999 resultados para Cibber, Theophilus, 1703-1758.


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[ES] El objetivo del presente estudio es aportar nuevos conocimientos sobre el desarrollo del sistema visual en los primeros estadios larvarios de dorada. El entendimiento de la ontogenia del sistema visual puede contribuir a la mejora en las condiciones de iluminación en el cultivo, las cuales podrían tener repercusiones en la obtención de larvas de mejor calidad y unas mayores tasas de supervivencia en el cultivo larvario. Las larvas de la mayoría de los peces son predadores visuales, lo que indica la gran importancia que juega el sistema visual en desarrollo (BLAXTER, 1986). El comportamiento trófico de la larva estará intimamente ligado al desarrollo de su capacidad visual, que depende directamente de la organogénesis de la retina. El estudio muestra que durante el desarrollo post-embrionario y en las primeras etapas de vida larvaria, el sistema visual de dorada Sparus aurata, histologicamente, es muy similar al descrito por otros autores para especies similares, Pagrus major (KAWAMURA,1984), Pagrus auratus (PANKHURST, 1996) y Pagrus pagrus (L. 1758 ) (ROO et al.,1998). El tercer día de vida de la larva es uno de los mas importantes, necesita estar preparada para capturar y digerir sus presas. En este día la larva muestra todas las estructuras necesarias para la función visual. El epitelio pigmentario bien definido, el músculo de la lente esta presente y el iris esta completamente formado. Las condiciones de iluminación que se utilizan en los criaderos comerciales difieren bastante de las condiciones naturales, pudiendo ser un factor a tener en cuenta para la obtención de una mejor calidad de larvas así como unas mejores tasas de supervivencia.


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[EN] Since paralarval rearing is still the main bottleneck for the development of octopus culture, the aim of the present study was to obtain some information on the feeding strategy and nutritional requirements during paralarval stage. For that purpose just hatched out octopus paralarvae were fed with live preys in three different combinations, trying to match their natural food: Enriched Artemia metanauplii, Grapsus grapsus zoeas supplemented with enriched Artemia, and Plagusia depressa zoeas supplemented with enriched Artemia. Paralarval treatments were carried out during 28 days in triplicates; fibre glass 120 l tanks in flow through system were used. Growth, in terms of dry body weight, mantle length and width, was determined each seven days. A histological study of the paralarval development was carried out. Biochemical composition of preys and paralarvae were determined. Growth was significantly better in paralarvae fed with zoeas and Artemia than in those fed only with Artemia, from day 8 after hatching. Besides a clear effect on the digestive gland histology morphology was observed.


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[ES] La familia Grapsidae comprende el conjunto de cangrejos ecológicamente más diverso, dado que existen especies marinas, de agua salobre, dulceacuícolas, anfibias e incluso terrestres (Ruppert y Barnes, 1996). El presente trabajo se ha centrado en el estudio poblacional y reproductivo de dos especies de dicha familia: Grapsus grapsus y Plagusia depressa. Para ello se evaluaron las épocas de puesta, la proporción entre sexos y la fecundidad. Por último, se estudió el desarrollo embrionario para ambas especies. El objetivo de este trabajo fue la obtención de la información necesaria para realizar el cultivo en cautividad de las mismas. Bien para la utilización de las zoeas como presas vivas de otros cultivos, o bien para su producción, ya que estas dos especies de grápsidos poseen un gran potencial económico, dada su importancia marisquera, especialmente en el caso de Plagusia depressa, donde sus poblaciones naturales sufren graves retrocesos.


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[ES] Se comprueba que los sonidos del canto de un macho dominante, de distintos tipos de reclamos, y de un cernícalo, provocan cambios en el canto de respuesta de los machos de Serinus canaria. Se observa un mayor número de respuestas cuando los sonidos proceden de coespecíficos. Además, los individuos responden con canto mayoritariamente cuando los sonidos de muestra son de reclamo de contacto.


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Esta tesis contiene los cambios sugeridos por el tribunal


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ABSTRACT Given the decline of shallow-water red coral populations resulting from over-exploitation and mass mortality events, deeper populations below 50 metres depth (mesophotic populations) are currently the most harvested; unfortunately, very little is known about their biology and ecology. The persistence of these populations is tightly linked to their adult density, reproductive success, larval dispersal and recruitment. Moreover, for their conservation, it is paramount understand processes such as connectivity within and among populations. Here, for the first time, genetic variability and structuring of Corallium rubrum populations collected in the Tyrrhenian Sea ranging from 58 to 118 metres were analyzed using ten microsatellite loci and two mitochondrial markers (mtMSH and MtC). The aims of the work were 1) to examine patterns of genetic diversity within each geographic area (Elba, Ischia and Praiano) and 2) to define population structuring at different spatial scales (from tens of metres to hundreds of kilometres). Based on microsatellite data set, significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium due to elevated heterozygote deficiencies were detected in all samples, probably related to the presence of null alleles and/or inbreeding, as was previously observed in shallow-water populations. Moreover, significant levels of genetic differentiation were observed at all spatial scale, suggesting a recent isolation of populations. Biological factors which act at small spatial scale and/or abiotic factors at larger scale (e.g. summer gyres or absence of suitable substrata for settlement) could determine this genetic isolation. Using mitochondrial markers, significant differences were found only at wider scale (between Tuscany and Campania regions). These results could be related to the different mutation rate of the molecular makers or to the occurrence of some historical links within regions. A significant isolation by distance pattern was then observed using both data sets, confirming the restricted larval dispersal capability of the species. Therefore, the hypothesis that deeper populations may act as a source of larvae helping recovery of threatened shallow-water populations is not proved. Conservation strategies have to take into account these results, and management plans of deep and currently harvested populations have to be defined at a regional or sub regional level, similarly to shallow-water populations. Nevertheless, further investigations should be needed to understand better the genetic structuring of this species in the mesophotic zone, e.g. extending studies to other Mediterranean deep-water populations.


