763 resultados para Elastic contact forces
This handbook has been developed within the context of the institutional structures recommended under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 and within the overall framework of the National Social Inclusion Plan 2007-2016. It sets out the role of the Drugs Task Forces within the national and local framework required to address the existing and emerging problems associated with drug use for individuals, families and communities in the context of the long term development of the work of the Drugs Task Forces.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
SETTING: A 950 bed teaching hospital in Switzerland. AIM: To describe the result of a contact investigation among health care workers (HCW) and patients after exposure to a physician with smear-positive pulmonary tuberculosis in a hospital setting using standard tuberculin skin tests (TST) and Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA). METHOD: HCW with a negative or unknown TST at hiring had a TST two weeks after the last contact with the index case (T0), repeated six weeks later if negative (T6). All exposed HCW had a T-SPOT.TB at T0 and T6. Exposed patients had a TST six weeks after the last contact, and a T-SPOT.TB if the TST was positive. RESULTS: Among 101 HCW, 17/73 (22%) had a positive TST at T0. TST was repeated in 50 at T6 and converted from negative to positive in eight (16%). Twelve HCW had a positive T-SPOT.TB at T0 and ten converted from negative to positive at T6. Seven HCW with a positive T-SPOT.TB reverted to negative at T6 or at later controls, most of them with test values close to the cut-off. Among 27 exposed patients tested at six weeks, ten had a positive TST, five of them confirmed by a positive T-SPOT.TB. CONCLUSIONS: HCW tested twice after exposure to a case of smear-positive pulmonary TB demonstrated a possible conversion in 10% with T-SPOT and 16% with TST. Some T-SPOT.TB reverted from positive to negative during the follow-up, mostly tests with a value close to the cut-off. Due to the variability of the test results, it seems advisable to repeat the test with values close to the cut-off before diagnosing the presence of a tuberculous infection.
The objective of this paper is to present the first steps into the study of health in southern Patagonia during pre and post Native-European contact. Thus, our work has a double purpose. First, to discuss characteristics and relevance of human bone records of southern Patagonia, in order to study health in a population context. Second, to show some new lines of information, which include paleoparasitology, nutritional paleopathologies, and the study of lifestyles from human remains. In this context, we have started working on the first Spanish settlement "Nombre de Jesus", founded in 1584, and with historical documentation of "La Candelaria" Mission in Rio Grande (1896-1931).
PURPOSE: The origin of the slow component is not fully understood. The mechanical hypothesis is one of the potential factors, because an increase in external mechanical work with fatigue was previously reported for a constant velocity run. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a change in mechanical work could occur during the development of the VO2 slow component under the effect of fatigue. METHODS: Twelve regional-level competitive runners performed a square-wave transition, corresponding to 95% of the speed associated with peak VO2 obtained during an incremental test. The VO2 response was fit with a classical model including two exponential functions. A specific treadmill with three-dimensional force transducers was used to measure the ground reaction force. Kinetic work (W(kin)), potential work (W(pot)), external work (W(ext)), and an index of internal work (W(int)) per unit of distance were quantified continuously. RESULTS: During the slow component of VO2, a significant increase in W (P< 0.01), no change in W, and a significant decrease in W and W index (P< 0.05, P< 0.001, respectively) were observed. CONCLUSION: The present study showed that the slow component of VO2 did not result partly from a change in mechanical work under the effect of fatigue. Nevertheless, the decrease in stride frequency (P< 0.001) and contact time (P< 0.001) suggested an alternative mechanical explanation. The slow component during running may be due to the cost of generating force or to alterations in the storage and recoil of elastic energy, and not to the external mechanical work.
Background: Pharmacists, mainly militiamen, are incorporated in the Swiss Armed Forces, for instance in hospital battalions to supply drugs and medical devices, as well as to coordinate hygiene service. Presently, their duties are only very globally defined. Aims: The objective of this survey was to investigate the tasks that were actually assumed by the military pharmacy of the 2nd Hospital Battalion. Methods: Two types of commitments, offering military and civilian interest's convergence, were considered between 2005 and 2011: (1) army camps for the disabled and (2) operations and supports provided to two nursing homes. While relieving the civil caregiver usually involved with disabled or elderly people, such missions offer indeed the possibility to the army medical service to train its care and logistical processes with real patients, even in the absence of any sanitary crisis or war in the country. Results: Two basis activities have been assumed: (1) centralized supply of drugs and medical devices and (2) coordination of hygiene monitoring and disinfection operations. New tasks were also performed: (3) support to the management of ward-based pharmacies, (4) pillboxes preparation, (5) medication review and (6) selective participation in clinical rounds. The last two were integrated in an interdisciplinary education process. Conclusions: Results shows that, apart from traditional duties, new clinical-oriented activities have been evenly developed and assumed by militia pharmacists. They call thus for a possible renewed definition of the tasks of military hospital pharmacists and of their related military education. A wider study in all hospital battalions is yet mandatory.
