942 resultados para Electric energy systems
Efficient and reliable techniques for power delivery and utilization are needed to account for the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electric power systems. Such methods are also required for current and future demands of plug-in electric vehicles and high-power electronic loads. Distributed control and optimal power network architectures will lead to viable solutions to the energy management issue with high level of reliability and security. This dissertation is aimed at developing and verifying new techniques for distributed control by deploying DC microgrids, involving distributed renewable generation and energy storage, through the operating AC power system. To achieve the findings of this dissertation, an energy system architecture was developed involving AC and DC networks, both with distributed generations and demands. The various components of the DC microgrid were designed and built including DC-DC converters, voltage source inverters (VSI) and AC-DC rectifiers featuring novel designs developed by the candidate. New control techniques were developed and implemented to maximize the operating range of the power conditioning units used for integrating renewable energy into the DC bus. The control and operation of the DC microgrids in the hybrid AC/DC system involve intelligent energy management. Real-time energy management algorithms were developed and experimentally verified. These algorithms are based on intelligent decision-making elements along with an optimization process. This was aimed at enhancing the overall performance of the power system and mitigating the effect of heavy non-linear loads with variable intensity and duration. The developed algorithms were also used for managing the charging/discharging process of plug-in electric vehicle emulators. The protection of the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system was studied. Fault analysis and protection scheme and coordination, in addition to ideas on how to retrofit currently available protection concepts and devices for AC systems in a DC network, were presented. A study was also conducted on the effect of changing the distribution architecture and distributing the storage assets on the various zones of the network on the system's dynamic security and stability. A practical shipboard power system was studied as an example of a hybrid AC/DC power system involving pulsed loads. Generally, the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system, besides most of the ideas, controls and algorithms presented in this dissertation, were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed, Energy Systems Research Laboratory. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed.
This paper addresses the theme of retrotif applied to buildings that belong to the modernist architectural production of historical interest located in the urban area of Natal . The overall objective is to identify and harmonize procedures for retrofit and architectural heritage preservation using elements of constructive analysis of expression and Benefit Cost Ratio ( BCR ) parameters established by the National Electric Energy Agency - ANEEL . The hypothesis put forward is that by stimulating the projetual year analysis , retrofit interventions , it is possible to obtain better results with projects RCB addressing the issues of preservation of architectural heritage . For both flow analysis of process solutions and proposals for action of elements and systems that seek to improve the energy performance of the building , restoring or preserving the architectural elements were developed . The proposed interventions undergo performance through computer simulations of systems such as DesignBuilder, Solar and Sun Tool. The energy results were converted to the analysis of RCB parameter and compared to the constructive expression of the project because the prenatal and intervention. From the results , a plot was constructed which results in a comparison between the RCB and the constructive expression of the simulated interventions
This project is funded by European Research Council in FP7; grant no 259328, 2010 and EPSRC grant no EP/K006428/1, 2013.
This project is funded by European Research Council in FP7; grant no 259328, 2010 and EPSRC grant no EP/K006428/1, 2013.
The European Union continues to exert a large influence on the direction of member states energy policy. The 2020 targets for renewable energy integration have had significant impact on the operation of current power systems, forcing a rapid change from fossil fuel dominated systems to those with high levels of renewable power. Additionally, the overarching aim of an internal energy market throughout Europe has and will continue to place importance on multi-jurisdictional co-operation regarding energy supply. Combining these renewable energy and multi-jurisdictional supply goals results in a complicated multi-vector energy system, where the understanding of interactions between fossil fuels, renewable energy, interconnection and economic power system operation is increasingly important. This paper provides a novel and systematic methodology to fully understand the changing dynamics of interconnected energy systems from a gas and power perspective. A fully realistic unit commitment and economic dispatch model of the 2030 power systems in Great Britain and Ireland, combined with a representative gas transmission energy flow model is developed. The importance of multi-jurisdictional integrated energy system operation in one of the most strategically important renewable energy regions is demonstrated.
