453 resultados para Entrepreneur


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Rural tourism is relatively new product in the process of diversification of the rural economy in Republic of Macedonia. This study used desk research and life story interviews of rural tourism entrepreneurs as qualitative research method to identify prevalent success influential factors. Further quantitative analysis was applied in order to measure the strength of influence of identified success factors. The primary data for the quantitative research was gathered using telephone questionnaire composed of 37 questions with 5-points Likert scale. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by SmartPLS 3.1.6. Results indicated that human capital, social capital, entrepreneurial personality and external business environment are predominant influential success factors. However, human capital has non-significant direct effect on success (p 0.493) nonetheless the effect was indirect with high level of partial mediation through entrepreneurial personality as mediator (VAF 73%). Personality of the entrepreneur, social capital and business environment have direct positive affect on entrepreneurial success (p 0.001, 0.003 and 0.045 respectably). Personality also mediates the positive effect of social capital on entrepreneurial success (VAF 28%). Opposite to the theory the data showed no interaction between social and human capital on the entrepreneurial success. This research suggests that rural tourism accommodation entrepreneurs could be more successful if there is increased support in development of social capital in form of conservation of cultural heritage and natural attractions. Priority should be finding the form to encourage and support the establishment of formal and informal associations of entrepreneurs in order to improve the conditions for management and marketing of the sector. Special support of family businesses in the early stages of the operation would have a particularly positive impact on the success of rural tourism. Local infrastructure, access to financial instruments, destination marketing and entrepreneurial personality have positive effect on success.


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Der Tauchtourismus übernimmt innerhalb des gesamten internationalen Tourismus in Ägypten eine wichtige Rolle. Besonders in Krisenzeiten sind es die Taucher, die aufgrund der einzigartigen Tauchgebiete weiterhin in das Land kommen und somit einen wesentlichen Beitrag zum Erhalt der Arbeitsplätze und der Infrastruktur beitragen. Doch der Konkurrenzkampf zwischen den Tauchbasen, das derzeit schlechte Image Ägyptens und die Attraktivität weltweiter Tauchdestinationen, zwingt die Betreiber von Tauchbasen dazu, sich einer wandelnden Gästestruktur und deren Reisegewohnheiten anzupassen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird am Beispiel der Tauchbasenbetreiber in Ägypten untersucht, wie kulturelles Handeln eine Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen zwischen einem Anbieter einer touristischen Dienstleistung und dem Kunden einnehmen kann. Als Ausgangspunkt dient dazu das Modell der „Transkulturalität als Praxis“ nach PÜTZ (2004), welches um den Aspekt der internationalen Kooperationsbeziehungen erweitert wird. Es besagt, dass im wirtschaftlichen Handeln zwischen den Akteuren das kulturelle Verständnis eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Bildung von Vertrauen einnimmt. Durch die Fähigkeit, einen kulturellen Blickwinkel in das alltägliche Handeln einzubeziehen, kann ein Unternehmer den Wettbewerbsvorsprung zu seinen Mitkonkurrenten ausbauen.rnrnIm Mittelpunkt des Forschungsinteresses stand dabei die Frage inwieweit die Basenbetreiber über die ihnen zur Verfügung stehenden Möglichkeiten kulturgebundenen Handelns Vertrauen zu den Tauchern generieren. Geschieht die Anwendung aus eigener Initiative heraus oder nur unter dem Konkurrenzdruck? Die Ergebnisse der Studie belegen, dass das Arbeiten im Umfeld kultureller Unterschiede den Blick der Basenbetreiber für die Notwendigkeit einer starken Vertrauensbeziehung zum Kunden von Anfang an geprägt hat. Das Handeln aller Interviewteilnehmer orientiert sich zuerst unbewusst an zahlreichen branchenüblichen Handlungsweisen und Symbolen, stößt aber ab einem bestimmten Punkt an seine Grenzen. Aufgrund von bewusstem kulturellen Handeln ist jedoch die Möglichkeit gegeben, diese Grenzen zu überwinden und individuelle und situationsspezifische Arten der Kundengewinnung in das Handeln einzubeziehen.


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Franciszek Maczynski was one of the best Polish architects of the early 20th century and Solewski used a wide range of materials to complete a bibliography of Maczynski's architectural, artistic and theoretical works, and a biography of the architect. From his analysis of the material collected, he concluded that Maczynski was a romantic architect, influenced by a vision to seek the essential Truth in historical patterns or artistic creativity. This determined his search for the ideal form and style in architecture, connecting 'national' and historical inspiration, the vernacular 'Zakopane Style', Gesamtkunstwek and modernistic severity. However, Maczynski worked closely with Tadeusz Stryjenski, his most important patron, who also used the 'beginner's' artistic talents, while he, as the 'boss', decided on commissions and profits. This experience led to Maczynski's involvement in the Spojnia partnership, creating simple engineering architecture and successfully locating wealthy investors. It was the liberal idea of establishing a building firm to make profits that turned Maczynski into a regular builder and entrepreneur, abandoning the romantic idea of 'artistic' or 'national' architecture. The transformation from artist to entrepreneur indeed reflected the opposition of romantic-liberal.


