769 resultados para Could computing
Large scientific applications are usually developed, tested and used by a group of geographically dispersed scientists. The problems associated with the remote development and data sharing could be tackled by using collaborative working environments. There are various tools and software to create collaborative working environments. Some software frameworks, currently available, use these tools and software to enable remote job submission and file transfer on top of existing grid infrastructures. However, for many large scientific applications, further efforts need to be put to prepare a framework which offers application-centric facilities. Unified Air Pollution Model (UNI-DEM), developed by Danish Environmental Research Institute, is an example of a large scientific application which is in a continuous development and experimenting process by different institutes in Europe. This paper intends to design a collaborative distributed computing environment for UNI-DEM in particular but the framework proposed may also fit to many large scientific applications as well.
The work reported in this paper proposes a novel synergy between parallel computing and swarm robotics to offer a new computing paradigm, 'swarm-array computing' that can harness and apply autonomic computing for parallel computing systems. One approach among three proposed approaches in swarm-array computing based on landscapes of intelligent cores, in which the cores of a parallel computing system are abstracted to swarm agents, is investigated. A task is executed and transferred seamlessly between cores in the proposed approach thereby achieving self-ware properties that characterize autonomic computing. FPGAs are considered as an experimental platform taking into account its application in space robotics. The feasibility of the proposed approach is validated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.
Can autonomic computing concepts be applied to traditional multi-core systems found in high performance computing environments? In this paper, we propose a novel synergy between parallel computing and swarm robotics to offer a new computing paradigm, `Swarm-Array Computing' that can harness and apply autonomic computing for parallel computing systems. One approach among three proposed approaches in swarm-array computing based on landscapes of intelligent cores, in which the cores of a parallel computing system are abstracted to swarm agents, is investigated. A task gets executed and transferred seamlessly between cores in the proposed approach thereby achieving self-ware properties that characterize autonomic computing. FPGAs are considered as an experimental platform taking into account its application in space robotics. The feasibility of the proposed approach is validated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator.
Tremor is a clinical feature characterized by oscillations of a part of the body. The detection and study of tremor is an important step in investigations seeking to explain underlying control strategies of the central nervous system under natural (or physiological) and pathological conditions. It is well established that tremorous activity is composed of deterministic and stochastic components. For this reason, the use of digital signal processing techniques (DSP) which take into account the nonlinearity and nonstationarity of such signals may bring new information into the signal analysis which is often obscured by traditional linear techniques (e.g. Fourier analysis). In this context, this paper introduces the application of the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectrum (HS), which are relatively new DSP techniques for the analysis of nonlinear and nonstationary time-series, for the study of tremor. Our results, obtained from the analysis of experimental signals collected from 31 patients with different neurological conditions, showed that the EMD could automatically decompose acquired signals into basic components, called intrinsic mode functions (IMFs), representing tremorous and voluntary activity. The identification of a physical meaning for IMFs in the context of tremor analysis suggests an alternative and new way of detecting tremorous activity. These results may be relevant for those applications requiring automatic detection of tremor. Furthermore, the energy of IMFs was visualized as a function of time and frequency by means of the HS. This analysis showed that the variation of energy of tremorous and voluntary activity could be distinguished and characterized on the HS. Such results may be relevant for those applications aiming to identify neurological disorders. In general, both the HS and EMD demonstrated to be very useful to perform objective analysis of any kind of tremor and can therefore be potentially used to perform functional assessment.
In this paper we present error analysis for a Monte Carlo algorithm for evaluating bilinear forms of matrix powers. An almost Optimal Monte Carlo (MAO) algorithm for solving this problem is formulated. Results for the structure of the probability error are presented and the construction of robust and interpolation Monte Carlo algorithms are discussed. Results are presented comparing the performance of the Monte Carlo algorithm with that of a corresponding deterministic algorithm. The two algorithms are tested on a well balanced matrix and then the effects of perturbing this matrix, by small and large amounts, is studied.
Synchronous collaborative systems allow geographically distributed participants to form a virtual work environment enabling cooperation between peers and enriching the human interaction. The technology facilitating this interaction has been studied for several years and various solutions can be found at present. In this paper, we discuss our experiences with one such widely adopted technology, namely the Access Grid. We describe our experiences with using this technology, identify key problem areas and propose our solution to tackle these issues appropriately. Moreover, we propose the integration of Access Grid with an Application Sharing tool, developed by the authors. Our approach allows these integrated tools to utilise the enhanced features provided by our underlying dynamic transport layer.
The work reported in this paper is motivated by the fact that there is a need to apply autonomic computing concepts to parallel computing systems. Advancing on prior work based on intelligent cores [36], a swarm-array computing approach, this paper focuses on ‘Intelligent agents’ another swarm-array computing approach in which the task to be executed on a parallel computing core is considered as a swarm of autonomous agents. A task is carried to a computing core by carrier agents and is seamlessly transferred between cores in the event of a predicted failure, thereby achieving self-ware objectives of autonomic computing. The feasibility of the proposed swarm-array computing approach is validated on a multi-agent simulator.
The work reported in this paper proposes Swarm-Array computing, a novel technique inspired by swarm robotics, and built on the foundations of autonomic and parallel computing. The approach aims to apply autonomic computing constructs to parallel computing systems and in effect achieve the self-ware objectives that describe self-managing systems. The constitution of swarm-array computing comprising four constituents, namely the computing system, the problem/task, the swarm and the landscape is considered. Approaches that bind these constituents together are proposed. Space applications employing FPGAs are identified as a potential area for applying swarm-array computing for building reliable systems. The feasibility of a proposed approach is validated on the SeSAm multi-agent simulator and landscapes are generated using the MATLAB toolkit.
The work reported in this paper proposes ‘Intelligent Agents’, a Swarm-Array computing approach focused to apply autonomic computing concepts to parallel computing systems and build reliable systems for space applications. Swarm-array computing is a robotics a swarm robotics inspired novel computing approach considered as a path to achieve autonomy in parallel computing systems. In the intelligent agent approach, a task to be executed on parallel computing cores is considered as a swarm of autonomous agents. A task is carried to a computing core by carrier agents and can be seamlessly transferred between cores in the event of a predicted failure, thereby achieving self-* objectives of autonomic computing. The approach is validated on a multi-agent simulator.