564 resultados para Contact lens, Compliance, Microbial keratitis, Case care
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The artificial iris is the structure responsible for the dissimulation and aesthetics of ocular prosthesis. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the color stability of artificial iris of microwaveable polymerized ocular prosthesis, as a function of paint type, drying method and accelerated aging. A total of 40 discs of microwaveable polymerized acrylic resin were fabricated, and divided according to the blue paint type ( n = 5): hydrosoluble acrylic, nitrocellulose automotive, hydrosoluble gouache and oil paints. Paints where dried either at natural or at infrared light bulb method. Each specimen was constituted of one disc in colorless acrylic resin and another colored with a basic sclera pigment. Painting was performed in one surface of one of the discs. The specimens were submitted to an artificial aging chamber under ultraviolet light, during 1008 h. A reflective spectrophotometer was used to evaluate color changes. Data were evaluated by 3-way repeated-measures ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test (alpha = 0.05). All paints suffered color alteration. The oil paint presented the highest color resistance to artificial aging regardless of drying method. (C) 2010 British Contact Lens Association. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: To detect normal values of red phenol thread test in the Brazilian population and compare it between different races, age and sex. Methods: 280 white individuals (560 eyes) and 280 non-white individuals (560 eyes) were analyzed regarding sex and age, and analyzed using the Phenol Red test. Individuals with ocular diseases, contact lens or ocular drug users were excluded from this study. Results: Of the 1,120 evaluated eyes, the mean ± standard deviation result was 19,77±7,90 mm. Conclusion: The mean result found in this study was an intermediate value compared to the previously studied populations (Japanese and American).
Many studies had described the morbi-mortality related to medicines. As for the strategies to reduce the possible risks for medicine therapy is very important to readvise the pharmaceutical activity, once the pharmacist has potential for constitute an essential part for the solution of problems related to the utilization of medicines. The purpose of this work was to demonstrate that the therapeutic subdosage and the microbiological contamination may be directly involved with the inappropriate manipulation of medicines stored in residences. Liquid dosage forms containing dipyrone market in Brazil and stored at homes in Araraquara (SP) were analyzed regarding quantitative and microbiological analysis. Only in 57% from 128 samples analyzed the drug quantity was in accordance. Moreover, 26.2% from 128 samples analyzed presented S. aureus, E. coli and Salmonella sp. These results demonstrated clear reduction in their quality, as well as the presence of molds and/or bacteria in some medicines that still agreed with the expirations dates, showing the importance of the pharmacist in advising the correct use and store of medicines.
Purpose: To analyze the conditions, consequences and risks of self-medication in patients attended in ophthalmology emergency room at Hospital das Clínicas de Botucatu (UNESP). Methods: Sixty patients who had used any form of self-medication were studied according: age, sex, professional activity, mainly complain, visual acuity (best-corrected vision), who administrated the self-medication (friends/parents, pharmacy clerk, advertisement, or the person himself), sort of medication or product used (eyedrops/ointments/contact lenses), cost (R$), time expenditure to medical attention, ocular complications, risk of visual loss and final diagnose. Results: The majority of patients with self-medication were male (72%). The mean age was 40,9 years (7-77 years). Patients usually used eyedrops that they had at home and delayed 3 days to the first medical evaluation. The most frequently kind of topical eyedrop used was vasoconstrictor (17%). However, many patients even knew what kind of medication they had dropped in their eyes (21%). The great majority of the patients (68%) were exposed to the risk of visual loss. According to our results, self-medication may cause visual complications in 12% of patients, in which, 42% was related to the contact lenses fit without ophthalmologic assistance. Conclusion: The majory of the patients used medication that they had in home. The topical vasoconstrictor was the most frequently used drug, however, they did not know which medication were dropping in their eyes (21%).
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the roughness of colorless ocular button and four brands of colorless acrylic resins designed to fabricate ocular prosthesis as a function of weathering (1008 h) and different thickness (1 and 3.5 mm). Materials and methods: One-hundred-and-twenty specimens were fabricated and distributed in 12 groups. The analysis was carried out by means of digital roughness meter. Results: Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey test at 1% significance. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference after the weathering period. Both the Vipi Cril acrylic resin with 3.5 mm in thickness and ocular button with 1 mm in thickness presented the lowest roughness values (0.12. Ra). Conclusion: The roughness of the acrylic resins and the ocular button was not affect by the weathering of 1008 h. However, the thickness of the specimens proved to have a major influence on roughness property. © 2010.