In his book “Environment, Power, and Society” (1971) H.T. Odum introduced a picture of the energy metabolism of a city based on Wolman's paper from 1965 (Sci. Am., 213: 179-190). With the development of the emergy analysis--a branch of energy systems accounting--several authors have contributed to develop quantitative measures of HT Odum’s picture, which from many perspectives are diverging from traditional energy studies. In this paper, studies using emergy analysis to study cities are reviewed. The research regarding emergy and cities had during the period 1975-1995 its focus on cities in the United States, e.g. Miami, Jacksonville, San Francisco and Chicago. The research during 1995-2005 was almost exclusively focused on Taipei. From approximately 2006 up till 2015 the research focus has been on Chinese cities; Macao, Beijing and 37 other Chinese cities have been investigated. But there are resent also studies made on Rome (Italy) and Montreal (Canada). Studies up to about 2007/2008 were generally concerned with understanding spatial aspects of the cities investigated. After that, evaluating the sustainability of cities has become a main research focus.
This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers' consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nos dias de hoje a sociedade exige níveis qualitativos de vida cada vez mais elevados, o que torna prioritária a conceção de sistemas eficientes, não poluidores, económicos e diversificados que permitam uma gestão integrada e racionalizada de recursos tão escasso como é o da água e da energia. Em sistemas de abastecimento de água, o uso de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) visa a uniformização e controlo de pressões, promovendo uma perda de carga localizada que dissipa a energia hidráulica presente através da redução dos valores de pressão a jusante. Estas são fundamentais no controlo e redução de pressão. A utilização de microturbinas é uma alternativa sustentável para o controle de pressão e, simultaneamente, para a produção de energia elétrica. Trata-se de um método de mitigação para controlar as perdas referidas convergindo no âmbito da eficiência energética. Na perspetiva de promover um aproveitamento de energia nas redes de abastecimento de água, o presente trabalho sugere a substituição de válvulas redutoras de pressão (VRP) por microturbinas. Desse modo, apresenta-se um método automático de seleção de (i) local para implementação e (ii) projeto de microturbinas para sistemas de abastecimento de água. Para a modelação do funcionamento dos sistemas hidráulicos recorre-se ao simulador hidráulico EPANET. Esta ferramenta possibilita avaliação de caudais e pressões em todos os pontos da rede durante um determinado intervalo de tempo. A metodologia desenvolvida permite selecionar o local ideal no sistema hidráulico através de uma análise de cada secção conduta-nó escolhendo-se a melhor opção baseada na produção de energia. Depois da localização procede-se à seleção do tipo de turbina (Kaplan, Francis, Pelton e Cross-flow) que vai depender das características do sistema hidráulico. Na etapa seguinte apresenta-se os resultados obtidos pela turbina nomeadamente a produção de energia elétrica anual, o investimento necessário, o tempo de retorno e a rentabilização ao final de um período de 25 anos. Na última etapa da metodologia, de forma avaliar o comportamento do sistema final, realiza-se uma nova simulação da rede mas tendo em conta a introdução da microturbina no local. Apresentam-se alguns casos de estudo que validam a ferramenta desenvolvida. A metodologia desenvolvida é comparada com um caso de estudo real. Em ambos os exemplos simulados a metodologia aplicada permite obter soluções com ganhos energéticos significativos associados ao sistema. Apenas num dos exemplos se observaram que a implementação da microturbina no sistema hidráulico não seria economicamente rentável.
