443 resultados para Eccentricity


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We compare a new mid-Pleistocene sea surface temperature (SST) record from the eastern tropical Atlantic to changes in continental ice volume, orbital insolation, Atlantic deepwater ventilation, and Southern Ocean front positions to resolve forcing mechanisms of tropical Atlantic SST during the mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT). At the onset of the MPT, a strong tropical cooling occurred. The change from a obliquity- to a eccentricity-dominated cyclicity in the tropical SST took place at about 650 kyr BP. In orbital cycles, tropical SST changes significantly preceded continental ice-volume changes but were in phase with movements of Southern Ocean fronts. After the onset of large-amplitude 100-kyr variations, additional late glacial warming in the eastern tropical Atlantic was caused by enhanced return flow of warm waters from the western Atlantic driven by strong trade winds. Pronounced 80-kyr variations in tropical SST occurred during the MPT, in phase with and likely directly forced by transitional continental ice-volume variations. During the MPT, a prominent anomalous long-term tropical warming occurred, likely generated by extremely northward displaced Southern Ocean fronts. While the overall pattern of global climate variability during the MPT was determined by changes in mean state and frequency of continental ice volume variations, tropical Atlantic SST variations were primarily driven by early changes in Subantarctic sea-ice extent and coupled Southern Ocean frontal positions.


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New values for the astronomical parameters of the Earth's orbit and rotation (eccentricity, obliquity and precession) are proposed for paleoclimatic research related to the Late Miocene, the Pliocene and the Quaternary. They have been obtained from a numerical solution of the Lagrangian system of the planetary point masses and from an analytical solution of the Poisson equations of the Earth-Moon system. The analytical expansion developed in this paper allows the direct determination of the main frequencies with their phase and amplitude. Numerical and analytical comparisons with the former astronomical solution BER78 are performed so that the accuracy and the interval of time over which the new solution is valid can be estimated. The corresponding insolation values have also been computed and compared to the former ones. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the new values are expected to be reliable over the last 5 Ma in the time domain and at least over the last 10 Ma in the frequency domain.


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The astronomical-tuned time scale is rapidly extended into the Paleogene but, due to the existence of an Eocene gap, different tuning options had to be presented for the Paleocene. These options differ both in number and tuning of ~405-kyr eccentricity related cycles and are only partially consistent with recalculated 40Ar/39Ar constraints for the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) and Paleocene/Eocene (P/E) boundaries. In this paper, we evaluate the cyclostratigraphic interpretation of records from ODP Leg 198 and 208 sites, and the Zumaia section to solve the problem of the different tuning options. We found that the interval between the K/Pg boundary and the early Late Paleocene biotic event (ELPE) comprises 17 instead of 16 * ~405-kyr eccentricity related cycles as previously proposed, while the entire Paleocene contains 25 * ~405-kyr cycles. Starting from 40Ar/39Ar age constraints for the K/Pg boundary, a new tuning to 405-kyr eccentricity is presented for the Paleocene and earliest Eocene, which results in ages of ~66.0 and ~ 56.0 Ma for the K/Pg and P/E boundaries, respectively. This tuning introduces considerable differences in age for a number of nannofossil events at ODP Sites 1209 and 1262 in the interval between 61 and 63 Ma, but eliminates large and abrupt changes in the seafloor spreading rate. The tuning seems further consistent with recalculated 40Ar/39Ar ages for ash layer -17 of early Eocene age. However, despite this apparent consistency with existing radio-isotopic constraints, an alternative 405-kyr younger or, less likely, older tuning cannot be excluded at this stage.


