data matrix, optimally represent the spatial positions of the cases or sample units, according to some distance measure that usually incorporates some form of standardization unless all data are comparable in scale. The other set of points, usually the columns, is represented by vectors that are related to their contributions to the low-dimensional solution. A fringe benefit is that usually only one common scale for row and column points is needed on the principal axes, thus avoiding the problem of enlarging or contracting the scale of one set of points to make the biplot legible. Furthermore, this version of the biplot also solves the problem in correspondence analysis of low-frequency categories that are located on the periphery of the map, giving the false impression that they are important, when they are in fact contributing minimally to the solution.
Many factors inhibiting and facilitating economic growth havebeen suggested. Can agnostics rely on international incomedata to tell them which matter? We find that agnostic priorslead to conclusions that are sensitive to differences acrossavailable income estimates. For example, the PWT 6.2 revisionof the 1960-96 income estimates in the PWT 6.1 leads tosubstantial changes regarding the role of government,international trade, demography, and geography. We concludethat margins of error in international income estimates appeartoo large for agnostic growth empirics.
Na actualidade, tem-se cada vez mais a consciência da necessidade e da importância de ter uma informação financeira credível e em tempo oportuno. A informação financeira passou a ser a base para avaliação do desempenho dos gestores, assim como para análise da situação económico-financeira das Organizações. A informação só é útil para tomada de decisão se tiverem as seguintes características qualitativas: Compreensibilidade, Relevância, Fiabilidade e Comparabilidade. No ambiente concorrencial em que as Organizações estão inseridas, a Contabilidade tem um papel fulcral como instrumento de tomada de decisão. As Organizações que têm como objectivos acções sociais, actuam nas áreas como: culturais e recreativas, solidariedade social, promoção do desenvolvimento comunitário, educacionais, de protecção ao ambiente, Saúde e da promoção da higiene, entre outros. Como essas Organizações não têm com objectivo o lucro, é necessário ter uma boa gestão e para que isso seja possível, é preciso ter-se instrumentos capazes para que isso seja possível e é neste âmbito que a Contabilidade entra como um auxílio para a gestão, como ferramenta capaz de mensurar e controlar processos, resultados e impactos nos projectos executados, a fim de que seus objectivos sociais sejam alcançados de uma forma consistente com o planeado. A sustentabilidade, a necessidade de demonstração e de aplicação dos recursos obtidos é um forte desafio que as Organizações do terceiro sector têm de ultrapassar e, neste âmbito, a Contabilidade pode constituir um meio importante para atingir esses objectivos, através da demonstração dos resultados alcançados. Nesta base, o contributo da Contabilidade na gestão das OSFL tem-se acentuado cada vez mais, demonstrando transparência na apresentação das suas contas, facilitando na captação de recursos e na fidelização dos seus parceiros e financiadores. Nowadays it has become increasingly aware of the need and importance of having credible and timely financial information. The financial information started to be the base for evaluation of the managers acting, as well as for analysis of the economicfinancial situation of the company. The information is only useful for socket of decision if they have the following qualitative characteristics: Comprehensive, Relevance, Reliable and Comparability. In the atmosphere concurrencies in that the Organizations are inserted the accounting has a crucial paper as instrument of socket of decision in the Organizations. The Organizations that have as purpose social action as for instance: cultural and recreational, social solidarity, promotion of the development community, education, of protection to the atmosphere, health and of the promotion of the hygiene, among others. As those Organizations don't have with objective the profit, it is necessary to have a good administration and for that to be possible, it is necessary to have capable instruments for that to be possible and it is in this extent that the accounting enters as an aid for the administration, as tool capable to measure and to control processes, results and impacts in the executed projects, so that their social objectives are reached in a solid way with the planed. Sustainability, the demonstration of the achieved results and the application of resources collected are strong challenges that the Organizations of the third sector have to overcome. To that extent, Accounting can contribute as an important way to reach those objectives through the demonstration of resources collected. In this base, the contribution of the Accounting has been accentuating more and more in the administration of the nonprofit organizations, demonstrating transparency in the presentation of their finance statements, facilitating the fundraising of Organizations and loyal partners and funders.