In this research, we analyse the contact-specific mean of the final cooperation probability, distinguishing on the one hand between contacts with household reference persons and with other eligible household members, and on the other hand between first and later contacts. Data comes from two Swiss Household Panel surveys. The interviewer-specific variance is higher for first contacts, especially in the case of the reference person. For later contacts with the reference person, the contact-specific variance dominates. This means that interaction effects and situational factors are decisive. The contact number has negative effects on the performance of contacts with the reference person, positive in the case of other persons. Also time elapsed since the previous contact has negative effects in the case of reference persons. The result of the previous contact has strong effects, especially in the case of the reference person. These findings call for a quick completion of the household grid questionnaire, assigning the best interviewers to conducting the first contact. While obtaining refusals has negative effects, obtaining other contact results has only weak effects on the interviewer's subsequent contact outcome. Using the same interviewer for contacts has no positive effects.
Since 1986, several near-vertical seismic reflection profiles have been recorded in Switzerland in order to map the deep geologic structure of the Alps. One objective of this endeavour has been to determine the geometries of the autochthonous basement and of the external crystalline massifs, important elements for understanding the geodynamics of the Alpine orogeny. The PNR-20 seismic line W1, located in the Rawil depression of the western Swiss Alps, provides important information on this subject. It extends northward from the `'Penninic front'' across the Helvetic nappes to the Prealps. The crystalline massifs do not outcrop along this profile. Thus, the interpretation of `'near-basement'' reflections has to be constrained by down-dip projections of surface geology, `'true amplitude'' processing, rock physical property studies and modelling. 3-D seismic modelling has been used to evaluate the seismic response of two alternative down-dip projection models. To constrain the interpretation in the southern part of the profile, `'true amplitude'' processing has provided information on the strength of the reflections. Density and velocity measurements on core samples collected up-dip from the region of the seismic line have been used to evaluate reflection coefficients of typical lithologic boundaries in the region. The cover-basement contact itself is not a source of strong reflections, but strong reflections arise from within the overlaying metasedimentary cover sequence, allowing the geometry of the top of the basement to be determined on the basis of `'near-basement'' reflections. The front of the external crystalline massifs is shown to extend beneath the Prealps, about 6 km north of the expected position. A 2-D model whose seismic response shows reflection patterns very similar to the observed is proposed.
Reversed shoulder prostheses are increasingly being used for the treatment of glenohumeral arthropathy associated with a deficient rotator cuff. These non-anatomical implants attempt to balance the joint forces by means of a semi-constrained articular surface and a medialised centre of rotation. A finite element model was used to compare a reversed prosthesis with an anatomical implant. Active abduction was simulated from 0 degrees to 150 degrees of elevation. With the anatomical prosthesis, the joint force almost reached the equivalence of body weight. The joint force was half this for the reversed prosthesis. The direction of force was much more vertically aligned for the reverse prosthesis, in the first 90 degrees of abduction. With the reversed prosthesis, abduction was possible without rotator cuff muscles and required 20% less deltoid force to achieve it. This force analysis confirms the potential mechanical advantage of reversed prostheses when rotator cuff muscles are deficient.
With increasing costs for conducting surveys, many survey agencies resort to implementing call strategies. Obtaining contact in panel surveys as early as possible, without annoying people by contacting them at undesired times and ultimately causing them to refuse, requires using efficient call time strategies. In this research, the author uses call data from the Swiss Household Panel (SHP), a centralized Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) survey with a randomized (experimental) call-household assignment. Using random effects models, the author analyzes the efficiency gains of obtaining initial contact by assigning optimal times to first calls, and times and spacing to second and later calls depending on household sociodemography and prior call patterns. The author concludes with some recommendations for making early and successful contact during fieldwork.