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Short-term spectral analysis was carried out on geochemical logging data from ODP Site 704. The FFT was used to compute the amplitude spectra of short-term overlapping segments to produce depth-period-amplitude spectrograms of the logging data. The spectrograms provided a means of evaluating the significance of the observed periodic components. The periodic components that were consistently present and prominent across a given record interval were considered to be significant. Changes in the spectrogram characteristics seem to reflect changes in either lithology, sedimentation rates, or hiatuses and may therefore provide useful information to aid in stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental studies. The dominant periodicity during the late Pleistocene and Brunhes Chron (0.97 to 0.47 Ma) was determined to be > 100,000 yr whereas the upper Matuyama Chron was dominated by the 41,000-yr periodicity. These periodicities suggest that the sedimentation patterns within the upper Matuyama Chron (0.98-1.78 Ma) were influenced by the Milankovitch obliquity cycle and those within the latest Matuyama-Brunhes Chron (<0.98 Ma) by the eccentricity cycle. The Brunhes/Matuyama boundary therefore represents a major discontinuity. Periodicities observed within the lower Matuyama and the upper Gauss Chron did not correlate with any of the periodicities within the Milankovitch frequency bands.


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Time series analyses of atmospheric and oceanic variables in a late Pleistocene record from the northwest Pacific show the complex relationship of the response of various segments of the climate system to changes in the earth's orbit. Most variance spectra of time series from this subarctic record contain frequency peaks with periods corresponding to at least one of the major orbital components of eccentricity, obliquity, or precession. Although the radiolarian faunal (water mass) assemblages have prominent spectral peaks with 41,000-year periods which are coherent with obliquity at this frequency, only the Transitional faunal assemblage contains variance focused at a frequency corresponding to the 100,000-year period of eccentricity. Three of these faunal time series also show variance concentrated at a frequency with a 20,000-year period. These three time series are not coherent at a 20,000-year frequency with either of the dominant spectral peaks of precession. They are coherent, however, with variations in the second harmonic of the obliquity cycle. Changes in obliquity apparently affect siliceous faunal abundances in the northwest Pacific region of this high-latitude site more than variations in eccentricity or precession. Maxima in the time series of quartz abundance occur during low values of eccentricity and high glacial ice volume. Because atmospheric winds serve as the major source of supply of quartz to the sediments at this site, these high quartz values reflect increased aridity at the source region. Except for short periods during interglacials, the characteristics of the surface waters in this region of the subarctic Pacific during much of the last 460,000 years were similar to those which exist today in the Sea of Okhotsk. The spectrum of winter sea surface temperature estimates, derived from siliceous microfaunal abundances, contains dominant frequency peaks at periods of 100,000, 41,000, and 23,000 years which are coherent with eccentricity, obliquity, and precession, respectively. Based upon the relationship of the Subarctic Front with the dominance of specific faunal asemblages, the front was positioned south of its present-day location throughout much of the late Pleistocene.


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The first well logs collected below the Antarctic circle were obtained during Leg 113 at Site 693 on the Dronning Maud Land Margin (Antarctica) in the Weddell Sea. Gamma-ray, resistivity, and sonic logs were collected between 108.0 and 439.0 mbsf. The downhole logs show good agreement with the data collected from cores and provide a continuous measurement of the sedimentary record. These continuous log records show that the rather uniform Tertiary lithology seen in cores is characterized by high-frequency variability in the log data. Several thin hard streaks are identified, the largest of which coincides with a major Miocene hiatus. Associated with this hiatus is a change to lower illite content (and correspondingly lower gamma-ray counts) and to a significant increase in diatom content. Spectral analysis of the logs was performed on the lower Pliocene through upper Oligocene interval (108.0-343.0 mbsf). Between 108.0 and 245.0 mbsf, average sedimentation rates (50 and 26 m/m.y.) are high enough to show that variance is present in the orbital eccentricity (~95 k.y.) and obliquity (~41 k.y.) bands. Between 253.0 and 343.0 mbsf, the sedimentation rate (8 m/m.y.) is too low to resolve high frequency variations. The Milankovitch frequencies are best developed in the resistivity logs. Resistivity is responding to changes in porosity, which in these sediments is controlled by the abundance of biosiliceous sediments, particularly diatoms. The orbital forcing suggested by the Milankovitch frequencies may be influencing diatom productivity by inducing oscillations in upwelling, ice coverage, pack ice, and/or polynya. Although variations in diatom abundance were observed in the cores, they were not attributed to a Milankovitch signal, and therefore in this environment, downhole logs are an important contribution to the detection and understanding of orbitally influenced changes in sedimentation.


