796 resultados para Demodex canis
São apresentados resultados da coleta de ectoparasitos em cães e gatos entre agosto de 2001 e maio de 2002 em diferentes bairros da cidade Manaus. No cão foram encontrados: Ctenocephalides f. felis (Bouché, 1835) (Siphonaptera, Pulicidae), Heterodoxus spiniger (Enderlein, 1909)(Phthiraptera, Boopidae), Trichodectes canis (De Geer, 1778) (Phthiraptera, Trichodectidae) e Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille,1806) (Acari, Ixodidae). No gato foi coletado C. f. felis. A prevalência de ectoparasitos foi de 80,8% para cães e 72,7% para gatos. Para a pulga C. f. felis foi de 28,7% para cães e 72,7% para gatos. Para o piolho H. spiniger foi de 12,3% para cães. Para o piolho T. canis foi de 0,1% para cães e para o carrapato R. sanguineus foi de 63% para cães. A média de infestaçãode pulga foi de 1,26 para cães e 1,27 para gatos. A proporção sexual fêmea/macho foi de 1,96:1 no cão e de 3,66:1 no gato. A pulga C. canis (Curtis, 1826), registrada em 1922, não foi coletada.
Brucellosis and leptospirosis are widely spread bacterial infections and dogs are the most important source of infection and reservoir for diseases. Dogs can disseminate the agents in the environment and transmit them to humans and/or other animals. The objective of this study was assess the occurrence of reactive to antibodies anti-Leptospira spp., Brucella canis and B. abortus in Belém and Castanhal, State of Pará, Amazon, Brazil. A total of 156 samples were randomly collected in the city of Belém and 158 samples in Castanhal. The anti-B. canis antibodies research was performed by Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) with and without 2-mercaptoethanol serum treatment (AGID-2ME). To assess the anti-B. abortus antibodies, the technique of Fast Seroagglutination with buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPAT) was used. For anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies research, the Microscopic Agglutination Technique (MAT) was used. No animal reacted to Brucella abortus and one animal was reactive to B. canis at the AGID, but it was negative to the AGID-2ME test. Seventeen percent of dogs (47/274) presented anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies, with prevalence of serovar Canicola. The dogs from Belém and Castanhal are not source of infection for B. abortus and B. canis, however, they are reservoirs for different serovars of Leptospira spp.
Las enfermedades infecciosas bacterianas del perro de mayor importancia en salud pública son la Brucelosis y la Leptospirosis canina. Ambas enfermedades se encuentran mundialmente difundidas. En nuestro país no se conocen datos concretos de prevalencia. Si bien las pérdidas que generan en criaderos comerciales son cuantiosas, no se comparan con el riesgo zoonótico que estas patologías representan para la comunidad. El agente etiológico de la Brucelosis en el perro, es principalmente B. canis , aunque también se describen infecciones con cepas de B. abortus, melitensis y suis.El diagnóstico de esta enfermedad es diferente según el tipo de cepa actuante. (...) El agente etiológico de la Leptospirosis en el perro es principalmente Leptospira canicola, pero también se afecta con otros serovares del género L. interrogans. Este animal juega un rol muy importante como diseminador del microorganismo en el medio ambiente y de allí la posibilidad de contagio al hombre, ya que la enfermedad se transmite por contacto directo con material contaminado como agua, tierra, vegetales contaminados con orina de animales infectados. (...) Objetivo general: Se plantea como objetivo del presente proyecto, determinar la tasa de infección a B. spp, y Leptospira interrogans en los perros ingresados al hospital de Clínica Animal de la Facultad de Agronomía y Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Objetivos específicos: 1. Elaborar el antígeno para realizar la técnica de Inmunodifusión utilizada en el diagnóstico de Brucella canis. 2. Realizar la técnica de ID y compararla con los resultados obtenidos mediante técnicas de aglutinación capaces de detectar la infección por B. abortus. (BPA, Rosa de Bengala, 2ME, Lenta en tubo Wright). 3. Hemocultivo de animales serológicamente positivos a Brucella sp. 4. Determinar mediante la técnica de microaglutinación, las tasa de infección frente a distintos serovares de Letospira interrogans.
