984 resultados para Esfregaco vaginal


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Introdução: Os exercícios de fortalecimento dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (EFMPP) são considerados a primeira intervenção no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE), porém os EFMPP são distintos, não existindo evidência sobre os parâmetros de treino. Objetivo: Identificar o protocolo e/ ou os parâmetros de treino dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (MPP) mais eficaz no tratamento da IUE feminina. Método: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada entre janeiro de 1992 a março de 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, web of Science e LILACS. Os artigos incluídos eram de língua inglesa, estudos experimentais, no qual comparavam EFMPP com o tratamento placebo, usual ou sem tratamento, com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 65 anos e diagnóstico de IUE. Os critérios de exclusão abrangeram o diagnóstico de IUE desencadeada por fatores externos ao trato urinário inferior, grávidas, puérperas, prolapso ≥ 2 e outros tipos de IU. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica for realizada através da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete artigos de elevada qualidade metodológica foram incluídos na presente revisão. A amostra foi constituída por 331 mulheres, com idade média de 44,4 anos, duração média das perdas urinárias de 64 meses e a gravidade da IUE variou entre ligeira a severa. Os programas de EFMPP eram distintos em relação aos parâmetros de treino dos MPP, sendo que alguns estudos incluíram o treino abdominal, supervisão e técnicas adjuvantes. A taxa de curada da quantidade de perda urinária variou entre 28,6 a 80%, enquanto a força dos MPP variou de 15,6% a 161,7%. Conclusão: Na presente revisão sistemática, os EFMPP combinados com palpação digital, biofeedback e cones vaginais parecem ser mais eficazes na redução da quantidade de perda urinária, comparado com os EFMPP isolados ou sem tratamento. Esta revisão permitiu igualmente identificar as 12 semanas de duração da intervenção, 10 repetições por série e diferentes posições, sendo os parâmetros de treino mais consistentes na redução dos sintomas.


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Introdução: Os exercícios de fortalecimento dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (EFMPP) são considerados a primeira intervenção no tratamento da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE), porém os EFMPP são distintos, não existindo evidência sobre os parâmetros de treino. Objetivo: Identificar o protocolo e/ ou os parâmetros de treino dos músculos do pavimento pélvico (MPP) mais eficaz no tratamento da IUE feminina. Método: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada entre janeiro de 1992 a março de 2014 nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochrane Library, PEDro, web of Science e LILACS. Os artigos incluídos eram de língua inglesa, estudos experimentais, no qual comparavam EFMPP com o tratamento placebo, usual ou sem tratamento, com idade compreendida entre os 18 e os 65 anos e diagnóstico de IUE. Os critérios de exclusão abrangeram o diagnóstico de IUE desencadeada por fatores externos ao trato urinário inferior, grávidas, puérperas, prolapso ≥ 2 e outros tipos de IU. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica for realizada através da escala PEDro. Resultados: Sete artigos de elevada qualidade metodológica foram incluídos na presente revisão. A amostra foi constituída por 331 mulheres, com idade média de 44,4 anos, duração média das perdas urinárias de 64 meses e a gravidade da IUE variou entre ligeira a severa. Os programas de EFMPP eram distintos em relação aos parâmetros de treino dos MPP, sendo que alguns estudos incluíram o treino abdominal, supervisão e técnicas adjuvantes. A taxa de curada da quantidade de perda urinária variou entre 28,6 a 80%, enquanto a força dos MPP variou de 15,6% a 161,7%. Conclusão: Na presente revisão sistemática, os EFMPP combinados com palpação digital, biofeedback e cones vaginais parecem ser mais eficazes na redução da quantidade de perda urinária, comparado com os EFMPP isolados ou sem tratamento. Esta revisão permitiu igualmente identificar as 12 semanas de duração da intervenção, 10 repetições por série e diferentes posições, sendo os parâmetros de treino mais consistentes na redução dos sintomas.


