875 resultados para Chromatid breaks
The Symposium in which the communications, as they were called during the meeting, comprising this volume were presented was held at the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. in Leningrad during 13 to 16 October 1981. Conducted as part of the cooperative program of the U.S.A.-U.S.S.R. Working Group on Biological Productivity and Biochemistry of the World Ocean, the Leningrad meeting was sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. (the Zoological Institute) and the Ministry of Fisheries of the U.S.S.R. (The Scientific Council on Fish Diseases of the Ichthyological Commission). It was an extremely interesting and successful Symposium, offering all participants the opportunity to describe the results of their studies and reviews during the course of the formal presentations and direct interchange between scientists during breaks in the program and the organized and casual social activities. The facilities provided by the Zoological Institute were quite adequate and the assistance offered by its Director, O. A. Scarlato and his staff in organization,logistics, and translation was excellent. Several of our Soviet colleagues presided over the proceedings, as did I. All were businesslike and efficient, yet graceful and accommodating. To O. N. Bauer Jell the brunt of programmatic detail and follow-up. He bore his burdens well and, with Director Scarlato and his staff, including A. V. Gussev and others of the professional and technical staffs of the Zoological Institute, helped make our stay pleasant and the Symposium productive. These organizations and individuals deserve much credit and praise as well as the thanks of their American and British colleagues. (PDF file contains 141 pages.)
The alkaline comet assay is a method of detecting DNA strand breaks and alkali labile sites in individual cells. The method was used to detect DNA strand breaks in isolated blood cells (leukocytes) of carp (Cyprius carpio). DNA damage have been induced by exposure of the cells to sediment extract. Therefore comet assay can be applied as in vitro bioassay for investigations on toxicity of marine sediments.
We consider the radially symmetric nonlinear von Kármán plate equations for circular or annular plates in the limit of small thickness. The loads on the plate consist of a radially symmetric pressure load and a uniform edge load. The dependence of the steady states on the edge load and thickness is studied using asymptotics as well as numerical calculations. The von Kármán plate equations are a singular perturbation of the Fӧppl membrane equation in the asymptotic limit of small thickness. We study the role of compressive membrane solutions in the small thickness asymptotic behavior of the plate solutions.
We give evidence for the existence of a singular compressive solution for the circular membrane and show by a singular perturbation expansion that the nonsingular compressive solution approach this singular solution as the radial stress at the center of the plate vanishes. In this limit, an infinite number of folds occur with respect to the edge load. Similar behavior is observed for the annular membrane with zero edge load at the inner radius in the limit as the circumferential stress vanishes.
We develop multiscale expansions, which are asymptotic to members of this family for plates with edges that are elastically supported against rotation. At some thicknesses this approximation breaks down and a boundary layer appears at the center of the plate. In the limit of small normal load, the points of breakdown approach the bifurcation points corresponding to buckling of the nondeflected state. A uniform asymptotic expansion for small thickness combining the boundary layer with a multiscale approximation of the outer solution is developed for this case. These approximations complement the well known boundary layer expansions based on tensile membrane solutions in describing the bending and stretching of thin plates. The approximation becomes inconsistent as the clamped state is approached by increasing the resistance against rotation at the edge. We prove that such an expansion for the clamped circular plate cannot exist unless the pressure load is self-equilibrating.
This thesis considers in detail the dynamics of two oscillators with weak nonlinear coupling. There are three classes of such problems: non-resonant, where the Poincaré procedure is valid to the order considered; weakly resonant, where the Poincaré procedure breaks down because small divisors appear (but do not affect the O(1) term) and strongly resonant, where small divisors appear and lead to O(1) corrections. A perturbation method based on Cole's two-timing procedure is introduced. It avoids the small divisor problem in a straightforward manner, gives accurate answers which are valid for long times, and appears capable of handling all three types of problems with no change in the basic approach.
