962 resultados para Density functional theory method


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Intermediate-band materials can improve the photovoltaic efficiency of solar cells through the absorption of two subband-gap photons that allow extra electron-hole pair formations. Previous theoretical and experimental findings support the proposal that the layered SnS2 compound, with a band-gap of around 2 eV, is a candidate for an intermediate-band material when it is doped with a specific transition-metal. In this work we characterize vanadium doped SnS2 using density functional theory at the dilution level experimentally found and including a dispersion correction combined with the site-occupancy-disorder method. In order to analyze the electronic characteristics that depend on geometry, two SnS2 polytypes partially substituted with vanadium in symmetry-adapted non-equivalent configurations were studied. In addition the magnetic configurations of vanadium in a SnS2 2H-polytype and its comparison with a 4H-polytype were also characterized. We demonstrate that a narrow intermediate-band is formed, when these dopant atoms are located in different layers. Our theoretical predictions confirm the recent experimental findings in which a paramagnetic intermediate-band material in a SnS2 2H-polytype with 10% vanadium concentration is obtained.


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Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o método de deposição assistida por feixe de íons (IBAD na sigla em inglês) para produção de filmes finos de nitreto de índio em substratos de silício (111) e Safira-C. Variando as condições de deposição e utlilizando a técnica de difração de raios-X, investigou-se com o intuito de obter os parâmetros que resultam em filmes finos com melhor grau de cristalinidade. Os filmes produzidos a 380C apresentaram alta cristalinidade, superior àqueles a 250C. Temperaturas muito superiores a 380C não ocasionam a formação de filme cristalino de InN, como foi observado ao utilizar a temperatura de 480C; o mesmo se observa ao utilizar temperatura ambiente. Na temperatura considerada adequada ,de 380C, obteve-se que a utilização de Ra, ou seja, a razão de fluxo de partículas entre o nitrogênio e índio, em torno de 2,3 permite obter um melhor grau de cristalinização, o qual decresce conforme se diverge desse valor. A comparação entre difratogramas de amostras produzidas com e sem a evaporação prévia de titânio, o qual é possível observar um deslocamento dos picos do InN, indicam que o efeito Gettering permite a redução de impurezas no filme, principalmente de oxigênio. Utilizou-se a técnica de Retroespalhamento de Rutherford para obtenção da composição dos elementos e o perfil de profundidade. Notou-se uma forte mistura dos elementos do substrato de silício e safira com o nitreto de índio mesmo próximos a superfície. A presença indesejável de impurezas, principalmente o oxigênio, durante a deposição de filmes finos é praticamente inevitável. Desta forma, cálculos ab initio baseados na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) foram realizados para investigar defeitos isolados e complexos de oxigênio no nitreto de índio e a sua influência nas propriedades óticas. Considerou-se diferentes concentrações de oxigênio (x=2,76, 8,32, 11,11 e 22,22%) aplicando-se o método PBEsolGGA e TB-mBJ para o tratamento da energia e potencial de troca e correlação. Obteve-se que é energeticamente favorável o oxigênio existir principalmente como defeito carregado e isolado. Os resultados utilizando a aproximação de TB-mBJ indicam um estreitamento do bandgap conforme a concentração de oxigênio aumenta. Entretanto, a alta contribuição do efeito de Moss-Burstein resulta num efetivo alargamento do band gap, gerando valores de band gap ótico maiores que no do bulk de nitreto de índio.


