993 resultados para Covariant Plasmas


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Electron-impact excitation collision strengths for transitions between all singly excited levels up to the n = 4 shell of helium-Eke argon and the n = 4 and 5 shells of helium-like iron have been calculated using a radiation-damped R-matrix approach. The theoretical collision strengths have been examined and associated with their infinite-energy limit values to allow the preparation of Maxwell-averaged effective collision strengths. These are conservatively considered to be accurate to within 20% at all temperatures, 3 x 10(5)-3 x 10(8) K forAr(16+) and 10(6)-10(9) K for Fe24+. They have been compared with the results of previous studies, where possible, and we find a broad accord. The corresponding rate coefficients are required for use in the calculation of derived, collisional-radiative, effective emission coefficients for helium-like lines for diagnostic application to fusion and astrophysical plasmas. The uncertainties in the fundamental collision data have been used to provide a critical assessment of the expected resultant uncertainties in such derived data, including redistributive and cascade collisional-radiative effects. The consequential uncertainties in the parts of the effective emission coefficients driven by excitation from the ground levels for the key w, x, y and z lines vary between 5% and 10%. Our results remove an uncertainty in the reaction rates of a key class of atomic processes governing the spectral emission of helium-like ions in plasmas.


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The line intensity ratio method provides a nonintrusive diagnostic for the measurement of electron temperature in microwave-generated plasmas. For optically thin plasmas of low density, a line intensity method using He I lines can often be used, and is based on the fact that the electron impact excitation rate coefficients for helium singlet and triplet states are insensitive to electron density but differ as a function of the electron temperature. Line intensity measurements are presented from microwave-generated helium plasmas. Both steady-state corona and collision-radiative theoretical models are used to evaluate the ground and excited state populations. The line ratio versus electron temperature obtained from both of these methods are compared with the results from measurements. However, it is not possible to diagnose the electron temperature from the line ratios alone due to the presence of significant opacity and nonnegligible 1s2s S-3 metastable fraction in the plasma. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The sensitivity of lithium plasma models to the underlying atomic data is investigated. Collisional-radiative modeling is carried out with both the Los Alamos and ADAS suite of codes. The effects of plane-wave Born, distorted-wave, and nonperturbative R -matrix with pseudostates and time-dependent close-coupling electron impact atomic data on derived plasma quantities such as the ionization balance and radiated power are studied. Density and temperature regimes are identified where nonperturbative excitation and ionization rate coefficients must be used. The electron temperature and density ranges investigated were 0.2 eV<or = T(e) <or =90 eV and 10(10) cm(-3) <or = N(e) <or = 10(14) cm(-3).


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Trends and focii of interest in atomic modelling and data are identified in connection with recent observations and experiments in fusion and astrophysics. In the fusion domain, spectral observations are included of core, beam penetrated and divertor plasma. The helium beam experiments at JET and the studies with very heavy species at ASDEX and JET are noted. In the astrophysics domain, illustrations are given from the SOHO and CHANDRA spacecraft which span from the solar upper atmosphere, through soft x-rays from comets to supernovae remnants. It is shown that non-Maxwellian, dynamic and possibly optically thick regimes must be considered. The generalized collisional-radiative model properly describes the collisional regime of most astrophysical and laboratory fusion plasmas and yields self-consistent derived data for spectral emission, power balance and ionization state studies. The tuning of this method to routine analysis of the spectral observations is described. A forward look is taken as to how such atomic modelling, and the atomic data which underpin it, ought to evolve to deal with the extended conditions and novel environments of the illustrations. It is noted that atomic physics influences most aspects of fusion and astrophysical plasma behaviour but the effectiveness of analysis depends on the quality of the bi-directional pathway from fundamental data production through atomic/plasma model development to the confrontation with experiment. The principal atomic data capability at JET, and other fusion and astrophysical laboratories, is supplied via the Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) Project. The close ties between the various experiments and ADAS have helped in this path of communication.


