871 resultados para Effect of mating status and sex


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Objective: the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of two post-polymerisation treatments and different cycles of polymerisation on the cytotoxicity of two denture base resins.Materials and methods: the resins tested were Lucitone 550 and QC 20. Discs of resins were fabricated following the manufacturer's instructions. Lucitone 550 was processed by long cycle or short cycle. The resin QC 20 was processed by reverse cycle or normal cycle. The specimens were divided into groups: (i) post-polymerised in microwave for 3 min at 500 W; (ii) post-polymerised in water-bath at 55 degrees C for 60 min and (iii) without post-polymerisation. Eluates were prepared by placing three discs into a sterile glass vial with 9 ml of Eagle's medium and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hours. L929 cells were seeded into 96 3 well culture plates and DNA synthesis was assessed by H-thymidine incorporation assay.Results: the results were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD test. QC 20 specimens polymerised by the normal cycle and submitted to microwave post-polymerisation were graded as moderately cytotoxic. Similar results were observed for Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle without post-polymerisation. The other experimental groups were graded as not cytotoxic. After water-bath post-polymerisation, specimens of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle produced significantly lower inhibition of DNA synthesis than the other groups.Conclusion: the long cycle increased the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 and water-bath post-polymerisation reduced the cytotoxicity of Lucitone 550 processed by long cycle.


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Objectives. This study compared the residual monomer (RM) in four hard chair-side reline resins (Duraliner II-D, Kooliner-K, Tokuso Rebase Fast-TRF and Ufi Gel hard-UGH) and one heat-polymerized denture base resin (Lucitone 550-L), which was processed using two polymerization cycles (short-LS and long-LL). It was also investigated the effect of two after polymerization treatments on this RM content.Methods. Specimens (n = 18) of each material were produced following the manufacturers' instructions and then divided into three groups. Group I specimens were left untreated (GI-control). Specimens of group II (GII) were given post-polymerization treatment by microwave irradiation. In group III (GIII), specimens were submitted to immersion in water at 55 degrees C (reline resins-10 min; denture base resin L-60min). The RM was analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and expressed as a percentage of RM. Data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05).Results. Comparing control specimens, statistical differences were found among all materials (p < 0.05), and the results can be arranged as K (1.52%) > D (0.85%) > UGH (0.45%) > LL (0.24%) > TRF (0.14%) > LS (0.08%). Immersion in hot water (GIII) promoted a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the RM for all materials evaluated compared to control (GI), with the exception of LL specimens. Materials K, UGH and TRF exhibited significantly (p < 0.05) lower values of RM after microwave irradiation (GII) than in the control specimens.Significance. The reduction in RM promoted by water-bath and microwave post-polymerization treatments could improve the mechanical properties and biocompatibility of the relining and denture base materials. (c) 2006 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of intrapulpal pressure and dentin depth on bond strengths of an etch-and-rinse and a self-etching bonding agent to dentin in vitro and in vivo. Twenty-four pairs of premolars were randomly divided into four groups (n = 6) according to the dentin bonding agent, Single Bond and Clearfil SE Bond, and intrapulpal pressure, null or positive. Each tooth of the pair was further designated to be treated in vivo or in vitro. The intrapulpal pressure was controlled in vivo by the delivery of local anesthetics containing or not a vasoconstrictor, while in vitro, it was achieved by keeping the teeth under hydrostatic pressure. Class I cavities were prepared and the dentin bonding agents were applied followed by incremental resin restoration. For the teeth treated in vitro, the same restorative procedures were performed after a 6 month-storage period. Beams with I mm 2 cross-sectional area were prepared and, microtensile tested. Clearfil SE Bond was not influenced by any of the variables of the study, while bond strengths produced in vitro were significatly higher for Single Bond. Overall, lower bond strengths were produced in deep dentin, which reached statistical significance when Single Bond was applied under physiological or simulated intrapulpal pressure. In conclusion, in vitro bonding may overestimate the immediate adhesive performance of more technique-sensitive dentin bonding systems. The impact of intrapulpal pressure on bond strength seems to be more adhesive dependent than dentin morphological characteristics related to depth. (C) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The purpose of this in vitro study was to evaluate the surface and resin-dentine interface characteristics of permanent tooth dentine cut with diamond or carbide burs and treated with phosphoric acid (PA) or an acidic conditioner. Labial surfaces of permanent incisors were prepared into dentine with high-speed carbide or diamond burs and divided into two halves. Phosphoric acid 36% was applied on one half and non-rinse conditioner (NRC) was applied on the other half. Ten randomly selected scanning electron microscopy (SEM) fields from each specimen (n = 15) were evaluated. Occlusal surfaces of third molars were divided in two halves for evaluation of the resin-dentine interface. The halves were randomly assigned to one of each conditioner and restored with Prime & Bond NT/Spectrum. Ten specimens were analysed by SEM to evaluate hybrid layer formation and interfacial seal. We observed that surfaces prepared with carbide bur presented less residual smear plugs (P < 0.05) than surfaces prepared with diamond burs. Surfaces conditioned with NRC, which is a smear layer modifier, presented more residual smear plugs than surfaces conditioned with PA (P < 0.05). Treatment with PA resulted in more sealed interfaces than specimens treated with NRC. Within the limitations of this study the results showed that carbide burs leave a surface that is more conducive to bonding than diamond burs.