One example of each type is studied with the aid of this procedure: for the nonresonant case the answer is equivalent to the Poincaré result; for the weakly resonant case the analytic form of the answer is found to depend (smoothly) on the difference between the initial energies of the two oscillators; for the strongly resonant case we find that the amplitudes of the two oscillators vary slowly with time as elliptic functions of ϵ t, where ϵ is the (small) coupling parameter.
Our results suggest that, as one might expect, the dynamical behavior of such systems varies smoothly with changes in the ratio of the fundamental frequencies of the two oscillators. Thus the pathological behavior of Whittaker's adelphic integrals as the frequency ratio is varied appears to be due to the fact that Whittaker ignored the small divisor problem. The energy sharing properties of these systems appear to depend strongly on the initial conditions, so that the systems not ergodic.
The perturbation procedure appears to be applicable to a wide variety of other problems in addition to those considered here.
Lan honen helburua , Howard Gardner - rek proposatutako Adimen Anitzen Teoriaren inguruan hausnarketa eta ike rketa egitea izan da , baita hezkuntza eremuan ezartzearen aukera aztertzea ere. Proposamen honek, adimena bakarra eta orokorra denaren paradigma tradizionala apurtu zuen, adimena anitza dela azpimarratuz. Hortaz, teoria honen ezarpena eskoletan, aldaketa s akona suposatzen du. Izan ere, ikasteko dauden modu desberdinak errespetatuz, pertsona guztiei erantzun egokia ematea lortuko litzateke, modu honetan, eskola zein gizarte inklusiboa lortzeko ateak zabalduz.
Nonlinear Thomson backscattering of an intense Gaussian laser pulse by a counterpropagating energetic electron is investigated by numerically solving the electron equation of motion taking into account the radiative damping force. The backscattered radiation characteristics are different for linearly and circularly polarized lasers because of a difference in their ponderomotive forces acting on the electron. The radiative electron energy loss weakens the backscattered power, breaks the symmetry of the backscattered-pulse profile, and prolongs the duration of the backscattered radiation. With the circularly polarized laser, an adjustable double-peaked backscattered pulse can be obtained. Such a profile has potential applications as a subfemtosecond x-ray pump and probe with adjustable time delay and power ratio. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.
The imaging technology of stimulated emission depletion (STED) utilizes the nonlinearity relationship between the fluorescence saturation and the excited state stimulated depletion. It implements three-dimensional (3D) imaging and breaks the diffraction barrier of far-field light microscopy by restricting fluorescent molecules at a sub-diffraction spot. In order to improve the resolution which attained by this technology, the computer simulation on temporal behavior of population probabilities of the sample was made in this paper, and the optimized parameters such as intensity, duration and delay time of the STED pulse were given.
Thrust fault earthquakes are investigated in the laboratory by generating dynamic shear ruptures along pre-existing frictional faults in rectangular plates. A considerable body of evidence suggests that dip-slip earthquakes exhibit enhanced ground motions in the acute hanging wall wedge as an outcome of broken symmetry between hanging and foot wall plates with respect to the earth surface. To understand the physical behavior of thrust fault earthquakes, particularly ground motions near the earth surface, ruptures are nucleated in analog laboratory experiments and guided up-dip towards the simulated earth surface. The transient slip event and emitted radiation mimic a natural thrust earthquake. High-speed photography and laser velocimeters capture the rupture evolution, outputting a full-field view of photo-elastic fringe contours proportional to maximum shearing stresses as well as continuous ground motion velocity records at discrete points on the specimen. Earth surface-normal measurements validate selective enhancement of hanging wall ground motions for both sub-Rayleigh and super-shear rupture speeds. The earth surface breaks upon rupture tip arrival to the fault trace, generating prominent Rayleigh surface waves. A rupture wave is sensed in the hanging wall but is, however, absent from the foot wall plate: a direct consequence of proximity from fault to seismometer. Signatures in earth surface-normal records attenuate with distance from the fault trace. Super-shear earthquakes feature greater amplitudes of ground shaking profiles, as expected from the increased tectonic pressures required to induce super-shear transition. Paired stations measure fault parallel and fault normal ground motions at various depths, which yield slip and opening rates through direct subtraction of like components. Peak fault slip and opening rates associated with the rupture tip increase with proximity to the fault trace, a result of selective ground motion amplification in the hanging wall. Fault opening rates indicate that the hanging and foot walls detach near the earth surface, a phenomenon promoted by a decrease in magnitude of far-field tectonic loads. Subsequent shutting of the fault sends an opening pulse back down-dip. In case of a sub-Rayleigh earthquake, feedback from the reflected S wave re-ruptures the locked fault at super-shear speeds, providing another mechanism of super-shear transition.
