730 resultados para DISAPPEARANCE


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O objetivo desta revisão das pesquisas sobre a cara inchada dos bovinos (CI), realizadas no decorrer dos últimos 30 anos, é de elucidar melhor a sua etiologia. A CI geralmente tem sido considerada de origem nutricional, causada primariamente por deficiência ou desequilíbrio mineral. A doença caracteriza-se por uma periodontite rapidamente progressiva, que afeta os tecidos peridentários a nível dos premolares e molares no período de erupção dos dentes e que se inicia geralmente em bezerros jovens. A doença causou grandes perdas econômicas aos pecuaristas da Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970, com a ocupação de novas terras para criação de gado. O freqüente abaulamento lateral dos ossos maxilares nos bezerros, que deu à doença o nome popular de cara inchada, foi demonstrado ser conseqüente à periostite crônica ossificante resultante da alveolite purulenta da CI. Das lesões peridentárias foi isolado, em grande número, Bacteroides melaninogenicus, sempre junto com Actinomyces (Corynebacterium) pyogenes. Bactérias classificadas como pertencentes ao grupo sacarolí-tico e não-sacarolítico dos pigmentados de negro Bacteroides melaninogenicus e Bacteroides spp também foram isoladas, em pequeno número, de bovinos jovens sadios de fazendas CI-negativas. Ensaios in vitro mostraram que os antibióticos estreptomicina e actinomicina, bem como os sobrenadantes de cultivos de actinomicetos do solo de fazendas CI-positivas, aplicadas nas bactérias ensaiadas em concentrações subinibidoras, aumentaram significativamente (até 10 vezes) a aderência de B.melaninogenicus a células epiteliais da gengiva bovina. Esses antibióticos são produzidos no solo em conseqüência de um aumento do número de actinomicetos, incluindo os do gênero Streptomyces, quando há modificação de sua microbiota em áreas previamente ocupadas por mata virgem ou vegetação natural de Cerrado, que foram cultivadas pela primeira vez na formação de pastagem para o gado. em face da epidemiologia da CI, há fortes evidências de que a ingestão desses antibióticos pelos bovinos, junto com a forrageira, seja importante fator desencadeante para o desenvolvimento da periodontite. Através do aumento da aderência de B. melaninogenicus ao epitélio da gengiva marginal, em face da ingestão dos antibióticos pelos animais, as bactérias conseguem colonizar, formar a placa bacteriana e tornar-se patogênicas. Há evidência de que o fator desencadeante (aparentemente, os antibióticos) esteja também presente no leite de vacas-mães de bezerros afetados pela CI. Foi demonstrado que as bactérias envolvidas na periodontite produzem enzimas e endotoxinas capazes de ação destrutiva sobre os tecidos peridentários. A epidemiologia da CI, com a diminuição de sua incidência e o seu desaparecimento no decorrer dos anos, pode ser explicada pelo fato de que o prévio equílibrio da microbiota no solo virgem foi alcançado novamente e a produção dos antibióticos se reduziu. Desta maneira, a CI deve ser considerada como uma periodontite infecciosa multifatorial, causada sobretudo por bactérias anaeróbias pertencentes ao grupo Bacteroides melaninogenicus e, ao que tudo indica, desencadeada pela ingestão contínua, com a forrageira, de concentrações subinibidoras de antibióticos de solos recentememente cultivados. Esta hipótese é reforçada pela observação recente de novos surtos de CI, em áreas anteriormente positivas para a doença, em conseqüência da reforma de pastagens e capineiras após muitos anos. A natureza infecciosa da CI-periodontite foi confirmada através de experimento, em que virginiamicina mostrou-se eficaz no tratamento oral de bovinos afetados pela doença. Os antibióticos espiramicina e virginiamicina, usados como aditivos em suplementos minerais no campo, mostraram-se eficientes na prevenção da CI.


