937 resultados para Discrete time inventory models


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Seit Etablierung der ersten Börsen als Marktplatz für fungible Güter sind Marktteilnehmer und die Wissenschaft bemüht, Erklärungen für das Zustandekommen von Marktpreisen zu finden. Im Laufe der Zeit wurden diverse Modelle entwickelt. Allen voran ist das neoklassische Capital Asset Pricing Modell (CAPM) zu nennen. Die Neoklassik sieht den Akteur an den Finanzmärkten als emotionslosen und streng rationalen Entscheider, dem sog. homo oeconomicus. Psychologische Einflussfaktoren bei der Preisbildung bleiben unbeachtet. Mit der Behavioral Finance hat sich ein neuer Zweig zur Erklärung von Börsenkursen und deren Bewegungen entwickelt. Die Behavioral Finance sprengt die enge Sichtweise der Neoklassik und geht davon aus, dass psychologische Effekte die Entscheidung der Finanzakteure beeinflussen und dabei zu teilweise irrational und emotional geprägten Kursänderungen führen. Eines der Hauptprobleme der Behavioral Finance liegt allerdings in der fehlenden formellen Ermittelbarkeit und Testbarkeit der einzelnen psychologischen Effekte. Anders als beim CAPM, wo die einzelnen Parameter klar mathematisch bestimmbar sind, besteht die Behavioral Finance im Wesentlichen aus psychologischen Definitionen von kursbeeinflussenden Effekten. Die genaue Wirkrichtung und Intensität der Effekte kann, mangels geeigneter Modelle, nicht ermittelt werden. Ziel der Arbeit ist es, eine Abwandlung des CAPM zu ermitteln, die es ermöglicht, neoklassische Annahmen durch die Erkenntnisse des Behavioral Finance zu ergänzen. Mittels der technischen Analyse von Marktpreisen wird versucht die Effekte der Behavioral Finance formell darstellbar und berechenbar zu machen. Von Praktikern wird die technische Analyse dazu verwendet, aus Kursverläufen die Stimmungen und Intentionen der Marktteilnehmer abzuleiten. Eine wissenschaftliche Fundierung ist bislang unterblieben. Ausgehend von den Erkenntnissen der Behavioral Finance und der technischen Analyse wird das klassische CAPM um psychologische Faktoren ergänzt, indem ein Multi-Beta-CAPM (Behavioral-Finance-CAPM) definiert wird, in das psychologisch fundierte Parameter der technischen Analyse einfließen. In Anlehnung an den CAPM-Test von FAMA und FRENCH (1992) werden das klassische CAPM und das Behavioral-Finance-CAPM getestet und der psychologische Erklärungsgehalt der technischen Analyse untersucht. Im Untersuchungszeitraum kann dem Behavioral-Finance-CAPM ein deutlich höherer Erklärungsgehalt gegenüber dem klassischen CAPM zugesprochen werden.


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El aseguramiento de portafolio trae consigo unos costos de transacción asociados que son reconocidos por la teoría financiera pero que no han sido objeto de estudio de muchas aproximaciones empíricas. Mediante modelos econométricos de series de tiempo se puede pronosticar el número de rebalanceos necesarios para mantener un portafolio asegurado, así como el tiempo que debe transcurrir entre cada uno de estos. Para tal fin se usan modelos de Datos de Cuenta de Poisson Autorregresivos (ACP) modificados para captar las características de la serie y modelos de Duración Autorregresivos (ACD). Los modelos capturan la autocorrelación de las series y pronostican adecuadamente el costo de transacción asociado a los rebalanceos.


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This study uses a Granger causality time series modeling approach to quantitatively diagnose the feedback of daily sea surface temperatures (SSTs) on daily values of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) as simulated by a realistic coupled general circulation model (GCM). Bivariate vector autoregressive time series models are carefully fitted to daily wintertime SST and NAO time series produced by a 50-yr simulation of the Third Hadley Centre Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere GCM (HadCM3). The approach demonstrates that there is a small yet statistically significant feedback of SSTs oil the NAO. The SST tripole index is found to provide additional predictive information for the NAO than that available by using only past values of NAO-the SST tripole is Granger causal for the NAO. Careful examination of local SSTs reveals that much of this effect is due to the effect of SSTs in the region of the Gulf Steam, especially south of Cape Hatteras. The effect of SSTs on NAO is responsible for the slower-than-exponential decay in lag-autocorrelations of NAO notable at lags longer than 10 days. The persistence induced in daily NAO by SSTs causes long-term means of NAO to have more variance than expected from averaging NAO noise if there is no feedback of the ocean on the atmosphere. There are greater long-term trends in NAO than can be expected from aggregating just short-term atmospheric noise, and NAO is potentially predictable provided that future SSTs are known. For example, there is about 10%-30% more variance in seasonal wintertime means of NAO and almost 70% more variance in annual means of NAO due to SST effects than one would expect if NAO were a purely atmospheric process.