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This study poses as its objective the genetic characterization of the ancient population of the Great White shark, Carcharodon carcharias, L.1758, present in the Mediterranean Sea. Using historical evidence, for the most part buccal arches but also whole, stuffed examples from various national museums, research institutes and private collections, a dataset of 18 examples coming from the Mediterranean Sea has been created, in order to increase the informations regarding this species in the Mediterranean. The importance of the Mediterranean provenance derives from the fact that a genetic characterization of this species' population does not exist, and this creates gaps in the knowledge of this species in the Mediterranean. The genetic characterization of the individuals will initially take place by the extraction of the ancient DNA and the analysis of the variations in the sequence markers of the mitochondrial DNA. This approach has allowed the genetic comparison between ancient populations of the Mediterranean and contemporary populations of the same geographical area. In addition, the genetic characterization of the population of white sharks of the Mediterranean, has allowed a genetic comparison with populations from global "hot spots", using published sequences in online databases (NCBI, GenBank). Analyzing the variability of the dataset, both in terms space and time, I assessed the evolutionary relationships of the Mediterranean population of Great Whites with the global populations (Australia/New Zealand, South Africa, Pacific USA, West Atlantic), and the temporal trend of the Mediterranean population variability. This method based on the sequencing of two portions of mitochondrial DNA genes, markers showed us how the population of Great White Sharks in the Mediterranean, is genetically more similar to the populations of the Australia Pacific ocean, American Pacific Ocean, rather than the population of South Africa, and showing also how the population of South Africa is abnormally distant from all other clusters. Interestingly, these results are inconsistent with the results from tagging of this species. In addition, there is evidence of differences between the ancient population of the Mediterranean with the modern one. This differentiation between the ancient and modern population of white shark can be the result of events impacting on this species occurred over the last two centuries.


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This thesis is settled within the STOCKMAPPING project, which represents one of the studies that were developed in the framework of RITMARE Flagship project. The main goals of STOCKMAPPING were the creation of a genomic mapping for stocks of demersal target species and the assembling of a database of population genomic, in order to identify stocks and stocks boundaries. The thesis focuses on three main objectives representing the core for the initial assessment of the methodologies and structure that would be applied to the entire STOCKMAPPING project: individuation of an analytical design to identify and locate stocks and stocks boundaries of Mullus barbatus, application of a multidisciplinary approach to validate biological methods and an initial assessment and improvement for the genotyping by sequencing technique utilized (2b-RAD). The first step is the individuation of an analytical design that has to take in to account the biological characteristics of red mullet and being representative for STOCKMAPPING commitments. In this framework a reduction and selection steps was needed due to budget reduction. Sampling areas were ranked according the individuation of four priorities. To guarantee a multidisciplinary approach the biological data associated to the collected samples were used to investigate differences between sampling areas and GSAs. Genomic techniques were applied to red mullet for the first time so an initial assessment of molecular protocols for DNA extraction and 2b-RAD processing were needed. At the end 192 good quality DNAs have been extracted and eight samples have been processed with 2b-RAD. Utilizing the software Stacks for sequences analyses a great number of SNPs markers among the eight samples have been identified. Several tests have been performed changing the main parameter of the Stacks pipeline in order to identify the most explicative and functional sets of parameters.


