El presente ensayo intenta explorar los procesos económicos, políticos y sociales ocurridos en la década de mil novecientos noventa en Cuba. El análisis de estos procesos intenta explicar la victoria de la Revolución cubana sobre los procesos de globalización neoliberal, impuestos en América Latina. Se abordan, también, las temáticas en torno al papel de Cuba en los nuevos procesos políticos latinoamericanos, la salida de Fidel Castro del gobierno y el papel de la gente joven en la consolidación del proyecto revolucionario cubano.
El libro de Emilio Crenzel aborda, en primer lugar, la sociogénesis de la Comisión Nacional sobre la Desaparición de Personas (CONADEP). La investigación reconstruye los diversos conflictos a los que estuvo expuesta en su origen y el proceso de trabajo de la Comisión, creada al iniciar la presidencia de Raúl Alfonsín, el 15 de diciembre de 1983. En segundo término, la pesquisa escudriña cuál ha sido el recorrido por el cual el libro Nunca Más, producto del informe de esa Comisión, se ha constituido en un relato objetivado en torno de la evocación de las desapariciones forzadas y de la violencia política que tuvo lugar en Argentina,entre 1976 y 1983.
Según como se ha indicado en el número anterior la revista Temas de Nuestra América en su nueva época continuará como una publicación semestral, inscrita en el hacer del Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica; orientada a la difusión del conocimiento y de la producción que se genera sobre América Latina y desde ella, con una visión humanística y latinoamericanista, enfocada en los ejes temáticos en los cuales se sustenta la labor académica del IDELA: identidad, cultura, desarrollo humano y derechos humanos.
Nos sentimos honrados de presentarles Temas de Nuestra América. Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Nueva época, No. 47. El recorrido que iniciamos nos lleva por diversas latitudes de nuestro Continente, gracias a la colaboración intelectual de nuestros colegas, cuya presencia nos honra al inaugurar este período. Mantenemos la estructura que iniciamos en el número anterior e iniciamos nuestro itinerario con Reflexionar desde Nuestra América, sección que recoge artículos y ensayos.
Temas de nuestra américa No. 48, Nueva Época, se complace iniciar este número, en el apartado Reflexionar sobre América Latina, sección de Arte, Cultura e Identidad, con el trabajo de la profesora y filóloga, Mónica Perea Anda, titulado La literatura de mediados del siglo XX (1950-1970). Un ojo desnudo que observa a América Latina diferente.
This essay analyzes on the origin and impact of the amendment process currently undertaken by the Cuban government authorities considering it as the result of --what I call-- super structural imbalance. Such imbalance is caused by the application of the System for Management and Planning of the Economy. To our judgment, the process of amendment both structurally and super structurally conforms the new phase in the construction of the Socialism in the island from a coherent point of view to what it has been until now as a political constant of the revolution: the vindication of the human being as the promoter of its historical reality.
Considering the wide implications of global warming it is evident the need, not only of diminishing the energy consumption patterns, but of diversifying to “sustainable” energy resources. Moreover, within the frame of national security, this requires tore-think the managing and use of available resources, because any change of the energy paradigm will depend, at least at the beginning, on fossil energy.Considering the above, the following paper opens a discussion about energy, entropy and the limits of economic growth, following the premises of the school of ecological economics. It offers several empirical data about the situation of the current energy pattern, mostly about its socio-environmental aspects. The paper ends discussing the characteristics and limitations of the main available alternative energies; meanwhile it highlights the relevance of contemporary patterns of territorial organization. It concludes pointing out the inherent need of diminishing the type and rhythm of current energy consumption.
This essay analyzes on the importance of TeleSur TV Station (founded in 2005), in the historical context of the development of audio-visual means of communication in Latin America, as well as the debates about the influence of mass media in the process of cultural identity raising-up. It proposes the thesis that the project of Tele- Sur plays a key role in the shaping of a new international order on communication that allows the protection of the cultural diversity of Latin American nations and democratizes the world’s information flows in the neoliberal globalization stage.
This paper shows results of the project on Alfabetización crítica en la cultura escolar: Cultura política en la educación secundaria costarricense, currently being developed at the División de Educología, Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. The first phase of this research refers to the aim to know more about the reaction of high school students dealing in the traditional authoritarian type school. There are evidences that a repressive and excluding scholar institution does not promote the integral development of the students. This new phase of the project gathers also the voice of teachers. Through the action-research methodology teachers are accompanied and encouraged into a process of deep thinking on those problematic aspects of the school environment. Our main objective is to compare the opinions between students and teachers. experiencias de investigación en la secundaria: una visión desde adentro
La modernidad se ha promocionado a sí misma como la dadora de la razón y la libertad. No obstante, si revisamos la historia de América Latina después de la Conquista, nos daremos cuenta de que si algo faltó fue libertad. Por ello, al releer el Discurso del método podemos encontramos varias pistas con las cuales ayudarnos a explicar el origen de la colonialidad en las Tierras de Américo. ResumoPromocionao modernidade temse como um doador de razao e liberdade. No entanto, ao rever a história da América Latina, depois da Conquista, é claro que, se algo estava faltando era a liberdade. Relendo o Discurso do Método, encontramos várias faixas que ajudam a explicar a origem da colonialidade en terras da América.
This article shows results of a research regarding the scholar work of men and women in the fields of science and technology at the Universidad Nacional. This qualitative analysis research was based on the narratives of female and male scholars interviewed in 2006 and 2007. The objective of this project was to explain and to understand the unequal participation and differences in scientific production between sexes that holds a 35/65 ratio in favor to men. This paper intends to contribute to a process of making sexist practices visible, as means to assess what has been done and what still lays ahead as a necessary step for advancing policies on gender equality at the University. This article marks an end to the series of our research project report on gender-related issues first published on Temas 47 regarding female and male participation in science.
This text questions what it means to be black women in the context of inequity and the multiple forms of violence suffered in Colombian society. It argues that the analysis on black women situation, gender categories are insufficient. Instead, it declares as necessary an analysis that also articulates categories such as ethnicity / race, class, and sexual orientation, questioning these categories while at the same time giving new significance from the specific experiences of women and black communities are given. The text places in tension a universalistic view of feminism and the traditional left. It also explores the reasons for the poverty of the black population especially in the Colombian Pacific region, the institutional emergence of women´s organizations in the same region an examines the "ethnization" of Pacific communities in the context of regulation of article 55 of the Constitution of 1991. Finally, the article ends by showing how oppression has many faces for the black population, especially for black women.
The proposal of this paper is to build some “word pictures” of the contemporary resistance ways of Bolivian women, exemplified in stories of practices that occurred in conflicting events in the city of El Alto. The images are described in order to show the transformation of their actions, accompanied by stories that alsoshow the disruptive of their participation in the daily political work. This ethnographic exercise ends with a reflection of El Alto women who participated in the blockade of the city in October 2003.
This article presents the results of a participant action research applied in a High School in Heredia, in which the life experiences and voices of the involved students are taking into account. Moreover, their critics towards formal education and its curricular organization lead to a proposal on alternative school experiences that can be called a paralleled curriculum. This type of curriculum breaks up with the Costa Rican public high school official curriculum by inserting the students’ ways of being and doing.
Entrevista con Alberto R. Coll, subsecretario de defensa durante la administración de George H. Bush (1990-1993) sobre temas de política internacional