855 resultados para Cognitive-behavioral Therapy
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de maîtrise (M. Sc.) en criminologie
L’intégration de la prise de décision visuo-motrice et d’action motrice dans des conditions ambiguës
La prise de décision est un mécanisme qui fait intervenir les structures neuronales supérieures afin d’effectuer un lien entre la perception du signal et l’action. Plusieurs travaux qui cherchent à comprendre les mécanismes de la prise de décision sont menés à divers ni- veaux allant de l’analyse comportementale cognitive jusqu'à la modélisation computationnelle. Le but de ce projet a été d’évaluer d’un instant à l’autre comment la variabilité du signal observé («bruit»), influence la capacité des sujets humains à détecter la direction du mouvement dans un stimulus visuel. Dans ces travaux, nous avons éliminé l’une des sources potentielles de variabilité, la variabilité d’une image à l’autre, dans le nombre de points qui portaient les trois signaux de mouvements cohérents (gauche, droite, et aléatoire) dans les stimuli de Kinématogramme de points aléatoires (KPA), c’est-à-dire la variabilité d’origine périphérique. Les stimuli KPA de type « V6 » étaient des stimuli KPA standard avec une variabilité instantanée du signal, et par contre les stimuli KPA de type « V8 », étaient modifiés pour éliminer la variabilité stochastique due à la variabilité du nombre de pixels d’un instant à l’autre qui portent le signal cohérent. Si la performance des sujets, qui correspond à leur temps de réaction et au nombre de bonnes réponses, diffère en réponse aux stimuli dont le nombre de points en mouvement cohérent varie (V6) ou ne varie pas (V8), ceci serait une preuve que la variabilité d’origine périphérique modulerait le processus décisionnel. Par contre, si la performance des sujets ne diffère pas entre ces deux types de stimuli, ceci serait une preuve que la source majeure de variabilité de performance est d’origine centrale. Dans nos résultats nous avons constaté que le temps de réaction et le nombre de bonnes réponses sont modulés par la preuve nette du mouvement cohérent. De plus on a pu établir qu’en éliminant la variabilité d’origine périphérique définit ci-dessus, on n’observe pas réellement de modification dans les enregistrements. Ce qui nous à amené à penser qu’il n y a pas de distinction claire entre la distribution des erreurs et les bonnes réponses effectuées pour chacun des essais entre les deux stimuli que nous avons utilisé : V6 et V8. C’est donc après avoir mesuré la « quantité d’énergie » que nous avons proposé que la variabilité observée dans les résultats serait probablement d’origine centrale.
Au Québec, le trouble du déficit de l’attention/hyperactivité (TDA/H) est celui qui requiert le plus grand nombre de consultations en pédopsychiatrie (50 % à 75 %). À ce jour, l’intervention multimodale (traitement pharmacologique, programme d’entraînement aux habiletés parentales (PEHP) et programme d’intervention cognitive comportementale (PICC) auprès des enfants ayant un TDA/H) a obtenu de bons résultats à long terme. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué les changements dans le fonctionnement familial suite à un PEHP. La conception de ce PEHP repose sur les deux approches : l’approche systémique familiale de Calgary (Wright & Leahey, 2013) et l’approche de solution collaborative et proactive (Greene, 2014). Le Family Assessment Device (FAD; Epstein, Baldwin, et Bishop, 1983), version courte, a été utilisé pour mesurer le fonctionnement général (FG) de la famille. La collecte de données a été réalisée auprès de deux groupes (groupe participant et groupe témoin) et à deux temps de mesure (avant et après le PEHP). L’échantillon contient 28 familles participantes et 18 familles témoins. L’analyse de variance à mesures répétées (ANOVA) a été utilisée pour tester l’effet des variables indépendantes (Temps et Intervention) sur la variable dépendante (FG). Les résultats indiquent que les parents qui participent à un PEHP perçoivent un fonctionnement familial général amélioré par rapport au groupe témoin. L’interprétation des changements à la suite du PEHP donne des pistes d’intervention infirmières à ces familles afin d’éviter les impacts de ce trouble sur le fonctionnement familial à long terme.