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Determinou-se o tempo necessário para a eliminação de Escherichia coli Shigatoxigênica (STEC) não-O157 em esterco bovino composto, obtido de fezes frescas de três vacas portadoras de cepas STEC não-O157 que apresentavam o gene stx 2. Foram utilizados dois sistemas de compostagem, o primeiro foi um buraco de 0,6m escavado no solo e o segundo um monte apresentando uma arquitetura piramidal com um metro de altura. Todos os dias, durante os primeiros 10 dias e a cada cinco dias durante um mês, uma amostra de três pontos diferentes dos dois sistemas de compostagem foram coletadas e semeadas para determinar a presença de E. coli e a presença do gene stx 2 nas células, sendo que em cada coleta a temperatura do sistema de compostagem foi determinada. Células de STEC não-O157 sobreviveram por 8, 25 e 30 dias nas temperaturas de 42, 40 e 38ºC, respectivamente, no sistema enterrado no solo, enquanto que no sistema de monte as células foram detectadas por 4, 4 e 7 dias em temperaturas de 65, 58 e 52ºC, respectivamente. A temperatura e os microrganismos presentes na microbiota do sistema de compostagem parecem ser os responsáveis pela eliminação do patógeno. Pode-se concluir que os dois sistemas de compostagem utilizados mostraram-se eficientes na eliminação de células de STEC. A aplicação de esterco após compostagem deve diminuir o risco de contaminação ambiental e a disseminação do patógeno.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes técnicas de redução de umidade sobre a composição química, digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e degradação ruminal da matéria seca da silagem de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) cv. Taiwan A-148. Os tratamentos (A, Controle; B, 20,0; C, 30,0; D, 40,0% de sabugo de milho; E, emurchecimento por 12 horas; F, emurchecimento por 24 horas; e G, esmagamento + emurchecimento por 24 horas) foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Os tratamentos da silagem B e E não foram eficientes em reduzir a umidade excessiva da forragem. O emurchecimento por 24 horas aumentou o teor de MS, sem influir no teor de PB e na DIVMS. Os tratamentos C e D favoreceram o desenvolvimento da população de clostrídeos, aumentaram a concentração de N-NH3 e reduziram a concentração de ácido lático e a DIVMS das silagens. O tratamento G aumentou o teor de MS e reduziu a concentração de N-NH3 e DIVMS. A adiçao de sabugo de milho (tratamentos B, C e D) reduziu a degradação ruminal da MS das silagens. O sabugo de milho reduziu a umidade, mas apresentou efeitos negativos na qualidade da silagem, enquanto o esmagamento e/ou emurchecimento foram procedimentos que mostraram bons resultados em relação à conservação do material ensilado.


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RESUMO - Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar o sistema de monitoramento computadorizado da produção de gás in vitro e compará-lo com os métodos in vivo e in situ. Nos métodos de digestibilidade (MS), foram utilizadas amostras de silagens de milho com alto/baixo teor de MS, com/sem inoculante. Avaliando a digestibilidade das silagens, pelo gás produzido na fermentação, os resultados da extensão da degradação (A+D) foram: 21,5; 22,6; 22,1; e 20,9 mL de gás/100 mg MS, sem diferença significativa. Os coeficientes de determinação obtidos na produção de gás total, em relação ao potencial de degradação obtido in situ, mostraram-se elevados para silagem de milho com alta MS inoculada (R²= 0,99), alta MS não-inoculada (R²= 0,98), baixa MS inoculada (R²= 0,94) e baixa MS não-inoculada (R²=0,93). O desaparecimento da MS e/ou fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), quantificada pelo gás produzido no sistema in vitro/gás, apresentou resultados semelhantes aos demais métodos avaliados.


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Este estudo foi conduzido para avaliar os efeitos da substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha na dieta de bovinos em crescimento. Foram determinados a digestibilidade aparente das dietas, a absorção aparente do fósforo, cálcio e flúor, o pH ruminal, a concentração de amônia ruminal, a eficiência microbiana e o fósforo no plasma utilizando-se cinco bovinos da raça Holandesa Preto-e-Branco, fistulados, pesando entre 275 e 283 kg. O delineamento estatístico foi um quadrado latino 5 × 5 e as dietas consistiram de 0, 25, 50, 75 e 100% de substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha no suplemento mineral. A adição de fosfato de rocha nas dietas ocasionou aumento linear na ingestão, no fluxo omasal, no fluxo fecal e no desaparecimento total do flúor. As dietas não diferiram quanto à absorção aparente do cálcio, assim como em relação à ingestão, excreção, digestão e digestibilidades aparentes parcial e total da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, proteína bruta, fibra em detergente neutro e carboidratos não-fibrosos. O fósforo no plasma não foi influenciado pelos tratamentos e a média foi de 5,93 mg/dL. Não houve diferença para o pH ruminal e concentração de amônia ruminal. A substituição do fosfato bicálcico não afetou a síntese microbiana aparente e verdadeira de proteína. A total substituição do fosfato bicálcico pelo fosfato de rocha em suplementos minerais em bovinos em crescimento não afetou o ambiente ruminal e a síntese de proteína no rúmen. Assim, a substituição do fosfato bicálcico em dietas para bovinos em crescimento diminui a absorção de fósforo e deveria ser vista com cuidado dependendo dos requerimentos.


