340 resultados para FERMIONS


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The problem of strongly correlated electrons in one dimension attracted attention of condensed matter physicists since early 50’s. After the seminal paper of Tomonaga [1] who suggested the first soluble model in 1950, there were essential achievements reflected in papers by Luttinger [2] (1963) and Mattis and Lieb [3] (1963). A considerable contribution to the understanding of generic properties of the 1D electron liquid has been made by Dzyaloshinskii and Larkin [4] (1973) and Efetov and Larkin [5] (1976). Despite the fact that the main features of the 1D electron liquid were captured and described by the end of 70’s, the investigators felt dissatisfied with the rigour of the theoretical description. The most famous example is the paper by Haldane [6] (1981) where the author developed the fundamentals of a modern bosonisation technique, known as the operator approach. This paper became famous because the author has rigourously shown how to construct the Fermi creation/anihilation operators out of the Bose ones. The most recent example of such a dissatisfaction is the review by von Delft and Schoeller [7] (1998) who revised the approach to the bosonisation and came up with what they called constructive bosonisation.


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We have devised a general scheme that reveals multiple duality relations valid for all multi-channel Luttinger Liquids. The relations are universal and should be used for establishing phase diagrams and searching for new non-trivial phases in low-dimensional strongly correlated systems. The technique developed provides universal correspondence between scaling dimensions of local perturbations in different phases. These multiple relations between scaling dimensions lead to a connection between different inter-phase boundaries on the phase diagram. The dualities, in particular, constrain phase diagram and allow predictions of emergence and observation of new phases without explicit model-dependent calculations. As an example, we demonstrate the impossibility of non-trivial phase existence for fermions coupled to phonons in one dimension. © 2013 EPLA.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q60, 35Q40.


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The conventional mechanism of fermion mass generation in the Standard Model involves Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB). In this thesis, we study an alternate mechanism for the generation of fermion masses that does not require SSB, in the context of lattice field theories. Being inherently strongly coupled, this mechanism requires a non-perturbative approach like the lattice approach.

In order to explore this mechanism, we study a simple lattice model with a four-fermion interaction that has massless fermions at weak couplings and massive fermions at strong couplings, but without any spontaneous symmetry breaking. Prior work on this type of mass generation mechanism in 4D, was done long ago using either mean-field theory or Monte-Carlo calculations on small lattices. In this thesis, we have developed a new computational approach that enables us to perform large scale quantum Monte-Carlo calculations to study the phase structure of this theory. In 4D, our results confirm prior results, but differ in some quantitative details of the phase diagram. In contrast, in 3D, we discover a new second order critical point using calculations on lattices up to size $ 60^3$. Such large scale calculations are unprecedented. The presence of the critical point implies the existence of an alternate mechanism of fermion mass generation without any SSB, that could be of interest in continuum quantum field theory.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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O principal objetivo desta dissertação é a produção de charginos (partículas supersimétricascarregadas) leves no futuro acelerador internacional linear de e +e− (ILC) para diferentescenários de quebra de supersimetria. Charginos são partículas constituídas pela mistura docampo Wino carregado com o Higgsino carregado. A principal motivação para se estudar teorias supersimétricas deve-se ao grande número de problemas do Modelo Padrão (SM) que esta consegue solucionar, entre eles: massa dos neutrinos, matéria escura fria e o ajuste-fine (finetuning). Além disso, estudamos os princípios fundamentais que norteam a física de partículas,isto é, o princípio de gauge e o mecanismo de Higgs.


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We study a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting spinless fermions. This model is integrable for both periodic and open boundary conditions; the latter case includes the presence of Grassmann valued non-diagonal boundary fields breaking the bulk U(1) symmetry of the model. Starting from the embedding of this model into a graded Yang-Baxter algebra, an infinite hierarchy of commuting transfer matrices is constructed by means of a fusion procedure. For certain values of the coupling constant related to anisotropies of the underlying vertex model taken at roots of unity, this hierarchy is shown to truncate giving a finite set of functional equations for the spectrum of the transfer matrices. For generic coupling constants, the spectral problem is formulated in terms of a functional (or TQ-)equation which can be solved by Bethe ansatz methods for periodic and diagonal open boundary conditions. Possible approaches for the solution of the model with generic non-diagonal boundary fields are discussed.


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Finding equilibration times is a major unsolved problem in physics with few analytical results. Here we look at equilibration times for quantum gases of bosons and fermions in the regime of negligibly weak interactions, a setting which not only includes paradigmatic systems such as gases confined to boxes, but also Luttinger liquids and the free superfluid Hubbard model. To do this, we focus on two classes of measurements: (i) coarse-grained observables, such as the number of particles in a region of space, and (ii) few-mode measurements, such as phase correlators.Weshow that, in this setting, equilibration occurs quite generally despite the fact that the particles are not interacting. Furthermore, for coarse-grained measurements the timescale is generally at most polynomial in the number of particles N, which is much faster than previous general upper bounds, which were exponential in N. For local measurements on lattice systems, the timescale is typically linear in the number of lattice sites. In fact, for one-dimensional lattices, the scaling is generally linear in the length of the lattice, which is optimal. Additionally, we look at a few specific examples, one of which consists ofNfermions initially confined on one side of a partition in a box. The partition is removed and the fermions equilibrate extremely quickly in time O(1 N).


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Using the one-loop Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, we derive a general analytic expression for all the derivatives of the effective potential with respect to any number of classical scalar fields. The result is valid for a renormalisable theory in four dimensions with any number of scalars, fermions or gauge bosons. This result corresponds to the zero-external momentum contribution to a general one-loop diagram with N scalar external legs. We illustrate the use of the general result in two simple scalar singlet extensions of the Standard Model, to obtain the dominant contributions to the triple couplings of light scalar particles under the zero external momentum approximation.


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The Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm is adapted to the simulation of a system of classical degrees of freedom coupled to non self-interacting lattices fermions. The diagonalization of the Hamiltonian matrix is avoided by introducing a path-integral formulation of the problem, in d + 1 Euclidean space–time. A perfect action formulation allows to work on the continuum Euclidean time, without need for a Trotter–Suzuki extrapolation. To demonstrate the feasibility of the method we study the Double Exchange Model in three dimensions. The complexity of the algorithm grows only as the system volume, allowing to simulate in lattices as large as 163 on a personal computer. We conclude that the second order paramagnetic–ferromagnetic phase transition of Double Exchange Materials close to half-filling belongs to the Universality Class of the three-dimensional classical Heisenberg model.