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An orbital floating time scale of the Hauterivian-Barremian transition (Early Cretaceous) is proposed using high-resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements. Orbital tuning was performed on the Río Argos section (southeast Spain), the candidate for a Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Hauterivian-Barremian transition. Spectral analyses of MS variations, coupled with the frequency ratio method, allow the recognition of precession, obliquity and eccentricity frequency bands. Orbitally-tuned magnetic susceptibility provides minimum durations for ammonite biozones. The durations of well-constrained ammonite zones are assessed at 0.78 myr for Pseudothurmannia ohmi (Late Hauterivian) and 0.57 myr for Taveraidiscus hugii (Early Barremian). These results are consistent with previous estimates from the other reference section (Angles, southeast France) and tend to show that the Río Argos section displays a complete succession for this time interval. They differ significantly from those proposed in the Geologic Time Scale 2008 and may help to improve the next compilation. The Faraoni Oceanic Anoxic Event, a key Early Cretaceous oceanographic perturbation occurring at the P. ohmi/P. catulloi subzone boundary has a duration estimated at 0.10-0.15 myr, which is similar to previous assessments.


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Late Pleistocene signals of calcium carbonate, organic carbon, and opaline silica concentration and accumulation are documented in a series of cores from a zonal/meridional/depth transect in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean to reconstruct the regional sedimentary history. Spectral analysis reveals that maxima and minima in biogenous sedimentation occur with glacial-interglacial cyclicity as a function of both (1) primary production at the sea surface modulated by orbitally forced variation in trade wind zonality and (2) destruction at the seafloor by variation in the chemical character of advected intermediate and deep water from high latitudes modulated by high-latitude ice volume. From these results a pattern emerges in which the relative proportion of signal variance from the productivity signal centered on the precessional (23 kyr) band decreases while that of the destruction signal centered on the obliquity (41 kyr) and eccentricity (100 kyr) periods increases below ~3600-m ocean depth.


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One of the most enigmatic features of Cenozoic long-term climate evolution is the long-lasting positive carbon-isotope excursion or "Monterey Excursion", which started during a period of global warmth after 16.9 Ma and ended at not, vert, similar 13.5 Ma, approximately 400 kyr after major expansion of the Antarctic ice-sheet. We present high-resolution (1-9 kyr) astronomically-tuned climate proxy records in two complete sedimentary successions from the northwestern and southeastern Pacific (ODP Sites 1146 and 1237), which shed new light on the middle Miocene carbon-isotope excursion and associated climatic transition over the interval 17.1-12.7 Ma. We recognize three distinct climate phases with different imprints of orbital variations into the climatic signals (1146 and 1237 d18O, d13C; 1237 XRF Fe, fraction > 63 µm): (1) climate optimum prior to 14.7 Ma characterized by minimum ice volume and prominent 100 and 400 kyr variability, (2) long-term cooling from 14.7 to 13.9 Ma, principally driven by obliquity and culminating with rapid cryosphere expansion and global cooling at the onset of the last and most pronounced d13C increase, (3) "Icehouse" mode after 13.9 Ma with distinct 100 kyr variability and improved ventilation of the deep Pacific. The "Monterey" carbon-isotope excursion (16.9-13.5 Ma) consists overall of nine 400 kyr cycles, which show high coherence with the long eccentricity period. Superposed on these low-frequency oscillations are high-frequency variations (100 kyr), which closely track the amplitude modulation of the short eccentricity period. In contrast to d13C, the d18O signal additionally shows significant power in the 41 kyr band, and the 1.2 Myr amplitude modulation of the obliquity cycle is clearly imprinted in the 1146 d18O signal. Our results suggest that eccentricity was a prime pacemaker of middle Miocene climate evolution through the modulation of long-term carbon budgets and that obliquity-paced changes in high-latitude seasonality favored the transition into the "Icehouse" climate.


