991 resultados para Crystal Structure, Brucine, Proton Transfer, Hydrogen Bonding, Citrates


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Proteases belonging to the M20 family are characterized by diverse substrate specificity and participate in several metabolic pathways. The Staphylococcus aureus metallopeptidase, Sapep, is a member of the aminoacylase-I/M20 protein family. This protein is a Mn2+-dependent dipeptidase. The crystal structure of this protein in the Mn2+-bound form and in the open, metal-free state suggests that large interdomain movements could potentially regulate the activity of this enzyme. We note that the extended inactive conformation is stabilized by a disulfide bond in the vicinity of the active site. Although these cysteines, Cys(155) and Cys(178), are not active site residues, the reduced form of this enzyme is substantially more active as a dipeptidase. These findings acquire further relevance given a recent observation that this enzyme is only active in methicillin-resistant S. aureus. The structural and biochemical features of this enzyme provide a template for the design of novel methicillin-resistant S. aureus-specific therapeutics.


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The characteristics of the separated flow behind a diaphragm over a burning surface are investigated experimentally. This complex problem of practical significance involving recirculation, blowing and combustion reactions is studied in a two-dimensional combustion tunnel. The flame structure, recirculation patterns and heat transfer to the surface are presented for a range of values of free stream and fuel injection velocities as well as for different heights of the diaphragm. The trends of heat transfer vs axial distance are shown to be similar to those resulting from a non-reactive heated stream with a diaphragm. Treating the case of a boundary layer diffusion flame as that corresponding to the zero height of the diaphragm, the heat transfer augmentation due to recirculation is estimated. It is found that at considerable downstream distances (xfh > 3), the heat transfer rates with diaphragm overtake the rates from a developing boundary layer case. Flow visualization studies with particle track photography show that there are many similarities between the reactive and the non-reactive cases.


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Reaction of [(eta-6-p-cymene)RuCl(L star)] with AgClO4 in Me2CO gives a perchlorate complex which on subsequent treatment with PPh3, gamma-picoline or Cl- yields adducts showing that there can be retention as well as inversion of configuration at the metal centre. The (R)Ru,(S)C absolute configurations of the chiral centres in the triphenylphosphine adduct have been established by an X-ray diffraction study [HL star, (S)-alpha-methylbenzylsalicylaldimine]. The CD spectral study reveals that there is an inversion of configuration during formation of the PPh3 adduct.


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The X-ray analysis of the tetranuclear copper(II) complex formed from pyridoxic acid and 2,2′-dipyridylamine reveals a novel metal binding mode of pyridoxic acid as a multibridged tetradentate dianion. Here the pyridoxic acid moiety uses all possible sites except the pyridine nitrogen for metal coordination.


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Reactions of group 6 metal carbonyls with bis(pyrazolyl) phosphazenes yield metal tricarbonyl complexes, [M(CO)3.L] [L = N3P3Ph4 (3, 5-Me2C3HN2)2 (1) or N3P3(MeNCH2CH2O)2 (3,5-Me2C3HN2)2(4)]. The structure of the complex [Mo(CO)3.1], determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis, shows that the (pyrazolyl) phosphazene acts as a tridentate ligand; the two pyridinic pyrazolyl nitrogen atoms and a phosphazene ring nitrogen atom are coordinated to the metal. A similar structure is proposed for the complexes [M(CO)3.4] (M = Mo or W] on the basis of their spectroscopic data.


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The reactions of the complexes [MI2(CO)3-(NCMe)2] (M = Mo, W) with the diphosphazane ligands RN{P(OPh)2}2 (R = Me, Ph) in CH2Cl2 at room temperature afford new seven-coordinated complexes of the type [MI2(CO)3{P(OPh)2}2NR]. The molybdenum complexes are sensitive to air oxidation even in the solid state, whereas the tungsten complexes are more stable in the solid state and in solution. The structure of the tungsten complex [WI2(CO)3{P(OPh)2}2NPh] has been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system with the space group Pna 2(1), a = 19.372 (2) angstrom, b = 11.511 (1) angstrom, c = 15.581 (1) angstrom, and Z = 4. Full-matrix least-squares refinement with 3548 reflections (I > 2.5-sigma-(I)) led to final R and R(w) values of 0.036 and 0.034, respectively. The complex adopts a slightly distorted pentagonal-bypyramidal geometry rarely observed for such a type of complexes; two phosphorus atoms of the diphosphazane ligand, two iodine atoms, and a carbonyl group occupy the equatorial plane, and the other two carbonyl groups, the apical positions.


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Hydrazinium metal chlorides, (N2H5)2MCl4·2H2O (where M = Fe, Co, Ni and Cu), have been prepared from the aqueous solutions of the respective metal chlorides and hydrazine hydrochloride (N2H4·HCl or N2H4·2HCl) and investigated by spectral and thermal analyses. The crystal structure of the iron complex has been determined by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares to an R of 0.023 and Rw of 0.031 for 1495 independent reflections. The structure shows ferrous ion in an octahedral environment bonded by two hydrazinium cations, two chloride anions and two water molecules. In the complex cation [Fe(N2H5)2(H2O)2Cl2]2+, the coordinated groups are in trans positions.


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The structure of cadaverine dihydrochloride monohydrate has been determined by X-ray crystallography with the following features: NH3+(CH2)5NH3+.2Cl-.H2O, formula weight 191.1, monoclinic, P2, a = 11.814(2) angstrom, b = 4.517(2) angstrom, c = 20.370(3) angstrom, beta = 106.56-degrees(1): V = 1041.9(2) angstrom3, lambda = 1.541 angstrom; mu = 53.4 1; T = 296-degrees; Z = 4, D(x) = 1.218 g.cm-3, R = 0.101 for 1383 observed reflections. The crystal is highly pseudosymmetric with 2 molecules of cadaverine, 4 chloride ions and 2 partially disordered water molecules present in the asymmetric unit. Though both the cadaverine molecules in the asymmetric unit have an all trans conformation, the carbon backbones are slightly bent. Between the concave surfaces of two bent cadaverine molecules exists water channels all along the short b axis. The water molecules present in the channels are partially disordered


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Reaction of formamide with Ni(NO3)(2)center dot 6H(2)O under hydrothermal condition in a mixture of MeOH/H2O forms a two-dimensional formate bridged sheet Ni(HCOO)(2)(MeOH)(2) (1). X-ray structure analysis reveals the conversion of formamide to formate which acts as a bridging ligand in complex 1 where the axial sites of Ni(II) are occupied by methanol used as a solvent. An analogous reaction in presence of 4,4'-bipyridyl (4,4'-bipy) yielded a three-dimensional structure Ni(HCOO)(2)(4,4'-bpy) (2). DC magnetic measurements as a function of temperature and field established the presence of spontaneous magnetization with T-c (Curie temperature) = 17 and 20.8 K in 1 and 2, respectively, which can be attributed due to spin-canting. DFT calculations were performed to corroborate the magnetic results of 1 and 2. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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C9H12N2Ot2P22-. 2K + .3H20 is orthorhombic, P2~2~2p with a = 18.977 (5), b - 22.597 (6), c = 8.995 (2) A, Z = 8. The structure was refined to R = 0.059 for 2587 observed reflexions. The two molecules of the asymmetric unit have very similar conformations with a 2'- endo sugar pucker and a folded pyrophosphate chain. They form a dimer, coordinated by the K + ions but without direct bridging between the base and the pyrophosphate within each individual molecule. One uracil base has the keto-enol and the other the diketo form. The extended structure shows alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions.