941 resultados para Clock Synchronization
To clarify the molecular basis of the photoperiodic induction of flowering in the short-day plant Pharbitis nil cv Violet, we examined changes in the level of mRNA in cotyledons during the flower-inductive photoperiod using the technique of differential display by the polymerase chain reaction. A transcript that accumulated during the inductive dark period was identified and a cDNA corresponding to the transcript, designated PnC401 (P. nil C401), was isolated. RNA-blot hybridization verified that levels of PnC401 mRNA fluctuated with a circadian rhythm, with maxima between 12 and 16 h after the beginning of the dark period) and minima of approximately 0. This oscillation continued even during an extended dark period but was damped under continuous light. Accumulation of PnC401 mRNA was reduced by a brief exposure to red light at the 8th h of the dark period (night-break treatment) or by exposure to far-red light at the end of the light period (end-of-day far-red treatment). These results suggest that fluctuations in levels of PnC401 mRNA are regulated by phytochrome(s) and a circadian clock and that they are associated with photoperiodic events that include induction of flowering.
The chicken pineal gland contains the autonomous circadian oscillator together with the photic-input pathway. We searched for chicken pineal genes that are induced by light in a time-of-day-dependent manner, and isolated chicken homolog of bZIP transcription factor E4bp4 (cE4bp4) showing high similarity to vrille, one of the Drosophila clock genes. cE4bp4 was expressed rhythmically in the pineal gland with a peak at very early (subjective) night under both 12-h light/12-h dark cycle and constant dark conditions, and the phase was nearly opposite to the expression rhythm of cPer2, a chicken pineal clock gene. Luciferase reporter gene assays showed that cE4BP4 represses cPer2 promoter through a E4BP4-recognition sequence present in the 5′-flanking region, indicating that cE4BP4 can down-regulate the chick pineal cPer2 expression. In vivo light-perturbation studies showed that the prolongation of the light period to early subjective night maintained the high level expression of the pineal cE4bp4, and presumably as a consequence delayed the onset of the induction of the pineal cPer2 expression in the next morning. These light-dependent changes in the mRNA levels of the pineal cE4bp4 and cPer2 were followed by a phase-delay of the subsequent cycles of cE4bp4/cPer2 expression, suggesting that cE4BP4 plays an important role in the phase-delaying process as a light-dependent suppressor of cPer2 gene.
We have investigated the evolution of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpdh). The rate of amino acid replacements is 1 x 10(-10)/site/year when Drosophila species are compared. The rate is 2.7 times greater when Drosophila and Chymomyza species are compared; and about 5 times greater when any of those species are compared with the medfly Ceratitis capitata. This rate of 5 x 10(-10)/site/year is also the rate observed in comparisons between mammals, or between different animal phyla, or between the three multicellular kingdoms. We have also studied the evolution of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase (Sod). The rate of amino acid replacements is about 17 x 10(-10)/site/year when comparisons are made between dipterans or between mammals, but only 5 x 10(-10) when animal phyla are compared, and only 3 x 10(-10) when the multicellular kingdoms are compared. The apparent decrease by about a factor of 5 in the rate of SOD evolution as the divergence between species increases can be consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis by assuming the covarion hypothesis (namely, that the number of amino acids that can change is constant, but the set of such amino acids changes from time to time and from lineage to lineage). However, we know of no model consistent with the molecular clock hypothesis that would account for the increase in the rate of GPDH evolution as the divergence between species increases.
In the vertebrate retina, the light responses of post-receptor neurons depend on the ambient or background illumination. Using intracellular recording, we have found that a circadian clock regulates the light responses of dark-adapted fish cone horizontal cells. Goldfish were maintained on a 12-hr light/12-hr dark cycle. At different times of the day or night, retinas were superfused in darkness for 90 min ("prolonged darkness"), following which horizontal cells were impaled without the aid of any light flashes. In some of the experiments, fish were kept in constant darkness for 3-48 hr prior to surgery. After prolonged darkness during the night, but not during the day, the light responses of L-type cone horizontal cells resembled those of rod horizontal cells with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Following light sensitization during the night and day, the light responses of rod and cone horizontal cells were clearly different with respect to threshold, waveform, intensity-response functions, and spectral sensitivity. Under conditions of constant darkness for two full light/dark cycles, average responses of cone horizontal cells to a bright light stimulus during the subjective day were greater than during the subjective night. Prior reversal of the light/dark cycle reversed the 24-hr rhythm of cone horizontal cell responses to bright lights. In addition, following one full cycle of constant darkness, average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective night closely matched that of rod horizontal cells, whereas average cone horizontal cell spectral sensitivity during the subjective day was similar to that of red (625 nm) cones. These results indicate that the effects of dark adaptation depend on the time of day and are regulated by a circadian clock so that cone input to cone horizontal cells predominates in the day and rod input predominates in the night.