Toxocara canis es un nematode ascárido con importante potencial zoonótico. El hombre puede infectarse accidentalmente al ingerir huevos que contaminan el ambiente y al actuar como hospedador paraténico, el parásito permanece en él durante largos períodos en estado larval provocando daños y síntomas de acuerdo al tejido donde se encuentre. Respecto a las manifestaciones clínicas se reconocen formas viscerales: síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral, Toxocariosis encubierta y Toxocariosis asintomática. El síndrome de Larva Migrans Ocular y Neurotoxocariosis son formas compartimentadas. La respuesta inmune en el hombre es compleja, en pacientes susceptibles se ha observado asociación de la infección por T. canis con la ocurrencia de asma bronquial, atopía y urticaria crónica. La evolución de la respuesta inmune a la resolución o a la etapa crónica de la infección depende en gran parte del balance de citoquinas y mediadores inflamatorios como el ON producidos durante la estimulación antigénica. El incremento de Inmunoglobulina E específica anti T. canis y la eosinofilia en la Toxocariosis podrían contribuir a la exacerbación del asma y posiblemente al eczema atópico. El objetivo general del presente proyecto es determinar el perfil de citoquinas y óxido nítrico en suero de niños y adolescentes con anticuerpos específicos anti T. canis provenientes de poblaciones con diferentes características socioambientales. Con los resultados obtenidos se pretende aportar información sobre el patrón de respuesta inmune característico en esta infección y transmitir al equipo de salud la importancia de esta zoonosis como probable agente asociado a enfermedades atópicas.
Toxocara canis es un nematode ascárido con importante potencial zoonótico. El hombre puede infectarse accidentalmente al ingerir huevos que contaminan el ambiente y al actuar como hospedador paraténico, el parásito permanece en él durante largos períodos en estado larval provocando daños y síntomas de acuerdo al tejido donde se encuentre. Respecto a las manifestaciones clínicas se reconocen formas viscerales: síndrome de Larva Migrans Visceral, Toxocariosis encubierta y Toxocariosis asintomática. El síndrome de Larva Migrans Ocular y Neurotoxocariosis son formas compartimentadas. La respuesta inmune en el hombre es compleja, en pacientes susceptibles se ha observado asociación de la infección por T. canis con la ocurrencia de asma bronquial, atopía y urticaria crónica. La evolución de la respuesta inmune a la resolución o a la etapa crónica de la infección depende en gran parte del balance de citoquinas y mediadores inflamatorios como el ON producidos durante la estimulación antigénica. El incremento de Inmunoglobulina E específica anti T. canis y la eosinofilia en la Toxocariosis podrían contribuir a la exacerbación del asma y posiblemente al eczema atópico. El objetivo general del presente proyecto es determinar el perfil de citoquinas y óxido nítrico en suero de niños y adolescentes con anticuerpos específicos anti T. canis provenientes de poblaciones con diferentes características socioambientales. Con los resultados obtenidos se pretende aportar información sobre el patrón de respuesta inmune característico en esta infección y transmitir al equipo de salud la importancia de esta zoonosis como probable agente asociado a enfermedades atópicas.
In articles, already published, we have proved that the strain V. B. of Brazilian virus, goes through the placenta (Macacus rhesus) (1) and the apparently normal gastro-intestinal tube (1934-1937) (Canis familiaris) (2). Today we present the idea that the Brazilian virus can reach the milk of an animal even when the latter has only the unapparent disease. In former articles (**), we have shown that the goat (Capra hircus) can be an excellent reservoir of Brazilian virus, having the strain V. B. in its blood and presenting a Weil Felix reaction high and in group, with the disease unapparent. When the goats are bred in the laboratory, and even in some foci of the disease, they give a negative Weil Felix, being zero for all the nine strains of Proteus. In the interior of Brazil, in many localities, goats substitute cows, in supplying milk for children and adults, and in some districts goats milk is considered superior to cows milk, possessing marvellous qualities for men, women an children. Having proved, now, that goats milk can contain the virus even when the animal presents nothing clinically, and having also shown that this virus goes through the digestive tube apparently sound, it is easy to understand how infants-in-arms, that is, only a few months old, living in strictly domestic surroundings, can contract the disease; we have many such cases on record. Protocol of the experiments: Goat nº 2, white, January 1948. This animal had been inoculated with the V. B. strain of the Brazilian virus in June 1947, via intra-peritoneal, presenting nothing then, not even a