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When the German government faced for the first time an irregular war in German East Africa in 1888, it realised that it did not have the necessary means for such a conflict. Hermann Wissmann, an explorer, was therefore given the mandate to form and lead a force of mercenaries that was bound to him personally on the basis of contracts. Although Wissmann was successful in crushing the disturbances, the government of the Reich refused to give him a leading administrative position in the new formed protectorate subordinate directly to the Kaiser. It feared that the entrepreneur of violence, which had up to then been backed up, would not accept the regulations of colonial rule that should be implemented. Soon, however, it became clear that due to entrenched local views on sovereignty and legitimacy it would be difficult to transfer the western European concept of the monopoly of the state on violence to Africa.


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Although prior research on new venture creation has identified several antecedents that differentiate entrepreneurs from non-entrepreneurs, scholars still have an incomplete understanding of the factors and decision processes that lead an individual to become an entrepreneur. By applying prospect theory, we introduce the reference point as an important antecedent of new venture creation. Testing our research model and hypotheses with entrepreneurs and employees, results show that entrepreneurs set more aspiring reference points and therefore find themselves more often in a perceived loss situation. Results are also robust when testing for entrepreneurial intention of business graduate students. According to prospect theory, the perceived loss triggers more risk-seeking behavior. Summing up, the reference point has a positive effect on new venture creation and differentiates entrepreneurs from nonentrepreneurs. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications of the findings and develop avenues for future research.


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With the availability of lower cost but highly skilled software development labor from offshore regions, entrepreneurs from developed countries who do not have software development experience can utilize this workforce to develop innovative software products. In order to succeed in offshored innovation projects, the often extreme knowledge boundaries between the onsite entrepreneur and the offshore software development team have to be overcome. Prior research has proposed that boundary objects are critical for bridging such boundaries – if they are appropriately used. Our longitudinal, revelatory case study of a software innovation project is one of the first to explore the role of the software prototype as a digital boundary object. Our study empirically unpacks five use practices that transform the software prototype into a boundary object such that knowledge boundaries are bridged. Our findings provide new theoretical insights for literature on software innovation and boundary objects, and have implications for practice.


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Cultural entrepreneurship and symbolic management perspectives portray entrepreneurs as skilled cultural operators and often assume them to be capable from the outset to purposefully use ‘cultural resources' in order to motivate resource-holding audiences to support their new ventures. We problematize this premise and develop a model of how entrepreneurs become skilful cultural operators and develop the cultural competences necessary for creating and growing their ventures. The model is grounded in a case study of an entrepreneur who set up shop and sought to acquire resources in a culturally unfamiliar setting. Our model proposes that two adaptive sensemaking processes - approval-driven sensemaking and autonomy-driven sensemaking - jointly facilitate the gradual development of cultural competences. These processes jointly enable entrepreneurs to gain cultural awareness and calibrate their symbolic enactments. Specifically, while approval-driven sensemaking facilitates recognizing cultural resources to symbolically couple a venture's identity claims more tightly with the cultural frames of targeted audiences and gain legitimate distinctiveness, autonomy-driven sensemaking enables recognizing cultural constraints and more effective symbolic decoupling to shield the venture from constraining cultural frames and defend the venture's autonomy and resources. We conclude the paper with a discussion of the theoretical implications of our study for cultural entrepreneurship and symbolic management research.


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Many students are inspired to start their own business venture after taking some courses in school or simply just taking an idea and turning it into a business. The beginning process is usually most difficult in terms of establishing a functioning business, getting the right connections, and avoiding discouragement to follow through with the business. That is why many businesses fall into the categories of starting, failing along the process, or failing to get started. There is a lot to be learned from the process of starting a business venture. In addressing this issue, some of the questions this research study aims to explore and study are how people go about their new venture efforts? Second, what steps they undertake? Third, from whom do they get information? And fourth, how do they use that information? This study will seek a variety of insights that can help answer these questions and improve our understanding of why some businesses fail, succeed, or never get started.


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In an earlier paper, I criticized Schumpeter's account of the obsolescence of the entrepreneur in Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy. That account rests, I argued, on a confusion about the nature of scientific knowledge and its role in the competences of the firm. This paper is an attempt to take up the argument again, moving it away from the doctrine-historical into the provinces of the economics of organization. Drawing on the work of Max Weber, as well as on a case study of the Swiss watch industry, the paper argues for the ineradicable role of personal capitalism, properly understood.


