953 resultados para Environemental gradient
In most magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, pulsed magnetic gradient fields induce eddy currents in the conducting structures of the superconducting magnet. The eddy currents induced in structures within the cryostat are particularly problematic as they are characterized by long time constants by virtue of the low resistivity of the conductors. This paper presents a three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) scheme in cylindrical coordinates for eddy-current calculation in conductors. This model is intended to be part of a complete FDTD model of an MRI system including all RF and low-frequency field generating units and electrical models of the patient. The singularity apparent in the governing equations is removed by using a series expansion method and the conductor-air boundary condition is handled using a variant of the surface impedance concept. The numerical difficulty due to the asymmetry of Maxwell equations for low-frequency eddy-current problems is circumvented by taking advantage of the known penetration behavior of the eddy-current fields. A perfectly matched layer absorbing boundary condition in 3-D cylindrical coordinates is also incorporated. The numerical method has been verified against analytical solutions for simple cases. Finally, the algorithm is illustrated by modeling a pulsed field gradient coil system within an MRI magnet system. The results demonstrate that the proposed FDTD scheme can be used to calculate large-scale eddy-current problems in materials with high conductivity at low frequencies.
A new method is presented here for the systematic design of biplanar shielded shim and gradient coils, for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other applications. The desired target field interior to the coil is specified in advance, and a winding pattern is then designed to produce a field that matches the target as closely as possible. Both gradient and shim coils can be designed by this approach, and the target region can be located asymmetrically within the coil. The interior target field may be matched at two or more interior locations, to improve accuracy. When shields are present, the winding patterns are designed so that the fields exterior to the biplanar coil are made as small as possible. The method is illustrated here by the design of some transverse gradient and shim coils.
Phosphorus-availability tests typically provide an indication of quantity of P available (Colwell bicarbonate-extractable P), or of the intensity of supply (0.01 M CaCl2-extractable P). The soil's capacity to buffer P is more difficult to assess, and is generally estimated using a P-adsorption curve. The diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) approach may provide a simpler means of assessing a soil's ability to maintain soil solution P. Optimal extraction conditions were found to be 24 h exposure of DGT samplers to saturated soil. The DGT approach was evaluated on a range of 24 soils, some of which had high Colwell- (>100 mu g g(-1)) and Bray 1- (>30 mu g g(-1)) extractable P content, but showed a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) yield response to the addition of P fertilizer. The DGT approach provided an excellent separation of soils on which tomato showed a yield response, from those where fertilizer P did not increase dry-matter yield. Phosphorus accumulation was strongly correlated with soil solution P concentration and anion exchange resin-extractable P, but showed poor correlation with Colwell- or Bray 1-extractable P. The DGT P accumulation rate of 3.62 x 10(-7) to 4.79 x 10(-5) mol s(-1) m(-3) for the soils tested was comparable to the uptake rate of roots of tomato plants that were adequately supplied with P (2.25 x 10(-5) mol s(-1) m(-3)).
In this work a superposition technique for designing gradient coils for the purpose of magnetic resonance imaging is outlined, which uses an optimized weight function superimposed upon an initial winding similar to that obtained from the target field method to generate the final wire winding. This work builds on the preliminary work performed in Part I on designing planar insertable gradient coils for high resolution imaging. The proposed superposition method for designing gradient coils results in coil patterns with relatively low inductances and the gradient coils can be used as inserts into existing magnetic resonance imaging hardware. The new scheme has the capacity to obtain images faster with more detail due to the deliver of greater magnetic held gradients. The proposed method for designing gradient coils is compared with a variant of the state-of-the-art target field method for planar gradient coils designs, and it is shown that the weighted superposition approach outperforms the well-known the classical method.
The paper presents a method for designing circular, shielded biplanar coils that can generate any desired field. A particular feature of these coils is that the target field may be located asymmetrically within the coil. A transverse component of the magnetic field produced by the coil is made to match a prescribed target field over the surfaces of two concentric spheres (the diameter of spherical volume) that define the target field location. The paper shows winding patterns and fields for several gradient and shim coils. It examines the effect that the finite coil size has on the winding patterns, using a Fourier-transform calculation for comparison.
