717 resultados para Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
In modern medicine, vigorous efforts are being made in the prediction and prevention of diseases. Mental disorders are suitable candidates for the application of this program. The currently known neurobiological and psychosocial risk indicators for schizophrenia do not have a predictive power sufficient for selective prevention in asymptomatic patients at risk. However, once predictive basic and later pre-psychotic high risk symptoms of psychosis develop into the five-year initial prodrome, the impending outbreak of the disease can be predicted with high accuracy. Research findings suggest a differential strategy of indicated prevention with cognitive behavioral therapy in early initial prodromal states and low dosage atypical antipsychotics in late initial prodromal states. The most important future tasks are the improvement of the predictive power by risk enrichment and stratification, as well as the confirmation of the existing and the development of new prevention strategies, with a stronger focus on the etiology of the disorder. In addition, the prediction and prevention approach would benefit from the inclusion of risk symptoms in the DSM-5 criteria.
The current case study examined the effects of the STARS-PAC anxiety reduction program on the social and test anxiety levels of a middle school student. The literature supporting the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy programs which incorporate methods such as those used in the STARS-PAC program were reviewed. The findings of this case study indicated decreased levels of overall anxiety during the intervention phase; however, the student’s test anxiety level displayed little improvement. Implications of the findings and for future research are discussed.
Increasing evidence shows that mindfulness is positively related to mental health; however, the nature of this relationship is not fully understood. The current study used structural equation modeling to investigate the hypothesis that mindfulness moderates the association between the occurrence of unavoidable distressing experiences (UDE) and mental health. Participants from a community sample (N = 376) completed the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory, the Positive and Negative Affect Scale, the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Inventory of Approach and Avoidance Motivation, and the Incongruence Scale. Results indicated that mindfulness moderated the association between unavoidable distressing events and psychopathological symptoms/negative affect. Thus, mindfulness may contribute to enhance the ability to cope with UDE and thus mitigate the detrimental effects of these experiences on mental health.
Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders often maintain deviating views on cause-effect relationships, especially when positive and disorganization symptoms are manifest. Altered perceived causality is prominent in delusional ideation, in ideas of reference, and in the mentalizing ability (theory of mind [ToM]) of patients. Perceiving causal relationships may be understood either as higher order cognitive reasoning or as low-level information processing. In the present study, perception of causality was investigated as a low-level, preattentional capability similar to gestalt-like perceptual organization. Thirty-one patients (24 men and 7 women with mean age 27.7 years) and the same number of healthy control subjects matched to patients with respect to age and sex were tested. A visual paradigm was used in which 2 identical discs move, from opposite sides of a monitor, steadily toward and then past one another. Their coincidence generates an ambiguous, bistable percept (discs either "stream through" or "bounce off" one another). The bouncing perception, ie, perceived causality, is enhanced when auditory stimuli are presented at the time of coincidence. Psychopathology was measured using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale. It was found that positive symptoms were strongly associated with increased perceived causality and disorganization with attenuated perceived causality. Patients in general were not significantly different from controls, but symptom subgroups showed specifically altered perceived causality. Perceived causality as a basic preattentional process may contribute to higher order cognitive alterations and ToM deficiencies. It is suggested that cognitive remediation therapy should address both increased and reduced perception of causality.
Objective: Anxiety before receiving dental treatment is widespread. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of a brief psychologic treatment on adherence to the dental treatment regimen in patients with dental phobia. Method and Materials: Dental phobic patients (n = 160) received 3 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy that consisted of stress management training and exposure to phobic stimuli. The outcome was determined in terms of 3 subsequent dental visits. Results: Participating patients had not visited a dental clinician for an average of 6 years. Comparison of patients who completed the psychologic treatment with those who dropped out showed that 68% of the former but also 52% of the latter adhered to the subsequent dental treatment regimen. The number of psychologic treatment sessions correlated significantly and positively with anxiety level before treatment. Conclusion: Short-term psychologic therapy of 3 sessions results in a success rate of 70% to adherence to dental treatment among dental phobic patients. Duration of avoidance of anxiety before treatment was not related to success in completing the trial. Nevertheless, the more intense the patient's phobia, the more psychotherapeutic sessions were necessary. (Quintessence Int 2007;38; E589-E596).
There are at least six psychotherapeutic treatments of personality disorders having received empirical and clinical validation in terms of their efficacy. These treatments are based on different theoretical models, namely the cognitive-behavioural, psychodynamic and interpersonal models. This article briefly presents these treatments, focusing on the process of therapeutic change. It is assumed that the process of emotional activation is one of the most interesting theoretical psychotherapy ingredient in treatments of these patients. The treatments are discussed regarding this hypothesis and its clinical implications.
