976 resultados para ENCODING OATP1B1


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The core oligosaccharide Glc3Man9GlcNAc2 is assembled at the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum on the lipid carrier dolichyl pyrophosphate and transferred to selected asparagine residues of nascent polypeptide chains. This transfer is catalyzed by the oligosaccharyl transferase complex. Based on the synthetic phenotype of the oligosaccharyl transferase mutation wbp1 in combination with a deficiency in the assembly pathway of the oligosaccharide in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have identified the novel ALG9 gene. We conclude that this locus encodes a putative mannosyl transferase because deletion of the gene led to accumulation of lipid-linked Man6GlcNAc2 in vivo and to hypoglycosylation of secreted proteins. Using an approach combining genetic and biochemical techniques, we show that the assembly of the lipid-linked core oligosaccharide in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum occurs in a stepwise fashion.


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In pollen development, a dramatic reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton takes place during the passage of the pollen grain into dormancy and on activation of pollen tube growth. A role for actin-binding proteins is implicated and we report here the identification of a small gene family in maize that encodes actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)-like proteins. The ADF group of proteins are believed to control actin polymerization and depolymerization in response to both intracellular and extracellular signals. Two of the maize genes ZmABP1 and ZmABP2 are expressed specifically in pollen and germinating pollen suggesting that the protein products may be involved in pollen actin reorganization. A third gene, ZmABP3, encodes a protein only 56% and 58% identical to ZmABP1 and ZmABP2, respectively, and its expression is suppressed in pollen and germinated pollen. The fundamental biochemical characteristics of the ZmABP proteins has been elucidated using bacterially expressed ZmABP3 protein. This has the ability to bind monomeric actin (G-actin) and filamentous actin (F-actin). Moreover, it decreases the viscosity of polymerized actin solutions consistent with an ability to depolymerize filaments. These biochemical characteristics, taken together with the sequence comparisons, support the inclusion of the ZmABP proteins in the ADF group.


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PCR was used to isolate nucleotide sequences that may encode novel members of the neuropeptide Y receptor family. By use of a PCR product as a hybridization probe, a full-length human cDNA was isolated that encodes a 375-aa protein with a predicted membrane topology identifying it as a member of the G-protein-coupled receptor superfamily. After stable transfection of the cDNA into human embryonic kidney 293 cells, the receptor exhibited high affinity (Kd = 2.8 nM) for 125I-labeled human pancreatic polypeptide (PP). Competition binding studies in whole cells indicated the following rank order of potency: human PP = bovine PP > or = human [Pro34]peptide YY > rat PP > human peptide YY = human neuropeptide Y. Northern blot analysis revealed that human PP receptor mRNA is most abundantly expressed in skeletal muscle and, to a lesser extent, in lung and brain tissue. A rat cDNA clone encoding a high-affinity PP receptor that is 74% identical to the human PP receptor at the amino acid level was also isolated. These receptor clones will be useful in elucidating the functional role of PP and designing selective PP receptor agonists and antagonists.


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The translocation t(10;11)(p13;q14) is a recurring chromosomal abnormality that has been observed in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia as well as acute myeloid leukemia. We have recently reported that the monocytic cell line U937 has a t(10;11)(p13;q14) translocation. Using a combination of positional cloning and candidate gene approach, we cloned the breakpoint and were able to show that AF10 is fused to a novel gene that we named CALM (Clathrin Assembly Lymphoid Myeloid leukemia gene) located at 11q14. AF10, a putative transcription factor, had recently been cloned as one of the fusion partners of MLL. CALM has a very high homology in its N-terminal third to the murine ap-3 gene which is one of the clathrin assembly proteins. The N-terminal region of ap-3 has been shown to bind to clathrin and to have a high-affinity binding site for phosphoinositols. The identification of the CALM/AF10 fusion gene in the widely used U937 cell line will contribute to our understanding of the malignant phenotype of this line.


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A human cDNA encoding a protein homologous to the Escherichia coli DNA topoisomerase I subfamily of enzymes has been identified through cloning and sequencing. Expressing the cloned human cDNA in yeast (delta)top1 cells lacking endogenous DNA topoisomerase I yielded an activity in cell extracts that specifically reduces the number of supercoils in a highly negatively supercoiled DNA. On the basis of these results, the human gene containing the cDNA sequence has been denoted TOP3, and the protein it encodes has been denoted DNA topoisomerase III. Screening of a panel of human-rodent somatic hybrids and fluorescence in situ hybridization of cloned TOP3 genomic DNA to metaphase chromosomes indicate that human TOP3 is a single-copy gene located at chromosome 17p11.2-12.