Purpose: To determine whether the need for retreatment after an initial phase of 3 monthly intravitreal injections of ranibizumab shows an intra-individual regular rhythm and to what degree it varies between different patients. Methods: Prospective study with 42 patients with exudative AMD, treatment naïve. Loading dose of 3 monthly doses of ranibizumab (0,5 mg), followed by a 12 months pro re nata (PRN) regimen according to early exudative signs on HD-OCT Cirrus, Zeiss. The follow-up visits were intensified (week 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, etc after each injection) in order to detect recurrences early, and injection followed within 3 days in cases of subretinal fluid, cysts, or central thickness increase of>50microns. Intervals were calculated between injections for the 12 month follow-up with PRN treatment. Variability was expressed as standard deviation (SD). Results: Visual acuity (VA) improved from a mean ETDRS score of 61.6 (SD 10.8) at baseline to 68.0 (SD 10.2) at month 3 and to 74.7(SD 9.0) at month 12. The 15 patients who have already completed the study showed maintenance of the VA improvement. Central foveal thickness improved from a mean value of 366 microns (baseline) to 253 microns (month 3), well maintained thereafter. Mean number of injections was 8.8 (SD 3.5,range 0-12) per 12 months of follow-up (after 3 doses), with mean individual treatment-recurrence (TR) intervals ranging from 28->365 days (mean 58). Intraindividual variability of TR intervals (SD) was 7.1 days as a mean value (range 1.7¡V22.6). It ranged within 20% of the mean intra-individual interval for 30 (91%) and within 15% for 21 patients (64%). The first interval was within 1 week of the mean intra-individual interval in 64% and within 2 weeks in 89% of patients. Conclusions: The majority of AMD patients showed a relatively stable rhythm for PRN injections of ranibizumab after initial loading phase, associated with excellent functional/anatomical results. The initial interval last loading dose-first recurrence may have a predictive value for further need of treatment, potentially facilitating follow-up and patient care.
Os fenómenos migratórios tem-se acentuado nas últimas décadas, para este facto muito tem contribuído a era globalizada em que nos encontramos. Com a globalização surgiu o desenvolvimento de redes mundiais, nomeadamente sistemas sociais e económicos, facultando o acesso a meios de transporte mais rápidos e baratos, e as comunicações tornaram-se mais fáceis, promovendo e facilitando as deslocações entre países e continentes, de pessoas e bens. Assim, actualmente com o acesso facilitado nas comunicações e nas deslocações, a migração tornou-se uma constante. Perante a quantidade de indivíduos oriundos das mais diversas partes do globo e com a evolução das tecnologias de informação e comunicação, as barreiras culturais foram reduzidas, permitindo uma rápida difusão de ideias e de meios, possibilitando que indivíduos que se encontram em locais geograficamente longínquos possam comunicar com regularidade. Este estudo teve como objectivo conhecer, por um lado, o impacto da utilização das TIC, por parte dos imigrantes de origem brasileira, como forma de manterem o contacto com o país de origem, por outro, o facto de residirem familiares/amigos em Portugal, aquando da sua vinda, podem contribuir para a sua integração. O estudo foi aplicado no Gabinete da família e no Gabinete do Imigrante, da Divisão de Acção Social Saúde e Juventude, da Câmara Municipal de Albufeira. Teve uma amostragem por conveniência que abrangeu 50 indivíduos oriundos do Brasil, residentes em Albufeira. Foi aplicado um inquérito por questionário que permitiu a caracterização da amostra e recolher informações sobre o impacto da utilização das TIC como forma de manter o contacto com o país de origem e a importância das redes sociais no processo de integração. Constituído por 74 questões fechadas, abertas e semi abertas. Fez-se de seguida uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa dos dados recolhidos. Os resultados obtidos sobre esta problemática permitiram percepcionar que o facto de existir uma rede familiar e de amigos, contribui para a integração da família imigrante na sociedade de acolhimento. Ou seja, todo o suporte familiar e a rede de amigos existente facultam ao imigrante condições para que o mesmo se instale no país de acolhimento e se sinta integrado. O facto de os imigrantes comunicarem, por norma, semanalmente com a família no Brasil, bem como utilizarem as tecnologias de informação e comunicação, contribui em muito para o seu bem estar psicológico e emocional. O contacto regular com a família, ainda que através de uma Web cam, proporciona-lhes tranquilidade e minimiza a distância física, uma vez que os podem ver e ouvir sentindo assim o apoio dos mesmos, ajudando-os a permanecer no nosso país. O uso das novas tecnologias são utilizadas para manter a ligação com a comunidade de origem, fomentando os laços familiares e com amigos. Os imigrantes utilizam a internet para comunicar com os indivíduos da mesma nacionalidade, bem como a família/amigos que se encontram no Brasil. O acesso às TIC e o facto de as utilizarem para comunicar com a família e amigos, no país de origem, pode ser considerada como uma rede social de apoio, proporcionando assim aos imigrantes uma integração no país de acolhimento.