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The present study was designed to further assess the validity of the cytological description of morphological lesions said to be related to Papillomavirus (HPV) infections in senior women. The casuistic comprised 196 cervical smears from a group of women with no clinical or morphological evidence of neoplasia, collected simultaneously with samples submitted to detection of HPV DNA by PCR in a previous study. Three experienced cytologists studied each slide in two different conditions, with an interval of 20 months between them. The first approach was performed under routine laboratory standards, whereas the second was guided by a list of 16 well-defined parameters indicative of HPV-related cytological lesions. When suspicious cases of HPV-related alterations were grouped with positive cases, they showed on average: sensitivity of 25.5%, specificity of 84.4% and positive predictive value (PPV) of 26.8%. When suspicious cases were grouped with negative cases, sensitivity decreased, whereas specificity and PPV increased, as expected. In the second reading, which followed a "guide-list", a decrease in sensitivity was observed, contrasting with a sharp increase of positive predictive value. Among the 16 cytomorphological criteria tested, "koilocytosis", "mild koilocytosis" and "condylomatous parabasal cells" yielded the best predictive value for HPV DNA detection by PCR. In conclusion, despite the low sensitivity, cytopathologic assessment of cervico-vaginal smears leads to a highly specific diagnosis of HPV infection in menopausal women, with PPV of 91.0% when directed by a guide-list of well-defined morphologic criteria.


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A deficiência de factor XI é uma doença hematológica rara na população em geral. Pode manifestar-se apenas como complicação hemorrágica no doente submetido a cirurgia electiva. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma mulher de 59 anos, que apresenta um quadro de hemorragia vaginal abundante 10 dias após ter sido submetida a histerectomia vaginal com McCall, plastia anterior e posterior. Salientam a importância da avaliação analítica pré-operatória, em especial o estudo da coagulação, e descrevem a abordagem e o tratamento da deficiência de factor XI.


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A Incontinência Urinária de Esforço (IUE) é uma causa comum de incontinência na mulher, demonstrável em 40-60% das doentes estudadas. Existem diferentes tipos de intervenções cirúrgicas, quer por via vaginal, quer por via abdominal, para o tratamento da Incontinência Urinária de Esforço. Desde Outubro de 1999, temos vindo a utilizar o TVT (tension-free vaginal tape) em doentes seleccionadas. Pretendemos analisar os resultados imediatos da urodinâmica das doentes submetidas a esta intervenção cirúrgica até Abril de 2000. Diagnosticou-se IUE em 25 doentes do sexo feminino, que foram reobservadas após, pelo menos 2 meses de pós-operatório. Expressaram a sua satisfação subjectiva com os resultados obtidos e foram realizados exames físico e urodinâmico (urofluxometria, cistometria e perfil de pressão uretral). Os resultados foram comparados aos pré-operatórios e apresentados para debate e conclusões.


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Introdução: A tuberculose continua um problema de saúde pública emergente. A incidência da tuberculose genito-urinária tem vindo a aumentar sendo o segundo local mais comum de infecção a seguir aos pulmões. Caso clínico: Os autores apresentam dois casos de mulheres com hemorragia vaginal pós-menopausa. O exame clínico não revelou alterações. A ecografia pélvica endocavitária detectou a presença de uma lâmina líquida na cavidade endometrial em ambos os casos. A histeroscopia identificou espessamentos focais do endométrio que foram biopsados. O exame anatomopatológico revelou granulomas de células epitelióides sem atipia celular. O exame cultural do endométrio foi positivo para Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Não foi detectado envolvimento de outros órgãos tendo as doentes iniciado terapêutica antibacilar. Conclusão: A tuberculose genital é rara na mulher pós-menopausa sendo responsável por cerca de 1% da hemorragia vaginal pós-menopausa. No entanto, é uma doença curável cujo diagnóstico precoce é importante, prevenindo a utilização de procedimentos invasivos desnecessários.