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Quais propriedades magnéticas são modificadas quando se agrupam átomos de Fe/Co para formar estruturas quasi-2D, se comparadas aos nanofios (quasi-1D) de FexCo1-x? E como estas propriedades reagem com a variação da proporção de Fe/Co nos aglomerados? A fim de responder a estas questões, trímeros de FexCo1-x depositados em Pt(111) são investigados utilizando o método de primeiros princípios Real Space-Linear Muffin-Tin Orbital-Atomic Sphere Approximation (RS-LMTO-ASA) no âmbito da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT). Diferentes configurações de trímeros triangulares são consideradas, variando-se as posições e a concentração dos átomos de Fe/Co. Neste trabalho, demonstra-se a ocorrência de uma tendência não-linear estritamente decrescente dos momentos orbitais médios como função da concentração de Fe, distinta do encontrado tanto para os nanofios de FexCo1-x (dependência linear) quanto para a monocamada correspondente (dependência não-linear). Os resultados obtidos mostram ainda que os momentos orbitais variam com o ambiente local e com a direção de magnetização, especialmente quando associados aos átomos de Co, em concordância com publicações anteriores. A mudança de dimensionalidade quasi-1D (nanofios) para quasi-2D (trímeros compactos) não afeta o comportamento dos momentos de spin, que permanecem descritos por uma função linear com respeito à proporção de Fe/Co. Ambos o formato e a concentração de Fe nos sistemas apresentam um papel importante nos valores de energia de anisotropia magnética. Em adição, observou-se que o subtrato de Pt opera ativamente na definição das propriedades magnéticas dos aglomerados. Embora todas as configurações lineares e compactas dos aglomerados de FexCo1-x sejam estáveis e exibam interações fortemente ferromagnéticas entre os primeiros vizinhos, nem todas revelaram o ordenamento colinear como estado fundamental, apresentando uma interação de Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya não-desprezível induzida pelo acoplamento spin-órbita. Estes casos específicos são: o trímero triangular de Co puro e o trímero linear (nanofio) de Fe puro, para o qual foi verificado o acoplamento do tipo Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida entre os átomos de Fe constituintes. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para o entendimento de quais mecanismos definem o magnetismo nos trímeros de FexCo1-x/Pt(111), e discutem as questões presentes atualmente na literatura no contexto destes sistemas.


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A density-functional theory of ferromagnetism in heterostructures of compound semiconductors doped with magnetic impurities is presented. The variable functions in the density-functional theory are the charge and spin densities of the itinerant carriers and the charge and localized spins of the impurities. The theory is applied to study the Curie temperature of planar heterostructures of III-V semiconductors doped with manganese atoms. The mean-field, virtual-crystal and effective-mass approximations are adopted to calculate the electronic structure, including the spin-orbit interaction, and the magnetic susceptibilities, leading to the Curie temperature. By means of these results, we attempt to understand the observed dependence of the Curie temperature of planar δ-doped ferromagnetic structures on variation of their properties. We predict a large increase of the Curie temperature by additional confinement of the holes in a δ-doped layer of Mn by a quantum well.


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Model Hamiltonians have been, and still are, a valuable tool for investigating the electronic structure of systems for which mean field theories work poorly. This review will concentrate on the application of Pariser–Parr–Pople (PPP) and Hubbard Hamiltonians to investigate some relevant properties of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and graphene. When presenting these two Hamiltonians we will resort to second quantisation which, although not the way chosen in its original proposal of the former, is much clearer. We will not attempt to be comprehensive, but rather our objective will be to try to provide the reader with information on what kinds of problems they will encounter and what tools they will need to solve them. One of the key issues concerning model Hamiltonians that will be treated in detail is the choice of model parameters. Although model Hamiltonians reduce the complexity of the original Hamiltonian, they cannot be solved in most cases exactly. So, we shall first consider the Hartree–Fock approximation, still the only tool for handling large systems, besides density functional theory (DFT) approaches. We proceed by discussing to what extent one may exactly solve model Hamiltonians and the Lanczos approach. We shall describe the configuration interaction (CI) method, a common technology in quantum chemistry but one rarely used to solve model Hamiltonians. In particular, we propose a variant of the Lanczos method, inspired by CI, that has the novelty of using as the seed of the Lanczos process a mean field (Hartree–Fock) determinant (the method will be named LCI). Two questions of interest related to model Hamiltonians will be discussed: (i) when including long-range interactions, how crucial is including in the Hamiltonian the electronic charge that compensates ion charges? (ii) Is it possible to reduce a Hamiltonian incorporating Coulomb interactions (PPP) to an 'effective' Hamiltonian including only on-site interactions (Hubbard)? The performance of CI will be checked on small molecules. The electronic structure of azulene and fused azulene will be used to illustrate several aspects of the method. As regards graphene, several questions will be considered: (i) paramagnetic versus antiferromagnetic solutions, (ii) forbidden gap versus dot size, (iii) graphene nano-ribbons, and (iv) optical properties.


