901 resultados para Communication networks
In the scope of the current thesis we review and analyse networks that are formed by nodes with several attributes. We suppose that different layers of communities are embedded in such networks, besides each of the layers is connected with nodes' attributes. For example, examine one of a variety of online social networks: an user participates in a plurality of different groups/communities – schoolfellows, colleagues, clients, etc. We introduce a detection algorithm for the above-mentioned communities. Normally the result of the detection is the community supplemented just by the most dominant attribute, disregarding others. We propose an algorithm that bypasses dominant communities and detects communities which are formed by other nodes' attributes. We also review formation models of the attributed networks and present a Human Communication Network (HCN) model. We introduce a High School Texting Network (HSTN) and examine our methods for that network.
The KCube interconnection network was first introduced in 2010 in order to exploit the good characteristics of two well-known interconnection networks, the hypercube and the Kautz graph. KCube links up multiple processors in a communication network with high density for a fixed degree. Since the KCube network is newly proposed, much study is required to demonstrate its potential properties and algorithms that can be designed to solve parallel computation problems. In this thesis we introduce a new methodology to construct the KCube graph. Also, with regard to this new approach, we will prove its Hamiltonicity in the general KC(m; k). Moreover, we will find its connectivity followed by an optimal broadcasting scheme in which a source node containing a message is to communicate it with all other processors. In addition to KCube networks, we have studied a version of the routing problem in the traditional hypercube, investigating this problem: whether there exists a shortest path in a Qn between two nodes 0n and 1n, when the network is experiencing failed components. We first conditionally discuss this problem when there is a constraint on the number of faulty nodes, and subsequently introduce an algorithm to tackle the problem without restrictions on the number of nodes.
Le Ministère des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune (MRNF) a mandaté la compagnie de géomatique SYNETIX inc. de Montréal et le laboratoire de télédétection de l’Université de Montréal dans le but de développer une application dédiée à la détection automatique et la mise à jour du réseau routier des cartes topographiques à l’échelle 1 : 20 000 à partir de l’imagerie optique à haute résolution spatiale. À cette fin, les mandataires ont entrepris l’adaptation du progiciel SIGMA0 qu’ils avaient conjointement développé pour la mise à jour cartographique à partir d’images satellitales de résolution d’environ 5 mètres. Le produit dérivé de SIGMA0 fut un module nommé SIGMA-ROUTES dont le principe de détection des routes repose sur le balayage d’un filtre le long des vecteurs routiers de la cartographie existante. Les réponses du filtre sur des images couleurs à très haute résolution d’une grande complexité radiométrique (photographies aériennes) conduisent à l’assignation d’étiquettes selon l’état intact, suspect, disparu ou nouveau aux segments routiers repérés. L’objectif général de ce projet est d’évaluer la justesse de l’assignation des statuts ou états en quantifiant le rendement sur la base des distances totales détectées en conformité avec la référence ainsi qu’en procédant à une analyse spatiale des incohérences. La séquence des essais cible d’abord l’effet de la résolution sur le taux de conformité et dans un second temps, les gains escomptés par une succession de traitements de rehaussement destinée à rendre ces images plus propices à l’extraction du réseau routier. La démarche globale implique d’abord la caractérisation d’un site d’essai dans la région de Sherbrooke comportant 40 km de routes de diverses catégories allant du sentier boisé au large collecteur sur une superficie de 2,8 km2. Une carte de vérité terrain des voies de communication nous a permis d’établir des données de référence issues d’une détection visuelle à laquelle sont confrontés les résultats de détection de SIGMA-ROUTES. Nos résultats confirment que la complexité radiométrique des images à haute résolution en milieu urbain bénéficie des prétraitements telles que la segmentation et la compensation d’histogramme uniformisant les surfaces routières. On constate aussi que les performances présentent une hypersensibilité aux variations de résolution alors que le passage entre nos trois résolutions (84, 168 et 210 cm) altère le taux de détection de pratiquement 15% sur les distances totales en concordance avec la référence et segmente spatialement de longs vecteurs intacts en plusieurs portions alternant entre les statuts intact, suspect et disparu. La détection des routes existantes en conformité avec la référence a atteint 78% avec notre plus efficace combinaison de résolution et de prétraitements d’images. Des problèmes chroniques de détection ont été repérés dont la présence de plusieurs segments sans assignation et ignorés du processus. Il y a aussi une surestimation de fausses détections assignées suspectes alors qu’elles devraient être identifiées intactes. Nous estimons, sur la base des mesures linéaires et des analyses spatiales des détections que l’assignation du statut intact devrait atteindre 90% de conformité avec la référence après divers ajustements à l’algorithme. La détection des nouvelles routes fut un échec sans égard à la résolution ou au rehaussement d’image. La recherche des nouveaux segments qui s’appuie sur le repérage de points potentiels de début de nouvelles routes en connexion avec les routes existantes génère un emballement de fausses détections navigant entre les entités non-routières. En lien avec ces incohérences, nous avons isolé de nombreuses fausses détections de nouvelles routes générées parallèlement aux routes préalablement assignées intactes. Finalement, nous suggérons une procédure mettant à profit certaines images rehaussées tout en intégrant l’intervention humaine à quelques phases charnières du processus.