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Candida glabrata is considered a major opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans. The capacity of this yeast species to cause infections is dependent on the ability to grow within the human host environment and to assimilate the carbon sources available. Previous studies have suggested that C. albicans can encounter glucose-poor microenvironments during infection and that the ability to use alternative non-fermentable carbon sources, such as carboxylic acids, contributes to the virulence of this fungus. Transcriptional studies on C. glabrata cells identified a similar response, upon nutrient deprivation. In this work, we aimed at analyzing biofilm formation, antifungal drug resistance, and phagocytosis of C. glabrata cells grown in the presence of acetic acid as an alternative carbon source. C. glabrata planktonic cells grown in media containing acetic acid were more susceptible to fluconazole and were better phagocytosed and killed by macrophages than when compared to media lacking acetic acid. Growth in acetic acid also affected the ability of C. glabrata to form biofilms. The genes ADY2a, ADY2b, FPS1, FPS2, and ATO3, encoding putative carboxylate transporters, were upregulated in C. glabrata planktonic and biofilm cells in the presence of acetic acid. Phagocytosis assays with fps1 and ady2a mutant strains suggested a potential role of FPS1 and ADY2a in the phagocytosis process. These results highlight how acidic pH niches, associated with the presence of acetic acid, can impact in the treatment of C. glabrata infections, in particular in vaginal candidiasis.


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In South Brazil the circulation of two HIV-1 subtypes with different characteristics represents an important scenario for the study of the impact of HIV-1 diversity on the evolution of the HIV-1 epidemic and AIDS disease. HIV-1 B, the predominant variant in industrialized countries and HIV-1 C, the most prevalent subtype in areas with rapid epidemic growth, are implicated in most infections. We evaluated blood samples from 128 antiretroviral (ARV) naïve patients recruited at entry to the largest HIV outpatient service in Porto Alegre. Based on partial pol region sequencing, HIV-1 C was observed in 29%, HIV-1 B in 22.6% and, the recently identified CRF31_BC, in 23.4% of 128 volunteers. Other variants were HIV-1 F in 10% and other mosaics in 5.5%. In order to evaluate the association of socio-behavioral characteristics and HIV-1 subtypes, interviews and laboratory evaluation were performed at entry. Our data suggest an established epidemic of the three major variants, without any evidence of partitioning in either of the subgroups analyzed. However, anal sex practices were associated with subtype B, which could indicate a greater transmissibility of non-B variants by vaginal intercourse. This study provides baseline information for epidemiologic surveillance of the changes of the molecular characteristics of HIV-1 epidemics in this region.


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Perinatal bacterial infection may be caused by any microorganism colonizing the vaginal tract. Neonatologists and paediatricians are especially concerned about group B Stretpococcus (GBS). However, Enterobactereacea, mainly E.coli and Proteus, are also responsible for infection. GBS screening may be accomplished in over 90% of pregnant women. In our maternity in 2007-2008, 85% of the mothers had been screened. Screening and prophylaxis were responsible for a decreasing incidence of neonatal infection - from 0.6/1000 to 0.15/1000 live births in Portugal, from 2002 to 2007. However there are some difficulties related to screening. In the second Portuguese study 16/57 NB with early-onset infection (28%) were born to “negative” mothers. Several factors illustrate how difficult is to draw national screening policies: a wide range of carrier’s state rate throughout a country - in Portugal from 12% to 30%. The success of any screening policy may also be affected by additional technical and organizational problems. In countries where home delivery is a tradition or a trend intrapartum GBS prophylaxis requires a very well organized assistance.. Moreover factors usually accepted as protective are not so effective. In the Portuguese study 24/57 infected newborns (42%) were delivery by caesarean section. Another subject deals with the workload in the postnatal ward generated by deficient compliance to the guidelines a problem not confirm by a study of our group. Decreasing the importance of GBS, highlight the importance of E. coli in perinatal infection. From the 16 340 registrations of the National Registry 1676 were newborns with mother-related infection. Applying the same reasoning to E.coli as to GBS and Listeria monocytogenes – that is considering all of them are of maternal origin - 6.7% of these infections were due to E. coli, 4.6% to SGB and 0.5% to Listeria monocytogenes. In conclusion screening and prophylaxis may be not the best way to prevent all GBS neonatal infections but by now it is the only available procedure. The other bacteria continue to demand a high suspicion level and immediate intervention.