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Parental origin-specific alterations of chromosome 11p15 in human cancer suggest the involvement of one or more maternally expressed imprinted genes involved in embryonal tumor suppression and the cancer-predisposing Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). The gene encoding cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57KIP2, whose overexpression causes G1 phase arrest, was recently cloned and mapped to this band. We find that the p57KIP2 gene is imprinted, with preferential expression of the maternal allele. However, the imprint is not absolute, as the paternal allele is also expressed at low levels in most tissues, and at levels comparable to the maternal allele in fetal brain and some embryonal tumors. The biochemical function, chromosomal location, and imprinting of the p57KIP2 gene match the properties predicted for a tumor suppressor gene at 11p15.5. However, as the p57KIP2 gene is 500 kb centromeric to the gene encoding insulin-like growth factor 2, it is likely to be part of a large domain containing other imprinted genes. Thus, loss of heterozygosity or loss of imprinting might simultaneously affect several genes at this locus that together contribute to tumor and/or growth- suppressing functions that are disrupted in BWS and embryonal tumors.


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Although mitochondrial DNA is known to encode a limited number (<20) of the polypeptide components of respiratory complexes I, III, IV, and V, genes for components of complex II [succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone); succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC] are conspicuously lacking in mitochondrial genomes so far characterized. Here we show that the same three subunits of complex II are encoded in the mitochondrial DNA of two phylogenetically distant eukaryotes, Porphyra purpurea (a photosynthetic red alga) and Reclinomonas americana (a heterotrophic zooflagellate). These complex II genes, sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4, are homologs, respectively, of Escherichia coli sdhB, sdhC, and sdhD. In E. coli, sdhB encodes the iron-sulfur subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), whereas sdhC and sdhD specify, respectively, apocytochrome b558 and a hydrophobic 13-kDa polypeptide, which together anchor SDH to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Amino acid sequence similarities indicate that sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4 were originally encoded in the protomitochondrial genome and have subsequently been transferred to the nuclear genome in most eukaryotes. The data presented here are consistent with the view that mitochondria constitute a monophyletic lineage.


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Mapping the insertion points of 16 signature-tagged transposon mutants on the Salmonella typhimurium chromosome led to the identification of a 40-kb virulence gene cluster at minute 30.7. This locus is conserved among all other Salmonella species examined but is not present in a variety of other pathogenic bacteria or in Escherichia coli K-12. Nucleotide sequencing of a portion of this locus revealed 11 open reading frames whose predicted proteins encode components of a type III secretion system. To distinguish between this and the type III secretion system encoded by the inv/spa invasion locus known to reside on a pathogenicity island, we refer to the inv/spa locus as Salmonella pathogenicity island (SPI) 1 and the new locus as SPI2. SPI2 has a lower G+C content than that of the remainder of the Salmonella genome and is flanked by genes whose products share greater than 90% identity with those of the E. coli ydhE and pykF genes. Thus SPI2 was probably acquired horizontally by insertion into a region corresponding to that between the ydhE and pykF genes of E. coli. Virulence studies of SPI2 mutants have shown them to be attenuated by at least five orders of magnitude compared with the wild-type strain after oral or intraperitoneal inoculation of mice.


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An entire gene encoding wheat (var. Hard Red Winter Tam 107) acetyl-CoA carboxylase [ACCase; acetyl-CoA:carbon-dioxide ligase (ADP-forming), EC] has been cloned and sequenced. Comparison of the 12-kb genomic sequence with the 7.4-kb cDNA sequence reported previously revealed 29 introns. Within the coding region, the exon sequence is 98% identical to the known wheat cDNA sequence. A second ACCase gene was identified by sequencing fragments of genomic clones that include the first two exons and the first intron. Additional transcripts were detected by 5' and 3' RACE analysis (rapid amplification of cDNA ends). One set of transcripts had a 5' end sequence identical to the cDNA found previously and another set was identical to the gene reported here. The 3' RACE clones fall into four distinguishable sequence sets, bringing the number of ACCase sequences to six. None of these cDNA or genomic clones encodes a chloroplast targeting signal. Identification of six different sequences suggests that either the cytosolic ACCase genes are duplicated in the three chromosome sets in hexaploid wheat or that each of the six alleles of the cytosolic ACCase gene has a readily distinguishable DNA sequence.


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In rats and humans, metabolic acidosis stimulates protein degradation and glucocorticoids have been implicated in this response. To evaluate the importance of glucocorticoids in stimulating proteolysis, we measured protein degradation in BC3H1 myocytes cultured in 12% serum. Acidification accelerated protein degradation but dexamethasone did not augment this response. To reduce the influence of glucocorticoids and other hormones and cytokines in 12% serum that could mediate proteolysis, we studied BC3H1 myocytes maintained in only 1% serum. Acidification of the medium or addition of dexamethasone at pH 7.4 did not significantly increase protein degradation, while acidification plus dexamethasone accelerated proteolysis. The steroid receptor antagonist RU 486 prevented this proteolytic response. Acidification of the medium with 1% serum did increase the mRNAs for ubiquitin and the C2 proteasome subunit, but when dexamethasone was added the mRNAs were increased significantly more. The steroid-receptor antagonist RU 486 suppressed this response to the addition of dexamethasone but the mRNAs remained at the levels measured in cells at pH 7.1 alone. Thus, acidification alone can increase the mRNAs of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway, but both acidosis and glucocorticoids are required to stimulate protein degradation. Since these changes occur without adding cytokines or other hormones, we conclude that the proteolytic response to acidification requires glucocorticoids.


