1000 resultados para Ciência (s)


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"Science as culture" is based on the assumption that science is a valuable component of human culture. We therefore have to build the bridge, in cultural terms, from the scientific community to the common citizen. Teaching science as culture requires the co-construction of knowledge and citizenship. Ways of articulating science/technology with society are invoked, pondering on the ethical ambivalence of such connections. The goals of this reflection are to think about: a) epistemological obstacles that, in favouring the logic of monoculture, oppose the implantation of the science as culture; b) epistemological strategies that point towards a diversity of cultural practices and "constellations" of knowledge leading to the reconfiguration of the being through knowledge; c) imperatives that force us to (re)think the epistemological bases suited to the paradigmatic changes and which translate the dynamics and complexity of the evolution of the frameworks that currently sustain science and school scientific education.


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This paper presents the results from the selection and analysis of Ciência Hoje articles published from 2004 to 2009 with the aim to discuss some of their features which can assist teachers in chemistry teaching. Therefore, the articles were analyzed according to their content and format based on an analytical tool proposed by Kawamura and colleagues. The results indicate that this magazine offers a reasonable collection of articles related to chemistry with a variety of contents and approaches.


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This paper describes the main activities regarding scientific dissemination in the field of Chemistry at Casa da Descoberta (CD) - a Scientific Dissemination Center of the Fluminense Federal University. It presents a brief history of CD and discusses the difficulties concerning the dissemination of Chemistry at Scientific Dissemination Centers. This work also approaches some activities developed throughout the years: experiments performed in relation to the visitors' daily life, training of monitors to act as mediators in the non-formal teaching of Chemistry, production of dissemination materials, elaboration of books, as well as activities that relate formal to non-formal education.


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This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.


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The Química Nova Interativa (QNInt) portal was launched in 2009 by the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) to offer free quality content for broad audiences. QNInt provides peer-reviewed articles from SBQ journals on science & society, chemical concepts, classroom activities and educational research. With 3,000,000 visits, QNInt also offers a unique library of interactive molecules. In the International Year of Chemistry QNInt served for distributing pH kits and registering data from IUPAC's Global Water Experiment, yielding Brazil the largest share of the global pH data set. The portal performance makes QNInt a valuable resource for connecting science to education.


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Este artigo analisa comparativamente o papel que a ciência e a técnica ocupam nas sociedades descritas em A cidade do Sol de Tommasio Campanella, a Nova Atlântida de Francis Bacon, Panorthosia de Jan Amós Comenius e o Complemento à Nova Atlântida de Joseph Glanvill.


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O artigo visa pensar a relação entre ética, ciência e tecnologia, enfatizando o problema de sua revinculação depois da cisão entre os juízos de fato e os juízos de valor, ocorrida no início dos tempos modernos. Uma vez examinada a ética da aristocracia guerreira e a moral do santo, procura-se delinear o caminho tomando como referência a ética da responsabilidade, cujo protótipo é a moral do sábio, desaparecido no curso dos tempos modernos, em razão da fragmentação do saber e do advento do especialista. Ao fim do estudo, é discutida a relação entre a ética e a metafísica, com o intuito de ajustar a questão antropológica à perspectiva cosmológica, bem como de fornecer as bases de um novo humanismo, objetivando a humanização da técnica e a geração de um novo homem, alfabetizado em ciência, tecnologia e humanidades.


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A partir da leitura de A Gaia Ciência, pretendemos mostrar alguns elementos importantes que, nesse livro, se constituem em torno do tema da "distância". Analisando principalmente três aforismos do livro, procura-se esclarecer o deslocamento no texto e no pensamento de Nietzsche da distância como Ferne, de origem romântica, à distância como Distanz. Entretanto, procura-se ao final mostrar que Nietzsche desloca o tema romântico da Ferne, caracterizando-a como uma "distância artística", que se torna o traço distintivo entre a perspectiva da arte e a perspectiva do conhecimento.


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Este artículo se propone realizar un abordaje crítico de la ontología afirmativa de Gilles Deleuze a partir de las objeciones realizadas por Georg Hegel a Spinoza en su Ciencia de la lógica. La hipótesis de trabajo es que, dada la herencia spinozista del pensamiento de Deleuze, estas críticas pueden resultar pertinentes para reflexionar sobre algunos puntos fundamentales. De esta manera, se intenta contrariar la habitual tendencia de los estudios deleuzianos de trabajar en una clave anti-hegeliana, es decir, a partir de una separación teórica total con la problemática de Hegel. Se descarta la posibilidad de centrar las críticas de Hegel en torno a la sentencia "omni determinatio est negatio" o la imposibilidad de progresar desde la afirmación absoluta (por lo que el verdadero comienzo en Spinoza -y por tanto en Deleuze- sería la mera realidad empírica donde los elementos se vinculan de manera extrínseca, es decir, sin concepto). El punto de inconmensurabilidad es que Hegel afirma que es necesario que exista un movimiento de retorno (zurürckkehren) para que la afirmación no se degrade al punto de la disolución, mientras que Deleuze prefiere el movimiento de eterno retorno (ewige wiederkunft) como apertura insistente en el porvenir.