484 resultados para Cycladophora davisiana


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Radiolarians are very rare in all Leg 90 sites. They are relatively more frequent only in Neogene sediments from Sites 586 and 594, and in Eocene sediments at Site 592. In this chapter radiolarian abundances are recorded as comparative percentages for 92 Neogene morphotypes at Site 586B. Relative abundances only are estimated at Sites 592 and 594, where preservation is poor to moderate. A tentative correlation of radiolarian events at Hole 586B and Site 594 shows that only a few species can be found in both tropical and subantarctic areas. New evolutionary lineages are proposed. 1. Middle Miocene eucyrtids like Eucyrtidium teuscheri group evolved into a widespread species (E. teuscheri teuscheri) ranging from middle Miocene to Holocene and a temperate species (E. teuscheri orthoporus) ranging from middle Miocene to early Pleistocene. 2. Phormostichoartus pitomorphus appears to be a temperate descendant of the cosmopolitan P. fistula and disappears in early Pleistocene time. 3. The discovery of Lamprocyrtis daniellae n.sp. calls into question the lineage L. heteroporos -> L. nigriniae. 4. The evolution of Lamprocyclas maritalis from an ancestor group (L. aff. maritalis) is located in the early part of the Pterocanium prismatium Zone.


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Early to middle Miocene radiolarian assemblages were examined at three sites (747, 748, and 751) that were cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 south of the present polar frontal zone on the Kerguelen Plateau (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean). The radiolarian biostratigraphic study relies on a radiolarian zonation recently developed on Leg 113 materials in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, which is correlated with the geomagnetic time scale. New radiolarian biostratigraphic data also considering the established geomagnetic polarity record were used to improve and emend the age calibration of some lower Miocene radiolarian zones and a redefined middle Miocene radiolarian zonation is proposed. Based on these results, a revised age assignment of the lower Miocene sections drilled at Leg 113 Sites 689 and 690 is proposed.


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During Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 199, sediments were recovered from eight sites in the Central Pacific. Late Oligocene and early Miocene radiolarians are common to abundant and moderately well preserved in Cores 199-1218A-8H through 11H and 199-1219A-5H through 9H. More than 110 radiolarian species were encountered during this study. Of these species, 100 are identifiable forms and the rest are undescribed or unfamiliar forms. This report presents the relative abundances of described forms from the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene sediments.


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A 100-m-thick Paleocene sequence of mainly pelagic sediments at ODP Site 1121, on the eastern flanks of the Campbell Plateau, contains few to common radiolarians of relatively low diversity in the lower 40 m (Early to early Late Paleocene) and abundant, diverse radiolarian assemblages in the upper 60 m (mid-Late Paleocene). The 150 taxa recorded from the entire Paleocene interval are thought to under-represent the actual species diversity by at least one half as many morphotypes have not been differentiated below the level of genus. Assemblages in the lower 40 m are similar to those described from onland New Zealand and DSDP Site 208 (northern Lord Howe Rise); they are correlated with South Pacific radiolarian zones RP4 and RP5. Assemblages in the upper 60 m differ from other known Late Paleocene assemblages in the great abundance of plagiacanthids and cycladophorids. Similarities are noted with later Cenozoic cool-water assemblages. This upper interval is correlated with South Pacific zone RP6, as revised herein, based on comparison with faunas from Site 208 and Marlborough, New Zealand. The interval is also correlated with the upper part of North Atlantic zone RP6 (RP6b-c) based on the presence of Aspis velutochlamydosaurus, Plectodiscus circularis and Pterocodon poculum. Other species, such as Buryella tetradica and Buryella pentadica, are valuable for local correlation but exhibit considerable diachroneity between the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. An age model for the Paleocene interval at Site 1121, based on well-constrained nannofossil and radiolarian datums, indicates that the rate of compacted sediment accumulation doubles from 15 to 30 mm/ka at the RP5/RP6 zonal boundary. In large part this is due to a sudden and pronounced increase in accumulation rates for all siliceous fossils; radiolarians and larger diatoms increase from <100 to >10 000 specimens/cm2/ka. This apparent increase in biosiliceous productivity is age-equivalent to a mid-Paleocene cooling event (57-59 Ma) identified from global stable isotope records that is associated with the heaviest delta13C values for the entire Cenozoic.