The theme of the thesis is centred around one important aspect of wireless sensor networks; the energy-efficiency.The limited energy source of the sensor nodes calls for design of energy-efficient routing protocols. The schemes for protocol design should try to minimize the number of communications among the nodes to save energy. Cluster based techniques were found energy-efficient. In this method clusters are formed and data from different nodes are collected under a cluster head belonging to each clusters and then forwarded it to the base station.Appropriate cluster head selection process and generation of desirable distribution of the clusters can reduce energy consumption of the network and prolong the network lifetime. In this work two such schemes were developed for static wireless sensor networks.In the first scheme, the energy wastage due to cluster rebuilding incorporating all the nodes were addressed. A tree based scheme is presented to alleviate this problem by rebuilding only sub clusters of the network. An analytical model of energy consumption of proposed scheme is developed and the scheme is compared with existing cluster based scheme. The simulation study proved the energy savings observed.The second scheme concentrated to build load-balanced energy efficient clusters to prolong the lifetime of the network. A voting based approach to utilise the neighbor node information in the cluster head selection process is proposed. The number of nodes joining a cluster is restricted to have equal sized optimum clusters. Multi-hop communication among the cluster heads is also introduced to reduce the energy consumption. The simulation study has shown that the scheme results in balanced clusters and the network achieves reduction in energy consumption.The main conclusion from the study was the routing scheme should pay attention on successful data delivery from node to base station in addition to the energy-efficiency. The cluster based protocols are extended from static scenario to mobile scenario by various authors. None of the proposals addresses cluster head election appropriately in view of mobility. An elegant scheme for electing cluster heads is presented to meet the challenge of handling cluster durability when all the nodes in the network are moving. The scheme has been simulated and compared with a similar approach.The proliferation of sensor networks enables users with large set of sensor information to utilise them in various applications. The sensor network programming is inherently difficult due to various reasons. There must be an elegant way to collect the data gathered by sensor networks with out worrying about the underlying structure of the network. The final work presented addresses a way to collect data from a sensor network and present it to the users in a flexible way.A service oriented architecture based application is built and data collection task is presented as a web service. This will enable composition of sensor data from different sensor networks to build interesting applications. The main objective of the thesis was to design energy-efficient routing schemes for both static as well as mobile sensor networks. A progressive approach was followed to achieve this goal.
Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.
The proliferation of wireless sensor networks in a large spectrum of applications had been spurered by the rapid advances in MEMS(micro-electro mechanical systems )based sensor technology coupled with low power,Low cost digital signal processors and radio frequency circuits.A sensor network is composed of thousands of low cost and portable devices bearing large sensing computing and wireless communication capabilities. This large collection of tiny sensors can form a robust data computing and communication distributed system for automated information gathering and distributed sensing.The main attractive feature is that such a sensor network can be deployed in remote areas.Since the sensor node is battery powered,all the sensor nodes should collaborate together to form a fault tolerant network so as toprovide an efficient utilization of precious network resources like wireless channel,memory and battery capacity.The most crucial constraint is the energy consumption which has become the prime challenge for the design of long lived sensor nodes.