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
Nas últimas três décadas os métodos eletromagnéticos vem se desenvolvendo satisfatoriamente em função da aplicabilidade na prospecção de corpos de sulfetos maciços. Em regiões de climas tropicais, normalmente o manto de intemperismo apresenta-se condutivo. E este, na maioria das vezes, não é levado em conta na prospecção eletromagnética, causando portanto erros consideráveis de interpretações. Neste trabalho consideramos o manto de intemperismo em contato e sem-contato com o corpo condutor. Com o objetivo de estudar os efeitos dos mantos sobre anomalias EM de corpos tabulares inclinados, foram feitos vários experimentos utilizando modelamento analógico em escala reduzida, admitindo-se diferentes parâmetros de resposta para o corpo e o manto. Para simular o corpo foram utilizadas placas de aço inoxidável com as dimensões suficientemente grande em relação ao espaçamento entre as bobinas, de tal modo que simulassem um semi-plano. Para simular o manto foi utilizado uma solução de sais, sendo que para o caso de manto-condutivo, o corpo foi colocado em contato galvânico com a solução. Para o manto-indutivo foi considerado sem-contato galvânico, de tal forma que o corpo e o manto fossem acoplados apenas indutivamente. Onde 1) o corpo foi colocado totalmente sem contato com o manto 2) o corpo foi revestido por uma película resistiva e colocado em contato com o manto. Com a presença de manto-indutivo, observamos que a amplitude dos perfis é levemente atenuada. Além disso, observamos na quadratura a reversão e o aparecimento de um pico-extra nas inclinações do corpo θ≤60º e nos valores de número de indução αc≥78.16 e αm≥0.5 respectivamente do corpo e do manto. E a rotação de fase se dava no sentido horário, sendo mais intensa para altos valores de número de indução do corpo. No manto-indutivo o corpo parece estar a uma profundidade maior que a verdadeira, e ser mais condutivo do que realmente é. Com manto-condutivo, observamos que as amplitudes dos perfis são ligeiramente acrescidos assim como, a rotação de fase se dava no sentido anti-horário sendo mais intensa para pequenos valores de número de indução do corpo. Os demais efeitos tais como reversão na quadratura e presença de pico-extra ocorrem de modo análogo ao ocorrido no caso de manto-indutivo. No manto-condutivo, o corpo parece estar a uma profundidade inferior à verdadeira e ser menos condutivo. As anomalias EM são ligeiramente modificadas em função da rotação de fase e atenuação de amplitudes que ocorrem nos campos primário e secundário quando atravessam o manto, e também em consequência da interação indutiva de corrente induzida entre corpo e manto. Além disso ocorre a redistribuição de corrente no manto devido à presença de corpo dentro do manto. No manto-condutivo as correntes são canalizadas dentro do corpo que está em contato galvânico com o manto, enquanto no manto-indutivo ocorre um desvio de corrente, devido à película resistiva que envolve o corpo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This cross-sectional and quantitative study aimed to analyze the relationship among social support, adherence to non-pharmacological (diet and physical exercise) and pharmacological treatments (insulin and/or oral anti-diabetic medication) and clinical and metabolic control of 162 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Data were collected through instruments validated for Brazil. Social support was directly correlated with treatment adherence. Adherence to non-pharmacological treatment was inversely correlated with body mass index, and medication adherence was inversely correlated with diastolic blood pressure. There were no associations between social support and clinical and metabolic control variables. Findings indicate that social support can be useful to achieve treatment adherence. Studies with other designs should be developed to broaden the analysis of relations between social support and other variables.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Top Down (TD) und zwei Bottom Up (BU) MALDI/ESI Massenspektrometrie/HPLC-Methoden entwickelt mit dem Ziel Augenoberfächenkomponenten, d.h. Tränenfilm und Konjunktivalzellen zu analysieren. Dabei wurde ein detaillierter Einblick in die Entwicklungsschritte gegeben und die Ansätze auf Eignung und methodische Grenzen untersucht. Während der TD Ansatz vorwiegend Eignung zur Analyse von rohen, weitgehend unbearbeiteten Zellproben fand, konnten mittels des BU Ansatzes bearbeitete konjunktivale Zellen, aber auch Tränenfilm mit hoher Sensitivität und Genauigkeit proteomisch analysiert werden. Dabei konnten mittels LC MALDI BU-Methode mehr als 200 Tränenproteine und mittels der LC ESI Methode mehr als 1000 Tränen- sowie konjunktivale Zellproteine gelistet werden. Dabei unterschieden sich ESI- and MALDI- Methoden deutlich bezüglich der Quantität und Qualität der Ergebnisse, weshalb differente proteomische Anwendungsgebiete der beiden Methoden vorgeschlagen wurden. Weiterhin konnten mittels der entwickelten LC MALDI/ESI BU Plattform, basierend auf den Vorteilen gegenüber dem TD Ansatz, therapeutische Einflüsse auf die Augenoberfläche mit Fokus auf die topische Anwendung von Taurin sowie Taflotan® sine, untersucht werden. Für Taurin konnten entzündungshemmende Effekte, belegt durch dynamische Veränderungen des Tränenfilms, dokumentiert werden. Außerdem konnten vorteilhafte, konzentrationsabhängige Wirkweisen auch in Studien an konjunktival Zellen gezeigt werden. Für die Anwendung von konservierungsmittelfreien Taflotan® sine, konnte mittels LC ESI BU Analyse eine Regenerierung der Augenoberfläche in Patienten mit Primärem Offenwinkel Glaukom (POWG), welche unter einem “Trockenem Auge“ litten nach einem therapeutischen Wechsel von Xalatan® basierend auf dynamischen Tränenproteomveränderungen gezeigt werden. Die Ergebnisse konnten mittels Microarray (MA) Analysen bestätigt werden. Sowohl in den Taurin Studien, als auch in der Taflotan® sine Studie, konnten charakteristische Proteine der Augenoberfläche dokumentiert werden, welche eine objektive Bewertung des Gesundheitszustandes der Augenoberfläche ermöglichen. Eine Kombination von Taflotan® sine und Taurin wurde als mögliche Strategie zur Therapie des Trockenen Auges bei POWG Patienten vorgeschlagen und diskutiert.
