949 resultados para FTIR-spectrometry


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La vectorisation des médicaments est une approche très prometteuse tant sur le plan médical qu’économique pour la livraison des substances actives ayant une faible biodisponibilité. Dans ce contexte, les polymères en étoile et les dendrimères, macromolécules symétriques et branchées, semblent être les solutions de vectorisation les plus attrayantes. En effet, ces structures peuvent combiner efficacement une stabilité élevée dans les milieux biologiques à une capacité d’encapsulation des principes actifs. Grâce à leur architecture bien définie, ils permettent d’atteindre un très haut niveau de reproductibilité de résultats, tout en évitant le problème de polydispersité. Bien que des nombreuses structures dendritiques aient été proposées ces dernières années, il est cependant à noter que la conception de nouveaux nanovecteurs dendritiques efficaces est toujours d’actualité. Ceci s’explique par des nombreuses raisons telles que celles liées à la biocompatibilité, l’efficacité d’encapsulation des agents thérapeutiques, ainsi que par des raisons économiques. Dans ce projet, de nouvelles macromolécules branchées biocompatibles ont été conçues, synthétisées et évaluées. Pour augmenter leur efficacité en tant qu’agents d’encapsulations des principes actifs hydrophobes, les structures de ces macromolécules incluent un coeur central hydrophobe à base de porphyrine, décanediol ou trioléine modifié et, également, une couche externe hydrophile à base d’acide succinique et de polyéthylène glycol. Le choix des éléments structuraux de futures dendrimères a été basé sur les données de biocompatibilité, les résultats de nos travaux de synthèse préliminaires, ainsi que les résultats de simulation in silico réalisée par une méthode de mécanique moléculaire. Ces travaux ont permis de choisir des composés les plus prometteurs pour former efficacement et d’une manière bien contrôlable des macromolécules polyesters. Ils ont aussi permis d’évaluer au préalable la capacité de futurs dendrimères de capter une molécule médicamenteuse (itraconazole). Durant cette étape, plusieurs nouveaux composés intermédiaires ont été obtenus. L’optimisation des conditions menant à des rendements réactionnels élevés a été réalisée. En se basant sur les travaux préliminaires, l’assemblage de nouveaux dendrimères de première et de deuxième génération a été effectué, en utilisant les approches de synthèse divergente et convergente. La structure de nouveaux composés a été prouvée par les techniques RMN du proton et du carbone 13C, spectroscopie FTIR, UV-Vis, analyse élémentaire, spectrométrie de masse et GPC. La biocompatibilité de produits a été évaluée par les tests de cytotoxicité avec le MTT sur les macrophages murins RAW-262.7. La capacité d’encapsuler les principes actifs hydrophobes a été étudiée par les tests avec l’itraconazole, un antifongique puissant mais peu biodisponible. La taille de nanoparticules formées dans les solutions aqueuses a été mesurée par la technique DLS. Ces mesures ont montré que toutes les structures dendritiques ont tendance à former des micelles, ce qui exclue leurs applications en tant que nanocapsules unimoléculaires. L’activité antifongique des formulations d’itraconazole encapsulé avec les dendrimères a été étudiée sur une espèce d’un champignon pathogène Candida albicans. Ces tests ont permis de conclure que pour assurer l’efficacité du traitement, un meilleur contrôle sur le relargage du principe actif était nécessaire.


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Triple quadrupole mass spectrometers coupled with high performance liquid chromatography are workhorses in quantitative bioanalyses. It provides substantial benefits including reproducibility, sensitivity and selectivity for trace analysis. Selected Reaction Monitoring allows targeted assay development but data sets generated contain very limited information. Data mining and analysis of non-targeted high-resolution mass spectrometry profiles of biological samples offer the opportunity to perform more exhaustive assessments, including quantitative and qualitative analysis. The objectives of this study was to test method precision and accuracy, statistically compare bupivacaine drug concentration in real study samples and verify if high resolution and accurate mass data collected in scan mode can actually permit retrospective data analysis, more specifically, extract metabolite related information. The precision and accuracy data presented using both instruments provided equivalent results. Overall, the accuracy was ranging from 106.2 to 113.2% and the precision observed was from 1.0 to 3.7%. Statistical comparisons using a linear regression between both methods reveal a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.9996 and a slope of 1.02 demonstrating a very strong correlation between both methods. Individual sample comparison showed differences from -4.5% to 1.6% well within the accepted analytical error. Moreover, post acquisition extracted ion chromatograms at m/z 233.1648 ± 5 ppm (M-56) and m/z 305.2224 ± 5 ppm (M+16) revealed the presence of desbutyl-bupivacaine and three distinct hydroxylated bupivacaine metabolites. Post acquisition analysis allowed us to produce semiquantitative evaluations of the concentration-time profiles for bupicavaine metabolites.