O objeto de estudo foi o preparo e a administração de medicamentos por cateter pela enfermagem em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral. O objetivo geral foi investigar o padrão de preparo e administração dos medicamentos por cateter em pacientes que recebem nutrição enteral concomitante. Os objetivos específicos foram apresentar o perfil dos medicamentos preparados e administrados de acordo com a possibilidade de serem administrados por cateter enteral e avaliar o tipo e a freqüência de erros que ocorrem no preparo e administração de medicamentos por cateter. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa com desenho transversal de natureza observacional, sem modelo de intervenção. Foi desenvolvida em um hospital do Rio de Janeiro onde foram observados técnicos de enfermagem preparando e administrando medicamentos por cateter na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Foram observadas 350 doses de medicamentos sendo preparados e administrados. Os grupos de medicamentos prevalentes foram os que agem no Sistema Cardiovascular Renal com 164 doses (46,80%), seguido pelos que agem no Sistema Respiratório e Sangue com 12,85% e 12,56% respectivamente. Foram encontrados 19 medicamentos diferentes do primeiro grupo, dois no segundo e cinco no terceiro. As categorias de erro no preparo foram trituração, diluição e misturas. Encontrou-se uma taxa média de 67,71% no preparo de medicamentos. Comprimidos simples foram preparados errados em 72,54% das doses, e todos os comprimidos revestidos e de liberação prolongada foram triturados indevidamente entre sólidos a categoria de erro prevalente foi trituração com 45,47%, preparar misturando medicamentos foi um erro encontrado em quase 40% das doses de medicamentos sólidos. A trituração insuficiente ocorreu em 73,33% das doses de ácido fólico, do cloridrato de amiodarona (58,97%) e bromoprida (50,00%). A mistura com outros medicamentos ocorreu em 66,66% das doses de bromoprida, de besilato de anlodipina (53,33%), bamifilina (43,47%), ácido fólico (40,00%) e ácido acetilsalicílico (33,33%). Os erros na administração foram ausência de pausa e manejo indevido do cateter. A taxa média de erros na administração foi de 32,64%, distribuídas entre 17,14% para pausa e 48,14% para manejo do cateter. A ausência de lavagem do cateter antes foi o erro mais comum e o mais incomum foi não lavar o cateter após a administração. Os medicamentos mais envolvidos em erros na administração foram: cloridrato de amiodarona (n=39), captopril (n=33), cloridrato de hidralazina (n=7), levotiroxina sódica (n=7). Com relação à lavagem dos cateteres antes, ela não ocorreu em 330 doses de medicamentos. O preparo e administração inadequados de medicamentos podem levar à perdas na biodisponibilidade, diminuição do nível sérico e riscos de intoxicações para o paciente. Preparar e administrar medicamentos são procedimentos comuns, porém apresentou altas taxas de erros, o que talvez reflita pouco conhecimento desses profissionais sobre as boas práticas da terapia medicamentosa. Constata-se a necessidade de maior investimento de todos os profissionais envolvidos, médicos, enfermeiros e farmacêuticos nas questões que envolvam a segurança com medicamentos assim como repensar o processo de trabalho da enfermagem.
