926 resultados para Compact Dual Frequency rnicrostrip antennas
compact multihand planar octagonal-shaped microstrip antenna simultaneously suitable for mobile communication and blue tooth application is presented. The antenna provides sufficient isolation benveen the two operating bands and an area reduction of -29 % with respect to a circular patch operating in the same band
Development of a new compact circular-sided microstrip antenna is presented. This antenna offers considerable area re- TABLE 2. Variation of Resonant Frequencies duction compared to standard rectangular microstrip antenna designed for the same frequency. Typical antenna design and experimental results for circular polarization are also demonstrated. 77je antenna has a 3-dB axial ratio bandwidth of 1.5%
A novel technique fitr the bat dividth enhancement of conventional rectangular microstrip antenna is proposed in this paper. When a high permittivity dielectric resonator of suitable resonant frequency was loaded over the patch. the % bandwidth of the antenna was increased by more than five tunes without much affecting its gain and radiation performance. A much more improved bandwidth was obtained when the dielectric resonator was placed on the feedline. Experimental study shows a 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of more than 10% and excellent cross polarization performance with increased pass band and radiation coverage abnost the same as that of rectangular microstrip antenna
A compact single - feed muttiband planar antenna configuration suitable for GPS, DCS. 2.4/5.8 GHz WLAN applications is presented. The antenna has dimensions 38 x 3 x 1.6 mm and offers good radiation and reflection characteristics in the above frequency bands. The antenna has a simple geometry and can be easily fed using a 50 coaxial probe.
In recent years, there is a visible trend for products/services which demand seamless integration of cellular networks, WLANs and WPANs. This is a strong indication for the inclusion of high speed short range wireless technology in future applications. In this context UWB radio has a significant role to play as an extension/complement to existing cellular/access technology. In the present work, we have investigated two major types of wide band planar antennas: Monopole and Slot. Four novel compact broadband antennas, suitable for poratble applications, are designed and characterized, namely 1. Elliptical monopole 2. Inverted cone monopole 3. Koch fractal slot 4. Wide band slot The performance of these designs have been studied using standard simulation tools used in industry/academia and they have been experimentally verified. Antenna design guidelines are also deduced by accounting the resonances in each structure. In addition to having compact sized, high efficiency and broad bandwidth antennas, one of the major criterion in the design of impulse-UWB systems have been the transmission of narrow band pulses with minimum distortion. The key challenge is not only to design a broad band antenna with constant and stable gain but to maintain a flat group delay or linear phase response in the frequency domain or excellent transient response in time domain. One of the major contributions of the thesis lies in the analysis of the frequency and time-domain response of the designed UWB antennas to confirm their suitability for portable pulsed-UWB systems. Techniques to avoid narrowband interference by engraving narrow slot resonators on the antenna is also proposed and their effect on a nano-second pulse have been investigated.
A major challenge in the transmission of narrow pulses is the radiation characteristics of the antenna. Designing the front ends for UWB systems pose challenges compared to their narrow and wide band counterparts because in addition to having electrically small size, high efficiency and band width, the antenna has to have excellent transient response. The present work deals with the design of four novel antenna designs- Square Monopole, Semi-Elliptic Slot, Step and Linear Tapered slot - and an assay on their suitability in UWB Systems. Multiple resonances in the geometry are matched to UWB by redesigning the ground-patch interfaces. Techniques to avoid narrow band interference is proposed in the antenna level and their effect on a nano second pulse have also been investigated. The thesis proposes design guidelines to design the antenna on laminates of any permittivity and the analyzes are complete with results in the frequency and time domains.
Study of the characteristics of planar loop resonators and their use in the construction of filters at microwave frequencies are presented in this thesis.A detailed investigation of parameters affecting the strength of coupling and the resonant frequency are also carried out .Techniques for size reduction in bandstop and bandpass filters using planar loop resonators are developed.Different configurations of bandstop and bandpass filters using loop resonators are simulated and experimental results on optimal filter configurations are presented.
A new design of a dual-band dual-polarized electromagnetically coupled slot loaded square patch antenna, covering the WLAN 5.2 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands, achieving bandwidth enhancement by using tapered slot structure, is presented here. The proposed antenna covers 5.09–5.47 GHz and 5.7–5.88 GHz bands. Details of the antenna design along with experimental and simulated results are presented and discussed.
This thesis describes the development and analysis of an Isosceles Trapezoidal Dielectric Resonator Antenna (ITDRA) by realizing different DR orientations with suitable feed configurations enabling it to be used as multiband, dual band dual polarized and wideband applications. The motivation for this work has been inspired by the need for compact, high efficient, low cost antenna suitable for multi band application, dual band dual polarized operation and broadband operation with the possibility of using with MICs, and to ensure less expensive, more efficient and quality wireless communication systems. To satisfy these challenging demands a novel shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) is fabricated and investigated for the possibility of above required properties by trying out different orientations of the DR on a simple microstrip feed and with slotted ground plane as well. The thesis initially discusses and evaluates recent and past developments taken place within the microwave industry on this topic through a concise review of literature. Then the theoretical aspects of DRA and different feeding techniques are described. Following this, fabrication and characterization of DRA is explained. To achieve the desired requirements as above both simulations and experimental measurements were undertaken. A 3-D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic simulation tool, HFSSTM by Agilent, is used to determine the optimum geometry of the dielectric resonator. It was found to be useful in producing approximate results although it had some limitations. A numerical analysis technique, finite difference time domain (FDTD) is used for validating the results of wide band design at the end. MATLAB is used for modeling the ITDR and implementing FDTD analysis. In conclusion this work offers a new, efficient and relatively simple alternative for antennas to be used for multiple requirements in the wireless communication system.