Levels of mRNA for the chloroplast-encoded elongation factor Tu (tufA) showed a dramatic daily oscillation in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, peaking once each day in the early light period. The oscillation of tufA mRNA levels continued in cells shifted to continuous light or continuous dark for at least 2-3 days. Run-off transcription analyses showed that the rate of tufA transcription also peaked early in the light period and, moreover, that this transcriptional oscillation continued in cells shifted to continuous conditions. The half-life of tufA mRNA was estimated at different times and found to vary considerably during a light-dark cycle but not in cells shifted to continuous light. Light-dark patterns of transcription of several other chloroplast-encoded genes were examined and also found to persist in cells shifted to continuous light or dark. These results indicate that a circadian clock controls the transcription of tufA and other chloroplast-encoded genes.
Substantial progress has been made in understanding the genetic basis of temperature-compensated circadian clocks. Ultradian rhythms, with a period shorter than 24 h, are at least as widespread as circadian rhythms. We have initiated genetic analysis of defecation behavior, which is controlled by an ultradian clock in Caenorhabditis elegans. The defecation motor program is activated every 45 sec, and this rhythm is temperature compensated. We describe mutations in 12 genes that either shorten or lengthen the cycle period. We find that most of these mutations also disrupt temperature compensation, suggesting that this process is an integral part of the clock. These genes open the way for molecular genetic dissection of this ultradian clock.
Seasonal changes of daylength (photoperiod) affect the expression of hormonal and behavioral circadian rhythms in a variety of organisms. In mammals, such effects might reflect photoperiodic changes in the circadian pace-making system [located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus] that governs these rhythms, but to date no functionally relevant, intrinsic property of the SCN has been shown to be photoperiod dependent. We have analyzed the temporal regulation of light-induced c-fos gene expression in the SCN of rats maintained in long or short photoperiods. Both in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical assays show that the endogenous circadian rhythm of light responsiveness in the SCN is altered by photoperiod, with the duration of the photosensitive subjective night under the short photoperiod 5-6 h longer than under the long photoperiod. Our results provide evidence that a functional property of the SCN is altered by photoperiod and suggest that the nucleus is involved in photoperiodic time measurement.
The collective behavior of interconnected spiking nerve cells is investigated. It is shown that a variety of model systems exhibit the same short-time behavior and rapidly converge to (approximately) periodic firing patterns with locally synchronized action potentials. The dynamics of one model can be described by a downhill motion on an abstract energy landscape. Since an energy landscape makes it possible to understand and program computation done by an attractor network, the results will extend our understanding of collective computation from models based on a firing-rate description to biologically more realistic systems with integrate-and-fire neurons.
L'activité électrique du coeur est initiée par la génération spontanée de potentiels d'action venant des cellules pacemaker du noeud sinusal (SN). Toute dysfonction au niveau de cette région entraîne une instabilité électrique du coeur. La majorité des patients souffrant d'un noeud sinusal déficient nécessitent l'implantation chirurgicale d'un pacemaker électronique; cependant, les limitations de cette approche incitent à la recherche d'une alternative thérapeutique. La base moléculaire des courants ioniques jouant un rôle crucial dans l'activité du noeud sinusal sont de plus en plus connues. Une composante importante de l'activité des cellules pacemakers semble être le canal HCN, responsable du courant pacemaker If. Le facteur T-box 3 (Tbx3), un facteur de transcription conservé durant le processus de l'évolution, est nécessaire au développement du système de conduction cardiaque. De précédentes études ont démontré que dans différentes lignées cellulaires le Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) active l'expression du gène codant Tbx3 via des réactions en cascade partant de la protéine kinase C (PKC). L'objectif principal de cette étude est de tester si le PMA peut augmenter la fréquence et la synchronisation de l'activité spontanée du pacemaker biologique en culture. Plus précisément, nous avons étudié les effets de l'exposition chronique au PMA sur l'expression du facteur de transcription Tbx3, sur HCN4 et l'activité spontanée chez des monocouches de culture de myocytes ventriculaires de rats néonataux (MVRN). Nos résultats démontrent que le PMA augmente significativement le facteur transcription de Tbx3 et l'expression ARNm de HCN4, favorisant ainsi l'augmentation du rythme et de la stabilité de l'activité autonome. De plus, une diminution significative de la vitesse de conduction a été relevée et est attribuée à la diminution du couplage intercellulaire. La diminution de la vitesse de conduction pourrait expliquer l'effet négatif du PMA sur la synchronisation de l'activité autonome du pacemaker biologique. Ces résultats ont été confirmés par un modèle mathématique multicellulaire suggérant que des fréquences et résistances intercellulaires plus élevée pourraient induire une activité plus stable et moins synchrone. Cette étude amène de nouvelles connaissances très importantes destinées à la production d'un pacemaker biologique efficient et robuste.
We analyse regional business cycle synchronization in the Euro Area, using Gross Value Added in 53 NUTS 1 regions for a period of thirty years (1975-2005), detrended by Hodrick-Prescott and the Christiano-Fitzgerald filters. We conclude that, on average, synchronization has increased for the period considered with exceptions during the eighties and the beginning of the nineties. Still, the correlation of the business cycle in some regions with the benchmark remained low or even decreased. Our findings also support the hypothesis of the existence of a ‘national border’ effect.
Includes index of 15th century printers.
"Sources": p. iv-v.
Mode of access: Internet.