The ability to reproduce is a defining characteristic of all living organisms. During reproduction, the integrity of genetic material transferred from one generation to the next is of utmost importance. Organisms have diverse strategies to ensure the fidelity of genomic information inherited between generations of individuals. In sexually reproducing animals, the piRNA pathway is an RNA-interference (RNAi) mechanism that protects the genomes of germ cells from the replication of ‘selfish’ genetic sequences called transposable elements (TE). When left unabated, the replication of TE sequences can cause gene disruption, double-stranded DNA breaks, and germ cell death that results in sterility of the organism. In Drosophila, the piRNA pathway is divided into a cytoplasmic and nuclear branch that involves the functions of three Piwi-clade Argonaute proteins—Piwi, Aubergine (Aub) and Argonaute-3 (Ago3)—which bind piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) to form the effector complexes that represses deleterious TE sequences.
The work presented in this thesis examines the function and regulation of Piwi proteins in Drosophila germ cells. Chapter 1 presents an introduction to piRNA biogenesis and to the essential roles occupied by each Piwi protein in the repression of TE. We discuss the architecture and function of germ granules as the cellular compartments where much of the piRNA pathway operates. In Chapter 2, we present how Piwi in the nucleus co-transcriptionally targets genomic loci expressing TE sequences to direct the deposition of repressive chromatin marks. Chapter 3 examines the cytoplasmic function of the piRNA pathway, where we find that the protein Krimper coordinates Aub and Ago3 in the piRNA ping-pong pathway to adaptively target and destroy TE transcripts. Chapter 4 explores how interactions of Piwis with associated proteins are modulated by arginine methylation modifications. Lastly, in Chapter 5 I present evidence that the cytoplasmic branch of the piRNA pathway can potentially ‘cross-talk’ with the nuclear branch to transfer sequence information to better target and co-transcriptionally silence the genomic loci coding active TE sequences. Overall, the work presented in this thesis constitutes a part of the first steps in understanding the molecular mechanisms that protect germ cells from invasion by TE sequences.
Many applications in cosmology and astrophysics at millimeter wavelengths including CMB polarization, studies of galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), and studies of star formation at high redshift and in our local universe and our galaxy, require large-format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors. Feedhorn and phased-array antenna architectures for receiving mm-wave light present numerous advantages for control of systematics, for simultaneous coverage of both polarizations and/or multiple spectral bands, and for preserving the coherent nature of the incoming light. This enables the application of many traditional "RF" structures such as hybrids, switches, and lumped-element or microstrip band-defining filters.
Simultaneously, kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) using high-resistivity materials like titanium nitride are an attractive sensor option for large-format arrays because they are highly multiplexable and because they can have sensitivities reaching the condition of background-limited detection. A KID is a LC resonator. Its inductance includes the geometric inductance and kinetic inductance of the inductor in the superconducting phase. A photon absorbed by the superconductor breaks a Cooper pair into normal-state electrons and perturbs its kinetic inductance, rendering it a detector of light. The responsivity of KID is given by the fractional frequency shift of the LC resonator per unit optical power.
However, coupling these types of optical reception elements to KIDs is a challenge because of the impedance mismatch between the microstrip transmission line exiting these architectures and the high resistivity of titanium nitride. Mitigating direct absorption of light through free space coupling to the inductor of KID is another challenge. We present a detailed titanium nitride KID design that addresses these challenges. The KID inductor is capacitively coupled to the microstrip in such a way as to form a lossy termination without creating an impedance mismatch. A parallel plate capacitor design mitigates direct absorption, uses hydrogenated amorphous silicon, and yields acceptable noise. We show that the optimized design can yield expected sensitivities very close to the fundamental limit for a long wavelength imager (LWCam) that covers six spectral bands from 90 to 400 GHz for SZE studies.
Excess phase (frequency) noise has been observed in KID and is very likely caused by two-level systems (TLS) in dielectric materials. The TLS hypothesis is supported by the measured dependence of the noise on resonator internal power and temperature. However, there is still a lack of a unified microscopic theory which can quantitatively model the properties of the TLS noise. In this thesis we derive the noise power spectral density due to the coupling of TLS with phonon bath based on an existing model and compare the theoretical predictions about power and temperature dependences with experimental data. We discuss the limitation of such a model and propose the direction for future study.