The insertion of distributed generation units in the electric power systems have contributed to the popularization of microgrid concepts. With the microgrids, several potential benefits can be achieved in regard to power quality and supply reliability. However, several technical challenges related to the control and operation of microgrids, which are associated with high insertion of generation systems based on static converters, must be overcame. Among the opportunities in the context of microgrids, there is the islanded operation of microgrids temporarily disconnected from the electric power systems and also the autonomous operation of geographically isolated microgrids. The frequency in large power systems is traditionally controlled by the generation units based on traditional synchronous generator. The insertion of distributed generation units based on static power converters may bring difficulties to the frequency control in microgrids, due to the reduction of the equivalent inertia of conventional synchronous generators present in islanded and isolated microgrids. In this context, it becomes necessary the proposition of new operational and control strategies for microgrids control, taking into account the presence of distributed generation units based on full-rated converter. This paper proposes an operational and control strategy for the islanded operation of a winddiesel microgrid with high insertion level of wind generation. The microgrid adopted in this study comprises of a wind energy conversion system with synchronous generator based on full rated converter, a diesel generator (DIG) and a dump load. Due to the high insertion level of wind generation, the wind unit operates in Vf mode and the diesel generator operates in PQ mode. The diesel generator and the dump load are used to regulate the DC-link voltage of the wind generation unit. The proposed control allows the islanded operation of the microgrid only with wind generation, wind-only mode (WO), and with wind-diesel generation, wind-diesel mode (WD). For the wind-only mode, with 100% of penetration level of wind generation, it is proposed a DC-link voltage control loop based on the use of a DC dump load. For the winddiesel mode, it is proposed a DC-link voltage control loop added to the diesel generator, which is connected to the AC side of the microgrid, in coordinated action with the dump load. The proposed operational and control strategy does not require the use of batteries and aims to maximize the energy production from wind generation, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the microgrid. The results have showed that the operational and control strategy allowed the stable operation of the islanded microgrid and that the DC-link voltage control loop added to the diesel generator and the dump load proved to be effective during the typical variations of wind speed and load.
Cells the solid oxide fuel are systems capable to directly convert energy of a chemical reaction into electric energy in clean, quiet way and if its components in the solid state differentiate of excessively the techniques for having all. Its more common geometric configurations are: the tubular one and to glide. Geometry to glide beyond the usual components (anode, cathode and electrolyte) needs interconnect and sealant. E the search for materials adjusted for these components is currently the biggest challenge found for the production of the cells. The sealants need to present chemical stability in high temperatures, to provoke electric isolation, to have coefficient of compatible thermal expansion with the excessively component ones. For presenting these characteristics the glass-ceramics materials are recommended for the application. In this work the study of the partial substitution of the ZrO2 for the Al2O3 in system LZS became it aiming at the formation of system LZAS, this with the addition of natural spodumene with 10, 20 and 30% in mass. The compositions had been casting to a temperature of 1500°C and later quickly cooled with the objective to continue amorphous. Each composition was worn out for attainment of a dust with average diameter of approximately 3μm and characterized by the techniques of DRX, FRX, MEV, dilatometric analysis and particle size analysis. Later the samples had been conformed and treated thermally with temperatures in the interval between 700-1000 °C, with platform of 10 minutes and 1 hour. The analyses for the treated samples had been: dilatometric analysis, DRX, FRX, electrical conductivity and tack. The results point with respect to the viability of the use of system LZAS for use as sealant a time that had presented good results as isolating electric, they had adhered to a material with similar α of the components of a SOFC and had presented steady crystalline phases
Efficient and reliable techniques for power delivery and utilization are needed to account for the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electric power systems. Such methods are also required for current and future demands of plug-in electric vehicles and high-power electronic loads. Distributed control and optimal power network architectures will lead to viable solutions to the energy management issue with high level of reliability and security. This dissertation is aimed at developing and verifying new techniques for distributed control by deploying DC microgrids, involving distributed renewable generation and energy storage, through the operating AC power system. To achieve the findings of this dissertation, an energy system architecture was developed involving AC and DC networks, both with distributed generations and demands. The various components of the DC microgrid were designed and built including DC-DC converters, voltage source inverters (VSI) and AC-DC rectifiers featuring novel designs developed by the candidate. New control techniques were developed and implemented to maximize the operating range of the power conditioning units used for integrating renewable energy into the DC bus. The control and operation of the DC microgrids in the hybrid AC/DC system involve intelligent energy management. Real-time energy management algorithms were developed and experimentally verified. These algorithms are based on intelligent decision-making elements along with an optimization process. This was aimed at enhancing the overall performance of the power system and mitigating the effect of heavy non-linear loads with variable intensity and duration. The developed algorithms were also used for managing the charging/discharging process of plug-in electric vehicle emulators. The protection of the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system was studied. Fault analysis and protection scheme and coordination, in addition to ideas on how to retrofit currently available protection concepts and devices for AC systems in a DC network, were presented. A study was also conducted on the effect of changing the distribution architecture and distributing the storage assets on the various zones of the network on the system’s dynamic security and stability. A practical shipboard power system was studied as an example of a hybrid AC/DC power system involving pulsed loads. Generally, the proposed hybrid AC/DC power system, besides most of the ideas, controls and algorithms presented in this dissertation, were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed, Energy Systems Research Laboratory. All the developments in this dissertation were experimentally verified at the Smart Grid Testbed.
