980 resultados para Cultural integration
Abstract: The growing proliferation of management systems standards (MSSs), and their individualized implementation, is a real problem faced by organizations. On the other hand, MSSs are aimed at improving efficiency and effectiveness of organizational responses in order to satisfy the requirements, needs and expectations of the stakeholders. Each organization has its own identity and this is an issue that cannot be neglected; hence, two possible approaches can be attended. First, continue with the implementation of individualized management systems (MSs); or, integrate the several MSSs versus related MSs into an integrated management system (IMS). Therefore, in this context, organizations are faced with a dilemma, as a result of the increasing proliferation and diversity of MSSs. This paper takes into account the knowledge gained through a case study conducted in the context of a Portuguese company and unveils some of the advantages and disadvantages of integration. A methodology is also proposed and presented to support organizations in developing and structuring the integration process of their individualized MSs, and consequently minimize problems that are generators of inefficiencies, value destruction and loss of competitiveness. The obtained results provide relevant information that can support Top Management decision in solving that dilemma and consequently promote a successful integration, including a better control of business risks associated to MSSs requirements and enhancing sustainable performance, considering the context in which organizations operate.
A city’s image can serve as the basis upon which to develop a strong sense of community. This, in turn, fosters trust and cooperation which may attract tourists and investment, and drive regional economic growth. One strategy to enhance a city’s image is to host cultural mega-events. This study focuses on Guimarães, one of the European Capitals of Culture of 2012, and adopts a marketing communication perspective to explore issues of city image. The objective of the study reported was to understand whether images of Guimarães improved after it hosted the cultural mega-event. To attain this goal, we compare the perceptions of residents who participated in the event (engaged participants) and attendees. Several significant findings are reported and their implications for event managers and public policy administrators are presented, along with the limitations of the study.
Effective environmental management within companies, integrated with other management areas like quality and occupational health and safety, is nowadays assumed to be a strategic way to implement and improve lean and cleaner production. Also, sustainable development (SD) and business sustainability can be achieved through a better coordinated management of processes versus associated resources. This paper presents an in depth discussion regarding the promotion of integrated management systems, their benefits and major contribution towards the sustainable development of cleaner production related features. It addresses issues regarding the contributions resulting from the integration of standardized Management System (MS) from both internal and external perspectives. Complementing the overall review of aspects to the development of integrated management systems a survey was conducted in order to better understand the relevance of the identified success factors. The main findings in this paper are as follows: a contextualization model of sustainable development and integrated management systems considering the Triple Bottom Line: economic, social and environmental; and, a method and associated model to support the development of integrated management systems as well as general guidelines to support integration. It can be concluded that a proactive approach and commitment to cleaner production, supported by an integrated management system, brings relevant savings for organizations as well as providing value to the relevant interested parties.
A abordagem convencional do problema da formação de filas para agendar consultas médicas assume, como pressuposto, que a causa primeira está em uma demanda impossível de ser atendida com os recursos disponíveis. Este artigo aponta outras causas, até então desconhecidas, que fundamentaram o desenvolvimento de uma sistemática que fez as filas desaparecerem sem que houvesse aumento no número de médicos ou de consultas/médicos. Essa sistemática é apresentada e analisada em seus aspectos significativos de desenvolvimento e implantação.
Apesar do contexto cultural diversificado em que atuam as empresas brasileiras, o tema diversidade cultural é recente em sua agenda. Surge em subsidiárias de empresas americanas, em um primeiro momento, por pressão da matriz e, em seguida, ligado à necessidade de criar vantagens competitivas desenvolvendo competências diversas; não acontece por imposição legal, como ocorre nos EUA e no Canadá. Partindo da elaboração de um referencial conceitual sobre diversidade cultural e seu gerenciamento, este artigo apresenta os resultados obtidos por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com empresas brasileiras e mediante um estudo de caso mais aprofundado.
Multi-national enterprises often attempt to replicate successful management practices in "foreign" environments. However, such practices may be ethnocentric because they fit the assumptions, behaviors, expectations, and values of the home cultural environment. Unless the underlying assumptions are shared, transfer to a differing environment may fail. Even if the focus is shifted from cultural differences to implementation, implementation approaches may also be criticized as ethnocentric for the same reasons. In this article, a non-ethnocentric model is expanded and used to test the portability of one management practice, performance appraisal, from the USA to Brazil. This "Test of Portability" may help managers understand which management practices are portable, and, perhaps even more valuable, provide a rationale for adaptation or rejection.
Uma das principais características da economia portuguesa durante a segunda metade da década de 1990 foi a internacionalização de um número muito significativo de empresas nacionais, em vários setores de atividade. Na realidade, todos os dados disponíveis sugerem que, a partir de 1995, o processo de internacionalização desenvolvido pelas empresas portuguesas vem assumindo várias formas, tais como exportações, alianças estratégicas e Investimento Direto Estrangeiro. Verifica-se, igualmente, que esses fluxos não se dirigem para um único destino, mas que o stock português de investimento no estrangeiro tem três destinos predominantes: Brasil, Espanha e Holanda, destacando-se individualmente o Brasil, com mais de 40% do total. Neste contexto, procurou-se identificar, recorrendo à aplicação de questionários às empresas portuguesas com investimentos no Brasil, quais tinham sido os fatores determinantes para a escolha do Brasil como destino preferencial de investimento, tentando, também, aferir até que ponto a proximidade cultural existente entre os dois países teria desempenhado um papel relevante na tomada de decisão.