The provision of non-audit services by auditors to their auditclients reduces total costs, increases technical competence and motivates more intense competition. Furthermore, theseservices do not necessarily damage auditor independence nor the quality of non-audit services. This assessment leads to recommending that legislative policy should aim at facilitating the development and use of the safeguardsprovided by the free action of market forces. Regulation should thus aim to enable the parties-audit firms, self-regulatory bodies and audit clients-to discover through competitive market interaction both the most efficient mix of services and the corresponding quality safeguards, adjusting for the costs and benefits of each possibility. Particular emphasis is placed on the role played by fee income diversification and the enhancement, through disclosurerules, of market incentives to diversify.
This article examines the private mechanisms used to safeguard quality in auditing, with a view to defining rules capable of facilitating the performance of market forces. An outline is given of a general theory of private quality assurance in auditing, based on the use of quasi-rents to self-enforce quality dimensions. Particular attention is paid to the role of fee income diversification as the key ingredient of private incentives for audit quality. The role of public regulation is then situated in the context defined by the presence of these safeguard mechanisms. This helps in defining the content of rules and the function of regulatory bodies in facilitating and strengthening the protective operation of the market. By making sense of the interaction between regulation, quality attributes and private safeguards, the analysis helps to evaluate the relative merits of different regulatory options.
Anorexia nervosa, which affects about 2-3% of the general population, is the psychiatric illness with the highest rate of mortality. The management is often complex, requiring multiple stakeholders on the patient's physical and psychiatric. The new specialized centre "abC" (anorexia-bulimia, Centre vaudois) was created with the objective of providing quality services to patients involved and to provide a network facilitating the interaction between physicians and specialized institutions. This is an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary collaboration born of the CHUV and the eHnv (Hospitalized Institutions in Nord Vaudois). The abC includes an outpatient pole (CHUV) and a hospital unit on the site of Saint Loup. At term, it will include a day centre (CHUV).
BACKGROUND: Uveal metastasis is the most common intraocular malignancy. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of all patients with uveal metastases referred to the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre between January 2007 and December 2012. Biopsy was performed as a primary investigation if the clinical examination suggested metastasis with no evidence of any extraocular metastases. RESULTS: Ninety-six patients (109 eyes) were included. Breast and lung carcinomas were the most common primary malignancies, affecting 41 and 27 patients, respectively. The median time interval between detection of primary cancer and uveal metastasis was 24 months (range 1-288 months). Thirty-nine patients underwent ocular biopsy, confirming the diagnosis in all patients. The biopsy indicated the site of origin in 24 out of the 27 without a known primary tumour. In 7 of these 27 cases, previous systemic investigations had failed to identify the primary tumour. Seventy-three patients received external beam irradiation; two patients received photodynamic therapy; and two patients had Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy. The visual acuity was stable or improved in 75.5% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate biopsy provides a quick diagnosis that may expedite treatment and improve any opportunities for conserving vision while facilitating the general oncologic management on these patients.