The emergence of microgeneration has recently lead to the concept of microgrid, a network of LV consumers and producers able to export electric energy in some circumstances and also to work in an isolated way in emergency situations. Research on the organization of microgrids, control devices, functionalities and other technical aspects is presently being carried out, in order to establish a consistent technical framework to support the concept. The successful development of the microgrid concept implies the definition of a suitable regulation for its integration on distribution systems. In order to define such a regulation, the identification of costs and benefits that microgrids may bring is a crucial task. Actually, this is the basis for a discussion about the way global costs could be divided among the different agents that benefit from the development of microgrids. Among other aspects, the effect of microgrids on the reliability of the distribution network has been pointed out as an important advantage, due to the ability of isolated operation in emergency situations. This paper identifies the situations where the existence of a microgrid may reduce the interruption rate and duration and thus improve the reliability indices of the distribution network. The relevant expressions necessary to quantify the reliability are presented. An illustrative example is included, where the global influence of the microgrid in the reliability is commented.
This paper focuses on technology state of the art for the charge/discharge of electric energy storage supported by vanadium redox flow battery linked to the electric grid. Properties of vanadium, the main configuration and the reaction of charge/discharge of a vanadium redox flow battery are addressed. The vanadium redox flow battery has the highest cell voltage among the other redox flow battery, implying higher power and energy density which favours application at power plants. This electric energy storage is viewed as a promising contribution to be integrated in power system due to a reasonably bulky size and to successful applications currently allowing storage of energy at power plants or at electrical grids. For instances, allowing storage of energy as an economic improvement providing spin reserve to avoid penalty for imbalances between the energy delivered and energy contracted at closing of electricity market or as an economic improvement to diminish the cost of electricity usage of a consumer. The vanadium redox flow battery has the advantages of scalability customized to meet requirements for power and energy capacity and of excellent combination of energy efficiency, capital cost and life cycle costs compared with other technology.
This paper proposes a novel demand response model using a fuzzy subtractive cluster approach. The model development provides support to domestic consumer decisions on controllable loads management, considering consumers’ consumption needs and the appropriate load shape or rescheduling in order to achieve possible economic benefits. The model based on fuzzy subtractive clustering method considers clusters of domestic consumption covering an adequate consumption range. Analysis of different scenarios is presented considering available electric power and electric energy prices. Simulation results are presented and conclusions of the proposed demand response model are discussed.
Against a backdrop of rapidly increasing worldwide population and growing energy demand, the development of renewable energy technologies has become of primary importance in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, it is often technically and economically infeasible to transport discontinuous renewable electricity for long distances to the shore. Another shortcoming of non-programmable renewable power is its integration into the onshore grid without affecting the dispatching process. On the other hand, the offshore oil & gas industry is striving to reduce overall carbon footprint from onsite power generators and limiting large expenses associated to carrying electricity from remote offshore facilities. Furthermore, the increased complexity and expansion towards challenging areas of offshore hydrocarbons operations call for higher attention to safety and environmental protection issues from major accident hazards. Innovative hybrid energy systems, as Power-to-Gas (P2G), Power-to-Liquid (P2L) and Gas-to-Power (G2P) options, implemented at offshore locations, would offer the opportunity to overcome challenges of both renewable and oil & gas sectors. This study aims at the development of systematic methodologies based on proper sustainability and safety performance indicators supporting the choice of P2G, P2L and G2P hybrid energy options for offshore green projects in early design phases. An in-depth analysis of the different offshore hybrid strategies was performed. The literature reviews on existing methods proposing metrics to assess sustainability of hybrid energy systems, inherent safety of process routes in conceptual design stage and environmental protection of installations from oil and chemical accidental spills were carried out. To fill the gaps, a suite of specific decision-making methodologies was developed, based on representative multi-criteria indicators addressing technical, economic, environmental and societal aspects of alternative options. A set of five case-studies was defined, covering different offshore scenarios of concern, to provide an assessment of the effectiveness and value of the developed tools.