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Statement of problem. The accuracy of assessing maxillomandibular relationships for trial bases and dentures using phonetic and swallowing methods has not been compared to that observed with definitive prostheses. Thus, there is no evidence to prove whether measurements obtained through such methods remain the same after adaptation to dentures.Purpose. This study investigated changes in the closest speaking space, interocclusal rest space, and interocclusal distance during deglutition in edentulous patients during and after complete denture treatment.Material and methods. Eighteen edentulous subjects participated in this study and measurements were performed after 7 Intervals of time: (1) with occlusion rims and record bases following creation of the maxillomandibular relationship record, (2) with trial dentures, (3) at Insertion of definitive complete dentures, (4) 1 week, (5) 2 weeks, (6) 1 month, and (7) 3 months after insertion. Recordings of interocclusal distances were made with a mandibular kinesiograph. Closest speaking space was measured during the pronunciation of the word 'seis'. The distance between postural rest position and centric occlusion, or interocclusal rest space, was measured using a kinesiograph. Interocclusal distance during deglutition was tested by recording the closest mandibular position recorded during swallowing of 20 mL of water. Data were analyzed using repeated-measure ANOVA, followed by the Student-Newman-Keuls test (alpha=.05).Results. A significant (P <.01)reduction in the mean closest speaking space was found when it was evaluated using occlusion rims and record bases (4.6 mm) compared with other stages (3.0 to 3.4 mm). No significant differences were found in mean interocclusal rest space and interocclusal distance during deglutition among the time periods evaluated.Conclusions. The presence of occlusion rims can influence mandibular position during pronunciation of the /s/ sound. The arrangement of artificial teeth changes the closest speaking space. However, rest position and deglutition were not affected, either during denture fabrication or short-term use.


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This trial was conducted to evaluate the effect of Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) on a subsequent challenge with Pasteurella multocida in pigs. Sixteen, 3-4 week-old piglets, from a PRRSv and Aujeszky disease virus (ADV) free herd were used. Animals were equally and randomly allocated in four groups which were treated according the following schedule: Group I: negative controls; Group II: inoculation with only PRRSV; Group III: inoculation with PRRSV and P. multocida; Group IV: inoculation with ADV and multocida (positive controls), PRRSV and ADV were inoculated intranasally, at the doses of 10(4.6) and 10(4.5) TCID50/ml, respectively. Five days later, pigs from groups III and IV were inoculated intranasally, with two ml of a 10(9) CFU/mL suspension of equal parts of P. multocida, strains A52 and A24. No lesions were observed in piglets of group I. Microscopically, interstitial pneumonia was identified in all piglets of groups II and III and 3/4 piglets from group IV. Bronchopneumonia was detected in 3/4 of the piglets from group III and in all animals of group TV which, additionally, showed meningo-encephalitis and purulent rhinitis. Macroscopically, only piglets of groups III and IV had lung consolidation. However, much lower pneumonic scores (2.3%) were observed in group III, where 3 of 4 piglets were affected. on the other hand, all piglets of group IV showed some degree of pulmonary consolidation, with a mean score of 13.7%. Based on these results, it appears that the role of PRRSV as a initiator of secondary diseases is still undefined, but is probably mild, There was no clear interaction between PRRSV and Pasteurella multocida under the conditions and strains tested here. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 1% sodium hypochlorite and five intracanals medications on Candida albicans harvested inside root canals. The contaminated canals were irrigated with sterile saline solution and then treated as follows: (i) filled with Calen paste (calcium hydroxide/glycol polyethylene paste); (ii) filled with camphorated paramonochloro phenol (CPMC); (iii) filled with 2% iodine-iodate solution; (iv) filled with tricresol formalin; (v) filled with Calen and CPMC pastes; (vi) irrigation with 1% sodium hypochlorite and filled with no intracanal medication; and (vii) no intracanal medication was used. Canal access and the apical foramen were then sealed with Cavit and the roots were stored in a humid chamber at 37 +/- 1 degreesC for 14 days. The canals were reinstrumented and irrigated with sterile saline solution. Sterile paper points were used to transfer the root canal contents to test tubes containing sterile saline solution. Part of the suspension was harvested in Sabouraud dextrose agar with chloramphenicol and incubated at 37 +/- 1 degreesC for 48 h, CPMC was effective in 100% of the samples followed in decreasing order of effectiveness by calcium hydroxide with CPMC (70% effective), 1% sodium hypochlorite (70% effective) (p < 0.05), tricresol formalin (60% effective), 2% iodine-iodate solution (50% effective), calcium hydroxide paste (30% effective), and saline + no intracanal medication.


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The analysis of the effect of soil water matric potential and temperature regimes on the inactivation of chlamydospores of Phytophthora nicotianae in cabbage amended soils was evaluated using three matric potentials (0, -10, and -30 kPa), temperature regimes of 1.5 h at 44 degreesC, 5 h at 41 degreesC and 8 h at 35 degreesC, or 3 h at 47 degreesC, 5 h at 44 degreesC and 8 h at 35 degreesC, with a baseline temperature of 25 degreesC during the rest of the day. The results indicated that survival of P. nicotianae was lowest in saturated soil; and as temperature increased, survival of the pathogen decreased at all soil water matric potentials evaluated. Cabbage amendments can enhance the effect of the heat treatment, further decreasing the pathogen population. The soil water matric potentials evaluated represent optimum levels for the study of thermal inactivation. However, under field conditions lower potentials may be found. Extending the range of soil water matric potentials and the treatment time would allow better comparisons with the field data. There is a clear indication that one irrigation period prior to solarization would provide enough moisture to inactivate the primary inoculum of P. nicotianae in the top soil under field conditions; however, other factors may affect the effectiveness of solarization, reducing or enhancing its potential.