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To investigate functional changes in Trypanosoma cruzi parasites induced during their interaction with the vertebrate host, we compared the blood clearance profiles of blood forms isolated from infected normal mice (Reg-Tc) or from infected mice immunodepressed after treatment with cyclophosphamide (Cy-Tc). Parasite blood numbers were measured at various time intervals in animals injected intravenously (i.v.) with 1-2 x 10(6) T. cruzi of either isolate. In the absence of added immune sera (spontaneous clearance), Reg-Tc and Cy-Tc were cleared from blood at similar rates. However, when acute immune mouse serum (Ac-IMS) was injected i.v. 2 min after inoculation of parasites, a significant proportion of Cy-Tc only was cleared from the blood an hour later, whereas Reg-Tc were not, their clearance profile being identical to that observed in mice injected with normal mouse serum. Cy-Tc susceptibility to Ac-IMS was not the result of a toxic effect of cyclophosphamide over T. cruzi as parasites recovered from animals immunodepressed by irradiation before infection were cleared similarly by acute serum. Contrary to Ac-IMS, chronic immune mouse serum induced similar rates of disappearance of Reg-Tc and Cy-Tc from blood. Our results suggest the occurrence of T. cruzi selection or modification during the acute phase, which leads to an increased parasite resistance to the clearance properties of acute-phase antibodies.


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Xerogels obtained from the acid-catalyzed and ultrasound stimulated hydrolysis of TEOS were submitted to heat treatment at temperatures ranging from 60 to 1100 degreesC and studied by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS intensity as a function of the modulus of the scattering vector q was obtained in the range from q(0) = 0.19 to q(m) = 4.4 nm(-1). At 60 degreesC the xerogels exhibit an apparent surface fractal structure with a fractal dimension D-s similar to 2.5 in a length scale ranging from 1/q(1) similar to 1 to 1/q(m) similar to 0.22 nm. This structure becomes extremely rough at 120 degreesC (D-s similar to 3) and at 150 degreesC, it apparently converts to a mass fractal with a fractal dimension D similar to 2.4. This may mean an emptying of the pores with preservation of a share of the original mass fractal structure of the wet aged gel, for it had presented a mass fractal dimension D similar to 2.2. A well characterized porous structure formed by 2.0 nm mean size pores with smooth surface of about 380 m(2)/g is formed at 300 degreesC and remains stable until approximately 800 degreesC. At 900 degreesC the SAXS intensity vanishes indicating the disappearance of the pores in the probed length scale. The elimination of the nanopores occurs by a mechanism in which the number of pores diminishes keeping constant their mean size. The xerogels exhibit a foaming phenomenon above 900 degreesC and scatter following Porod's law as does a surface formed by a coarse structure. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Malnutrition is a common health problem in developing countries and is associated with alterations in glucose metabolism. In the present study we examine the effects of chronic aerobic exercise on some aspects of glucose metabolism in protein-deficient rats. Two groups of adult rats (90 days old) were used: Normal protein group (17%P)- kept on a normal protein diet during intra-uterine and postnatal life and Low protein group (6%P)- kept on a low protein diet during intrauterine and post natal life. After weaning (21 days old), half of the 17%P and 6%P rats were assigned to a Sedentary (Sed) or an Exercise-trained (Exerc = swimming, 1 hr/day, 5 days/week, supporting an overload of 5% of body weight) subgroup. The area under blood glucose concentration curve (Delta G) after an oral glucose load was higher in 17%P Sed rats (20%) than in other rats and lower in 6%P Exerc (11%) in relation to 6% Sed rats. The post-glucose increase in blood insulin (Delta I) was also higher in 17%P Sed (9%) than in other rats. on the other hand, the glucose disappearance rate after exogenous subcutaneous insulin administration (Kitt) was lower in 17%P Sed rats (66%) than in other rats. Glucose uptake by soleus muscle was higher in Exerc rats (30%) than in Sed rats. Soleus muscle glycogen synthesis was reduced in 6%P Sed rats (41%) compared to 17%P Sed rats but was restored in 6%P Exerc rats. Glycogen concentration was elevated in Exerc (32%) rats in comparison to Sed rats. The present results indicate that glucose-induced insulin release is reduced in rats fed low protein diet. This defect is counteracted by an increase in the sensitivity of the target tissues to insulin and glucose homeostasis is maintained. This adaptation allows protein deficient rats to preserve the ability to appropriately adapt to aerobic physical exercise training. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V.