Résumé Introduction : La conjonctivite giganto-papillaire chez des patients porteurs de lentilles de contact survient lors d'une intolérance et/ou d'une allergie aux lentilles de contact. L'éotaxine est un CC chémokine produisant un puissant effet chémotactique sur les éosinophiles, qui sont impliqués dans les allergies. Le but de cette étude est de mesurer le taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes de patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de le comparer à celui de sujets normaux. Les taux d'éotaxine sont également corrélés avec le degré de conjonctivite giganto-papillaire. Méthode : Environ 10 Ill de larmes ont été collectés avec une rnicropipette en verre chez 16 patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et chez 10 volontaires normaux. La conjonctivite giganto-papillaire a été évaluée selon une échelle de 0 à 4 en référence à des images photographiques de la paupière supérieure réalisées à la lampe à fente. La concentration de l'éotaxine dans les larmes a été mesurée par un ELISA utilisant un anticorps d'éotaxine de souris dirigé contre l'anticorps humain. Pour l'analyse statistique des résultats, le test de Wilcox/Kruskal-Wallis a été utilisé. Résultats : La concentration moyenne d'éotaxine était de 2698 +233 (SEM) pg/ml chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de 1498 139 pg/ml chez les sujets normaux. La différence était statistiquement significative avec P = 0.0004. Le score moyen des papilles était de 1.75 ±0.19 chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact et de 0.2 +0.13 chez les sujets normaux (P <0.0001). Le grading des papilles a pu être mis en relation avec le taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes (R2- 0.6562 avec P <0.0001). Conclusion : Une augmentation du taux d'éotaxine dans les larmes a été mesurée chez les patients porteurs de lentilles de contact. Les taux d'éotaxine ont été corrélés avec la sévérité de la conjonctivite giganto-papillaire. Ces données suggèrent que l'éotaxine pourrait jouer un rôle important dans la formation des papilles. Abstract : Purpose: Giant papillary conjunctivitis in patients wearing contact lenses occurs after intolerance and/or allergy to contact lenses. Eotaxin is a CC chemokine with a potent and specific chemotactic effect for eosinophils, which are involved in allergies. The purpose of this study is to measure the eotaxin levels in tears of patients wearing contact lenses and in normal subjects. Eotaxin levels were also correlated with the grade of giant papillary conjunctivitis. Methods: Around 10µL of tears were collected with glass capillaries in 16 patients wearing contact lenses and in 10 normal volunteers. Giant papillary conjunctivitis was graded from 0 to 4 by reference to standard slit-lamp photographs of the superior tarsal conjunctiva. Eotaxin concentration in tears was measured by ELSA using mouse anti-human eotaxin monoclonal antibodies. For the statistical analysis of the results, the paired Wilcoxon/Kruskai-Wallis test was used. Results: The mean concentration of eotaxin was 2698 ± 233 (SEM) pg/mL in patients wearing contact lenses and 1498 ± 139 pg/mL normal subjects. The difference was statistically significant (P =0.0004). The mean score of papilla grade was 1.75 ± 0.19 in patients wearing contact lenses and 01 ± 0.13 in normal subjects (P < 0.0001). Papilla grade could be correlated to the eotaxin level in tears (R2 = 0.6562 and P< 0.0001), Conclusion: An increase of eotaxin levels in tears was measured in patients wearing contact lenses. Eotaxin levels correlated with the severity of giant papillary conjunctivitis. These data suggest that eotaxin could play a role in papilla formation.
A l'Est du fleuve Zanskar (Ladakh), la zone de suture de l'Indus sépare les nappes de la bordure nord-indienne du Gondwana (Haut-Himalaya, nappes du Zanskar, cristallin de Tso Morari) des éléments péri·gondwaniens du Trans-himalaya. Des recherches géologiques entreprises entre l'Indus el la Tsarap ont montré que: - la molasse autochlone du Ladakh est surmontée par un édifice de flysch et molasses tertiaires, rétrocharrié vers le NordEst et coiffé par les conglomérats post· éocène moyen du Stok Kangri et une formation eontinentale de molasse rouge; - - la zone de suture comprend deux unités. principales : a) au Nord et au Nord-Ouest, l'unité volcano-sédimentaire de Dras-Nindam avec des conglomérats et flysch crétacés, des brèches massives à radiolarHes et roches vertes; cette unité est accompagnée d'un mélange coloré à roches ultra-basiques, blocs exoti(Iues divers et une méga lentille de brèche carbonatée polygénique à grands Foraminifères (Nummulites ?) ; b) au Sud, l'unité de la Markha, un flysch à lentilles de calcaires plus ou moins marmoréens datée de la base du Jurassique moyen et que nons corrélons avec le Oysch de Lamayuru ; - l'unité complexe de Nimaling représente la terminaison occidentale du crist allin de Rupshn (Tso MOI'ari) ; il comprend un socle gneissique, des roches vert.es et une couverture de schistes quartzitiques, quartzites el dolomies. Cet ensemble est intrudé pal' un granite porphyrique et il est surmonté, en contact tectonique, par une épaisse série