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In this work, the general framework in which fits our investigation is that of modeling the dynamics of dust grains therein dusty plasma (complex plasma) in the presence of electromagnetic fields. The generalized discrete complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (DCGLE) is thus obtained to model discrete dynamical structure in dusty plasma with Epstein friction. In the collisionless limit, the equation reduces to the modified discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation (MDNLSE). The modulational instability phenomenon is studied and we present the criterion of instability in both cases and it is shown that high values of damping extend the instability region. Equations thus obtained highlight the presence of soliton-like excitation in dusty plasma. We studied the generation of soliton in a dusty plasma taking in account the effects of interaction between dust grains and theirs neighbours. Numerical simulations are carried out to show the validity of analytical approach.


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L’objectif de ce mémoire de maîtrise est de développer et de caractériser diverses sources de neutres réactifs destinées à des études fondamentales des interactions plasmas-surfaces. Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une vaste étude de la physique des interactions plasmas-parois mises en jeu dans les procédés de gravure par plasma des matériaux de pointe. Une revue de la littérature scientifique sur les diverses méthodes permettant de générer des faisceaux de neutres réactifs nous a permis de sélectionner deux types de sources. La première, une source pyrolitique, a été caractérisée par spectrométrie de masse en utilisant le C2F6 comme molécule mère. Nous avons montré que le C2F6 était dissocié à plus de 90% à 1000ºC et qu’il formait du CF4, lui-même dissocié en CF2 vers 900ºC. Ces résultats ont été validés à l’aide d’un modèle basé sur des calculs d’équilibres chimiques, qui a aussi prédit la formation de F à 1500ºC. La seconde source, un plasma entretenu par une onde électromagnétique de surfaces, a été caractérisée par spectroscopie optique d’émission et par interférométrie haute fréquence. Dans le cas du plasma d’argon créé par un champ électromagnétique (>GHz), nos travaux ont révélé une distribution en énergie des électrons à trois températures avec Te-low>Te-high


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L’objectif de ce mémoire de maîtrise est de développer des outils de diagnostics non-invasifs et de caractériser in-situ les dérives de procédé dans un réacteur industriel utilisé en production pour la gravure profonde du silicium par le procédé Bosch. Ce dernier repose sur l’alternance d’un plasma de SF6 pour la gravure isotrope du Si et d’un plasma de C4F8 pour la passivation des parois dans l’optique d’obtenir des tranchées profondes et étroites. Dans un premier temps, nous avons installé une sonde courant-tension sur la ligne de transmission du signal rf au porte-substrat pour l’étude de son impédance caractéristique et un spectromètre optique pour l’étude de l’émission optique du plasma. Nos travaux ont montré que l’évolution temporelle de l’impédance constitue un excellent moyen pour identifier des changements dans la dynamique du procédé, notamment une gravure complète de la photorésine. De plus, à partir des spectres d’émission, nous avons pu montrer que des produits carbonés sont libérés du substrat et des parois lors de l’alternance passivation/gravure et que ceux-ci modifient considérablement la concentration de fluor atomique dans le plasma. Dans un second temps, nous avons développé un réacteur à « substrat-tournant » pour l’analyse in-situ des interactions plasma-parois dans le procédé Bosch. Nos travaux sur ce réacteur visaient à caractériser par spectrométrie de masse l’évolution temporelle des populations de neutres réactifs et d’ions positifs. Dans les conditions opératoires étudiées, le SF6 se dissocie à près de 45% alors que le degré de dissociation du C4F8 atteint 70%. Le SF6 est avant tout dissocié en F et SF3 et l’ion dominant est le SF3+ alors que le C4F8 est fragmenté en CF, CF3 et CF4 et nous mesurons plusieurs ions significatifs. Dans les deux cas, la chaîne de dissociation demeure loin d’être complète. Nous avons noté une désorption importante des parois de CF4 lors du passage du cycle de passivation au cycle de gravure. Un modèle d’interactions plasmas-parois est proposé pour expliquer cette observation.