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In this work, the catalytic intermediates for Fe(TPP)(+), Fe(TDCPP)(+), Fe(TFPP)(+), Mn(TPP)(+) and Mn(TDCPP)(+) supported on imidazole propyl gel with PhIO were studied by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. For Fe(TPP)+ and Fe(TFPP)+ the study was also monitored by EPR spectroscopy. The active catalytic intermediate observed for FeP-IPG is the ore-iron (IV) porphyrin pi cation radical Fe-IV(O)P.+, which is evidenced by a decrease in the intensity of the Sorer band. The total re-establishment of the initial Soret band intensity for Fe(TDCPP)IPG and Fe(TFPP)IPG at the end of the reaction shows that they were completely recovered, There are advantages in following the reactions of PNO with unsubstituted Fe(TPP)(+) and Mn(TPP)(+) on IPG by UV-Vis, since they were slower and allowed to 'see' the intermediate species without spectral interference from the recovered catalyst, since they are only partially recovered. With Fe(TPP)IPG, a band at 580 nm was detected at the beginning of the reaction, indicating the possible formation of a Fe-OIPh intermediate. Supporting Mn(TPP)(+) on IPG leads to a shift of band V from 478 nm to 488 nm. In the reaction of MnP-IPG with PhIO, we observed the disappearance of the band in 488 nm and the appearance of a band in 412 nm, which corresponds to the active catalytic intermediate Mn-V(O)P as the main component, as is expected for a more efficient system. The recovery of supported catalysts observed in these experiments was further proved with the possibility of their successive recyclings in cyclohexane oxidation reactions by PhIO.


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We have studied the phase transition behavior of Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films using Raman scattering and dielectric measurement techniques. We also have studied the leakage current conduction mechanism as a function of temperature for these thin films on platinized silicon substrates. A Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin film was prepared using a soft chemical process, called the polymeric precursor method. The results showed that the dependence of the dielectric constant upon the frequency does not reveal any relaxor behavior. However, a diffuse character-type phase transition was observed upon transformation from a cubic paraelectric phase to a tetragonal ferroelectric phase. The temperature dependency of Raman scattering spectra was investigated through the ferroelectric phase transition. The soft mode showed a marked dependence on temperature and its disappearance at about 598 K. on the other hand, Raman modes persist above the tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive above the phase transition temperature. The origin of these modes must be interpreted in terms of a local breakdown of cubic symmetry by some kind of disorder. The lack of a well-defined transition temperature suggested a diffuse-type phase transition. This result corroborate the dielectric constant versus temperature data, which showed a broad ferroelectric phase transition in the thin film. The leakage current density of the PCT24 thin film was studied at elevated temperatures, and the data were well fitted by the Schottky emission model. The Schottky barrier height of the PCT24 thin film was estimated to be 1.49 eV. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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Siloxane-poly(oxyethylene) hybrids obtained by the sol-gel process and containing short polymer chain have been doped with potassium triflate (KCF3SO3). The local structure of these hybrids was investigated by X-ray absorption spectroscopy near the potassium K-edge. Small angle X-ray scattering was used to determine the structure at the nanometer scale. Results revealed that at low and medium potassium concentration (n = [O][K] >= 8, where n represents the molar ratio of ether-type oxygen atoms per alkaline cation) the cations interact mainly with the polymer chains, while at larger doping level (n < 8) the formation of a polyehter:KCF3SO3 Complex is observed. The nanoscopic structure of the hybrids is also affected by doping. By increasing the doping level, decreasing trends in the electronic density contrast between siloxane nanoparticles and polyether matrix and in the siloxane interparticle distance are observed. At high doping level the small angle X-ray scattering patterns are strongly modified, showing the disappearance of the correlation peak and the formation of a potassium-containing nanophase. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bothropstoxin-I (BthTX-1), a Lys49 phospholipase A(2) homolog with no apparent catalytic activity, was first isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and completely sequenced in this laboratory. It is a 121-amino-acid single polypeptide chain, highly myonecrotic, despite its inability to catalyze hydrolysis of egg yolk phospholipids, and has 14 half-cystine residues identified at positions 27, 29, 44, 45, 50, 51, 61, 84, 91, 96, 98, 105, 123, and 131 (numbering according to the conventional alignment including gaps, so that the last residue is Cys 131). In order to access its seven disulfide bridges, two strategies were followed: (1) Sequencing of isolated peptides from (tryptic + SV8) and chymotryptic digests by Edman-dansyl degradation; (2) crystallization of the protein and determination of the crystal structure so that at least two additional disulfide bridges could be identified in the final electron density map. Identification of the disulfide-containing peptides from the enzymatic digests was achieved following the disappearance of the original peptides from the HPLC profile after reduction and carboxymethylation of the digest. Following this procedure, four bridges were initially identified from the tryptic and SV8 digests: Cys50-Cys131, Cys51-Cys98, Cys61-Cys91, and Cys84-Cys96. From the chymotryptic digest other peptides were isolated either containing some of the above bridges, therefore confirming the results from the tryptic digest, or presenting a new bond between Cys27 and Cys123. The two remaining bridges were identified as Cys29-Cys45 and Cys44-Cys105 by determination of the crystal structure, showing that BthTX-1 disulfide bonds follow the normal pattern of group II PLA(2)s.