feverish reaction. On that occasion it was not possible to isolate the virus of the blood, although the Weil Felix reaction was positive, high and in group. Now January 17, 1948, seven months later, the same animal was reinoculated with a semple of virus V. B. in the same manner (intra-peritoneal) two days after bringing forth two sturdy kids. The virus V. B. was obtained from guinea-pig n. 7170 whose thermic graph was as follows: Temperatura 38,8 39,1 39,5 39,4 39,8 40,4 40,2 40,1 - + Necropsy Typical lesions. The spleen weighed 5 grammes. With 3c.c. of emulsion from the nervous system of this guinea-pig, we inoculated not only the goat, as also two guineapigs, number 14 and number 5. The following is the thermic graph of one: - Guinea-pig n. 14 38,9 39,1 39,2 39.2 40,7 41,0 40,5 40,4 40,1 - + Typical lesions. Guinea-pig n. 2 presented the following thermic graph after the infective inoculation: - 39,5 39,7 39,7 39,7 39,5 39,3 39,5 39,5 39,5 etc. Clinically, this animal presented nothing unusual, feeding well and suckling the kids normally. The Weil Felix reaction was positive, in group high very similar to the reaction obtained in June 1947, with the first infective inoculation. On the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh day after the infective inoculation, we took milk from the goat and inoculated male guinea-pigs via intra-celular and via intra-peritoneal, giving 5 c.c. to each animal. Guinea-pig n. 4663, inoculated with 5 c.c. of milk, via intra-muscular, taken on the third day of the infectaive inoculation, presented the following thermic graph: - 38.8 (*) 39,1 39,0 39,1 40,1 40,1 40,8 (**) 40,8 Killed Typical deisions (***). The virus V. B. of this goat, circulated naturally in the blood up to the third day, having passed into the milk, producing nothing in the kids, on account of the natural resistance of these animals to the disease. The Weil Felix reaction and that of Widal for the Burcellas suis, abortus and militensis were negative for the goat and the kids. It is remarkable that, even with inoculation of the living virus after a period of seven months we cannot get a real and absolute immunity of sensitive animals. We shall return to this subject later. The hart Mazama simplicicornis may be a carrier of the virus in Brasil. The experimental serum against the virus of Exanthematic neotropical typhus has not protected guinea-pigs.
Foram infestados dois cães com carrapatos Rhipicephalus sanguineus infectados pela Babesia canis, tendo sido colocadas 1500 imaqos no primeiro animal e 100 no segundo. Ambos os cães apresentaram infecção das hemácias após o período prepatente de 6 dias. Durante o período prepatente foram diariamente retirados de cada cão 5 ml de sangue, que foram inoculados em 10 cães jovens, por via intravenosa. Os cães inoculados no 1°. 2° e 3° dias do período prepatente permanecerarn negativos. Aqueles inoculados no 4° e 5° dias apresentaram infecção pela babésia. Estes resultados são interpretados, de acordo com os conhecimentos existentes sobre a evolução preeritrocitária dos outros hemosporídeos, como indicadores da existência, no hospedador vertebrado, de uma fase inicial de evolução da babésia em células de tecido, que corresponde a uma fase negativa do sangue e que tem a duração mínima de 3 dias.
Feces of 34 dogs out of 251 (13.5%) from guanabara were positive for Isospora. From these 19 (7.5%) were i. rivolta, 13 (5.2%) were I. canis and 2 (0,7) were i. bigemina. "Free-sporocysts" of I. rivolta were eliminated by 9 dogs (3.5%). A "Caryospora-like" oocyst was seen once. Cross-infection experiments performed with Isospora from dogs and cats failed to produce infection while inoculations of these Isospora in their natural hosts succeeded. The results suggest that the species of Isospora occurring in cats are different from those of dogs.
Através de Reação de Hemaglutinação Indireta para toxoplasmose foram examinadas amostras de sangue de dez diferentes espécies de animais domésticos e silvestres, de um grupamento humano da cidade de Manaus-Amazonas e de um grupamento humano indígena de área distante, no território de Roraima. Em 108 animais domésticos, o exame sorológico foi reagente em 90,6% dos gatos (Felis catus), 68,4% dos cães (Canis familiaris), 60,0% dos bovinos (Bos sp), 41,2% dos galináceos (Gallus sp) e 40,0% dos palmípedes (Cairina sp). Nos 104 animais silvestres foram reagentes 75,0% dos felídeos (Felis sp), 63,6% dos marsupiais (Didelphis marsupialis e Marmosa sp), 63,3% dos primatas (Saimiri sp) e 61,1% dos roedores (Proechimys). Entre os dois grupos humanos a prevalência foi de 70,6% nos 51 habitantes da área de Manaus, 64,8% nos 37 silvícolas de Roraima. Os autores discutem os resultados obtidos, assim como os diversos aspectos envolvidos na epidemiologia da toxoplasmose e chamam a atenção para a existência de mecanismos de transmissão ainda não esclarecidos, enfatizando a necessidade de maiores estudos dessa zoonose.
Foi identificado Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866) colhido da artéria pulmonar de dois cães (Canis familiaris) procedentes do município de Caratinga, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. É apresentada a descrição morfológicas do parasita. Esta é a primeira referência desse parasita no Estado de Minas Gerais.
We have been able to produce a mouse monoclonal IgE antibody specific to an adult worm antigen extracted from Schistosoma japonicum (Sj). The antibody was able to elicit passive cutaneous anaphylaxis in the rat skin against Sj with the highest titer of 1:256,000 but did not cross-react with S. mansoni antigen. The antibody recognized a 97-kDa molecule expressed on the surface of mechanically transformed schistosoma of S. japonicum. Passive transfer of the antibody into mice in the early stage of challenge infection resulted in a partial but significant reduction of recovery of adult worms. Induction of eosinophilia by an oral administration of embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis prior to challenge infection enhanced the reduction.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la Université Toulouse-Le Mirail, França, entre octubre i novembre del 2006. Estudi experimental que s’emmarca en un projecte predoctoral que té com a objectius principals caracteritzar les modificacions produïdes per carnívors en conjunts ossis actuals, establir una metodologia que permeti identificar el predador o predadors que han intervingut i aplicar aquesta metodologia al registre arqueològic. S’han analitzat les modificacions produïdes per llops (Canis lupus) en conjunts ossis actuals procedents del Parc Nacional de Bialowieza y Biezcady a Polonia i que formen part de la neotafoteca amb dipòsit a la Universitat de Toulouse. L'anàlisi de les fractures i les mossegades als ossos fetes pels llops (Canis lupus) durant el consum, han revelat la important capacitat destructiva i modificadora d'aquests agents tafonòmics. Les dades obtingudes, d'aquest i altres estudis, serviran per confeccionar una metodologia vàlida per a l’estudi de la intervenció de llops en conjunts arqueològics. També serà possible crear un model del tipus de modificació que produeixen els llops. Aquest model estarà reforçat per experiments realitzats per altres investigadors i es podran aplicar als estudis tafonòmics de jaciments arqueo-paleontològics.
In the present paper, Eutetrahynchus vooremi sp. n., a cestode of the order Trypanorhyncha is proposed. The new species was recovered from sharks under the genus Mustelus (Pisces, Triakidae) and was compared to E. ruficollis, E. lineatus, E. leucomelanus, E. litocephalus and E. macrotrachelus. The main character, among others, considered to differ the species refers to the eggs filament, size of proglottids, tentacular hooks and lenght of pars postbulbosa. Two other known species are studied: Callitetrarhynchus gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819) from M. canis (Mitchill, 1815) and Nybelinia (N.) lingualis (Cuvier, 1817) from M. schmitti Springer, 1939 representing new host records.
In cases of highly inflammatory dermatophytosis in humans, it is important to identify the possible source of animal transmission in order to prevent recurrence, family outbreaks or rapidly progressing epidemics. A survey of dermatophytes in pets during a 14-month period in Switzerland revealed, in addition to Microsporum canis, two different species of the Trichophyton mentagrophytes complex, Arthroderma benhamiae and Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii, all causing inflammatory dermatophytoses. Arthroderma benhamiae was only and frequently isolated from guinea pigs. Arthroderma vanbreuseghemii was isolated mainly from European short hair cats, but also from dogs and in one case from a pure-bred cat. Ninety-three percent of the cats carrying A. vanbreuseghemii were hunters and all had skin lesions. In contrast, cats with skin lesions that were strictly indoors were found to be almost exclusively infected by M. canis. Therefore, it can be suspected that infection with A. vanbreuseghemii occurred during hunting and that the natural source of this dermatophyte is either soil or an animal other than the cat, most probably a rodent.
The biological literature contains many examples of mutual influences between different species of parasites, especially with respect to concomitant helminth infections. Several situations are known in wich the association of infection by Shistosoma mansoni with other pathogens in the same host results in a type of disease wich differs from the simple summation of the individual effects of each infection. The present study concerns concomitant infections involving S. mansoni and enterobacteriaceae; S. mansoni and other helmints such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Ancylostomids, Toxocara canis and species of the genus Hymenolepis; S. mansoni and different protozoa such as Trypanosoma cruzi, T. brucei, Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium berghei. The interaction between hepatitis B virus and S. mansoni, leading to prolonged viremia and worsening of liver damage, is also discussed. The paper also treats the simultaneous occurrence of schistosomiasis and other aggravating factors such as malnutrition and neoplasias wich may alter the host's response to the trematode.