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Tachykinin and opioid peptides play a central role in pain transmission, modulation and inhibition. The treatment of pain is very important in medicine and many studies using NK1 receptor antagonists failed to show significant analgesic effects in humans. Recent investigations suggest that both pronociceptive tachykinins and the analgesic opioid systems are important for normal pain sensation. The analysis of opioid peptides in Tac1-/- spinal cord tissues offers a great opportunity to verify the influence of the tachykinin system on specific opioid peptides. The objectives of this study were to develop a HPLC–MS/MRM assay to quantify targeted peptides in spinal cord tissues. Secondly, we wanted to verify if the Tac1-/- mouse endogenous opioid system is hampered and therefore affect significantly the pain modulatory pathways. Targeted neuropeptides were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography linear ion trap mass spectrometry. Our results reveal that EM-2, Leu-Enk and Dyn A were down-regulated in Tac1-/- spinal cord tissues. Interestingly, Dyn A was almost 3 fold down-regulated (p < 0.0001). No significant concentration differences were observed in mouse Tac1-/- spinal cords for Met-Enk and CGRP. The analysis of Tac1-/- mouse spinal cords revealed noteworthy decreases of EM-2, Leu-Enk and Dyn A concentrations which strongly suggest a significant impact on the endogenous pain-relieving mechanisms. These observations may have insightful impact on future analgesic drug developments and therapeutic strategies.


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Ketamine is widely used in medicine in combination with several benzodiazepines including midazolam. The objectives of this study were to develop a novel HPLC-MS/SRM method capable of quantifying ketamine and norketamine using an isotopic dilution strategy in biological matrices and study the formation of norketamine, the principal metabolite of ketamine with and without the presence of midazolam, a well-known CYP3A substrate. The chromatographic separation was achieved using a Thermo Betasil Phenyl 100 x 2 mm column combined with an isocratic mobile phase composed of acetonitrile, methanol, water and formic acid (60:20:20:0.4) at a flow rate of 300 μL/min. The mass spectrometer was operating in selected reaction monitoring mode and the analytical range was set at 0.05–50 μM. The precision (%CV) and accuracy (%NOM) observed were ranging from 3.9–7.8 and 95.9.2–111.1% respectively. The initial rate of formation of norketamine was determined using various ketamine concentration and Km values of 18.4 μM, 13.8 μM and 30.8 μM for rat, dog and human liver S9 fractions were observed respectively. The metabolic stability of ketamine on liver S9 fractions was significantly higher in human (T1/2 = 159.4 min) compared with rat (T1/2 = 12.6 min) and dog (T1/2 = 7.3 min) liver S9 fractions. Moreover significantly lower IC50 and Ki values observed in human compared with rat and dog liver S9 fractions. Experiments with cDNA expressed CYP3A enzymes showed the formation of norketamine is mediated by CYP3A but results suggest an important contribution from others isoenzymes, most likely CYP2C particularly in rat.


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In recent years, we observed a significant increase of food fraud ranging from false label claims to the use of additives and fillers to increase profitability. Recently in 2013, horse and pig DNA were detected in beef products sold from several retailers. Mass spectrometry has become the workhorse in protein research and the detection of marker proteins could serve for both animal species and tissue authentication. Meat species authenticity will be performed using a well defined proteogenomic annotation, carefully chosen surrogate tryptic peptides and analysis using a hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. Selected mammalian meat samples were homogenized, proteins were extracted and digested with trypsin. The samples were analyzed using a high-resolution mass spectrometer. The chromatography was achieved using a 30 minutes linear gradient along with a BioBasic C8 100 × 1 mm column at a flow rate of 75 µL/min. The mass spectrometer was operated in full-scan high resolution and accurate mass. MS/MS spectra were collected for selected proteotypic peptides. Muscular proteins were methodically analyzed in silico in order to generate tryptic peptide mass lists and theoretical MS/MS spectra. Following a comprehensive bottom-up proteomic analysis, we were able to detect and identify a proteotypic myoglobin tryptic peptide [120-134] for each species with observed m/z below 1.3 ppm compared to theoretical values. Moreover, proteotypic peptides from myosin-1, myosin-2 and -hemoglobin were also identified. This targeted method allowed a comprehensive meat speciation down to 1% (w/w) of undesired product.


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Urinary stones resected from urinary bladders of patients hailing from Kollam district of Kerala State, India were analyzed by SEM, XRD and by thermal analysis techniques. The analytical results indicate that, stones have different composition, i.e., calcium phosphate, calcium phosphate hydroxide and sodium calcium carbonate. Infrared spectral studies also reveal the presence of phosphates or carbonates in these samples. Further, IR spectral investigations have revealed that amorphous carbonated species are occupied in PO4 sites in calcium phosphate type stone and OH sites in calcium phosphate hydroxide sample. Thermal studies of these samples also reveal that, carbon dioxide is released from carbonated samples upon heating which is related to amount of carbon content and bond strength. Crystals with defects and irregular morphology are grown inside the urinary bladder due to variation in crystal growth conditions