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Stress-induced mutations may play an important role in the evolution of plants. Plants do not sequester a germ line, and thus any stress-induced mutations could be passed on to future generations. We report a study of the effects of heat shock on genomic components of Brassica nigra Brassicaceae. Plants were submitted to heat stress, and the copy number of two nuclear-encoded single-copy genes, rRNA-encoding DNA (rDNA) and a chloroplast DNA gene, was determined and compared to a nonstressed control group. We determined whether genomic changes were inherited by examining copy number in the selfed progeny of control and heat-treated individuals. No effects of heat shock on copy number of the single-copy nuclear genes or on chloroplast DNA are found. However, heat shock did cause a statistically significant reduction in rDNA copies inherited by the F1 generation. In addition, we propose a DNA damage-reppair hypothesis to explain the reduction in rDNA caused by heat shock.


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An increasingly large number of proteins involved in signal transduction have been identified in recent years and shown to control different steps of cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Among the genes recently identified at the tip of the long arm of the human X chromosome, a novel gene, C1, encodes a protein that appears to represent a newly discovered member of the group of signaling proteins involved in regulation of the small GTP binding proteins of the ras superfamily. The protein encoded by C1, p115, is synthesized predominantly in cells of hematopoietic origin. It is characterized by two regions of similarity to motifs present in known proteins: GAP and SH3 homologous regions. Its localization in a narrow cytoplasmic region just below the plasma membrane and its inhibitory effect on stress fiber organization indicate that p115 may down regulate rho-like GTPases in hematopoietic cells.


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We describe here the cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a protein kinase that has high sequence homology to members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase kinase (MAPKKK or MEKK) family; this cDNA is named cATMEKKI (Arabidopsis thaliana MAP kinase or ERK kinase kinase 1). The catalytic domain of the putative ATMEKK1 protein shows approximately 40% identity with the amino acid sequences of the catalytic domains of MAPKKKs (such as Byr2 from Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Ste11 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bck1 from S. cerevisiae, MEKK from mouse, and NPK1 from tobacco). In yeast cells that overexpress ATMEKK1, the protein kinase replaces Ste11 in responding to mating pheromone. In this study, the expression of three protein kinases was examined by Northern blot analyses: ATMEKK1 (structurally related to MAPKKK), ATMPK3 (structurally related to MAPK), and ATPK19 (structurally related to ribosomal S6 kinase). The mRNA levels of these three protein kinases increased markedly and simultaneously in response to touch, cold, and salinity stress. These results suggest that MAP kinase cascades, which are thought to respond to a variety of extracellular signals, are regulated not only at the posttranslational level but also at the transcriptional level in plants and that MAP kinase cascades in plants may function in transducing signals in the presence of environmental stress.


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A dissociation between human neural systems that participate in the encoding and later recognition of new memories for faces was demonstrated by measuring memory task-related changes in regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography. There was almost no overlap between the brain structures associated with these memory functions. A region in the right hippocampus and adjacent cortex was activated during memory encoding but not during recognition. The most striking finding in neocortex was the lateralization of prefrontal participation. Encoding activated left prefrontal cortex, whereas recognition activated right prefrontal cortex. These results indicate that the hippocampus and adjacent cortex participate in memory function primarily at the time of new memory encoding. Moreover, face recognition is not mediated simply by recapitulation of operations performed at the time of encoding but, rather, involves anatomically dissociable operations.


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We have cloned the Saccharomyces cerevisiae C-4 sterol methyl oxidase ERG25 gene. The sterol methyl oxidase performs the first of three enzymic steps required to remove the two C-4 methyl groups leading to cholesterol (animal), ergosterol (fungal), and stigmasterol (plant) biosynthesis. An ergosterol auxotroph, erg25, which fails to demethylate and concomitantly accumulates 4,4-dimethylzy-mosterol, was isolated after mutagenesis. A complementing clone consisting of a 1.35-kb Dra I fragment encoded a 309-amino acid polypeptide (calculated molecular mass, 36.48 kDa). The amino acid sequence shows a C-terminal endoplasmic reticulum retrieval signal KKXX and three histidine-rich clusters found in eukaryotic membrane desaturases and in a bacterial alkane hydroxylase and xylene monooxygenase. The sterol profile of an ERG25 disruptant was consistent with the erg25 allele obtained by mutagenesis.