The Barton laboratory has established that octahedral rhodium complexes bearing the sterically expansive 5,6-chrysene diimine ligand can target thermodynamically destabilized sites, such as base pair mismatches, in DNA with high affinity and selectivity. These complexes approach DNA from the minor groove, ejecting the mismatched base pairs from the duplex in a binding mode termed metalloinsertion. In recent years, we have shown that these metalloinsertor complexes also exhibit cytotoxicity preferentially in cancer cells that are deficient in the mismatch repair (MMR) machinery.
Here, we establish that a sensitive structure-activity relationship exists for rhodium metalloinsertors. We studied the relationship between the chemical structures of metalloinsertors and their effect on biological activity for ten complexes with similar DNA binding affinities, but wide variation in their lipophilicity. Drastic differences were observed in the selectivities of the complexes for MMR-deficient cells. Compounds with hydrophilic ligands were highly selective, exhibiting preferential cytotoxicity in MMR-deficient cells at low concentrations and short incubation periods, whereas complexes with lipophilic ligands displayed poor cell-selectivity. It was discovered that all of the complexes localized to the nucleus in concentrations sufficient for mismatch binding; however, highly lipophilic complexes also exhibited high mitochondrial uptake. Significantly, these results support the notion that mitochondrial DNA is not the desired target for our metalloinsertor complexes; instead, selectivity stems from targeting mismatches in genomic DNA.
We have also explored the potential for metalloinsertors to be developed into more complex structures with multiple functionalities that could either enhance their overall potency or impart mismatch selectivity onto other therapeutic cargo. We have constructed a family of bifunctional metalloinsertor conjugates incorporating cis-platinum, each unique in its chemical structure, DNA binding interactions, and biological activity. The study of these complexes in MMR-deficient cells has established that the cell-selective biological activity of rhodium metalloinsertors proceeds through a critical cellular pathway leading to necrosis.
We further explored the underlying mechanisms surrounding the biological response to mismatch recognition by metalloinsertors in the genome. Immunofluorescence assays of MMR-deficient and MMR-proficient cells revealed that a critical biomarker for DNA damage, phosphorylation of histone H2AX (γH2AX) rapidly accumulates in response to metalloinsertor treatment, signifying the induction of double strand breaks in the genome. Significantly, we have discovered that our metalloinsertor complexes selectively inhibit transcription in MMR-deficient cells, which may be a crucial checkpoint in the eventual breakdown of the cell via necrosis. Additionally, preliminary in vivo studies have revealed the capability of these compounds to traverse the complex environments of multicellular organisms and accumulate in MMR-deficient tumors. Our ever-increasing understanding of metalloinsertors, as well as the development of new generations of complexes both monofunctional and bifunctional, enables their continued progress into the clinic as promising new chemotherapeutic agents.
The first part of this thesis combines Bolocam observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect at 140 GHz with X-ray observations from Chandra, strong lensing data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and weak lensing data from HST and Subaru to constrain parametric models for the distribution of dark and baryonic matter in a sample of six massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. For five of the six clusters, the full multiwavelength dataset is well described by a relatively simple model that assumes spherical symmetry, hydrostatic equilibrium, and entirely thermal pressure support. The multiwavelength analysis yields considerably better constraints on the total mass and concentration compared to analysis of any one dataset individually. The subsample of five galaxy clusters is used to place an upper limit on the fraction of pressure support in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to nonthermal processes, such as turbulent and bulk flow of the gas. We constrain the nonthermal pressure fraction at r500c to be less than 0.11 at 95% confidence, where r500c refers to radius at which the average enclosed density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe. This is in tension with state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations, which predict a nonthermal pressure fraction of approximately 0.25 at r500c for the clusters in this sample.