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Raman and FTIR spectra of CaFeTi(PO4)3 and CdFeTi(PO4)3 are recorded and analyzed. The observed bands are assigned in terms of vibrations of TiO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. The symmetry of TiO6 octrahedra and PO4 tetrahedra is lowered from their free ion symmetry. The presence of Fe3+ ion disrupts the Ti–O–P–O–Ti chain and leads to the distortion of TiO6 octrahedra and PO4 tetrahedra. The PO4 3 tetrahedra in both crystals are linearly distorted. The covalency bonding factor of PO4 3 polyanion of both the crystals are calculated from the Raman spectra and compared to that of other Nasicon-type systems. The numerical values of covalency bonding factor indicates that there is a reduction in redox energy and cell voltage and is attributed to strong covalency of PO4 3 polyanionin


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Urolithiasis is identified to be a major urological disorder affecting people all over the world irrespective of their age, sex and race. Urinary stone samples resected from the urinary bladders of two patients belonging to tropical region, Kollam District of Kerala State, India are investigated by using XRD,SEM, EDAX, TGA, DSC and FTIR to understand its chemical structure. Uric acid shows exothermic peak around 432°C is due to the decomposition with the evolution of CO and cracking of the remaining products. Results of analytical studies reveal that samples under investigation consist mainly in uric acid and hydrated uric acid. Hydrogen bonding exists in hydrated uric acid samples


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Raman and FTIR spectra of [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 and [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O are recorded and analyzed. The observed bands are assigned on the basis of BrO3 − and H2O vibrations. Additional bands obtained in the region of 3 and 1 modes in [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are due to the lifting of degeneracy of 3 modes, since the BrO3 − ion occupies a site of lower symmetry. The appearance 1 mode of BrO3 − anion at a lower wavenumber (771 cm−1) is attributed to the attachment of hydrogen to the BrO3 − anion. The presence of three inequivalent bromate groups in the [Al(H2O)6](BrO3)3 · 3H2O structure is confirmed. The lifting of degeneracy of 4 mode indicates that the symmetry of BrO3 − anion is lowered in the above crystal from C3v to C1. The appearance of additional bands in the stretching and bonding mode regions of water indicates the presence of hydrogen bonds of different strengths in both the crystals. Temperature dependent Raman spectra of single crystal [Cu(H2O)6](BrO3)2 are recorded in the range 77–523 K for various temperatures. A small structural rearrangement takes place in BrO3 − ion in the crystal at 391 K. Hydrogen bounds in the crystal are rearranging themselves leading to the loss of one water molecule at 485 K. This is preceded by the reorientation of BrO3 − ions causing a phase transition at 447 K. Changes in intensities and wavenumbers of the bands and the narrowing down of the bands at 77 K are attributed to the settling down of protons into ordered positions in the crystal


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La investigació que es presenta en aquesta tesi es centra en l'aplicació i millora de metodologies analítiques existents i el desenvolupament de nous procediments que poden ser utilitzats per a l'estudi dels efectes ambientals de la dispersió dels metalls entorn a les zones mineres abandonades. En primer lloc, es van aplicar diferents procediments d'extracció simple i seqüencial per a estudiar la mobilitat, perillositat i bio-disponibilitat dels metalls continguts en residus miners de característiques diferents. Per altra banda, per a estudiar les fonts potencials de Pb en la vegetació de les zones mineres d'estudi, una metodologia basada en la utilització de les relacions isotòpiques de Pb determinades mitjançant ICP-MS va ser avaluada. Finalment, tenint en compte l'elevat nombre de mostres analitzades per a avaluar l'impacte de les activitats mineres, es va considerar apropiat el desenvolupament de mètodes analítics d'elevada productivitat. En aquest sentit la implementació d'estratègies quantitatives així com l'aplicació de les millores instrumentals en els equips de XRF han estat avaluades per a aconseguir resultats analítics fiables en l'anàlisi de plantes. A més, alguns paràmetres de qualitat com la precisió, l'exactitud i els límits de detecció han estat curosament determinats en les diverses configuracions de espectròmetres de XRF utilitzats en el decurs d'aquest treball (EDXRF, WDXRF i EDPXRF) per a establir la capacitat de la tècnica de XRF com a tècnica alternativa a les clàssiques comunament aplicades en la determinació d'elements en mostres vegetals.


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The sources of ordinate error in FTIR spectrometers are reviewed with reference to measuring small out-of-band features in the spectra of bandpass filters. Procedures for identifying instrumental artefacts are described. It is shown that features well below 0.01%T can be measured reliably.


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The vibrational structure of C---H stretching states in gas-phase cyclobutene was studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the range 700–9000 cm−1. The structure was modelled using two effective vibrational Hamiltonians, one for each type of C---H bond present, consisting of local mode basis functions subject to coupling with symmetrically equivalent bonds and to Fermi resonances with suitable low frequency vibrations. Best-fit model parameters were determined using least-squares routines and the model predictions are compared to the observed band positions and intensities. Some discussion is given of the relevance of the observed couplings to intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) which results in the observation of statistical behaviour in cyclobutene isomerization induced by excitation of C---H stretching overtones in the visible region.