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La presente investigación se realiza sobre la política pública: la Feria de Emprendedores de la Economía Social de la ciudad de La Plata, implementada a través de la Dirección General de la Economía Social, durante el periodo 2011. En este trabajo se pretende analizar cuales son sus alcances, objetivos, metodología y describir cómo funciona. Pero especialmente, se centra en el curso de formación emprendedora que tuvo como objetivo que los artesanos adquieran las habilidades de la actividad comercial y de esta manera pasen de la actividad informal a la formal. Se realiza una evaluación final, que consiste en analizar la implementación de la misma, sus resultados y formular recomendaciones para ajustar la acción presente y mejorar la acción futura


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La producción de maquinaria agrícola en la Argentina se inicia muy tempranamente, estimulada por las amplias posibilidades que brindaba la producción de cereales. Un rasgo destacable del sector se refiere a la importante tradición en innovación tecnológica, sin duda alentada por la naturaleza específica de la producción agrícola en nuestro país y por los altos costos de las maquinas importadas. Esta tradición en innovación y el entramado territorial resultarán claves para entender el desarrollo de una firma fabricante de cosechadoras en el sur de Santa Fe a partir de la década del cincuenta. Pueden identificarse cuatro grandes etapas en la trayectoria de Roque Vassalli SA; cada una de estas etapas presentadas en el trabajo de manera cronológica enfatiza algún aspecto de la dinámica empresarial que explica el desempeño productivo y la evolución económico-financiera de la firma en ese período. De este modo, en una primera etapa se destacan la disposición innovadora del empresario fundador, su ensamblaje con las políticas públicas de promoción del sector y la fuerte apuesta a la conformación de una red de distribuidores como factores claves para la consolidación de la empresa en el mercado interno. En cambio, en una segunda etapa se enfatiza en los problemas que presentó el mercado de maquinarias agrícolas en la segunda mitad de los años sesenta que terminaron por afectar su situación productiva y financiera. En el tercer apartado el trabajo enfoca las variables que permiten explicar la recuperación de la empresa, principalmente en la importante dinámica del mercado interno pero también en las estrategias de comercialización y la captura de amplios mercados externos. Finalmente, el análisis en la cuarta etapa destaca los límites estrechos que la coyuntura macroeconómica impuso a la gestión empresarial y que terminó con la venta de la empresa.


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El artículo aborda el emprendimiento de Buonaventura Caviglia en la localidad de Mercedes (departamento de Soriano) al frente de un establecimiento agro-industrial. El emprendimiento es analizado en el contexto del papel cumplido por la inmigración europea, particularmente italiana, en el desarrollo de la agricultura y particularmente la actividad vitivinícola. Este proyecto innovador desarrolló varios objetivos, privilegiando la producción de vinos para la región, principalmente para la Argentina, pero en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial no resistió la competencia de los vinos mendocinos que encontraron un mercado más amplio: el nacional.


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En este trabajo pretendemos aproximarnos al complejo mundo rural cordobés y observar otras formas de tenencias de la tierra, con sus prácticas de producción y trabajo, los diversos actores que se mueven dentro y fuera de la unidad, sus trayectorias personales y empresarias y las múltiples relaciones sociales que los vincularon. Procuraremos ampliar nuestra mirada hacia el contexto en que operaron en el marco regional e interregional. A los fines de comparar y observar los cambios y permanencias que se fueron dando, hemos acotado nuestra observación a un conjunto de establecimientos rurales que hacia finales del siglo XVIII pasó a ser administrado por la orden Betlemita y forman una unidad de producción que se puede seguir en el largo plazo, desde que se construye socialmente el espacio que ocupan, a fines del siglo XVI, hasta la segunda mitad del siglo XIX.


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En el trabajo se analiza el caso del Laboratorio de Hemoderivados "Presidente Illia" de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC- Hemoderivados), el cual resulta una experiencia relevante para reflexionar en torno a la denominada "relación universidad-empresa", uno de los tópicos más abordados por la literatura que se dedica al análisis de las relaciones entre universidad y sociedad.


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La presente investigación se realiza sobre la política pública: la Feria de Emprendedores de la Economía Social de la ciudad de La Plata, implementada a través de la Dirección General de la Economía Social, durante el periodo 2011. En este trabajo se pretende analizar cuales son sus alcances, objetivos, metodología y describir cómo funciona. Pero especialmente, se centra en el curso de formación emprendedora que tuvo como objetivo que los artesanos adquieran las habilidades de la actividad comercial y de esta manera pasen de la actividad informal a la formal. Se realiza una evaluación final, que consiste en analizar la implementación de la misma, sus resultados y formular recomendaciones para ajustar la acción presente y mejorar la acción futura