Many diurnal planktivorous fish in coral reefs efficiently consume zooplankton drifting in the overlying water column. Our survey, carried out at two coral reefs in the Red Sea, showed that most of the diurnal planktivorous fish foraged near the bottom, close to the shelters from piscivores. The planktivorous fish were order of magnitude more abundant near (
Combinatorial chemistry has become an invaluable tool in medicinal chemistry for the identification of new drug leads. For example, libraries of predetermined sequences and head-to-tail cyclized peptides are routinely synthesized in our laboratory using the IRORI approach. Such libraries are used as molecular toolkits that enable the development of pharmacophores that define activity and specificity at receptor targets. These libraries can be quite large and difficult to handle, due to physical and chemical constraints imposed by their size. Therefore, smaller sub-libraries are often targeted for synthesis. The number of coupling reactions required can be greatly reduced if the peptides having common amino acids are grouped into the same sub-library (batching). This paper describes a schedule optimizer to minimize the number of coupling reactions by rotating and aligning sequences while simultaneously batching. The gradient descent method thereby reduces the number of coupling reactions required for synthesizing cyclic peptide libraries. We show that the algorithm results in a 75% reduction in the number of coupling reactions for a typical cyclic peptide library.
A primary purpose of this research is to design a gradient coil that is planar in construction and can be inserted within existing infrastructure. The proposed wave equation method for the design of gradient coils is novel within the field. it is comprehensively shown how this method can be used to design the planar x-, y-, and z-gradient wire windings to produce the required magnetic fields within a certain domain. The solution for the cylindrical gradient coil set is also elucidated. The wave equation technique is compared with the well-known target held method to gauge the quality of resultant design. In the case of the planar gradient coil design, it is shown that using the new method, a set of compact gradient coils with large field of view can be produced. The final design is considerably smaller in dimension when compared with the design obtained using the target field method, and therefore the manufacturing costs and materials required are somewhat reduced.
We revisit the one-unit gradient ICA algorithm derived from the kurtosis function. By carefully studying properties of the stationary points of the discrete-time one-unit gradient ICA algorithm, with suitable condition on the learning rate, convergence can be proved. The condition on the learning rate helps alleviate the guesswork that accompanies the problem of choosing suitable learning rate in practical computation. These results may be useful to extract independent source signals on-line.
This paper presents a new method to measure the sinking rates of individual phytoplankton “particles” (cells, chains, colonies, and aggregates) in the laboratory. Conventional particle tracking and high resolution video imaging were used to measure particle sinking rates and particle size. The stabilizing force of a very mild linear salinity gradient (1 ppt over 15 cm) prevented the formation of convection currents in the laboratory settling chamber. Whereas bulk settling methods such as SETCOL provide a single value of sinking rate for a population, this method allows the measurement of sinking rate and particle size for a large number of individual particles or phytoplankton within a population. The method has applications where sinking rates vary within a population, or where sinking rate-size relationships are important. Preliminary data from experiments with both laboratory and field samples of marine phytoplankton are presented here to illustrate the use of the technique, its applications, and limitations. Whereas this paper deals only with sinking phytoplankton, the method is equally valid for positively buoyant species, as well as nonbiological particles.
This paper evaluates a low-frequency FDTD method applied to the problem of induced E-fields/eddy currents in the human body resulting from the pulsed magnetic field gradients in MRI. In this algorithm, a distributed equivalent magnetic current (DEMC) is proposed as the electromagnetic source and is obtained by quasistatic calculation of the empty coil's vector potential or measurements therein. This technique circumvents the discretizing of complicated gradient coil geometries into a mesh of Yee cells, and thereby enables any type of gradient coil modeling or other complex low frequency sources. The proposed method has been verified against an example with an analytical solution. Results are presented showing the spatial distribution of gradient-induced electric fields in a multilayered spherical phantom model and a complete body model.