988 resultados para Corea R
Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.
There is at the moment no direct method of determining the organic matter content of natural waters. In 1940/41 8 different water bodies in central Russia were studied and their organic matter identified. The author concludes that there is currently no easy method to determine organic matter in water. A number methods need to be applied.
The report describes the results of preliminary analyses of data obtained from a series of water temperature loggers sited at various distances (0.8 to 21.8 km) downstream of Kielder dam on the River North Tyne and in two natural tributaries. The report deals with three aspects of the water temperature records: An analysis of an operational aspect of the data sets for selected stations, a simple examination of the effects of impoundment upon water temperature at or close to the point of release, relative to natural river temperatures, and an examination of rate of change of monthly means of daily mean, maximum, minimum and range (maximum - minimum) with distance downstream of the point of release during 1983.
Mediante Western blot y cultivos celulares, en el presente trabajo se han observado las variaciones en el número de espinas dendríticas y sinapsis en neuronas del hipocampo de ratas macho de tres meses de edad, cuando se activa o se inhibe el receptor de neurokinina 3 (NK3-R) mediante drogas agonistas o antagonistas. Se ha visto que el gen de este receptor tiene una menor expresión en ratas muy ansiosas en comparación con las poco ansiosas, por lo que se pretende estudiar las implicaciones que pueda tener esta proteína en el trastorno de ansiedad.
This report describes the general background to the project, defines the stations from which data sets have been obtained and lists the available data. The project had the following aims: To develop a more accurate and less labour-intensive system for the collection and processing of water temperature data from a number of stations within a stream/river system, and to use the River North Tyne downstream of the Kielder impoundment as a test bed for the system. This should yield useful information on the effects of impoundment upon downstream water temperatures.
IDOKI SCF Technologies S.L. is a technology-based company, set up on September 2006 in Derio (Biscay) with the main scope of developing extraction and purification processes based on the use of supercritical fluid extraction technology (SFE) in food processing, extraction of natural products and the production of personal care products. IDOKI¿s researchers have been working on many different R&D projects so far, most of them using this technology. However, the optimization of a SFE method for the different matrices cannot be performed unless we have an analytical method for the characterisation of the extracts obtained in each experiment. The analytical methods are also essential for the quality control of the raw materials that are going to be used and also for the final product. This PhD thesis was born to tackle this problem and therefore, it is based on the development of different analytical methods for the characterisation of the extracts and products. The projects that we could include in this thesis were the following: the extraction propolis, the recovery of agroindustrial residues (soy and wine) and the dealcoholisation of wine.On the one hand, for the extraction of propolis, several UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were used in order to measure the antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol and flavonoid content of the extracts. A SFC method was also developed in order to measure more specific phenolic compounds. On the other hand, for the recovery of agroindustrial residues UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine the total polyphenol content and two SFC methods were developed to analyse different phenolic compounds. Extraction methods such as MAE, FUSE and rotary agitation were also evaluated for the characterisation of the raw materials.Finally, for the dealcoholisation of wine, the development of a SBSE-TD-GC-MS and DHS-TD-GC-MS methods for the analysis of aromas and a NIR spectroscopic method for the determination of ethanol content with the help of chemometrics was necessary. Most of these methods are typically used in IDOKI¿s lab as routine analyses apart from others not included in this PhD thesis.
R puede entenderse como un lenguaje de programación, como un potente software de análisis estadísticos o incluso como un generador de gráficos. Cualquiera de las tres acepciones es compatible con una definición de R. Estas páginas ofrecen al lector interesado y no iniciado en programación, los conceptos básicos y necesarios de la sintaxis de R que le permitirán trabajar en un entorno pensado para su uso con interfaces de códigos. Si bien es cierto que existen interfaces gráficas (R Commander) que facilitan el uso de R como software para el análisis de datos, no es menos cierto que la adquisición de destrezas en el manejo de unas normas de sintaxis básicas permitirán al usuario de R beneficiarse aún más de la potencia y de las ventajas que ofrece este entorno.
El estudio de una escala de actitudes, un inventario de personalidad o una prueba de aptitud numérica comprende un conjunto de análisis cuya finalidad es garantizar la fiabilidad de los datos y la validez de las inferencias derivadas de ellos. El corpus que da sustento teórico, aplicado y ético a tales menesteres se cimienta sobre la disciplina denominada psicometría. La psicometría se ocupa del proceso de construcción y validación de escalas cuyo objetivo es medir variables de naturaleza psicológica. El libro trata en profundidad y de forma actualizada los dos grandes temas de la medición empírica, la fiabilidad y las validez, así como la tecnología implicada en su análisis: regresión simple y múltiple, análisis factorial, equiparación de puntuaciones, funcionamiento diferencial del ítem, análisis de varianza. Todo ello se aborda desde una doble perspectiva teórica y aplicada. La primera aporta las bases necesarias para su comprensión y la segunda contribuye a su asimilación por medio de un ejemplo real que se ilustra con la ayuda del mejor software disponible para el análisis de datos y la psicometría, R.
Datuen analisi kuantitatiboa egin behar duen edonork, gaur egun, aukera zabala du. Programa ugari daude, komertzialak zein doakoak, edozein analisi mota, sinpleena zein konplexuena, egiteko. Programa komertzialen artean, SPSS, SAS, STATISTICA, Systat, Stata edo GenStat aipa daitezke. Programa horiek merkatu osoaz jabetu dira, eta Europako eta Amerikako unibertsitateetan analisi-tresna moduan erabiltzen dira. Programa horiek joan dira, lehenengo bertsioetatik gaurkoetaraino, interfaze grafikoak hobetuz (GUI Graphical User Interfaces) eta analisi-eredu gero eta konplexuagoak erantsiz. Leihoen kudeaketan oinarrituriko testuinguru-menuen eta goitik beherako menuen garapenari esker, programak erabilerrazagoak dira, eta analisi zein eredu formal konplexuenekin lan egiteko aukera izan du erabiltzaileen komunitateak.
The effectiveness of a vaccine is determined not only by the immunogenicity of its components, but especially by how widely it covers the disease-causing strains circulating in a given region. Because vaccine coverage varies over time, this study aimed to detect possible changes that could affect vaccine protection during a specific period in a southern European region. The 4CMenB vaccine is licensed for use in Europe, Canada, and Australia and is mainly directed against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B. This vaccine contains four main immunogenic components: three recombinant proteins, FHbp, Nhba and NadA, and an outer membrane vesicle [PorA P1.4]. The allelic distribution of FHbp, Nhba, NadA, and PorA antigens in 82 invasive isolates (B and non-B serogroups) isolated from January 2008 to December 2013 were analyzed. 4CMenB was likely protective against 61.8% and 50% of serogroup B and non-B meningococci, respectively, in the entire period, but between 2012 and 2013, the predicted protection fell below 45% (42.1% for serogroup B isolates). The observed decreasing trend in the predicted protection during the 6 years of the study (X-2 for trend = 4.68, p=0.03) coincided with a progressive decrease of several clonal complexes (e. g., cc11, cc32 and cc41/44), which had one or more antigens against which the vaccine would offer protection.