This thesis Entitled Investigations on Broadband planar Dipole Antennas. An antenna is a device ordinarily used for both transmitting and receiving electromagnetic energy. It is an integral part of the radio communication system and accounts for a good deal of progress that has been made in this field during the last few decades.The effect of flaring the dipole arms is studied in Section 4.1. It is observed that the flaring modifies the impedance characteristics of the dipole. In particular, the change in the reactive part of the impedance with frequency is controlled considerably. This improves the 2:1 VSWR bandwidth of the antenna. The effect of various other design parameters on the impedance bandwidth of the antenna are also studied. The important conclusion drawn is that, there is considerable improvement in the impedance bandwidth of the dipole when ground arm dimensions are larger than the main arm dimensions. Theoretical analysis of various cavity backed antennas are given in Chapter 6. The experimental values agree well with the computation. Also the theory gives a clear inside view and explains the reasons for bandwidth enhancement due to flaring and end-loading of the dipole arms. The percentage bandwidth is determined by calculating the Q of the antenna. Since the approach is for the analysis of microstrip antenna on thick grounded substrate, this method cannot be used to predict the impedance bandwidth of the antennas without cavity backup. Also, the structures analysed are simplified versions of the optimised ones. Specially, the arms overlapping is neglected in the analysis. Also, the antennas with symmetrical arms can only be analysed with this theory.
With the recent progress and rapid increase in mobile terminals, the design of antennas for small mobile terminals is acquiring great importance. In view of this situation, several design concepts are already been addressed by the scientists and engineers. Compactness and efficiency are the major criteria for mobile terminal antennas. The challenging task of the microwave scientists and engineers is to device compact printed radiating systems having broadband behavior, together with good efficiency. Printed antenna technology has received popularity among antenna scientists after the introduction of microstrip antenna in 1970s. The successors in this kind such as printed monopoles and planar inverted F are also equally important. Scientists and Engineers are trying to explore this technology as a viable coast effective solution for forthcoming microwave revolution. The transmission line perspectives of antennas are very interesting. The concept behind any electromagnetic radiator is simple. Any electromagnetic system with a discontinuity is radiating electromagnetic energy. The size, shape and the orientation of the discontinuities controls the radiation characteristics of the system such as radiation pattern, gain, polarization etc. It can be either resonant or non resonant structure. Microstrip antennas are suitable for wireless applications due to their low cost, high gain and ease of fabrication. But the major disadvantage of micro strip antennas is their inherent narrow bandwidth. A lot of techniques are introduced by the researchers all over the world to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas. The thesis addresses an attempt to enhance the bandwidth of micro strip patch antennas by incorporating impedance matching strip as a part of the micro strip patch antenna. The first part of the thesis deals with the broadband operation of the tilted square slot and polygonal slot loaded square micro strip patch antennas. The resonant mechanisms are clearly mentioned using the simulation and experimental studies. The bandwidth of the polygonal slotted broadband patch antenna is again enhanced by implementing an Lstrip feed mechanism. In the second major part of the thesis, a novel gain enhancement technique for single band and broadband square micro strip patch antennas is achieved by implementing offset stacked configurations.
The thesis relates to the investigations carried out on Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna configurations suitable for Mobile Communication applications. The main objectives of the research are to: - numerically compute the radiation characteristics of a Rectangular DRA - identify the resonant modes - validate the numerically predicted data through simulation and experiment 0 ascertain the influence of the geometrical and material parameters upon the radiation behaviour of the antenna ° develop compact Rectangular DRA configurations suitable for Mobile Communication applications Although approximate methods exist to compute the resonant frequency of Rectangular DRA’s, no rigorous analysis techniques have been developed so far to evaluate the resonant modes. In this thesis a 3D-FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) Modeller is developed using MATLAB® for the numerical computation of the radiation characteristics of the Rectangular DRA. The F DTD method is a powerful yet simple algorithm that involves the discretimtion and solution of the derivative form of Maxwell’s curl equations in the time domain.
Electric permittivity and magnetic permeability control electromagnetic wave propagation th rough materials. I n naturally occu rring materials, these are positive. Artificial materials exhi b iting negative material properties have been reported : they are referred to as metamaterials. This paper concentrates on a ring-type split-ring resonator (SRR) exhibiting negative magnetic permeability. The design and synthesis of the SRR using the genetic-algorithm approach is explained in detail. A user-friendly g raphical user i nterface (G U I ) for an SRR optim izer and estimator using MATLAB TM is also presented
A printed compact coplanar waveguide fed triangular slot antenna for ultra wide band (UWB) communication systems is presented. The antenna comprises of a triangular slot loaded ground plane with a T shaped strip radiator to enhance the bandwidth and radiation. This compact antenna has a dimension of 26mm×26mm when printed on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness 1.6mm. Design equations are implemented and validated for different substrates. The pulse distortion is insignificant and is verified by the measured antenna performance with high signal fidelity and virtually steady group delay. The simulation and experiment reveal that the proposed antenna exhibits good impedance match, stable radiation patterns and constant gain and group delay over the entire operating band
A novel antenna configuration comprised of two circular microstrip antennas (CMAs) resonating in the TMtt and TM2, modes, producing radiation characteristics suitable for a mobile telephone handset, is presented. The antennas operating at the same frequency are placed back to back with a separation comparable to the thickness of a typical handset. The radiation pattern consists of a region of reduced radiation intensity, which minimizes the radiation hazards to the user