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The early Eocene represents a time of major changes in the global carbon cycle and fluctuations in global temperatures on both short- and long-time scales. These perturbations of the ocean-atmosphere system have been linked to orbital forcing and changes in net organic carbon burial, but accurate age models are required to disentangle the various forcing mechanisms and assess causal relationships. Discrepancies between the employed astrochronological and radioisotopic dating techniques prevent the construction of a robust time frame between ~49 and ~54 Ma. Here we present an astronomically tuned age model for this critical time period based on a new high-resolution benthic d13C record of ODP Site 1263, SE Atlantic. First, we assess three possible tuning options to the stable long-eccentricity cycle (405-kyr), starting from Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2, ~54 Ma). Next we compare our record to the existing bulk carbonate d13C record from the equatorial Atlantic (Demerara Rise, ODP Site 1258) to evaluate our three initial age models and compare them with alternative age models previously established for this site. Finally, we refine our preferred age model by expanding our tuning to the 100-kyr eccentricity cycle of the La2010d solution. This solution appears to accurately reflect the long- and short-term eccentricity-related patterns in our benthic d13C record of ODP Site 1263 back to at least 52 Ma and possibly to 54 Ma. Our time scale not only aims to provide a new detailed age model for this period, but it may also serve to enhance our understanding of the response of the climate system to orbital forcing during this super greenhouse period as well as trends in its background state.


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Carbon-isotope stratigraphy has proven to be a powerful tool in the global correlation of Cretaceous successions. Here we present new, high-resolution carbon-isotope records for the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) of the Maastrichtian stage at Tercis les Bains (France), the Bottaccione and Contessa sections at Gubbio (Italy), and the coastal sections at Norfolk (UK) to provide a global d13C correlation between shelf-sea and oceanic sites. The new d13C records are correlated with d13C-stratigraphies of the boreal chalk sea (Trunch borehole, Norfolk, UK, Lägerdorf-Kronsmoor-Hemmoor section, northern Germany, Stevns-1 core, Denmark), the tropical Pacific (ODP-Hole 1210B, Shatsky Rise) and the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean (DSDP Hole 525A, ODP Hole 690C) by using an assembled Gubbio d13C record as a reference curve. The global correlation allows the identification of significant high-frequency d13C variations that occur superimposed on prominent Campanian-Maastrichtian events, namely the Late Campanian Event (LCE), the Campanian-Maastrichtian Boundary Event (CMBE), the mid-Maastrichtian Event (MME), and the Cretaceous-Paleogene transition (KPgE). The carbon-isotope events are correlated with the geomagnetic polarity scale recalculated using the astronomical 40Ar/39Ar calibration of the Fish Canyon sanidine. This technique allows the evaluation of the relative timing of base occurrences of stratigraphic index fossils such as ammonites, planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils. Furthermore, the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary, as defined in the stratotype at Tercis, can be precisely positioned relative to carbon-isotope stratigraphy and the geomagnetic polarity timescale. The average value for the age of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary is 72.1 ± 0.1 Ma, estimated by three independent approaches that utilize the Fish Canyon sanidine calibration and Option 2 of the Maastrichtian astronomical timescale. The CMBE covers a time span of 2.5 Myr and reflects changes in the global carbon cycle probably related to tectonic processes than to glacioeustasy. The duration of the high-frequency d13C variations instead coincides with the frequency band of long eccentricity, indicative of orbital forcing of changes in climate and the global carbon cycle.