Nanoindentation is a valuable tool for characterization of biomaterials due to its ability to measure local properties in heterogeneous, small or irregularly shaped samples. However, applying nanoindentation to compliant, hydrated biomaterials leads to many challenges including adhesion between the nanoindenter tip and the sample. Although adhesion leads to overestimation of the modulus of compliant samples when analyzing nanoindentation data using traditional analysis techniques, most studies of biomaterials have ignored its effects. This paper demonstrates two methods for managing adhesion in nanoindentation analysis, the nano-JKR force curve method and the surfactant method, through application to two biomedically-relevant compliant materials, poly(dimethyl siloxane) (PDMS) elastomers and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) hydrogels. The nano-JKR force curve method accounts for adhesion during data analysis using equations based on the Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) adhesion model, while the surfactant method eliminates adhesion during data collection, allowing data analysis using traditional techniques. In this study, indents performed in air or water resulted in adhesion between the tip and the sample, while testing the same materials submerged in Optifree Express() contact lens solution eliminated tip-sample adhesion in most samples. Modulus values from the two methods were within 7% of each other, despite different hydration conditions and evidence of adhesion. Using surfactant also did not significantly alter the properties of the tested material, allowed accurate modulus measurements using commercial software, and facilitated nanoindentation testing in fluids. This technique shows promise for more accurate and faster determination of modulus values from nanoindentation of compliant, hydrated biological samples. Copyright 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: An age-controlled comparison concerning patient satisfaction and electrical performance of microfibres (DTL) and rigid contact lens (Henkes) corneal ERG electrodes was carried out. METHODS: 36 test persons underwent complete ophthalmological examination and were equally distributed into 3 age groups. Electroretinograms were recorded according to ISCEV standards. Randomly, in one eye a Henkes electrode was used and in the other eye a DTL electrode. Amplitudes of a- and b-waves and implicit times were measured and compared for the two electrode types. RESULTS: 34 of 36 test persons preferred DTL electrodes. Electrical performance concerning b-wave amplitudes was comparable. Statistically significant differences were detected only for scotopic combined cone-rod stimulation in the age groups 20 - 40 and 41 - 60 years between the different electrodes. Other recordings did not show differences. A statistically significant reduction of signal amplitudes with age was detected for scotopic isolated rod signals and combined cone-rod signals. Significance level was p < 0.05. No conjunctival or corneal erosions were found after ERG recordings for either electrode. CONCLUSIONS: Electrical performance is comparable between electrodes. For scotopic stimulations age was a significant influencing factor for signal amplitude and should be respected for normative values. DTL electrodes were preferred by the vast majority of patients. No adverse clinical effects were observed for either electrode. DTL electrodes should be preferred due to hygienic reasons (single use) and patient comfort.
The use of cancer-related therapies in cancer patients hospitalized at the end of life has increased in many countries over time. Given the scarcity of published Swiss data, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of hospital type and other factors on the delivery of health care during the last month before death. Claims data were used to assess health care utilization of cancer patients (identified by cancer registry data of four participating Swiss cantons) who deceased between 2006 and 2008. Primary endpoints were delivery of cancer-related therapies during the last 30 days before death. Multivariate logistic regression assessed the explanatory value of hospital type, patient and geographic characteristics. Of 3,809 identified cancer patients in the claims database, 2,086 patients dying from cancer were hospitalized during the last 30 days before death, generating 2,262 inpatient episodes. Anticancer drug therapy was given in 22.2% and radiotherapy in 11.7% of episodes. Besides age and cancer type, the canton of residence and hospital type showed independent, statistically significant associations with intensity of care, which was highest in university hospitals. These results should initiate a discussion among oncologists in Switzerland and may question the compliance with standard of care guidelines for terminal cancer patients.