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Objectives: To assess induced labor-associated perinatal infection risk at Hospital D.Estefânia from January to June of 2010 at Hospital de D. Estefânia’s delivery rooms, reviewing the indications for inducing labor as well as the techniques used. Material and Methods: Performing an historical prospective study searching the clinical processes as well as the mother and newborn’s computer database from January to June of 2010. An exposed and an unexposed group were created; the first group comprises pregnant women and their newborns whose labor was induced. The unexposed group is constituted by newborns and pregnant women whose labor was spontaneous. Labor induction was performed using intra-vaginal prostaglandins in women who didn’t start it spontaneously; perinatal infection was defined either clinically or using blood tests. The gestational age was ≥ 37 weeks for both groups. 19 variables were studied for both groups. Results: A total of 190 mother-newborn pairs were included: 55 in the exposed group and 135 in the unexposed group. 3 cases of perinatal infection were reported, two in the exposed group and one in the unexposed group. Preliminary data resulted in a perinatal infection rate of 3.6% in the exposed group and 0.7% in the unexposed group; preliminary data suggest that the risk of perinatal infection may be increased in up to 5-fold when labor is inducted. Conclusions: A larger series of patients and a multivariable analysis using logistic regression are both necessary in order to perform a more thorough assessment of labor induction’s role in perinatal infection risk. One must also try to distinguish labor inducing- and clinical practicesrelated factors.


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Precocious puberty, defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8, often leads to anxiety in patients and their families but also in clinicians searching for the final diagnosis. After adequate investigation, the majority of the cases in girls turn out to be idiopathic. The authors present a case of McCune Albright syndrome in order to call attention to a rare cause of sexual precocity and the value of ultrasound in the evaluation of these situations. 10 years old infant girl admitted in our department due to irregular menstrual bleeding. She experienced a vaginal bleeding by the age of 3 which led to the diagnosis of McCune Albright Syndrome after a complete evaluation. Pubertal assessment revealed a reversed sequence in the remaining events with adrenarche at 5 and thelarche at 8. Hormonal evaluation demonstrated low FSH and LH levels (11,2 and 6,72 respectively) with high estrogen (204). Pelvic ultrasound showed a normal sized uterus (73x 29x32 mm), endometrial thickness of 5 mm and ovaries with several microfollicles and a copus luteum measuring 23 mm in the right ovary. McCune Albright syndrome is a very uncommon cause of sexual precocity that should, however, be suspected in all infant girls who present with vaginal bleeding. It is characterized by a triad: polyostotic fibrous dysplasia, gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty and café-au-lait skin spots. Due to autonomous production of estrogen by the ovaries, ultrasound image of the female reproductive tract is inconsistent with chronologic age. Pelvic ultrasound demonstrates a normal sized uterus with a well defined cervix and clearly identified ovaries with several follicles, similar to adult women of reproductive age. Ultrasonography of the pelvis has also an important role excluding other causes of GnRH-independent precocious puberty conditions like ovarian cysts or tumors.


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Introdução: A ruptura uterina leva a consequências graves materno-fetais. A maioria dos casos ocorre em grávidas com cesarianas anteriores ou incisões uterinas prévias como miomectomia, raramente ocorrendo em úteros sem cicatrizes. Um dos principais factores correlacionado com o risco de ruptura é o tipo de incisão da histerotomia prévia: clássica (4-9%), em T (4-9%), vertical (1-7%); transversa (0,2-1,5%). Outros factores de risco são: ausência de parto vaginal anterior, indução do trabalho de parto, gravidez de termo, macrossomia fetal, multiparidade, sutura simples vs.dupla na histerorrafia prévia e intervalo curto entre gestações. 1-Caso clínico: Grávida, 28 anos, IO 2002 (cesariana em 2002 por apresentação pélvica; PTE em 2009), enviada ao nosso hospital para esclarecimento de anemia às 21 semanas. A gravidez decorreu normalmente; entrando espontaneamente em trabalho de parto em Agosto/2010. No período expulsivo a grávida referiu dor pélvica súbita com irradiação lombar. Teve um parto eutócico com distócia de ombros leve. Duas horas após, a puérpera apresentava-se inquieta, pálida e hipotensa comHb de 7,3g/dl. Decidiu-se laparotomia, constatando-se ruptura uterina no segmento inferior com prolongamento para a parede posterior, realizando-se histerorrafia.Pós-operatório sem intercorrências. 2-Caso clínico: Grávida, 41 anos, IO 0000, antecedentes pessoais de miomectomia por laparoscopia sem entrada na cavidade em 2008 e 2009, enviada ao nosso hospital para Consulta de DPN. Foi internada às 17+3 semanas para IMG por alteração do cariótipo fetal (Trissomia 21). Iniciou-se o protocolo para IMG aplicando-se unicamente 100 microg de misoprostol;24 horas após, a doente encontrava-se agitada e hipotensa, com episódio de lipotímia. Realizou-se laparotomia com visualização de ruptura uterina fúndica, corrigida com histerorrafia sem intercorrências Conclusão: Dada amorbi/mortalidade materno-fetal associada à ruptura uterina é fundamental reconhecer os factores de risco e os sintomas associados a esta, tal como o seu diagnóstico atempado e resolução imediata, minimizando os riscos materno-fetais.