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I capodogli (Physeter macrocephalus) sono mammiferi marini con distribuzione cosmopolita; sono presenti anche nel Mar Mediterraneo, soprattutto nella zona occidentale del bacino. Per individuare la presenza di questi animali possono essere utilizzate differenti modalità. Questo studio è stato condotto tramite l’uso di metodi acustici passivi, in quanto i capodogli (P. macrocephalus) sono animali che emettono suoni. L’uso di metodi acustici ha alcuni vantaggi, infatti permette di individuare la presenza di un animale anche se si trova al di sotto della superficie dell’acqua, purché stia emettendo suoni. Le registrazioni possono essere effettuate indipendentemente dalle condizioni meteorologiche e per lunghi periodi di tempo, permettendo la continuità nella raccolta dei dati. Il lavoro di tesi è stato svolto nell’ambito di un Progetto di Ricerca de L’Oceanogràfic di Valencia. Le registrazioni sono state effettuate tramite lo strumento EAR (Ecological Acoustic Recorder) in due aree del Mar Balear, il Mar di Bamba e il Parco Nazionale di Cabrera, in differenti periodi, profondità e con diverse frequenze di campionamento (50 kHz e 5 kHz). I dati ottenuti sono stati analizzati tramite i programmi X-BAT (Extensible Bioacoustic Tool) e Adobe Audition 3.0 al fine di rilevare i pulsi emessi dai capodogli. Per entrambe le aree di studio i dati sono stati elaborati in modo da ottenere modelli giornalieri e stagionali delle ore positive e del numero di pulsi emessi. La presenza di P. macrocephalus è stata confermata in entrambe le aree di studio, e dal confronto delle analisi spettrali dei pulsi si può affermare che, nonostante le differenze, i pulsi registrati in entrambe le aree sono effettivamente emessi da capodogli. Il lavoro di Tesi permette di suggerire che per futuri studi sia applicata la frequenza di registrazione di 20 kHz utilizzando lo strumento SAMARUC, alla cui progettazione ha partecipato L’Oceanogràfic di Valencia.


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The aim of present study is to define the general framework of Merluccius merluccius population structure, to estimate the growth rate and to assess the recruitment dynamics of juveniles from Northern and Central Adriatic, through otoliths analysis. The otoliths of hake specimens collected during the MedITS trawl survey in the 2012 in GSA 17, were cleaned and 102 otoliths out of 506 were embedded, sectioned, grindined and polished to obtain frontal and sagittal sections. The whole sample were analysed under stereomicroscope and optical microscope, with camera and connected to PC provided of an image analyses program. The frequency analysis of size classes and age revealed that the species is dominated by hake with >200mm TL and > one year old. The fish average size of M. merluccius at the end of the first year of life is about 199 mm TL. Allometrics analyses between fish TL and Feret (major axis), MiniFeret (minor axis), Area, Perimeter, showed a direct proportionality among lengths. Among the 88 otoliths sections analysed, the number of daily increments read ranged from 86 to 206, within 55 and 175mm TL range. The age estimate ranged from about 2-3 to 9 months and the growth rate from 20.99 to 27.15mm TL. The hatch-date distribution, obtained by back calculation, showed that the hatching occurs in November-March. In conclusion, strong preventive measures are needed for hake adults because the success of this species seems to be linked to deep water ecosystem protection where big spawners dwell.


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In ecologia della pesca, i fattori o indicatori della “condizione” di un organismo forniscono molte informazioni sulle caratteristiche di adattamento dei pesci all’ambiente e sul loro ruolo nell’ecosistema. La “condizione” include molte caratteristiche strutturali ed energetiche che possono variare in funzione dell’ontogenesi, del ciclo riproduttivo, ma anche in funzione delle caratteristiche dell’ambiente, incluso il grado di stress al quale è sottoposta una specie (es. la pressione di pesca). L’obiettivo del presente studio sperimentale è stato valutare eventuali differenze nell’abbondanza, nei parametri di popolazione, nella struttura demografica e negli indicatori di “condizione” di due specie, Merluccius merluccius (Pisces: Gadiformes) e Galeus melastomus (Pisces: Carcharhiniformes), in due diverse aree: Toscana settentrionale e meridionale, differenti per caratteristiche ambientali e pressione di pesca. Nella prima parte dell’analisi, sono stati confrontati gli indici di densità e biomassa, la struttura di taglia delle due popolazioni, su dati estratti dagli archivi storici delle campagne di pesca sperimentale MEDITS dal 1994 al 2013. Nella seconda parte dell’analisi invece, sono stati analizzati 1000 individui provenienti dalla campagna MEDITS 2014, integrati con campioni provenienti dallo sbarcato commerciale per il biennio 2014-2015. Gli individui di M. merluccius sono stati ripartiti in due classi di taglia (I = individui ≤ 18 cm LT; II = individui > 18 cm LT), quelli di G. melastomus in tre classi di taglia (I = individui ≤ 20 cm LT; II = individui 20 cm< x ≤ 35 cm LT; III= individui > 35 cm LT), suddivisi rispettivamente in 50 maschi e 50 femmine, per ogni classe. E’ stato condotto lo studio della crescita relativa attraverso l’analisi della relazione taglia/peso e lo studio della condizione tramite i seguenti indicatori: il fattore K di Fulton, l’indice epatosomatico (HSI) e l’indice gonadosomatico (GSI). I risultati di questa tesi hanno evidenziato differenze nei popolamenti, riconducibili alle diverse condizioni ambientali e alla pressione di pesca, tra le due aree indagate. L’area sud, interessata da un più intenso sforzo di pesca esercitato sui fondali della piattaforma e della scarpata continentale e da una morfologia del fondale differente, mostra una diversità in termini di crescita relativa e stato della “condizione”, che risulta più elevata in entrambe le specie, rispetto all’area settentrionale, caratterizzata invece da uno sforzo di pesca meno intenso, incentrato sull’ampia piattaforma continentale.