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A method to calculate the effective spin Hamiltonian for a transition metal impurity in a non-magnetic insulating host is presented and applied to the paradigmatic case of Fe in MgO. In the first step we calculate the electronic structure employing standard density functional theory (DFT), based on generalized gradient approximation (GGA), using plane waves as a basis set. The corresponding basis of atomic-like maximally localized Wannier functions is derived and used to represent the DFT Hamiltonian, resulting in a tight-binding model for the atomic orbitals of the magnetic impurity. The third step is to solve, by exact numerical diagonalization, the N electron problem in the open shell of the magnetic atom, including both effects of spin–orbit and Coulomb repulsion. Finally, the low energy sector of this multi-electron Hamiltonian is mapped into effective spin models that, in addition to the spin matrices S, can also include the orbital angular momentum L when appropriate. We successfully apply the method to Fe in MgO, considering both the undistorted and Jahn–Teller (JT) distorted cases. Implications for the influence of Fe impurities on the performance of magnetic tunnel junctions based on MgO are discussed.


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Federal Transit Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Includes bibliography.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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We present new simulation results for the packing of single-center and three-center models of carbon dioxide at high pressure in carbon slit pores. The former shows a series of packing transitions that are well described by our density functional theory model developed earlier. In contrast, these transitions are absent for the three-center model. Analysis of the simulation results shows that alternations of flat-lying molecules and rotated molecules can occur as the pore width is increased. The presence or absence of quadrupoles has negligible effect on these high-density structures.


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We present a first-principles density-functional calculation for the Raman spectra of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental results. We show that a planar Structure is not a stable state of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. We consider three possible conformations and discuss their relation to disorder in these systems.


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Adsorption of ethylene and ethane on graphitized thermal carbon black and in slit pores whose walls are composed of graphene layers is studied in detail to investigate the packing efficiency, the two-dimensional critical temperature, and the variation of the isosteric heat of adsorption with loading and temperature. Here we used a Monte Carlo simulation method with a grand canonical Monte Carlo ensemble. A number of two-center Lennard-Jones (LJ) potential models are investigated to study the impact of the choice of potential models in the description of adsorption behavior. We chose two 2C-LJ potential models in our investigation of the (i) UA-TraPPE-LJ model of Martin and Siepmann (J. Phys. Chem. B 1998,102, 25692577) for ethane and Wick et al. (J. Phys. Chem. B 2000,104, 8008-8016) for ethylene and (ii) AUA4-LJ model of Ungerer et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2000,112, 5499-5510) for ethane and Bourasseau et al. (J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 118, 3020-3034) for ethylene. These models are used to study the adsorption of ethane and ethylene on graphitized thermal carbon black. It is found that the solid-fluid binary interaction parameter is a function of adsorbate and temperature, and the adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption are well described by both the UA-TraPPE and AUA models, although the UA-TraPPE model performs slightly better. However, the local distributions predicted by these two models are slightly different. These two models are used to explore the two-dimensional condensation for the graphitized thermal carbon black, and these values are 110 K for ethylene and 120 K for ethane.


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In this paper, the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on both pure and Ti-incorporated Mg(0001) surfaces are studied by ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The calculated dissociation barrier of hydrogen molecule on a pure Mg(0001) surface (1.05 eV) is in good agreement with comparable theoretical studies. For the Ti-incorporated Mg(0001) surface, the activated barrier decreases to 0.103 eV due to the strong interaction between the molecular orbital of hydrogen and the d metal state of Ti. This could explain the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of hydrogen when transition metals have been introduced into the magnesium materials.