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We propose a new biostratigraphic scheme comprising the Eucyrtidium spinosum, Eucyrtidium antiquum (new), Lychnocanoma conica (emended), Clinorhabdus robusta (emended) and Stylosphaera radiosa (emended) Zones, in ascending order, in Eocene to Oligocene sediments drilled on Maud Rise in Southern Atlantic Ocean (Site 689, Ocean Drilling Program Leg 113). The bases of these zones are defined by the lowermost occurrences of E. spinosum, E. antiquum, L. conica, C. robusta and the uppermost occurrence of Axoprunum irregularis (?), respectively. From correlation to the magnetostratigraphic data, the E. spinosum, E. antiquum, L. conica, C. robusta and S. radiosa Zones are assigned to the late middle Eocene through late Eocene (Subchrons C17n2 to C13r), earliest Oligocene (C13n to C11n), late early Oligocene (C11n to C10n2), early late Oligocene (C10n1 to C8r) and latest Oligocene (C8r to C7An), respectively. The four boundary datum levels and supplementary datum levels such as the lowermost occurrences of A. irregularis (?), Dicolocapsa microcephala and Lithomelissa challengerae may be recognized in other ODP sites in the Southern Ocean. The first occurrence of E. antiquum approximates the Eocene-Oligocene boundary in Southern Ocean but the last occurrences of many species such as Periphaena decora, D. microcephala and the Lithomelissa sphaerocephalis group are commonly diachronous between high latitude sites. Two new species, Theocyrtis (?) triapenna and Spirocyrtis parvaturris, are described.


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In the cores obtained during Leg 134 of the Ocean Drilling Program, radiolarians occur intermittently and usually in a poor state of preservation, apparently as a result of the region having been at or near the boundary between the equatorial current system and the south-central Pacific water mass during most of the Cenozoic. A few well-preserved assemblages provide a record of the Quaternary forms, and some displaced middle and lower Eocene clasts preserve a record of radiolarians near that subepochal boundary. There are less satisfactory records of middle Miocene and early Miocene to late Oligocene forms.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120, an almost complete Paleogene sediment section on the Kerguelen Plateau in the southern Indian Ocean was recovered. The biostratigraphy of radiolarians from these sediments at Sites 748 and 749 is studied. A biostratigraphic framework established in low and middle latitudes is not applicable because of the absence of most zonal marker species. Biogenic opal is present only in middle Eocene to Oligocene sediments, and three new zones-Lychnocanoma conica, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, and Eucyrtidium spinosum zones-are proposed. The Paleogene antarctic radiolarian fauna is different from that in low and middle latitudes. Three new species, Axoprunum (?) irregularis, Eucyrtidium cheni, and Eucyrtidium spinosum, are described.


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Well-preserved late Miocene through Pleistocene age radiolarian assemblages were recovered during ODP Leg 111 at Site 677, on the southern flank of the Costa Rica Rift in the eastern equatorial Pacific. Radiolarian "event" biostratigraphy (first and last morphotypic appearances) was established for Holes 677A and 677B using 21 species yielding 24 reliable datum levels. The cold upwelling waters above this site have prevented many typical tropical Pacific stratigraphic radiolarians from being useful age indicators. Biostratigraphic datum levels were assigned absolute ages based on previous work and were used to date the cores. Sedimentation rates varied from 3.7 cm/1000 yr in the late Pleistocene to 6.0 cm/1000 yr in the late Miocene. The age of the oldest sediments at this site is estimated as 5.89-6.37 Ma, which indicates that Site 677 is between magnetic anomalies 3A and 4. A total of 67 taxa were assessed for stratigraphic relevance at this site and are listed in the Appendix. One previously unknown Pliocene radiolarian stratigraphic indicator, Botryostrobus euporus (Ehrenberg), is identified.