Clustering schemes improve energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks. The inclusion of mobility as a new criterion for the cluster creation and maintenance adds new challenges for these clustering schemes. Cluster formation and cluster head selection is done on a stochastic basis for most of the algorithms. In this paper we introduce a cluster formation and routing algorithm based on a mobility factor. The proposed algorithm is compared with LEACH-M protocol based on metrics viz. number of cluster head transitions, average residual energy, number of alive nodes and number of messages lost
Data caching can remarkably improve the efficiency of information access in a wireless ad hoc network by reducing the access latency and bandwidth usage. The cache placement problem minimizes total data access cost in ad hoc networks with multiple data items. The ad hoc networks are multi hop networks without a central base station and are resource constrained in terms of channel bandwidth and battery power. By data caching the communication cost can be reduced in terms of bandwidth as well as battery energy. As the network node has limited memory the problem of cache placement is a vital issue. This paper attempts to study the existing cooperative caching techniques and their suitability in mobile ad hoc networks.
The modern telecommunication industry demands higher capacity networks with high data rate. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a promising technique for high data rate wireless communications at reasonable complexity in wireless channels. OFDM has been adopted for many types of wireless systems like wireless local area networks such as IEEE 802.11a, and digital audio/video broadcasting (DAB/DVB). The proposed research focuses on a concatenated coding scheme that improve the performance of OFDM based wireless communications. It uses a Redundant Residue Number System (RRNS) code as the outer code and a convolutional code as the inner code. The bit error rate (BER) performances of the proposed system under different channel conditions are investigated. These include the effect of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), multipath delay spread, peak power clipping and frame start synchronization error. The simulation results show that the proposed RRNS-Convolutional concatenated coding (RCCC) scheme provides significant improvement in the system performance by exploiting the inherent properties of RRNS.
Cache look up is an integral part of cooperative caching in ad hoc networks. In this paper, we discuss a cooperative caching architecture with a distributed cache look up protocol which relies on a virtual backbone for locating and accessing data within a cooperate cache. Our proposal consists of two phases: (i) formation of a virtual backbone and (ii) the cache look up phase. The nodes in a Connected Dominating Set (CDS) form the virtual backbone. The cache look up protocol makes use of the nodes in the virtual backbone for effective data dissemination and discovery. The idea in this scheme is to reduce the number of nodes involved in cache look up process, by constructing a CDS that contains a small number of nodes, still having full coverage of the network. We evaluated the effect of various parameter settings on the performance metrics such as message overhead, cache hit ratio and average query delay. Compared to the previous schemes the proposed scheme not only reduces message overhead, but also improves the cache hit ratio and reduces the average delay
Clustering combined with multihop communication is a promising solution to cope with the energy requirements of large scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In this work, a new cluster based routing protocol referred to as Energy Aware Cluster-based Multihop (EACM) Routing Protocol is introduced, with multihop communication between cluster heads for transmitting messages to the base station and direct communication within clusters. We propose EACM with both static and dynamic clustering. The network is partitioned into near optimal load balanced clusters by using a voting technique, which ensures that the suitability of a node to become a cluster head is determined by all its neighbors. Results show that the new protocol performs better than LEACH on network lifetime and energy dissipation
This paper proposes a multicast implementation based on adaptive routing with anticipated calculation. Three different cost measures for a point-to-multipoint connection: bandwidth cost, connection establishment cost and switching cost can be considered. The application of the method based on pre-evaluated routing tables makes possible the reduction of bandwidth cost and connection establishment cost individually
This paper provides an introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), their applications in the field of control engineering and elsewhere and gives pointers to future research needs. WSN are collections of stand-alone devices which, typically, have one or more sensors (e.g. temperature, light level), some limited processing capability and a wireless interface allowing communication with a base station. As they are usually battery powered, the biggest challenge is to achieve the necessary monitoring whilst using the least amount of power.