937 resultados para Error correction model


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The sustainability of Fiji's budget deficit is examined here within the framework of inter-temporal budget constraint theory, where government revenue is modelled as a function of government expenditure. An error-correction mechanism test for cointegration finds that government revenue and expenditure are cointegrated, which provides some support for the position that Fiji's budget deficit is sustainable in the long run. It is argued that more government expenditure on capital investment will ensure a broader revenue base and reduce the risk of a budget deficit explosion.


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This article applies Granger causality tests to examine the relationship between seven different categories of property crime and violent crime against the person, male youth unemployment and real male average weekly earnings in Australia from 1964 to 2001 within a cointegration and vector error correction framework. It is found that fraud, homicide and motor vehicle theft are cointegrated with male youth unemployment and real male average weekly earnings. However, there is no evidence of a long-run relationship between either break and enter, robbery, serious assault or stealing with male youth unemployment and real male average weekly earnings.


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This article employs cointegration and error-correction modelling to test the causal relationship between real income, exports and human capital stock using data for China over the period 1960 to 1999. We find that real exports, human capital and real income are cointegrated when real exports is the dependent variable, but are not cointegrated when human capital or real income are the dependent variable. In the short-run we find evidence of bi-directional Granger causality between human capital and real exports, unidirectional Granger causality running from real income to human capital and neutrality between real exports and real income.


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This paper reports estimates of the long- and short-run elasticities of residential demand for electricity in Australia using the bounds testing procedure to cointegration, within an autoregressive distributive lag framework. In the long run, we find that income and own price are the most important determinants of residential electricity demand, while temperature is significant some of the time and gas prices are insignificant. Our estimates of long-run income elasticity and price elasticity of demand are consistent with previous studies, although they are towards the lower end of existing estimates. As expected, the short-run elasticities are much smaller than the long-run elasticities, and the coefficients on the error-correction coefficients are small consistent with the fact that in the short-run energy appliances are fixed.


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This article uses panel data from 1976 to 2003 to investigate the ways in which banking and stock markets influence economic growth in situations of high and low country risk. The mean and Standard Deviation (SD) of country risk are adopted to classify 28 countries into Low Risk Low Volatility (LRLV) and High Risk High Volatility (HRHV) subgroups. Through the technique of error correction-based panel co-integration developed by Westerlund (2007), several results are obtained. First, LRLV countries can expand the capitalization of stock market to enhance long-term economic growth. Second, HRHV countries, on the other hand, use two distinct strategies to promote long-term economic growth. Initially they develop their equity markets, which promote economic growth directly. Strengthened equity markets, in turn, aid in the development of credit markets, which subsequently brings an economic boom. Finally, regardless of selected subgroups, the contribution of stock market capitalization to economic growth appears to be substantially larger than that of bank credit, highlighting the importance of stock markets.


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In this paper, Granger causality tests are applied to a new data set on human capital formation and US private sector GDP. The study is the first to test for causality between human capital formation and economic growth. It employs an error correction mechanism and is estimated through canonical cointegration regression. The results show strong evidence of casuality from human capital formation to private sector GDP and vice versa.


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This paper uses Indian stock futures data to explore unbiased expectations and efficient market hypothesis. Having experienced voluminous transactions within a short time span after its establishment, the Indian stock futures market provides an unparalleled case for exploring these issues involving expectation and efficiency. Besides analyzing market efficiency between cash and futures prices using cointegration and error correction frameworks, the efficiency hypothesis is also investigated after explicitly modeling the underlying state of the market (expansion or contraction) through the first-order Markov switching set-up. The results based on Markov switching analysis show that relatively longer time horizon is more effective in eliminating arbitrage opportunities than the short run.


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In this paper, we study the effect that different serial correlation adjustment methods can have on panel cointegration testing. As an example, we consider the very popular tests developed by Pedroni [Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 61, 653670., Pedroni, P. (2004). Panel cointegration: asymptotic and finite sample properties of pooled time series tests with an application to the PPP hypothesis. Econometric Theory 20, 597-625.]. Results based on both simulated and real data suggest that different adjustment methods can lead to significant variations in test outcome, and thus also in the conclusions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reduced form estimation of multivariate data sets currently takes into account long-run co-movement restrictions by using Vector Error Correction Models (VECM' s). However, short-run co-movement restrictions are completely ignored. This paper proposes a way of taking into account short-and long-run co-movement restrictions in multivariate data sets, leading to efficient estimation of VECM' s. It enables a more precise trend-cycle decomposition of the data which imposes no untested restrictions to recover these two components. The proposed methodology is applied to a multivariate data set containing U.S. per-capita output, consumption and investment Based on the results of a post-sample forecasting comparison between restricted and unrestricted VECM' s, we show that a non-trivial loss of efficiency results whenever short-run co-movement restrictions are ignored. While permanent shocks to consumption still play a very important role in explaining consumption’s variation, it seems that the improved estimates of trends and cycles of output, consumption, and investment show evidence of a more important role for transitory shocks than previously suspected. Furthermore, contrary to previous evidence, it seems that permanent shocks to output play a much more important role in explaining unemployment fluctuations.