Parte de la investigación en torno a la realidad educativa que se ha desarrollado durante los últimos años se caracteriza por intentar encontrar formas de interpretación orientadas a significar los procesos formativos centrados en las vivencias singulares de los agentes que participan de la educación así como en la posibilidad que éstas ofrecen de devenir experiencia, eso es,vivencia concienciada. A raíz de las mismas podemos observar como la biografía apunta a ser una de las más emblemáticas formalizaciones del proceso de narración de vivencias. Pero, aún cuando la misma se perfila como una de las narraciones que más promueven la interpretación e intercambio de vivencias, posibilitando la reflexión e, incluso, formación mediada, la biografía todavía presenta como forma teorética algunos escollos. Los cuales, pueden ser utilizados como preguntas base para formular una voz de las pedagogías de la experiencia. Justamente, interrogarse y repensar su factibilidad es el tema que se ensaya en el presente artículo.
L’augment de la utilització de les noves tecnologies a la nostra societat permet a les empreses arribar al client d’una forma més rapida i facilitant la informació de manera àgil i ordenada. Amb aquest objectiu s’ha creat una botiga virtual que serà la part visible als usuaris i clients de l’empresa PRINTONER S.L , dedicada al sector dels consumibles, especialment els reciclats. Per l’empresa un dels objectius principals és oferir al client la possibilitat de comprar els seus productes de manera còmode a través d’Internet, ja que accedint amb un nom d’usuari i una contrasenya podrà obtenir totes les referències de les que es disposa, podrà tramitar les comandes i controlar-ne l’estat fins el moment de l’entrega. A part de les seccions destinades a usuaris i clients s’ha creat una zona d’administració, on els responsables de l’empresa podran gestionar tots els productes, modificar i visualitzar les comandes. A més aprofitant que aquestes quedaran guardades a una base de dades juntament amb els productes venuts, s’integrarà el sistema de facturació de l’empresa, cosa que fins el moment es feia de manera manual i maldestre. També es programarà una part on els responsables podran insertar reparacions i vendes informàtiques que s’hagin de facturar o per fer-ne un us estadístic en un futur. Tot això ens portarà a implementar un sistema d’usuaris registrats amb diferents permisos i diferents nivells d’accés a l’aplicació, fins a un total de 5. S’ha intentat fer de l’aplicació, un sistema a mida i que compleixi tots els requisits que l’empresa ens ha demanat, amb la previsió que més endavant s’hi pugui implementar un sistema de gestió d’estocs i altres millores per oferir als seus clients un servei inigualable. Per tal de portar a terme tot aquest treball s’ha utilitzat una tecnologia de lliure distribució com és el llenguatge PHP i la base de dades MySQL, aquesta opció a part d’una filosofia es produeix per intentar minimitzar els costos de l’aplicatiu. La finalitat de l’empresa amb aquest projecte és oferir millor imatge i servei, efectivitat i rapidesa en tot el procés de vendes, així com reduir costos de facturació i també de publicitat, ja que es podrà potenciar molt més la pàgina web via internet.
Le diabète est une maladie chronique caractérisée par une élévation du taux de sucre dans le sang aussi appelé « glycémie » reflétant un état pathologique. L'élévation de la glycémie au long cours a des répercussions délétères sur nombreux de nos tissus et organes d'où l'apparition de complications sévères chez les sujets diabétiques pouvant atteindre les yeux, les reins, le système nerveux, le système cardiovasculaire et les membres inférieurs. La carence en une hormone essentielle à notre organisme, l'insuline, est au coeur du développement de la maladie. L'insuline induit la captation du glucose circulant dans le sang en excès suite à une prise alimentaire riche en glucides et favorise son utilisation et éventuellement son stockage dans les tissus tels que le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Ainsi, l'insuline est vitale pour réguler et maintenir stable notre niveau de glycémie. Les cellules bêta du pancréas sont les seules entités de notre corps capables de produire de l'insuline et une perte de fonctionnalité associée à leur destruction ont été mises en cause dans le processus pathologique du diabète de type 2. Cependant la pleine fonctionnalité et la maturation des cellules bêta n'apparaissent qu'après la naissance lorsque le pancréas en développement a atteint sa masse adulte définitive. Enfin, une fois la masse des cellules bêta définitive établie, leur nombre et volume restent relativement constants au cours de la vie adulte chez un sujet sain. Néanmoins, au cours de périodes critiques les besoins en insuline sont augmentés tel qu'observé chez les femmes enceintes et les personnes obèses qui ont une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline qui se traduit par la nécessité de sécréter plus d'insuline afin de maintenir une glycémie normale. Dans l'hypothèse où la compensation n'a pas lieu ou n'est pas aboutie, le diabète se développe. Le processus de maturation postnatale ainsi que les événements compensatoires sont donc des étapes essentielles et de nombreuses questions sont encore non résolues concernant l'identification des mécanismes les régulant. Parmi les acteurs potentiels figurent de petites molécules d'ARN découvertes récemment appelées microARNs et qui ont été rapidement suggérées très prometteuses dans l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans le cadre du diabète et d'autres pathologies. Les microARNs vont réguler l'expression de notre génome sans en modifier la séquence, phénomène également appelé épigénétique, ce qui résulte en des différences de comportement et de fonction cellulaires. Les microARNs sont donc susceptibles de jouer un rôle clé dans l'ensemble des processus biologiques et notre environnement associé à nos prédispositions génétiques peuvent grandement modifier leur niveau et donc leur action, qui à son tour se répercutera sur notre état physiologique. En effet nous avons identifié des changements de microARNs dans les cellules d'îlots pancréatiques de modèles animaux (rats et souris) associés à un état de résistance à l'insuline (grossesse et obésité). Par le biais d'expériences in vitro sur des cellules bêta extraites de rats et conservées en culture, nous avons pu analyser de plus près l'implication des microARNs dans la capacité des cellules bêta à sécréter de l'insuline mais aussi à se multiplier et à survivre au sein d'un environnement toxique. Ainsi, nous avons identifié des microARNs qui participent positivement à la compensation des cellules bêta, sous la direction d'hormones telles les estrogènes ou d'une hormone libérée par l'intestin au cours de la digestion (l'inerétine GLP1) et qui est largement utilisée comme agent thérapeutique dans la médication contre le diabète. Dans un second temps nous avons utilisé une stratégie similaire afin de déterminer le rôle de microARNs préalablement détectés comme étant changés au cours du développement postnatal des cellules bêta chez le rat. Cette étude a également mené à l'identification de microARNs participant à la maturation et à l'expansion de la masse des cellules bêta sous l'influence de la composition du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline adéquats qui en dépendent. Ces études apportent la vision de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires impliquant les microARNs et démontrant leur importance pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules bêta et leur capacité d'adaptation à l'environnement. -- Les cellules bêta sont une composante des îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans et sont des cellules hautement différenciées qui ont l'unique capacité de sécréter de l'insuline sous l'influence des nutriments suite à une prise alimentaire. L'insuline facilite l'incorporation de glucose dans ses tissus cibles tels le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Bien que les besoins en insuline soient relativement constants au cours de la vie d'un individu sain, certaines conditions associées à un état de résistance à l'insuline, telles la grossesse ou l'obésité, requièrent une libération d'insuline majorée. En cas de résistance à l'insuline, une dysfonction des cellules bêta plus ou moins associée à leur mort cellulaire, conduisent à une sécrétion d'insuline insuffisante et au développement d'une hyperglycémie chronique, caractéristique du diabète de type 2. Jusqu'à présent, les mécanismes moléculaires sous- jacents à la compensation des cellules bêta ou encore menant à leur dysfonction restent peu connus. Découverts récemment, les petits ARNs non-codant appelés microARNs (miARNs), suscitent un intérêt grandissant de par leur potentiel thérapeutique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du diabète. Les miARNs sont de puissants régulateurs de l'expression génique qui lient directement le 3'UTR de leurs ARN messagers cibles afin d'inhiber leur traduction ou d'induire leur dégradation, ce qui leur permet de contrôler des fonctions biologiques multiples. Ainsi, nous avons pris pour hypothèse que les miARNs pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel en maintenant la fonction des cellules bêta et des processus compensatoires afin de prévenir le développement du diabète. Lors d'une première étude, une analyse transcriptomique a permis l'identification de miARNs différemment exprimés au sein d'îlots pancréatiques de rattes gestantes. Parmi eux, le miR-338-3p a démontré la capacité de promouvoir la prolifération et la survie des cellules bêta exposées à des acides gras saturés et des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, sans altérer leur propriété sécrétrice d'insuline. Nous avons également identifié deux hormones