Internet-delivered self-help with minimal therapist guidance has shown promising results for a number of diagnoses. Most of the evidence comes from studies evaluating standardized disorder-specific treatments. A recent development in the field includes transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based treatments that address comorbid symptoms and a broader range of patients. This study evaluated an Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatment, which targeted symptoms of social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. The tailored treatment was compared both with standardized disorder-specific Internet-based treatment and with a wait-list control group. Both active treatment conditions were based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and lasted for 8 weeks. A total of 132 individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for at least one of the anxiety disorders were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 conditions. Both treatment groups showed significant symptom reductions as compared with the wait-list control group on primary disorder-unspecific measures of anxiety, depression, and general symptomatology and on secondary anxiety disorder-specific measures. Based on the intention-to-treat sample, mean between-group effect sizes were d = 0.80 for the tailored treatment and d = 0.82 for the standardized treatment, versus wait-list controls. Treatment gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. No differences were found between the 2 active treatment conditions on any of the measures, including a telephone-administered diagnostic interview conducted at posttreatment. The findings suggest that both Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatments and Internet-based standardized treatments are promising treatment options for several anxiety disorders
Worldwide, Gerhard Andersson is one of the most influential researchers working on internet-based psychological treatments. Moreover, he is also one of the leading researchers in the field of psychologically oriented tinnitus research. He is full professor of clinical psychology at Linköping University and affiliated professor at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Section Psychiatry. Professor Andersson has been highly productive, having produced more the 300 scientific papers. During his whole career he has worked part-time with patients. Apart from his own research and clinical work, Professor Andersson has editorial responsibilities for several journals including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Plos One, BMC Psychiatry, and Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. The interview was conducted by Professor Thomas Berger.
A number of controlled trials have demonstrated the efficacy of Internet-based cognitive-behaviour therapy for treating social anxiety disorder (SAD). However, little is known about what makes those interventions work. The current trial focuses on patient expectations as one common mechanism of change. The study examines whether patients' expectancy predicts outcome, adherence, and dropout in an unguided Internet-based self-help programme for SAD. Data of 109 participants in a 10-week self-help programme for SAD were analysed. Social anxiety measures were administered prior to the intervention, at week 2, and after the intervention. Expectancy was assessed at week 2. Patient expectations were a significant predictor of change in social anxiety (β = - .35 to - .40, all p < .003). Patient expectations also predicted treatment adherence (β = .27, p = .02). Patients with higher expectations showed more adherence and better outcome. Dropout was not predicted by expectations. The effect of positive expectations on outcome was mediated by early symptom change (from week 0 to week 2). Results suggest that positive outcome expectations have a beneficial effect on outcome in Internet-based self-help for SAD. Furthermore, patient expectations as early process predictors could be used to inform therapeutic decisions such as stepping up patients to guided or face-to-face treatment options
BACKGROUND: Numerous studies suggest that Internet-based self-help treatments are effective in treating anxiety disorders. Trials evaluating such interventions differ in their screening procedures and in the amount of clinician contact in the diagnostic assessment phase. The present study evaluates the impact of a pre-treatment diagnostic interview on the outcome of an Internet-based treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). METHOD: One hundred and nine participants seeking treatment for SAD were randomized to either an interview-group (IG, N = 53) or to a non-interview group (NIG, N = 56). All participants took part in the same 10-week cognitive-behavioural unguided self-help programme. Before receiving access to the programme, participants of the IG underwent a structured diagnostic interview. Participants of the NIG started directly with the programme. RESULTS: Participants in both groups showed significant and substantial improvement on social anxiety measures from pre- to post-assessment (d IG = 1.30-1.63; d NIG = 1.00-1.28) and from pre- to 4-month follow-up assessment (d IG = 1.38-1.87; d NIG = 1.10-1.21). Significant between-groups effects in favour of the IG were found on secondary outcome measures of depression and general distress (d = 0.18-0.42). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that Internet-based self-help is effective in treating SAD, whether or not a diagnostic interview is involved. However, the pre-treatment interview seems to facilitate change on secondary outcomes such as depression and general distress.