The second part of this thesis focuses on the characterization of the Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a photometric imaging camera that was commissioned at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in 2012. MUSIC is designed to have a 14 arcminute, diffraction-limited field of view populated with 576 spatial pixels that are simultaneously sensitive to four bands at 150, 220, 290, and 350 GHz. It is well-suited for studies of dusty star forming galaxies, galaxy clusters via the SZ Effect, and galactic star formation. MUSIC employs a number of novel detector technologies: broadband phased-arrays of slot dipole antennas for beam formation, on-chip lumped element filters for band definition, and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for transduction of incoming light to electric signal. MKIDs are superconducting micro-resonators coupled to a feedline. Incoming light breaks apart Cooper pairs in the superconductor, causing a change in the quality factor and frequency of the resonator. This is read out as amplitude and phase modulation of a microwave probe signal centered on the resonant frequency. By tuning each resonator to a slightly different frequency and sending out a superposition of probe signals, hundreds of detectors can be read out on a single feedline. This natural capability for large scale, frequency domain multiplexing combined with relatively simple fabrication makes MKIDs a promising low temperature detector for future kilopixel sub/millimeter instruments. There is also considerable interest in using MKIDs for optical through near-infrared spectrophotometry due to their fast microsecond response time and modest energy resolution. In order to optimize the MKID design to obtain suitable performance for any particular application, it is critical to have a well-understood physical model for the detectors and the sources of noise to which they are susceptible. MUSIC has collected many hours of on-sky data with over 1000 MKIDs. This work studies the performance of the detectors in the context of one such physical model. Chapter 2 describes the theoretical model for the responsivity and noise of MKIDs. Chapter 3 outlines the set of measurements used to calibrate this model for the MUSIC detectors. Chapter 4 presents the resulting estimates of the spectral response, optical efficiency, and on-sky loading. The measured detector response to Uranus is compared to the calibrated model prediction in order to determine how well the model describes the propagation of signal through the full instrument. Chapter 5 examines the noise present in the detector timestreams during recent science observations. Noise due to fluctuations in atmospheric emission dominate at long timescales (less than 0.5 Hz). Fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the microwave probe signal due to the readout electronics contribute significant 1/f and drift-type noise at shorter timescales. The atmospheric noise is removed by creating a template for the fluctuations in atmospheric emission from weighted averages of the detector timestreams. The electronics noise is removed by using probe signals centered off-resonance to construct templates for the amplitude and phase fluctuations. The algorithms that perform the atmospheric and electronic noise removal are described. After removal, we find good agreement between the observed residual noise and our expectation for intrinsic detector noise over a significant fraction of the signal bandwidth.
O presente trabalho se propõe a uma discussão sobre como pode ser encarada a questão da responsabilidade penal em relação às violações massivas de direitos humanos praticadas durante situações de repressão, considerando o caso brasileiro da edição da Lei n 6.683. Para tanto, apresenta-se o conceito de justiça de transição e o seu surgimento, que é acompanhado pela afirmação da proteção internacional dos direitos humanos. Este processo é dividido em três fases distintas, relacionadas ao fim da Segunda Guerra e o estabelecimento dos Tribunais de Nuremberg e Tóquio; à onda de democratização em algumas nações com o fim da Guerra-Fria e à criação dos tribunais internacionais e do TPI. Como forma de efetivação da justiça de transição, são apresentados os Princípios de Chicago, diretrizes a serem seguidas pelos Estados na transição democrática, que sugerem abordagens de diversas naturezas em relação às violações de direitos humanos. Como fundamento da justiça de transição, dando destaque à questão da responsabilização penal, são trazidos os dispositivos sobre o tema presentes em normas e tratados internacionais, enfatizando os aspectos do Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos. Parte-se, em seguida, à apresentação do exemplo argentino na realização da justiça de transição sob o aspecto da declaração de inconstitucionalidade de suas leis de anistia, como meio de reflexão para o caso brasileiro. Conjugando os elementos anteriores, apresenta-se a situação brasileira no contexto da realização da justiça de transição, com o julgamento da ADPF 153 e com a condenação do Estado pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos.