999 resultados para Estudo de Coorte
Introdução: Evidências epidemiológicas mostram que a obesidade sarcopênica (OS) em idosos está associada a um acelerado declínio funcional e alto risco de morbimortalidade, sendo que seu impacto tem se tornado grande preocupação dos profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência e a incidência de obesidade sarcopênica, em coorte de idosos domiciliados no município de São Paulo/Brasil 2000 e 2010. Casuística e Métodos: Foram utilizados dados do Estudo SABE (Saúde, Bem-estar e Envelhecimento), realizado no município de São Paulo em 2000 (2.143 idosos), e em 2010 (795 idosos). A população deste estudo foi constituída por idosos ( 70 anos), de ambos os sexos, que apresentaram todos os dados necessários para este estudo e que concordaram em participar, totalizando 871 idosos analisados em 2000 e 656 idosos em 2010. As variáveis de estudo foram: 1. Dependente - obesidade sarcopênica, identificada segundo: obesidade, diagnosticada pelo valor da circunferência da cintura (CC 94 cm e CC 80 cm para homens e mulheres, respectivamente); sarcopenia, identificada por: 1- força muscular, pelo teste de preensão manual (FPM - kg) (baixa P25; normal > P25, da mesma população), 2- massa muscular (MM), obtida pelo índice de massa muscular (IMM=MM/altura²) (baixa P20; normal > P20, da mesma população) e 3- desempenho físico, identificado pelo teste (tempo dependente segundos) de sentar e levantar 5 vezes de uma cadeira (SeL) , com os braços cruzados sobre o peito (baixo P75; normal < P75); 2. Explanatórias - sexo e grupos etários (70 79 e 80). Foram classificados com OS idosos que apresentaram, simultaneamente, valores de CC adotados e baixo desempenho e baixa MM, ou então, desempenho normal, mas baixas FPM e MM. A prevalência de obesidade sarcopênica em 2000 e em 2010 foi estimada pelo número de casos de OS identificados nos dois momentos, onde foram realizadas comparações entre os intervalos de confiança, para verificar diferença estatística em idosos ( por cento ) com OS, segundo variáveis explanatórias, com nível de significância de 5 por cento . Para o cálculo do coeficiente de incidência de OS, em 2010, foi considerado o tempo de observação de cada indivíduo, determinado de maneira específica para cada caso. Para os cálculos foi utilizado o programa: Stata/SE ® 10.0 for Windows. Resultados: Dos 871 idosos analisados em 2000, 85 (7,4 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [6,5 por cento mulheres (IC 5,08,4) e 4,8 por cento 80 anos (IC 3,6-6,4)] (p 5 por cento ), e, em 2010, (n=656), 73 (9,2 por cento ) foram identificados com OS [7,2 por cento mulheres (IC 5,5-9,4) e 5,3 por cento 80 anos (IC 4,0-7,0)] (p 5 por cento ). Em 10 anos, foram identificados 43 novos casos de OS. O coeficiente de incidência foi 15,29/1000 pessoas/ano entre 2000 e 2010. Conclusões: A prevalência de OS em 2000 e 2010 foi maior nas mulheres e nos idosos mais longevos, sendo que, em ambos os casos, foi maior em 2010, quando comparada a 2000. Não houve diferença significativa entre os coeficientes de incidência, segundo as variáveis explanatórias.
Evidências apontam para forte relação independente entre maus tratos na infância, comportamentos disruptivos e prejuízos em funções executivas. No entanto, ainda não é completamente compreendido como estes três fatores se relacionam entre si. Esta pesquisa avaliou a relação entre maus-tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, testando desempenho em funções executivas como possível mediador e moderador desta relação. A presente pesquisa está inserida no estudo \"Coorte de escolares de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de psicopatologia e resiliência na infância e adolescência - projeto Prevenção\", projeto integrante do Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Psiquiatria do Desenvolvimento para Infância e Adolescência (INCT-INPD), o qual incluiu 2500 crianças em idade escolar de São Paulo e Porto Alegre (Brasil). As crianças foram extensamente avaliadas com entrevistas diagnósticas, relatos de pais e da própria criança sobre maus tratos e com testes neuropsicológicos. Resultados indicam associação de maus tratos na infância e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo, porém não foi encontrada associação entre maus tratos e funções executivas. Crianças com transtornos do comportamento disruptivo apresentaram pior desempenho em teste específico para avaliação de flexibilidade cognitiva. Desempenho em funções executivas não agiu como mediador ou moderador da associação entre maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo. Desta forma, os resultados indicam que a associação entre experiências de maus tratos e transtornos do comportamento disruptivo ocorre independentemente do desempenho em funções executivas. Futuros estudos longitudinais são fundamentais para confirmar estes resultados e elucidar os mecanismos cognitivos envolvidos nesta associação causal
Objetivos: Avaliar numa coorte de idosos se há diferenças entre as situações do curso de vida que contribuem para uma maior chance de sobrevida em homens e mulheres com 60 anos e mais. Métodos: 2.143 idosos entrevistados em 2000 foram acompanhados durante quase 15 anos. Utilizou-se na análise estatística o teste de associação para amostras complexas (Rao-Scott), o estimador produto limite de Kaplan-Meier, o teste de log-rank, análise univariada e multivariada do modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox, sendo construídos, através deste último, dois modelos finais por gênero, ao nível de significância de 5 por cento . Resultados e discussão: Dos 836.204 idosos paulistanos representados pelo estudo 51,6 por cento continuavam vivos (43,0 por cento dos homens e 57,7 por cento das mulheres). Em ambos os gêneros, os/as que tinham boas condições materiais e que realizavam sem dificuldade e sem ajuda mais da metade das atividades básicas e instrumentais de vida diária (ABVD/AIVD) apresentaram maior chance de sobrevivência. O mesmo foi verificado naquelas mulheres com menos de duas limitações de determinadas doenças, nas casadas, nas que ofereciam algum tipo de ajuda e nas que realizaram ações preventivas em relação a sua condição de saúde. Entre os homens o mesmo ocorreu naqueles que se referiram ser chefe de família, nos que tinham participação comunitária, nos que residiam com algum outro morador que foi ou ia à escola, que trabalharam predominantemente como proprietário ou por conta própria e nos que relataram ter tido alguma doença em seus primeiros quinzes anos de vida. Conclusão: As chances de sobrevida são diferentes entre gêneros, e entre si, mesmo em situações aparentemente semelhantes do curso de vida vivenciados e presentes em homens e mulheres idosas.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz
Chronic Hepatitis C is the leading cause of chronic liver disease in advanced final stage of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and of death related to liver disease. Evolves progressively in time 20-30 years. Evolutionary rates vary depending on factors virus, host and behavior. This study evaluated the impact of hepatitis C on the lives of patients treated at a referral service in Hepatology of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes - Liver Study Group - from May 1995 to December 2013. A retrospective evaluation was performed on 10,304 records, in order to build a cohort of patients with hepatitis C, in which all individuals had their diagnosis confirmed by gold standard molecular biological test. Data were obtained directly from patient charts and recorded in an Excel spreadsheet, previously built, following an elaborate encoding with the study variables, which constitute individual data and prognostic factors defined in the literature in the progression of chronic hepatitis C. The Research Ethics Committee approved the project. The results were statistically analyzed with the Chi-square test and Fisher's exact used to verify the association between variable for the multivariate analysis, we used the Binomial Logistic regression method. For both tests, it was assumed significance p < 0.05 and 95%. The results showed that the prevalence of chronic hepatitis C in NEF was 4.96 %. The prevalence of cirrhosis due to hepatitis C was 13.7%. The prevalence of diabetes in patients with Hepatitis C was 8.78 % and diabetes in cirrhotic patients with hepatitis C 38.0 %. The prevalence of HCC was 5.45%. The clinical follow-up discontinuation rates were 67.5 %. The mortality in confirmed cases without cirrhosis was 4.10% and 32.1% in cirrhotic patients. The factors associated with the development of cirrhosis were genotype 1 (p = 0.0015) and bilirubin > 1.3 mg % (p = 0.0017). Factors associated with mortality were age over 35 years, abandon treatment, diabetes, insulin use, AST> 60 IU, ALT> 60 IU, high total bilirubin, extended TAP, INR high, low albumin, treatment withdrawal, cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma. The occurrence of diabetes mellitus increased mortality of patients with hepatitis C in 6 times. Variables associated with the diagnosis of cirrhosis by us were blood donor (odds ratio 0.24, p = 0.044) and professional athlete (odds ratio 0.18, p = 0.35). It is reasonable to consider a revaluation in screening models for CHC currently proposed. The condition of cirrhosis and diabetes modifies the clinical course of patients with chronical hepatitis C, making it a disease more mortality. However, being a blood donor or professional athlete is a protective factor that reduces the risk of cirrhosis, independent of alcohol consumption. Public policies to better efficient access, hosting and resolution are needed for this population.
Video-polygraphic-EEG studies were performed in the first 24 life-hours of 26 healthy full-term newborns without perinatal injuries. The neurological examination and cranial ultrasonography were normal. The newborns were divided into two groups: one, with full-term appropriate - birth weight 11 newborns (control group ) and the other with full-term low-birth weight 15 newborns. Thirteen newborns of the second group had video-polygraphic-EEG study abnormalities. The most frequent abnormalities were found in 11 cases, as far as sleep architecture is concerned. Also, when compared with the control group, 8 cases of an excessive amount of startles and 2 cases of low behavior activities were found. The results demonstrate the usefulness of video-polygraphic-EEG study in the full-term newborns with intra-uterine growth retard. This examination was sensitive to detect behavior, sleep architecture and EEG standard differences in the low birth-weight newborns as to the control group.
From November 1982 to May 1999, 28 children with Rett syndrome were followed-up for a medium period of 6 years and 2 months. Regression of developmental milestones started at the age between 5 and 20 months. Nineteen cases of typical Rett syndrome had uneventful pre and perinatal periods, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, mental and motor regression and developed hand stereotypies; sixteen had head growth deceleration and 12 gait apraxia. Nine patients were atypical cases, 2 formes frustres, 2 congenital, 3 with early seizure onset, 1 preserved speech and 1 male. Epilepsy was present in 21 patients, predominantly partial seizures and the drug of choise was carbamazepine (15 patients). In the initial evaluation most patients were distributed on Stages II and III and on follow-up on Stages III and IV. Three children died.
We present a clinic-epidemiological study of two patients and meta-analysis (period 1977-2000 ) of the co-morbidity of the Down syndrome (DS) and moyamoya syndrome (MMS). Among the 42 patients listed in this survey, meta-analysis permitted to find the highest number of publications by researchers from Japan and United States, followed by Brazil and Italy; prevalence of cerebrovascular disease in suckling and pre school children; first symptomatology was hemiparesis (78.6%), speech disorders (26.2%); ischemic infarction (76.2%); recurring ischemic episodes (62%); bilateral impairment (83.3%). This analysis led to the conclusion that in the clinic-neurological investigation of DS patients with acute hemiparesis episodes, MMS should be included as the most probable diagnosis.
The purpose of this work is to study theoretically stereoelectronic aspects of the interaction between heme and artemisinin in the transitional heme-artemisinin complex. Through semi-empirical calculations using the PM3 method, the potential energy barrier of artemisinin rotation relative to heme in the heme-artemisinin complex was studied in vacuum and in the partially solvated state. The minimum heat of formation obtained for the complex with and without water molecules is -702.39 and -100.86 kcal mol-1, respectively, which corresponds to the dihedral angle C-Fe-O1-O2 of 43.93º and 51.90º around the iron-oxygen O1 bond, respectively. The water molecules bind to heme via 13 hydrogen bonds and O-H O and 6 C-H O interactions, which accounts for -67.23 kcal mol-1. It is observed that the inclusion of water molecules does not affect significantly the stability of the heme-artemisinin complex.
During the last five decades, as a result of an interaction between natural product chemistry, synthetic organic chemistry, molecular biology and spectroscopy, scientists reached an extraordinary level of comprehension about the natural processes by which living organisms build up complex molecules. In this context, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, allied with isotopic labeling, played a determinant role. Nowadays, the widespread use of modern NMR techniques allows an even more detailed picture of the biochemical steps by accurate manipulation of the atomic nuclei. This article focuses on the development of such techniques and their impact on biosynthetic studies.
The copper and cadmium complexation properties in natural sediment suspensions of reservoirs of the Tietê River were studied using the solid membrane copper and cadmium ion-selective electrodes. The complexation and the average conditional stability constants were determined under equilibrium conditions at pH=6.00 ± 0.05 in a medium of 1.0 mol L-1 sodium nitrate, using the Scatchard method. The copper and cadmium electrodes presented Nernstian behavior from 1x10-6 to 1x10-3 mol L-1 of total metal concentration. Scatchard graphs suggest two classes of binding sites for both metals. A multivariate study was done to correlate the reservoirs and the variables: complexation properties, size, total organic carbon, volatile acid sulfide, E II and pH.
The objective of this work was to determine the influence of hyperconjugative interactions on the ¹J CH coupling constant for hexamethylenetetramine (1) and adamantane (2). For this end, theoretical and experimental ¹J CH were obtained and hyperconjugative interactions were investigated using NBO. It was observed, theoretically and experimentally, that ¹J CH in 1 is 20 Hz larger than in 2, mainly due to the nN®s*C-H hyperconjugative interaction. This interaction occurs only in 1, with an energy of 9.30 kcal mol-1. It increases the s-character of the carbon atom in the C-H bond and the occupancy of the sigma*C-H orbital in (1).
Usually, the concepts of the Sol-Gel technique are not applied in experimental chemistry courses. This work presents a feasible experiment for chemistry instruction, which involves the synthesis of luminescent materials - Zn2SiO4, with and without Mn2+ as a dopant - by the Sol-Gel technique. The obtained materials were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy and luminescence measures by UV-vis spectroscopy. The results allow the students to confirm the luminescent properties of the zinc orthosilicate luminophores as well as the structural features expected from literature data.
Glass-ceramics are prepared by controlled separation of crystal phases in glasses, leading to uniform and dense grain structures. On the other hand, chemical leaching of soluble crystal phases yields porous glass-ceramics with important applications. Here, glass/ceramic interfaces of niobo-, vanado- and titano-phosphate glasses were studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy, whose spatial resolution revealed the multiphase structures. Phase-separation mechanisms were also determined by this technique, revealing that interface composition remained unchanged as the crystallization front advanced for niobo- and vanadophosphate glasses (interface-controlled crystallization). For titanophosphate glasses, phase composition changed continuously with time up to the equilibrium composition, indicating a spinodal-type phase separation.
Emerging organic pollutants (EOP) include many environmental contaminants based on commercial products such as pharmaceuticals, personal care products, detergents, gasoline, polymers, etc. EOP may be candidates for future regulation as they offer potential risk to environmental and human health due to their continual entrance into the environment and to the fact that even the most modern wastewater treatment plants are not able to totally transform / remove these compounds. High performance liquid chromatography is recommended to separate emerging organic pollutants with characteristics of high polarity and low volatility, especially pharmaceuticals, from environmental matrices.