BACKGROUND: Alcohol dependence is extremely common in patients with bipolar disorder and is associated with unfavorable outcomes including treatment nonadherence, violence, increased hospitalization, and decreased quality of life. While naltrexone is a standard treatment for alcohol dependence, no controlled trials have examined its use in patients with co-morbid bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. In this pilot study, the efficacy of naltrexone in reducing alcohol use and on mood symptoms was assessed in bipolar disorder and alcohol dependence. METHODS: Fifty adult outpatients with bipolar I or II disorders and current alcohol dependence with active alcohol use were randomized to 12 weeks of naltrexone (50 mg/d) add-on therapy or placebo. Both groups received manual-driven cognitive behavioral therapy designed for patients with bipolar disorder and substance-use disorders. Drinking days and heavy drinking days, alcohol craving, liver enzymes, and manic and depressed mood symptoms were assessed. RESULTS: The 2 groups were similar in baseline and demographic characteristics. Naltrexone showed trends (p < 0.10) toward a greater decrease in drinking days (binary outcome), alcohol craving, and some liver enzyme levels than placebo. Side effects were similar in the 2 groups. Response to naltrexone was significantly related to medication adherence. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest the potential value and acceptable tolerability of naltrexone for alcohol dependence in bipolar disorder patients. A larger trial is needed to establish efficacy.
Fatigue is a frequently reported symptom after a stroke. Although the phenomenology of poststroke fatigue is well known, clear definitions as well as diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines are missing. Poststroke fatigue can be regarded as a multidimensional phenomenon that might be influenced by neurological, physical, psychological, and cognitive factors. It can range from mild to severe and can affect every area of the activities of daily life. The objective of our preliminary study was to outline aspects of a specific treatment program for the management of poststroke fatigue. Eight patients were recruited for a mindfulness-enhanced, integrative neuropsychotherapy program. The treatment was a combination of neuropsychological interventions, psychoeducation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness techniques. The main treatment foci were (a) to facilitate an increased awareness of fatigue symptoms, (b) to help the patient detect and manage triggers of fatigue, and (c) to equip the patient with multiple self-help tools. Measures were assessed at the beginning, during, and at the end of treatment using self-assessment questionnaire for mental fatigue and related symptoms after neurological disorders and injuries. Significant pre- to post-assessment differences were observed. These findings suggest that patients may benefit from a specific treatment program in order to better adapt to poststroke fatigue. These findings encourage further investigation of this integrative treatment in larger samples that include adequate control treatments.
Der Band liefert einen Praxisleitfaden zur Behandlung von chronischen Depressionen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz. Patienten mit chronischer Depression haben häufig Schwierigkeiten bei der Bewältigung von interpersonellen Situationen. Das Cognitive Behavioural Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) von James McCullough hilft ihnen, diese Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Beim Vorgehen nach dem CBASP-Ansatz lässt sich der Therapeut persönlich und ganz individuell auf seinen Patienten ein, um mit ihm zusammen interpersonelle Fertigkeiten zu trainieren. Dieses Buch vermittelt die dazu notwendige therapeutische Vorgehensweise auf praxisnahe Weise. Basierend auf einer Beschreibung des Störungsbildes erläutern die Autoren Schritt für Schritt alle Techniken des CBASP und die therapeutische Haltung im Umgang mit chronisch depressiven Patienten. Der Ablauf der Therapie, beginnend mit der Vermittlung des Krankheitsmodells, der Fallkonzeptualisierung und dem Training interpersoneller Fertigkeiten bis hin zur Rückfallprohylaxe, wird praxisorientiert erläutert. Vorgestellt werden zudem aktuelle Entwicklungen des Ansatzes, wie z.B. der Umgang mit komorbiden psychischen Störungen und die Anwendung des CBASP in der Gruppe oder im stationären Setting. Anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele wird außerdem der Umgang mit schwierigen Therapiesituationen vermittelt. Die dem Buch beigefügte CD-ROM enthält Materialien für den gesamten Therapieprozess einschließlich der Diagnostik. Es finden sich dort die im CBASP notwendigen Patientenarbeitsblätter und Kurzzusammenfassungen aller im CBASP verwandten Techniken.
Introduction Injured individuals face a high risk for the development of psychological symptoms such as depression or anxiety, which influences early return to work after an accident. So far, it is unclear to which extent early psychological interventions can improve the ability to return to work. Purpose of the study The aim of the study was to investigate whether an improvement of the treatment-triage (by the screening questionnaire work and health [FAB]) influences early return to work and well being in injured individuals. Methods The study sample consists of injured individuals with different mental health-related or work-related disabilities after an accident. Participants are included eight weeks after an accident. Participants are randomly assigned to the intervention or to the control group. The intervention is an individualized psychotherapy consisting of cognitive-behavioral therapy and work related topics in an individual setting. Well being and work related actors are assessed at baseline and after six months. Results The recruitment is still ongoing. The preliminary results of this randomized controlled study will be presented at the conference. Conclusion An individualized psychotherapy might have the potential to improve the rehabilitation process in injured individuals and improve the ability to return to work.