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Introduction: Heterotopic pregnancy (HP) is defined as two gestational sacs simultaneously present in two different locations, being the uterus and the fallopian tubes the more common. Sporadic HP is a very rare condition (1:30,000 pregnancies). With the use of medically assisted reproduction the prevalence is significantly higher(1:7,000). Considering spontaneous pregnancy, HP is associated with risk factors, being prior inflammatory pelvic disease the most common. The clinical presentation is similar to that of ectopic pregnancy or spontaneous miscarriage although it is usually a more late diagnosis. Case report: 25 year-old pregnant woman, OI 0000, previously healthy; admitted at the Emergency Department (ED) with acute pelvic pain mainly at the right iliac fossa and moderate vaginal bleeding confirmed by speculum examination. She was hemodynamically stable and the bimanual palpation was painful; no prior medically assisted reproduction technique had been performed. The haemoglobin value was within normal range and the serum β-hCG was 2,763mUI/mL. The ultrasonography at the ED showed an in uterus gestational sac and another one inside the right fallopian tube; in both gestational sacs cardiac activity was absent. HP diagnosis was then established and the patient was admitted at the Obstetrics Ward for surveillance and ultrasonographic/laboratorial reassessment; complete miscarriage of the uterine pregnancy occurred but methotrexate was necessary for the treatment of persistent tubarian pregnancy. Conclusion: When evaluating a pregnant woman with pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding one should always be aware of several differential diagnosis amongst which HP should be considered. If the patient has in uterus viable pregnancy the treatment of the ectopic concomitant gestational sac should be as conservative as possible; methotrexate should not be used in that situation as it leads to uterine pregnancy miscarriage in about one third of the patients.


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Background: The unique clinical syndrome of uterus didelphys, obstructed hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal anomaly is very rare and can be quite difficult to recognize because of the enormous heterogeneity in its clinical presentation. There are few long-term reports of the reproductive performance of women with this syndrome following treatment, or about the location of subsequent pregnancies. Case: A case in which two spontaneous pregnancies occurred alternatively in both hemiuteri: one despite a previous ipsilateral large hematometra and hematocolpos and the other, 8 years after, simultaneously with contralateral hematometra and hematocolpos(because of vaginal restenosis), is reported. Drainage of hematocolpos was performed at 14 weeks of pregnancy with immediate pain relief. Results: Pregnancy proceeded without complications. Eight month after delivery, a vaginoplasty was performed by excising the longitudinal vaginal septum, and marsupializing the vaginal cuff. Conclusions: This case highlights the importance of a correct and early diagnosis of developmental anomalies of the urogenital tract, as well as how a conservative approach in a Mullerian anomaly with unilateral obstruction led to two successful pregnancies occurring alternatively in the unaffected and in the previously blocked side. This is additional information supporting that every effort should be made to preserve the obstructed uterus.


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Tamoxifen is a first-line agent for adjuvant treatment of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, and is used to reduce the risk of this condition in high-risk individuals. Retrospective studies established an association between tamoxifen use, endometrial thickness and endometrial cancer. There have been many attempts to identify an effective screening program for tamoxifen-related endometrial cancer, which have led to the use of transvaginal ultrasound and invasive procedures. The use of a 5mm endometrial cut-off in vaginal ultrasound is known to raise the number of endometrial biopsies with no gain in early cancer diagnosis. A review of the scientific literature was performed in order to establish the best available evidence for endometrial evaluation of asymptomatic breast cancer patients on tamoxifen.