995 resultados para Engineering geology.
Plane table and pacing methods were used in the mapping of the individual areas, but an automobile traverse was used to tie the independent areas into a composite group that would be useful for the entire zone. All land marks, section corners, roads, fence lines, drainage, and geologic features were plotted in the field and later transferred to a master map.
The smelting of complex lead ores is a difficult operation, especially when they contain considerable amounts of iron and zinc. When these ores are smelted, all of the zinc, which is valuable and well worth recovering, goes into the slag. With the advent of the flotation processes, and the ability of these processes to concentrate the lead and zinc minerals into separate products, the smelting of complex lead ores was to a great extent simplified.
In the past few years intensive studies have been going on concerning Cambrian formations as a locale for orebodies. Many of the dolomites and limestones of southwestern Montana are susceptible to replacement by mineralizing solutions, especially when overlain by a rather impervious layer of shale, as is the Pilgrim limestone of Upper Cambrian time.
In the field of copper metallurgy, the major changes effected in the original metallurgical scheme have been based largely upon the lowering in grade of copper ores, and the more particular demands of the fabricators of the metal. The former trend fostered the development of mineral beneficiation, which in turn caused the conversion from blast furnace to reverberatory furnace smelting.
The Livingston formation is a thick succession of late Cretaceous lava flows, tuffs, and bedded water-laid volcanic detritus 200 miles long and 100 miles wide lying along the eastern margin of the Rocky Mountains in western Montana from Augusta to Yellowstone Park. It differs markedly within short distances in lithologic character and sequences, and the total thickness may exceed one mile in some places.
When examined petrographically the granites of Oklahoma show a marked similarity to the granites of Southeastern Missouri. The same heavy accessory mineral suites are present in the granites of both regions and include: fluorite, zircon, apatite, titanite and epidote. This similarity was further shown by the actual correlation of the heavy mineral suites by types, these types being, based on the heavy mineral distributions of the Missouri Granites.
This thesis is concerned with the beneficiation of an oxidized lead ore. Emphasis was placed upon concentration by flotation rather than by gravity methods, although some investigation was made with the Wilfley shaking table. The concentration of lead minerals received most consideration in the problem, but wherever possible attempts were made to increase the silver and gold concentration along with the lead.
In the copper electrolytic refining operation, two main objectives are desired: the first is the production of a metal of desired chemical composition and physical characteristics, and the second is the recovery of the valuable by-products.
Almost everyone is familiar with the tremendous importance of copper in our everyday life. One of the properties of copper which determines its great usefulness to mankind is its electrical conductivity. This property alone has more to do with the prominence of copper among useful metals then does any other.
The electrolytic refining process, while usually considered an auxiliary process used in conjunction with pyrometallurgical extraction, deserves a special niche in the complex metallurgy of copper. The development of electrolytic copper refining, for example, is largely responsible for the prominence of the electrical industry. Conversely, it could be stated that the electrical industry played an important part in the development of the copper industry.
In the modern aspect of powder metallurgy, the first use of a sintering process was in making filaments for incandescent electric lamps.In the short while from the day of Edison to the present, the science of working with metal powders has advanced by leaps and bounds.
Oil and gas have been found in the Triassic strata of Wyoming. Although the Triassic has not as yet proven to be a large producing horizon it is very probable that additional oil will be found in Triassic strata in the future, and it is one of the goals at which oil well drillers aim their tools.
The use of foraminifera in the determination of geologic age, and in the correlation of strata, is one of the most important techniques in oil field stratigraphic studies. The petroleum industry in many regions relies on these microscopic life forms to determine the positions of oil-bearing horizons and to determine the tops of beds. In northern Montana the Colorado group of strata, a series of about 2,000 feet of dense, dark similar shales, is known to contain foraminifers.
The factors that influence the choice of a method for treatment of an ore comprise the technical and economic limitations and advantages, derived in detail and balanced according to the exigencies of the particular situation.
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the effect of the factors listed previously by conducting a series of tests that will indicate the extent to which the purification is influenced by time, temperature, zinc oust size, zinc dust quantity, iron concentration, two stage precipitation, and aeration.