Female genital pain is a prevalent condition that can disrupt the psychosexual and relational well-being of affected women and their romantic partners. Despite the intimate context in which the pain can be elicited (i.e., during sexual intercourse), interpersonal correlates of genital pain and sexuality have not been widely studied in comparison to other psychosocial factors. This review describes several prevailing theoretical models explaining the role of the partner in female genital pain: the operant learning model, cognitive-behavioral and communal coping models, and intimacy models. The review includes a discussion of empirical research on the interpersonal and partner correlates of female genital pain and the impact of genital pain on partners’ psychosexual adjustment. Together, this research highlights a potential reciprocal interaction between both partners’ experiences of female genital pain. The direction of future theoretical, methodological, and clinical research is discussed with regard to the potential to enhance understanding of the highly interpersonal context of female genital pain
Los accidentes con riesgo biológico de origen laboral, son aquellos que sufre un trabajador, ya sea por cuenta propia o ajena, como consecuencia de contactos accidentales con fluidos animales, vegetales o humanos, en el ambiente de trabajo o mientras ejecuta sus tareas como empleado. Estos accidentes no son eventos fortuitos y dependen fuertemente del comportamiento inseguro en el lugar de trabajo y de los factores del ambiente laboral. El análisis funcional es una técnica cognitivo-conductual que se basa en el estudio de la evidencia anterior disponible con el objetivo de identificar los mecanismos de ocurrencia y los factores laborales y personales inseguros relacionados con los accidentes y sus antecedentes y consecuentes. Objetivo general: Establecer los mecanismos de ocurrencia y factores personales y laborales asociados a los accidentes de trabajo con riesgo biológico reportados durante los años 2010 a 2012, con el fin de proponer estrategias de intervención para controlarlos y así aportar a un ambiente de trabajo seguro. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, mediante la revisión de los informes de los accidentes laborales con riesgo biológico reportados en el área de Salud Ocupacional de un hospital universitario de la ciudad de Bogota; D.C. en los años 2010 a 2012. Resultados: Se registraron 287 reportes de accidentes de trabajo con riesgo biológico que cumplieron con los criterios de selección. Se encontró una prevalencia en el sexo femenino en una relación de 3,6 : 1 y en el grupo de edad entre 18 y 35 años de 69%. Por ocupación, se reportaron 149 accidentes en el grupo de enfermería y 49 accidentes en el grupo de servicios generales, siendo los dos grupos de mayor incidencia. Así mismo, hubo mayor accidentalidad por objetos cortopunzantes, siendo las punciones las más frecuentes en un 82,2% de los casos, localizándose con mayor frecuencia en los dedos de las manos en un 70,73% de los casos. En cuanto a los mecanismos de ocurrencia, la mayoría se produjo durante el uso del objeto, seguido de los producidos por contacto con objetos dejados en lugares inapropiados y por inadecuada disposición de los desechos. La distribución según el determinante de ocurrencia fue para actos inseguros 68,3% de los casos, para condiciones inseguras 3,1% de los casos y finalmente en el 28,6% de los casos los accidentes fueron debidos a la combinación de ambos, encontrándose una relación estadísticamente significativa entre esta variable y la mayoría de las características de los accidentes (p<0,05). Conclusiones: La mayoría de los accidentes de trabajo con riesgo biológico reportados fueron consecuencia de actos inseguros de los trabajadores. Por lo que se propone establecer diferentes capacitaciones periódicas para los trabajadores, contribuyendo a la incorporación de actos seguros y coherentes con las tareas a desarrollar dentro de su puesto de trabajo, y la manera de actuar frente a situaciones riesgosas.
Objective: The aims of these studies were (a) to investigate the relationship between attentional bias and eating disorders and (b) examine the impact of psychological treatment on attentional bias. Method: The first study compared performance on a pictorial dot probe of 82 female patients with clinical eating disorders and 44 healthy female controls. The second study compared the performance of 31 patients with eating disorder on the same task before and after receiving 20 weeks of standardized cognitive behavior therapy. Twenty-four patients with eating disorder served as wait-list controls. Results: With the exception of neutral shape stimuli, attentional biases for eating, shape, and weight stimuli were greater in the patient sample than the healthy controls. The second study found that attentional biases significantly reduced after active treatment only. Conclusion: Attentional biases may be an expression of the eating disorder. The question of whether such biases warrant specific intervention requires further investigation. (C) 2008 by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Background: Postnatal depression is associated with adverse child cognitive and socio-emotional outcome. It is not known whether psychological treatment affects the quality of the mother-child relationship and child outcome. Aims: To evaluate the effect of three psychological treatments on the mother-child relationship and child outcome. Method: Women with post-partum depression (n=193) were assigned randomly to routine primary care, non-directive counselling, cognitive-behavioural therapy or psychodynamic therapy The women and their children, were assessed at 43, [8 and 60 months post-partum. Results: Indications of a positive benefit were limited. All three treatments had a significant benefit on maternal reports of early difficulties in relationships with the infants, counselling gave better infant emotional and behaviour ratings at 18 months and more sensitive early mother-infant interactions. The treatments had no significant impact on maternal management of early infant behaviour problems, security of infant-mother attachment. Infant cognitive development or any child outcome at 5 years. Conclusions: Early intervention was of short-term benefit to the mother-child relationship and infant behaviour problems. More-prolonged intervention may be needed. Health visitors could deliver this.
Anxiety of childhood is a common and serious condition. The past decade has seen an increase in treatment-focussed research, with recent trials tending to give greater attention to parents in the treatment process. This review examines the efficacy of family-based cognitive behaviour therapy and attempts to delineate some of the factors that might have an impact on its efficacy. The choice and timing of outcome measure, age and gender of the child, level of parental anxiety, severity and type of child anxiety and treatment format and content are scrutinised. The main conclusions are necessarily tentative, but it seems likely that Family Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (FCBT) is superior to no treatment, and, for some outcome measures, also superior to Child Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CCBT). Where FCBT is successful, the results are consistently maintained at follow-up. It appears that where a parent is anxious, and this is not addressed, outcomes are less good. However, for children of anxious parents, FCBT is probably more effective than CCBT. What is most clear is that large, well-designed studies, examining these factors alone and in combination, are now needed.
Background: Psychological interventions for postnatal depression can be beneficial in the short term but their longer-term impact is unknown, Aims To evaluate the long-term effect on maternal mood of three psychological treatments in relation to routine primary care. Method: Women with post-partum depression (n=193)were assigned randomly to one of four conditions: routine primary care, non-directive counselling, cognitive-behavioural therapy or psychodynamic therapy. They were assessed immediately after the treatment phase (at 4.5 months) and at 18 and 60 months post-partum. Results: Compared with the control, ail three treatments had a significant impact at 4.5 months on maternal mood (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS). Only psychodynamic therapy produced a rate of reduction in depression (Structured Clinical interview for DSM III-R) significantly superior to that of the control. The benefit of treatment was no longer apparent by 9 months postpartum, treatment did not reduce subsequent episodes of post-partum depression. Conclusions: Psychological intervention for post-partum depression improves maternal mood (EPDS) in the short term. However, this benefit is not superior to spontaneous remission in the long term.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to review the rationale for 'transdiagnostic' approaches to the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders. Methods: Databases searches and examination of the reference lists of relevant studies were used to identify papers of relevance. Results: There is increasing recognition that diagnosis-specific interventions for single anxiety-disorders are of less value than might appear since a large proportion of patients have more than one co-existing anxiety disorder and the treatment of one anxiety disorder does not necessarily lead to the resolution of others. As transdiagnostic approaches have the potential to address multiple co-existing anxiety disorders they are potentially more clinically relevant than single anxiety disorder interventions. They may also have advantages in ease of dissemination and in treating anxiety disorder not otherwise specified. Conclusions: The merits of the various transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral approaches that have been proposed are reviewed. Such approaches have potential benefits, particularly in striking the balance between completely idiosyncratic formulations and diagnosis-driven treatments of anxiety disorders. However, caution is needed to ensure that transdiagnostic theories and treatments benefit from progress made by research on diagnosis-specific treatments, and further empirical work is needed to identify the shared maintaining processes that need to be targeted in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Anxiety disorders in childhood are common, disabling and run a chronic course. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) effective but is expensive and trained therapists are scarce. Guided self-help treatments may be a means of widening access to treatment. This study aimed to examine the feasibility of guided CBT self-help for childhood anxiety disorders in Primary Care, specifically in terms of therapist adherence, patient and therapist satisfaction and clinical gain. Participants were children aged 5-12 years referred to two Primary Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (PCAMHSs) in Oxfordshire, UK, who met diagnostic criteria for a primary anxiety disorder. Of the 52 eligible children, 41 anxious children were assessed for anxiety severity and interference before and after receiving CBT self-help, delivered via the parent (total therapy time= 5 hours) by Primary Mental Health Workers (PMHWs). Therapy sessions were rated for treatment adherence and patients and PMHWs completed satisfaction questionnaires after treatment completion. Over 80% of therapy sessions were rated at a high level of treatment adherence. Parents and PMHWs reported high satisfaction with the treatment. 61% of the children assessed no longer met criteria for their primary anxiety disorder diagnosis following treatment, and 76% were rated as ‘much’/’very much’ improved on the Clinician’s Global Impression-Improvement scale. There were significant reductions on parent and child report measures of anxiety symptoms, interference, and depression. Preliminary exploration indicated that parental anxiety was associated with child treatment outcome. The findings suggest that guided CBT self-help represents a promising treatment for childhood anxiety in primary care.
Background and objectives: It has been proposed that the judicious use of safety behaviour can facilitate improvements in the acceptability of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). It was decided to explore the possibility of facilitating CBT by introducing a form of safety behaviour.We sought to assess the degree to which Exposure plus Safety Behaviour (E þ SB) is an effective intervention for contamination fears. Methods: A comparison was made between the effects of a control condition (Exposure and Response Prevention; ERP) and an experimental condition (Exposure plus Safety Behaviour; E þ SB) in which each exposure to a contaminant was followed by the use of a hygienic wipe in a sample of (n ¼ 80) undergraduate students. In session one, each participant touched a confirmed contaminant 20 times. After each exposure participants were asked to report their feelings of contamination, fear, disgust, and danger. In the second session, two weeks later, the same procedure was carried out for a further 16 trials. Results: The ERP and the E þ SB conditions both produced large, significant and stable reductions in contamination. Significant reductions in fear, danger and disgust were also reported in both conditions. Limitations: The treatment was provided to an analogue sample and over two sessions. Conclusions: The use of hygienic wipes, the safety behaviour used in this experiment, did not preclude significant reductions in contamination, disgust, fear and danger. If it is replicated and extended over a longer time-frame, this finding may enable practitioners to enhance the acceptability of cognitive behavioural treatments and boost their effectiveness.
It is now well established that the prevalence of mental health difficulties in individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is considerably higher than in the general population. With recent estimates of the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders being as high as one percent, increasing numbers of children and young people are presenting to local and specialist services with mental health problems in addition to a diagnosis of ASD. Many families report that the impact of the mental health problems can be as or more impairing than the autism spectrum difficulties themselves. Clinical services are frequently called upon to treat these difficulties; however, there is limited evidence for the effectiveness of treatments in this population. This paper reports a case series of children and adolescents with ASD and an anxiety disorder who were treated with a standard cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) rationale adapted to take account of the neuropsychological features of ASD. Common features of the presentation of the disorders and also treatment processes are discussed.