336 resultados para Dialogical
Dissertação apresentada para obtenção a grau de Mestre na área de Educação Social e Intervenção Comunitária
The functional profile of the social educator is based on the development of theoretical, technical and personal/relational skills, which should guide training courses organization. Assuming the shortcomings of a merely theoretical approach, besides a consistent preparation in theoretical and essential technical contents for socio-educational intervention, practice in context should be favoured as an opportunity to develop professional skills, together with a critical reflection on the functional profile. This study emerges from the need to reflect and rethink the internship, as well as how the respective supervision is developed, of the degree in social education at the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, and it is based on the students’ perceptions about the impact of the internship on personal development. This is a qualitative and exploratory study, using the documentary analysis of 50 final internship reports. From the content analysis, four categories emerged referring to gains in terms of acquiring and managing knowledge, development of technical skills, personal and relational development and reinforcement of professional identity. The importance given to personal and relational development should be noted (41.4% of mentions) taking into account its relevance in constructing a professional identity. Findings on the technical skills and on the increase of profession knowledge, also by mobilising theoretical training, positively reinforce the internship model that is based on a proximity supervision approach and on a dialogical perspective of the professional learning.
Œuvre dédiée à Alioune Camara; merci au Prof. Denis Dougnon de l’Université de Bamako pour le parrainage
L’intégration des nouvelles technologies en enseignement supérieur ne devrait pas être vue comme un simple effet de mode, mais plutôt comme un cadre de réflexion sur les orientations nouvelles à donner à l’Université du 21ème siècle, en termes de culture institutionnelle, de ressources organisationnelles et d’opérationnalisation d’objectifs de recherche et d’enseignement (Duderstadt et al, 2002 ; Guri-Rosenblit, 2005). En effet, l’émergence d’une nouvelle tendance de formation post-secondaire, qu’est l’intégration des solutions virtuelles au présentiel, n’est pas sans incidences sur les pratiques enseignantes. Or, la littérature n’offre pas de modèles descriptifs satisfaisants permettant de mieux saisir la pertinence des liens entre l’enseignement en contexte d’apprentissage hybride et le développement professionnel des enseignants universitaires. Aussi avons-nous procédé par des observations participantes de deux cours en sciences de la gestion à HEC Montréal, dans les programmes de certificat de premier cycle ainsi que par des entretiens d’explicitation et d’autoconfrontation, pendant toute la session d’automne 2014, pour respectivement recueillir des données sur les pratiques réelles d’un maître d’enseignement, en sociologie du travail, et d’une chargée de cours, en gestion de projets. Notre analyse du corpus, par catégorisations conceptualisantes, a permis la production d’énoncés nomologiques rendant compte de la dynamique de relations entre ces deux phénomènes. Sur le plan scientifique, elle a apporté un éclairage nouveau sur les processus de construction identitaire professionnelle en pédagogie universitaire, en regard des mutations technologiques, socioculturelles et économiques que subissent l’Université, en général, et les pratiques enseignantes et étudiantes, en particulier. L’approche inductive utilisée a donc permis de définir la structure des interactions des deux phénomènes, selon la perspective des deux enseignants, et d’élaborer des modèles d’intervention enracinés dans leurs pratiques quotidiennes. Aussi sur le plan social, ces modèles sont-ils l’expression d’une grammaire de la pensée et de l’action, ancrée dans les valeurs des enseignants eux-mêmes. Nous avons pris en compte le paradigme de la tâche réelle, versus celui de la tâche prescrite, en termes de mise en œuvre concrète des processus pédagogiques, pour rendre les résultats de cette recherche signifiants pour la pratique. Les modèles, qui ont émergé de notre configuration de la pensée dialogique des participants, peuvent être intégrés à la formation des enseignants universitaires en contexte de bimodalisation de l’Université.
This study presents the results of an action research whose focus was to identify what significations youths and adults undergoing a schooling process assign to the act of writing – those significations considered under the light of studies on literacy –, in order to co-construct ways for the enlargement of those significations. The discussions on this theme are based on Street (1984, 2003), Barton (1994), Barton and Hamilton (2000), Heath (1982), among others. Understanding how different cultural realities deal with everyday writing seems determinant for the comprehension of how literacy practices occur in different ways in the various social spheres, which reverberate in school. This way, it is expected that the school develops a sensitive look to the different realities which constitute the school itself, in order to meet the needs of each social environment. It should be highlighted that the meaning constructions that the subject assigns to texts which circulate in her/his everyday life pass through the interactive contact s/he establishes with the different microspaces constituted by/in culture. Thus, we restate the importance of the teacher’s role in knowing the reality of his/her students before initiating the teaching-learning process of writing and reading. The greater the proximity between the texts and the reality of students, the greater the possibilities for a dialog between the previous knowledge of each subject and the meanings s/he assigns to the writing of texts. This study is based on those conceptions and, in a dialogical fashion, aims to allow for those subjects to have possibilities of participating in new literacy events. Texts which particularize those entities guide the interaction between teachers and students, and of students among themselves, which has been carried out in this action research, whose results point out to some interesting possibilities for the co‑construction of ways to re-signify social uses of writing.
This paper aims at presenting an epistemological discussion of the literary fact in order to build a theoretical and conceptual understanding of how subjects and senses can be analysed in the discursive dynamic of the Literature aesthetic field. From the theoretical place of discourse analysis (DA), especially Pêcheux’s ideias in synchrony to dialogical polyphonic assumptions developped by Bakhtin Circle, and from literature concepts in Barthes, Blanchot and Foucault’s studies, it is its goal to put up a theoretical reflection on the dynamic of meaning and subject construction in the literary space as a way of a starting-support-reflective point that can help those who interests and seeks an analysis exercise of the literary by a discursive prism.