métamorphique de calcschistes, shales et grès de faciès schistes lustrés, d'âge inconnu; dans ce tte série, on note au moins trois phases de fortes déformaljons superposées (linéations replissées) ; le long de la vallée de la Markha, le style st.ructural évoque, avec des plis isoclinaux de 2" phase à axes verticaux, une « zone de racine" et pourrait également témoigner de mouvements horizontaux importants; - l'édifice des napp es du Zanskar a été subdivisé en trois unités; il surmonte vers le Nord-Est les schistes lustrés du groupe de Langtang et vient buter vers le Sud-Ouest, le long d'un aceident chevauchant, contre la nappe de Zangla (Haut Himalaya). Les séries sédimentaires (Trias - Crétacé supérieur) sont d'affinité téthysienne. De nouvelles datations sont apportées et nous mettons en évidence, directement à l'Est du fleuve Zanskar, la présence de Crétacé sous faciès calcaires multicolores à microfaune planctique ; transgressif sur les grès de Giumal, ce faciès calcaire déhut.e déjà dans l'Alhien supérieur, c'est-à-dire nellement plus tôt que dans les régions plus orientales de l 'Himalaya; - les nappes du Haut Himalaya comprennent du Nord-Est vers le Sud-Ouest la nappe de Zangla qui chevauche par l'intermédiaire d'une semelle de « Panjal Traps » des témoins écaillés de Paléozoïque inférieur, puis la nappe de cristallin. La nappe de Zangla correspond à l'unité qui, à l 'Ouest du Zanskar supporte la klippe ophiolitique de Spongtang.
One of the world's largest wollastonite deposits was formed at the contact of the northern Hunter Mountain Batholith (California, USA) in Paleozoic sediments. Wollastonite occurs as zones of variable thickness surrounding layers or nodules of quartzite in limestones. A minimum formation temperature of 650 degrees C is estimated from isolated periclase-bearing lenses in that area. Contact metamorphism of siliceous carbonates has produced mineral assemblages that are consistent with heterogeneous, and partly limited infiltration of water-rich fluids, compatible with O-18/O-16 and C-13/C-12 isotopic patterns recorded in carbonates. Oxygen isotope compositions of wollastonites in the study area may also not require infiltration of large quantities of externally-derived fluids that were out of equilibrium with the rocks. 8180 values of wollastonite are high (14.8 parts per thousand to 25.0 parts per thousand; median: 19.7 parts per thousand) and close to those of the host limestone (19.7 parts per thousand to 28 parts per thousand; median: 24.9 parts per thousand) and quartz (18.0 parts per thousand. to 29.1 parts per thousand; median: 22.6 parts per thousand). Isotopic disequilibrium exists at quartz/wollastonite and wollastonite/calcite boundaries. Therefore, classical batch/Rayleigh fractionation models based on reactant and product equilibrium are not applicable to the wollastonite rims. An approach that relies on local instantaneous mass balance for the reactants, based on the wollastonite-forming reaction is suggested as an alternative way to model wollastonite reaction rims. This model reproduces many of the measured delta O-18 values of wollastonite reaction rims of the current study to within +/- 1 parts per thousand, even though the wollastonite compositions vary by almost 10 parts per thousand. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix proteins occurs through interactions with integrins that bind to Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripeptides, and syndecan-4, which recognizes the heparin-binding domain of other proteins. Both receptors trigger signaling pathways, including those that activate RhoGTPases such as RhoA and Rac1. This sequence of events modulates cell adhesion to the ECM and cell migration. Using a neuron-astrocyte model, we have reported that the neuronal protein Thy-1 engages αVβ3 integrin and syndecan-4 to induce RhoA activation and strong astrocyte adhesion to their underlying substrate. Thus, because cell-cell interactions and strong cell attachment to the matrix are considered antagonistic to cell migration, we hypothesized that Thy-1 stimulation of astrocytes should preclude cell migration. Here, we studied the effect of Thy-1 expressing neurons on astrocyte polarization and migration using a wound-healing assay and immunofluorescence analysis. Signaling molecules involved were studied by affinity precipitation, western blotting and the usage of specific antibodies. Intriguingly, Thy-1 interaction with its two receptors was found to increase astrocyte polarization and migration. The latter events required interactions of these receptors with both the RGD-like sequence and the heparin-binding domain of Thy-1. Additionally, prolonged Thy-1-receptor interactions inhibited RhoA activation while activating FAK, PI3K and Rac1. Therefore, sustained engagement of integrin and syndecan-4 with the neuronal surface protein Thy-1 induces astrocyte migration. Interestingly we identify here, a cell-cell interaction that despite initially inducing strong cell attachment, favors cell migration upon persistent stimulation by engaging the same signaling receptors and molecules as those utilized by the extracellular matrix proteins to stimulate cell movement.