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Après des décennies de développement, l'ablation laser est devenue une technique importante pour un grand nombre d'applications telles que le dépôt de couches minces, la synthèse de nanoparticules, le micro-usinage, l’analyse chimique, etc. Des études expérimentales ainsi que théoriques ont été menées pour comprendre les mécanismes physiques fondamentaux mis en jeu pendant l'ablation et pour déterminer l’effet de la longueur d'onde, de la durée d'impulsion, de la nature de gaz ambiant et du matériau de la cible. La présente thèse décrit et examine l'importance relative des mécanismes physiques qui influencent les caractéristiques des plasmas d’aluminium induits par laser. Le cadre général de cette recherche forme une étude approfondie de l'interaction entre la dynamique de la plume-plasma et l’atmosphère gazeuse dans laquelle elle se développe. Ceci a été réalisé par imagerie résolue temporellement et spatialement de la plume du plasma en termes d'intensité spectrale, de densité électronique et de température d'excitation dans différentes atmosphères de gaz inertes tel que l’Ar et l’He et réactifs tel que le N2 et ce à des pressions s’étendant de 10‾7 Torr (vide) jusqu’à 760 Torr (pression atmosphérique). Nos résultats montrent que l'intensité d'émission de plasma dépend généralement de la nature de gaz et qu’elle est fortement affectée par sa pression. En outre, pour un délai temporel donné par rapport à l'impulsion laser, la densité électronique ainsi que la température augmentent avec la pression de gaz, ce qui peut être attribué au confinement inertiel du plasma. De plus, on observe que la densité électronique est maximale à proximité de la surface de la cible où le laser est focalisé et qu’elle diminue en s’éloignant (axialement et radialement) de cette position. Malgré la variation axiale importante de la température le long du plasma, on trouve que sa variation radiale est négligeable. La densité électronique et la température ont été trouvées maximales lorsque le gaz est de l’argon et minimales pour l’hélium, tandis que les valeurs sont intermédiaires dans le cas de l’azote. Ceci tient surtout aux propriétés physiques et chimiques du gaz telles que la masse des espèces, leur énergie d'excitation et d'ionisation, la conductivité thermique et la réactivité chimique. L'expansion de la plume du plasma a été étudiée par imagerie résolue spatio-temporellement. Les résultats montrent que la nature de gaz n’affecte pas la dynamique de la plume pour des pressions inférieures à 20 Torr et pour un délai temporel inférieur à 200 ns. Cependant, pour des pressions supérieures à 20 Torr, l'effet de la nature du gaz devient important et la plume la plus courte est obtenue lorsque la masse des espèces du gaz est élevée et lorsque sa conductivité thermique est relativement faible. Ces résultats sont confirmés par la mesure de temps de vol de l’ion Al+ émettant à 281,6 nm. D’autre part, on trouve que la vitesse de propagation des ions d’aluminium est bien définie juste après l’ablation et près de la surface de la cible. Toutefois, pour un délai temporel important, les ions, en traversant la plume, se thermalisent grâce aux collisions avec les espèces du plasma et du gaz.


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Laser radiation at 1.06 µm from a pulsed Nd:YAG laser was focused onto a multielement YBa2Cu3O7 target in vacuum and the plasma thus generated was studied using time-resolved spectroscopic techniques. Line broadening of the Ba I emission line at 553.5 nm was monitored as a function of time elapsed after the incidence of a laser pulse on the target. Measured line profiles of barium species were used to infer the electron density and temperature, and the time evolution of these important plasma parameters has been worked out.


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By eliminating the short range negative divergence of the Debye–Hückel pair distribution function, but retaining the exponential charge screening known to operate at large interparticle separation, the thermodynamic properties of one-component plasmas of point ions or charged hard spheres can be well represented even in the strong coupling regime. Predicted electrostatic free energies agree within 5% of simulation data for typical Coulomb interactions up to a factor of 10 times the average kinetic energy. Here, this idea is extended to the general case of a uniform ionic mixture, comprising an arbitrary number of components, embedded in a rigid neutralizing background. The new theory is implemented in two ways: (i) by an unambiguous iterative algorithm that requires numerical methods and breaks the symmetry of cross correlation functions; and (ii) by invoking generalized matrix inverses that maintain symmetry and yield completely analytic solutions, but which are not uniquely determined. The extreme computational simplicity of the theory is attractive when considering applications to complex inhomogeneous fluids of charged particles.