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The aim of this study was to compare the chemical composition, in vitro dry matter disappearance (IVDMD) and ruminal degradation of Panicum maximum, J. cv. Tanzania samples obtained by clipping (square method) or extrusa collection (animal selection). In the in situ trial, three ruminal fistulated dry crossbred cows, with 499 kg LW, were used in a completely randomized block design with split-plot arrangement design. Five grams of clipped (+/- 2 cm) grass or extrusa samples were placed in nylon bags (7 x 14 cm) and rumen incubated during 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 and 120 hours. The IVDMD and the CP, NDF and ADF content were, respectively, 55.8, 7.6, 81.9 e 43.6%, for the clipped grass and .66.5, 12.1, 78.8 e 39.5%, for the extrusa samples. The potential degradability of DM, C P, NDF and ADF were 62.59, 80.88, 50.73 and 46.65%, for clipped grass; and 79.53, 90.97, 71.21 and 65.68%, for extrusa samples. The quality of the selected animal diet (extrusa) was better than the available forage in terms of IVDMD and chemical composition (high protein and low fiber content). In situ degradability trials carried out with clipped samples, and non selected by animal, could not supply reliable results closed to the animal diet.


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We studied glucose homeostasis in rat pups from darns fed on a normal-protein (170 g/kg) (NP) diet or a diet containing 60 g protein/kg (LP) during fetal life and the suckling period. At birth, total serum protein, serum albumin and serum insulin levels were similar in both groups. However, body weight and serum glucose levels in LP rats were lower than those in NP rats. At the end of the suckling period (28 d of age), total serum protein, serum albumin and serum insulin were significantly lower and the liver glycogen and serum free fatty acid levels were significantly higher in LP rats compared with NP rats. Although the fasting serum glucose level was similar in both groups, the area under the blood glucose concentration curve after a glucose load was higher for NP rats (859 (SEM 58) mmol/l per 120 min for NP rats v. 607 (SEM 52) mmol/l per 120 min for LP rats; P < 0.005). The mean post-glucose increase in insulin was higher for NP rats (30 (SEM 4.7) nmol/l per 120 min for NP rats v. 17 (SEM 3.9) nnol/l per 120 min for LP rats; P < 0.05). The glucose disappearance rate for NP rats(0.7 (SEM 0.1) %/min) was lower than that for LP rats (1.6 (SEM 0.2) %/min; P < 0.001). Insulin secretion from isolated islets (1 h incubation) in response to 16.7 mmol glucose/l was augmented 14-fold in NP rats but only 2.6-fold in LP rats compared with the respective basal secretion (2.8 mmol/l; P <0.001). These results indicate that in vivo as well as in vitro insulin secretion in pups from dams maintained on a LP diet is reduced. This defect may be counteracted by an increase in the sensitivity of target tissues to insulin.