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We examine rock-magnetic, carbonate, and planktonic foraminiferal fluxes to identify climatically controlled changes of terrigenous and pelagic sedimentation at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 646 (the Labrador Sea). Terrigenous sediments are brought to the site principally by bottom currents. We use a rock-magnetic parameter sensitive to changes in magnetic mineral grain size, the ratio of anhysteretic susceptibility to low-field magnetic susceptibility (XARM/X), to monitor changes in bottom-current intensity over time, with large values of XARM/X (finer-grained magnetic minerals) indicating weaker bottom currents. A second rock-magnetic parameter, magnetic mineral accumulation rate (KaT) was used to indicate variations in terrigenous flux. Planktonic foraminiferal and carbonate accumulation rates (Pfar and CaC03ar) are used as indicators of pelagic flux. Absolute age assignments are based on correlation between the planktonic foraminiferal oxygen-isotope variations for Site 646 and the SPECMAP master oxygen-isotope curve. Cross-correlation analyses of the parameters that we studied with respect to the SPECMAP curve suggest that from oxygen-isotope stages 21 to 11, sedimentation rate, KaT, X, CaCO3ar, and Pfar were at their maximums, whereas XARM/X was at its minimum during peak interglacials (i.e., 0 k.y. lag time with respect to minimum ice volume). However, all parameters we examined lag behind minimum ice volume from stages 11 to 1, indicating a change in timing of both pelagic and terrigenous fluxes at approximately 400 k.y. BP. The negative correlation coefficient between XARM/X and the SPECMAP curve further suggest that finer-grained magnetic minerals are deposited during glacial periods, which probably reflects weaker bottom currents. The shift observed in the lag times of parameters examined with respect to the SPECMAP record is attributed to a change in significance of orbital parameters. Spectral results exhibit strong power in eccentricity (about 100 k.y.) throughout the record. Kap X, CaCO3flr, and Pfar show significant power in obliquity (about 41 k.y.), whereas XARM/X shows significant power at 73 k.y. from stages 21 to 11. The 73-k.y. period in XARM/X is near the difference tone of obliquity and eccentricity: 1/43-1/102 = 1/69. Kar and XARM/X show power only in eccentricity from stages 11 to 1. X and Pfar show significant power in precession (about 18 and 22 k.y.) whereas CaC03ar has power at 34 k.y, which could be a combination of precession and obliquity. The shift in power of orbital parameters may by attributed to the effect of the about 413-k.y. signal of eccentricity.


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We report on diatom abundance and preservation stratigraphy in the uppermost four cores of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 806B, which span the Quaternary period. Changes in diatom abundance and preservation show a rather complicated pattern, with much noise at high frequencies. However, in the cycles corresponding to eccentricity and obliquity variations, the picture is quite clear. Abundance and preservation follow glacial-interglacial cycles, with lowest abundances and poorest preservation observed in sediments that correspond to glacial stages. Seventy taxa compose the diatom assemblage of Hole 806B (from Samples 130-806B-1H-1, 8-9 cm, to -4H-7, 73-74 cm) with Azpeitia nodulifera as the dominant member. This species exhibits significant size variations related to glacial and interglacial stages during the Pleistocene. The distribution of power in the Fourier spectrum of the diatom signal (in the time domain) displays the expected Milankovitch frequencies (at 100,41, and 24-18 k.y.). It also shows concentration at various "odd" frequencies, especially at 62 k.y., suggesting a complicated response of productivity (and silicate chemistry) to climatic forcing.


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The Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-OAE) of the early Jurassic period involves one of the largest perturbations of the carbon cycle in the past 250 Ma, recorded by a pronounced negative carbon-isotope excursion (CIE). Numerous studies have focused on potential causes of the T-OAE and CIE, but are hampered by an uncertain timescale. Here we present high-resolution (~2 kyr) magnetic susceptibility (MS) measurements from the marine marls of the Sancerre-Couy drill-core, southern Paris Basin, spanning the entire Toarcian Stage. The MS variations document a rich series of sub-Milankovitch to Milankovitch frequencies (precession, obliquity and eccentricity) with the periodic g2-g5 (405 kyr) and quasi-periodic g4-g3 (~2.4 Myr Cenozoic mean periodicity) eccentricity terms being the most prominent. The MS-related g4-g3 variation reflects third-order eustatic sequences, and constrains the sequence stratigraphic framework of the Toarcian Stage. In addition, MS variations reveal a modulation of g2-g5 by g4-g3 eccentricity related cycles, suggesting that sea-level change was the main control on the deposition of the Toarcian Sancerre marls, in tune with the astro-climatic frequencies. The stable 405 kyr cyclicity constrains a minimum duration of the Toarcian Stage to ~8.3 Myr, and the well documented CIE, associated with the T-OAE, to ~300 to 500 kyr. The 405 kyr MS timescale calibrates the periodicity of the prominent high-frequency d13C cycles that occur in the decreasing part of the CIE to 30 to 34 kyr, consistent with the Toarcian obliquity period predicted for an Earth experiencing sustained tidal dissipation.