reconnues pour leurs propriétés bénéfiques pour la physiologie de la cellule bêta, l'estradiol et l'incrétine GLP1, qui régulent les niveaux du miR-338-3p. Ce miARN intègre parfaitement les voies de signalisation de ces deux hormones dépendantes de l'AMP cyclique, afin de contrôler l'expression de nombreux gènes conduisant à son action biologique. Dans un projet ultérieur, notre objectif était de déterminer la contribution de miARNs dans l'acquisition de l'identité fonctionnelle des cellules bêta en période postnatale. En effet, directement après la naissance les cellules bêta sont reconnues pour être encore immatures et incapables de sécréter de l'insuline spécifiquement en réponse à l'élévation de la glycémie. Au contraire, la réponse insulinique induite par les acides aminés ainsi que la biosynthèse d'insuline sont déjà fonctionnelles. Nos recherches ont permis de montrer que les changements de miARNs corrélés avec l'apparition du phénotype sécrétoire en réponse au glucose, sont régis par la composition nutritionnelle du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline qui en découlent. En parallèle, le taux de prolifération des cellules bêta est considérablement réduit. Les miARNs que nous avons étudiés coordonnent des changements d'expression de gènes clés impliqués dans l'acquisition de propriétés vitales de la cellule bêta et dans la maintenancé de son identité propre. Enfin, ces études ont permis de clairement démontrer l'importance des miARNs dans la régulation de la fonction des cellules bêta pancréatiques. -- Beta-cells are highly differentiated cells localized in the pancreatic islets and are characterized by the unique property of secreting insulin in response to nutrient stimulation after meal intake. Insulin is then in charge of facilitating glucose uptake by insulin target tissues such as liver, adipose tissue and muscles. Despite insulin needs stay more or less constant throughout life of healthy individuals, there are circumstances such as during pregnancy or obesity which are associated to insulin resistance, where insulin needs are increased. In this context, defects in beta-cell function, sometimes associated with beta-cell loss, may result in the release of inappropriate amounts of insulin leading to chronic hyperglycemia, properly defined as type 2 diabetes mellitus. So far, the mechanisms underlying beta- cell compensation as well as beta-cell failure remain to be established. The recently discovered small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as interesting therapeutic targets and are bringing new hope for the treatment of diabetes. miRNAs display a massive potential in regulating gene expression by directly binding to the 3'UTR of messenger RNAs and by inhibiting their translation and/or stability, enabling them to modify a wide range of biological functions. In view of this, we hypothesized that miRNAs may play an essential role in preserving the functional beta-cell mass and permitting to fight against beta-cell exhaustion and decompensation that can lead to diabetes development. In a first study, global profiling in pancreatic islets of pregnant rats, a model of insulin resistance, led to the identification of a set of differentially expressed miRNAs. Among them, miR-338- 3p was found to promote beta-cell proliferation and survival upon exposure of islet cells to pro- apoptotic stimuli such as saturated fatty acids or pro-inflammatory cytokines, without impairment in their capacity to release insulin. We also discovered that miR-338-3p changes are driven by two hormones, the estradiol and the incretin GLP1, both well known for their beneficial impact on beta- cell physiology. Consistently, we found that miR-338-3p integrates the cAMP-dependent signaling pathways regulated by these two hormones in order to control the expression of numerous genes and execute its biological functions. In a second project, we aimed at determining whether miRNAs contribute to the acquisition of beta-cell identity. Indeed, we confirmed that right after birth beta-cells are still immature and are unable to secrete insulin specifically in response to elevated concentrations of glucose. In contrast, amino acid-stimulated insulin release as well as insulin biosynthesis are already fully functional. In parallel, newborn beta-cells are proliferating intensively within the expanding pancreas. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the miRNA changes and the subsequent acquisition of glucose responsiveness is influenced by the diet composition and the resulting insulin needs. At the same time, beta-cell proliferation declines. The miRNAs that we have identified orchestrate expression changes of essential genes involved in the acquisition of specific beta-cell properties and in the maintenance of a mature beta-cell identity. Altogether, these studies clearly demonstrate that miRNAs play important roles in the regulation of beta-cell function.