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Data are presented from the EISCAT CP-3-E experiment which show the presence of non-thermal plasma over a range of latitudes. The O+ ion-velocity distribution function is almost toroidal when the electric field reaches values of 125 mV m−1. The ion temperature derived from such data assuming a Maxwellian distribution function will overestimate the true ion temperature when the observing angle is large with respect to the magnetic field, and underestimate the temperature when the aspect angle is small. When the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, an improvement is sometimes found in fitting the observed data, and estimates of the composition can be made. Such an analysis suggests that N2+ can occasionally form a significant part of the total ion density in a narrow height region centred at 275 km.


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Data are presented from the EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter (Facility)) CP-3-E experiment which show large increases in the auroral zone convection velocities (>2 km s−1) over a wide range of latitudes. These are larger than the estimated neutral thermal speed and allow a study of the plasma in a nonthermal state over a range of observing angles. Spectra are presented which show a well-defined central peak, consistent with an ion velocity distribution function which significantly departs from a Maxwellian form. As the aspect angle decreases, the central peak becomes less obvious. Simulated spectra, derived using theoretical expressions for the O+ ion velocity distribution function based on the generalized relaxation collision model, are compared with the observations and show good first-order, qualitative agreement. It is shown that ion temperatures derived from the observations, with the assumption of a Maxwellian distribution function, are an overestimate of the true ion temperature at large aspect angles and an underestimate at low aspect angles. The theoretical distribution functions have been included in the “standard” incoherent scatter radar analysis procedure, and attempts have been made to derive realistic ionospheric parameters from nonthermal plasma observations. If the expressions for the distribution function are extended to include mixed ion composition, a significant improvement is found in fitting some of the observed spectra, and estimates of the ion composition can be made. The non-Maxwellian analysis of the data revealed that the spectral shape distortion parameter, D*, was significantly higher in this case for molecular ions than for atomic ions in a thin height slab roughly 40 km thick. This would seem unlikely if the main molecular ions present were NO+. We therefore suggest that N2+ formed a significant proportion of the molecular ions present during these observations.


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The recent identification of non-thermal plasmas using EISCAT data has been made possible by their occurrence during large, short-lived flow bursts. For steady, yet rapid, ion convection the only available signature is the shape of the spectrum, which is unreliable because it is open to distortion by noise and sampling uncertainty and can be mimicked by other phenomena. Nevertheless, spectral shape does give an indication of the presence of non-thermal plasma, and the characteristic shape has been observed for long periods (of the order of an hour or more) in some experiments. To evaluate this type of event properly one needs to compare it to what would be expected theoretically. Predictions have been made using the coupled thermosphere-ionosphere model developed at University College London and the University of Sheffield to show where and when non-Maxwellian plasmas would be expected in the auroral zone. Geometrical and other factors then govern whether these are detectable by radar. The results are applicable to any incoherent scatter radar in this area, but the work presented here concentrates on predictions with regard to experiments on the EISCAT facility.


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Alfven eigenmodes (AE) driven by ion cyclotron resonance heating are usually registered by different diagnostic channels in the hot core plasmas of large tokamaks like JET and ASDEX Upgrade. These AE appear very near to the extremum points of Alfven wave continuum, which is modified by the geodesic effect due to poloidal mode coupling. It is shown that the AE spectrum may be explored as the magnetic spectroscopy (like Alfven cascades by Sharapov et al 2001 Phys. Lett. A 289 127) to determine the q-factor minimum and geodesic frequency at the magnetic axis in standard sawtoothed discharges without reversed shear.


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The electrostatic geodesic mode oscillations are investigated in rotating large aspect ratio tokamak plasmas with circular isothermal magnetic surfaces. The analysis is carried out within the magnetohydrodynamic model including heat flux to compensate for the non-adiabatic pressure distribution along the magnetic surfaces in plasmas with poloidal rotation. Instead of two standard geodesic modes, three geodesic continua are found. The two higher branches of the geodesic modes have a small frequency up-shift from ordinary geodesic acoustic and sonic modes due to rotation. The lower geodesic continuum is a newzonal flowmode (geodesic Doppler mode) in plasmas with mainly poloidal rotation. Limits to standard geodesic modes are found. Bifurcation of Alfven continuum by geodesic modes at the rational surfaces is also discussed. Due to that, the frequency of combined geodesic continuum extends from the poloidal rotation frequency to the ion-sound band that can have an important role in suppressing plasma turbulence.