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Cloud radar and lidar can be used to evaluate the skill of numerical weather prediction models in forecasting the timing and placement of clouds, but care must be taken in choosing the appropriate metric of skill to use due to the non- Gaussian nature of cloud-fraction distributions. We compare the properties of a number of different verification measures and conclude that of existing measures the Log of Odds Ratio is the most suitable for cloud fraction. We also propose a new measure, the Symmetric Extreme Dependency Score, which has very attractive properties, being equitable (for large samples), difficult to hedge and independent of the frequency of occurrence of the quantity being verified. We then use data from five European ground-based sites and seven forecast models, processed using the ‘Cloudnet’ analysis system, to investigate the dependence of forecast skill on cloud fraction threshold (for binary skill scores), height, horizontal scale and (for the Met Office and German Weather Service models) forecast lead time. The models are found to be least skillful at predicting the timing and placement of boundary-layer clouds and most skilful at predicting mid-level clouds, although in the latter case they tend to underestimate mean cloud fraction when cloud is present. It is found that skill decreases approximately inverse-exponentially with forecast lead time, enabling a forecast ‘half-life’ to be estimated. When considering the skill of instantaneous model snapshots, we find typical values ranging between 2.5 and 4.5 days. Copyright c 2009 Royal Meteorological Society


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The relationship between minimum variance and minimum expected quadratic loss feedback controllers for linear univariate discrete-time stochastic systems is reviewed by taking the approach used by Caines. It is shown how the two methods can be regarded as providing identical control actions as long as a noise-free measurement state-space model is employed.


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This paper considers the use of a discrete-time deadbeat control action on systems affected by noise. Variations on the standard controller form are discussed and comparisons are made with controllers in which noise rejection is a higher priority objective. Both load and random disturbances are considered in the system description, although the aim of the deadbeat design remains as a tailoring of reference input variations. Finally, the use of such a deadbeat action within a self-tuning control framework is shown to satisfy, under certain conditions, the self-tuning property, generally though only when an extended form of least-squares estimation is incorporated.


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A self-tuning controller which automatically assigns weightings to control and set-point following is introduced. This discrete-time single-input single-output controller is based on a generalized minimum-variance control strategy. The automatic on-line selection of weightings is very convenient, especially when the system parameters are unknown or slowly varying with respect to time, which is generally considered to be the type of systems for which self-tuning control is useful. This feature also enables the controller to overcome difficulties with non-minimum phase systems.


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A discrete-time algorithm is presented which is based on a predictive control scheme in the form of dynamic matrix control. A set of control inputs are calculated and made available at each time instant, the actual input applied being a weighted summation of the inputs within the set. The algorithm is directly applicable in a self-tuning format and is therefore suitable for slowly time-varying systems in a noisy environment.


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This paper considers the use of radial basis function and multi-layer perceptron networks for linear or linearizable, adaptive feedback control schemes in a discrete-time environment. A close look is taken at the model structure selected and the extent of the resulting parameterization. A comparison is made with standard, nonneural network algorithms, e.g. self-tuning control.


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A novel algorithm for solving nonlinear discrete time optimal control problems with model-reality differences is presented. The technique uses Dynamic Integrated System Optimisation and Parameter Estimation (DISOPE) which has been designed to achieve the correct optimal solution in spite of deficiencies in the mathematical model employed in the optimisation procedure. A method based on Broyden's ideas is used for approximating some derivative trajectories required. Ways for handling con straints on both manipulated and state variables are described. Further, a method for coping with batch-to- batch dynamic variations in the process, which are common in practice, is introduced. It is shown that the iterative procedure associated with the algorithm naturally suits applications to batch processes. The algorithm is success fully applied to a benchmark problem consisting of the input profile optimisation of a fed-batch fermentation process.


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DISOPE is a technique for solving optimal control problems where there are differences in structure and parameter values between reality and the model employed in the computations. The model reality differences can also allow for deliberate simplification of model characteristics and performance indices in order to facilitate the solution of the optimal control problem. The technique was developed originally in continuous time and later extended to discrete time. The main property of the procedure is that by iterating on appropriately modified model based problems the correct optimal solution is achieved in spite of the model-reality differences. Algorithms have been developed in both continuous and discrete time for a general nonlinear optimal control problem with terminal weighting, bounded controls and terminal constraints. The aim of this paper is to show how the DISOPE technique can aid receding horizon optimal control computation in nonlinear model predictive control.


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A novel algorithm for solving nonlinear discrete time optimal control problems with model-reality differences is presented. The technique uses dynamic integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation (DISOPE) which achieves the correct optimal solution in spite of deficiencies in the mathematical model employed in the optimisation procedure. A new method for approximating some Jacobian trajectories required by the algorithm is introduced. It is shown that the iterative procedure associated with the algorithm naturally suits applications to batch chemical processes.


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In this paper, a discrete time dynamic integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation algorithm is applied to the solution of the nonlinear tracking optimal control problem. A version of the algorithm with a linear-quadratic model-based problem is developed and implemented in software. The algorithm implemented is tested with simulation examples.


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For linear multivariable time-invariant continuous or discrete-time singular systems it is customary to use a proportional feedback control in order to achieve a desired closed loop behaviour. Derivative feedback is rarely considered. This paper examines how derivative feedback in descriptor systems can be used to alter the structure of the system pencil under various controllability conditions. It is shown that derivative and proportional feedback controls can be constructed such that the closed loop system has a given form and is also regular and has index at most 1. This property ensures the solvability of the resulting system of dynamic-algebraic equations. The construction procedures used to establish the theory are based only on orthogonal matrix decompositions and can therefore be implemented in a numerically stable way. The problem of pole placement with derivative feedback alone and in combination with proportional state feedback is also investigated. A computational algorithm for improving the “conditioning” of the regularized closed loop system is derived.


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Microcontroller-based peak current mode control of a buck converter is investigated. The new solution uses a discrete time controller with digital slope compensation. This is implemented using only a single-chip microcontroller to achieve desirable cycle-by-cycle peak current limiting. The digital controller is implemented as a two-pole, two-zero linear difference equation designed using a continuous time model of the buck converter and a discrete time transform. Subharmonic oscillations are removed with digital slope compensation using a discrete staircase ramp. A 16 W hardware implementation directly compares analog and digital control. Frequency response measurements are taken and it is shown that the crossover frequency and expected phase margin of the digital control system match that of its analog counterpart.