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A lei do preço único afirma que o mesmo ativo negociado em diferentes mercados deve apresentar preços equivalentes. Este trabalho busca verificar se o risco de crédito soberano brasileiro negociado no mercado internacional é precificado de forma semelhante tanto nos tradicionais mercados de títulos quanto no novo e crescente mercado de derivativos de crédito. Adicionalmente, utiliza-se a análise de Price Discovery para examinar qual dos mercados se move mais rapidamente em resposta às mudanças nas condições de crédito da economia brasileira. A análise empírica é feita por meio de modelos de séries de tempo, mais especificamente análise de cointegração e vetor de correção de erros. Os resultados confirmam a predição teórica da lei do preço único de que o risco de crédito brasileiro, tanto nos mercados de títulos quanto no mercado de derivativos de crédito, movem-se juntos no longo prazo. Por fim, a maior parte do Price Discovery ocorre no mercado de derivativos de crédito.


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Esta dissertação trata da questão dos preços administrados no Brasil sob a argumentação de que os mesmos apresentam uma persistência mais acentuada do que os demais preços da economia. Para alcançar este objetivo foram verificados alguns testes de persistência inflacionária. Em seguida, utilizou-se a metodologia dos Vetores de Correção de Erro (VEC) para estudar a relação dos preços administrados com as variáveis mais importantes da economia brasileira, tais como, produto, taxa de câmbio, preços livres e taxa de juros Selic. Por fim, utilizou-se do instrumental de Mankiw e Reis (2003) para verificar qual o índice de preços seria mais adequado para manter a atividade econômica brasileira mais próxima de seu nível potencial. Os resultados encontrados foram os seguintes: 1) observou-se persistência do IPCA representada pelos preços administrados; 2) a autoridade monetária responde a choques dos preços monitorados com maior veemência do que a choques nos preços livres; 3) o exercício de Mankiw e Reis (2003) apontou que a porcentagem dos preços monitorados deve ser menor que a atual do IPCA em um índice de preços estabilizador. Desta forma, mostra-se que a presença dos preços administrados dificulta pronunciadamente a condução de política monetária no Brasil.


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Uma das principais vantagens das estratégias de negociação em pares está relacionada à baixa correlação com os retornos do mercado. Ao tomar posições compradas e vendidas, estas estratégias são capazes de controlar a magnitude do beta de mercado, mantendo-se praticamente zero ou estatísticamente não significativas. A idéia consiste na realização de arbitragem estatística, aproveitando os desvios de preços de equilíbrio de longo prazo. Como tal, elas envolvem modelos de correção de equilíbrio para os pares de retornos dos ativos. Nós mostramos como construir uma estratégia de negociação de pares que é beneficiada não só pela relação de equilíbrio de longo prazo entre os pares de preços dos ativos da carteira, mas também pela velocidade com que os preços ajustam os desvios para o equilíbrio. Até então, a grande maioria das estratégias envolvendo negociação em pares se baseavam na hipótese de que a obtenção de retornos positivos estaria relacionada à reversão à média caracterizada pela relação de cointegração dos pares, mas ignorava a possibilidade de seleção dos pares testando a velocidade de ajustamento do Vetor de Correção de Erros desta relação. Os resutados deste trabalho indicaram baixos níveis de correlação com o mercado, neutralidade das estratégias, associados a retornos financeiros líquidos e Índice de Sharpe anualizados de 15,05% e 1,96 respectivamente.


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The paper assesses the impact of intemational relative prices and domestic expenditure variables on Brazil' s foreign trade performance in the first half of the 1990s. It has been argued that the appreciation of the Real since 1994 has had a detrimental impact of the country's trade balance. However, using temporal precedence analysis, our results do not indicate that the trade balance is strongly affected by intemational rei ative prices, such as the exchange rate. Instead, domestic expenditure variables appear to be more powerful determinant of the country' s trade performance in recent years. Granger and error correction causality techniques are used to determine temporal precedence between the trade balance and the exchange rate in the period under examination. Our findings shed light on the debate over the sustainability of recent exchange rate-anchored macroeconomic stabilisation programmes, which is a topic that has encouraged a lot of debate among academics and practitioners.


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In this paper, we decompose the variance of logarithmic monthly earnings of prime age males into its permanent and transitory components, using a five-wave rotating panel from the Venezuelan “Encuesta de Hogares por Muestreo” from 1995 to 1997. As far as we know, this is the first time a variance components model is estimated for a developing country. We test several specifications and find that an error component model with individual random effects and first order serially correlated errors fits the data well. In the simplest model, around 22% of earnings variance is explained by the variance of permanent component, 77% by purely stochastic variation and the remaining 1% by serial correlation. These results contrast with studies from industrial countries where the permanent component is predominant. The permanent component is usually interpreted as the results of productivity characteristics of individuals whereas the transitory component is due to stochastic perturbations such as job and/or price instability, among others. Our findings may be due to the timing of the panel when occurred precisely during macroeconomic turmoil resulting from a severe financial crisis. The findings suggest that earnings instability is an important source of inequality in a region characterized by high inequality and macroeconomic instability.