459 resultados para Checks


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Este artículo traza un breve panorama del proceso de desarrollo de la vitivinicultura capitalista en Mendoza y luego, utilizando diversas fuentes primarias y secundarias, determina la composición del mercado de trabajo vitivinícola y su evolución cuantitativa y cualitativa. La introducción de equipamiento técnico de avanzada obligó a la capacitación de la mano de obra con mejoras en los ingresos de los asalariados. Este mercado se complejizó con el tiempo y aparecieron múltiples jerarquías, desde el peón al enólogo o director técnico de las bodegas, pasando por los contratistas de viñas o los capataces. Muchos trabajadores ascendieron socialmente y se convirtieron en empresarios, en itinerarios que respondieron a diversas estrategias rastreables en las fuentes. Finalmente, las condiciones laborales que tuvieron los trabajadores muestran la precariedad en la que se desenvolvían y la indefensión en la que estaban inmersos por la ausencia de colectivos gremiales que asumieran la representación del trabajo frente al capital.


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Five widespread upper Cenozoic tephra layers that are found within continental sediments of the western United States have been correlated with tephra layers in marine sediments in the Humboldt and Ventura basins of coastal California by similarities in major-and trace-element abundances; four of these layers have also been identified in deep-ocean sediments at DSDP sites 34, 36, 173, and 470 in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. These layers, erupted from vents in the Yellowstone National Park area of Wyoming and Idaho (Y), the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest (C), and the Long Valley area, California (L), are the Huckleberry Ridge ash bed (2.0 Ma, Y), Rio Dell ash bed (ca. 1.5 Ma, C), Bishop ash bed (0.74 Ma, L), Lava Creek B ash bed (0.62 Ma, Y), and Loleta ash bed (ca. 0.4 Ma, C). The isochronous nature of these beds allows direct comparison of chronologic and climatic data in a variety of depositional environments. For example, the widespread Bishop ash bed is correlated from proximal localities near Bishop in east-central California, where it is interbedded with volcanic and glacial deposits, to lacustrine beds near Tecopa, southeastern California, to deformed on-shore marine strata near Ventura, southwestern California, to deep-ocean sediments at site 470 in the eastern Pacific Ocean west of northern Mexico. The correlations allow us to compare isotopic ages determined for the tephra layers with ages of continental and marine biostratigraphic zones determined by magnetostratigraphy and other numerical age control and also provide iterative checks for available age control. Relative age variations of as much as 0.5 m.y. exist between marine biostratigraphic datums [for example, highest occurrence level of Discoaster brouweri and Calcidiscus tropicus (= C. macintyrei)], as determined from sedimentation rate curves derived from other age control available at each of several sites. These discrepancies may be due to several factors, among which are (1) diachronism of the lowest and highest occurrence levels of marine faunal and floral species with latitude because of ecologic thresholds, (2) upward reworking of older forms in hemipelagic sections adjacent to the tectonically active coast of the western United States and other similar analytical problems in identification of biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic datums, (3) dissolution of microfossils or selective diagenesis of some taxa, (4) lack of precision in isotopic age calibration of these datums, (5) errors in isotopic ages of tephra beds, and (6) large variations in sedimentation rates or hiatuses in stratigraphic sections that result in age errors of interpolated datums. Correlation of tephra layers between on-land marine and deep-ocean deposits indicates that some biostratigraphic datums (diatom and calcareous nannofossil) may be truly time transgressive because at some sites, they are found above and, at other sites, below the same tephra layers.


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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1308 (central North Atlantic) records paleomagnetic directional and relative paleointensity (RPI) variations for the last 1.5 Myr, in 110 m of the sediment sequence at a mean sedimentation rate of 7.3 cm/kyr. A detailed benthic oxygen isotope record was combined with RPI to produce an integrated, high-resolution magneto-isotopic stratigraphy for Site U1308. Apart from the well-known polarity reversals in this interval, the Punaruu excursion is recorded at 1092 ka and the Cobb Mountain Subchron in the 1182-1208 ka interval. The paleointensity proxies are determined as slopes of NRM versus ARM and NRM versus ARMAQ (ARM acquisition) with linear correlation coefficients to monitor the quality of the linear fit. The RPI record for Site U1308 is compared with the three other paleointensity records (one from the Western Equatorial Pacific and two from the North Atlantic) that cover the same time interval and have accompanying oxygen isotope records. The Match protocol of Lisiecki and Lisiecki (2002) is used to optimize the correlation of paleointensity records. Beginning with the original (published) age models for each record, the Match routine is used to optimize the RPI correlations to Site U1308, with checks to ensure compatibility with oxygen isotope records. Squared wavelet coherence (WTC) indicates significant improvement in RPI (and oxygen isotope) correlations after matching each RPI record to Site U1308, particularly for periods > 10 kyr. The level of coherence for the Atlantic RPI records and the lower resolution Pacific record implies synchronous global variability (at scales > 10 kyr) that can be attributed to the axial dipole geomagnetic field.


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The BSRN Toolbox is a software package supplied by the WRMC and is freely available to all station scientists and data users. The main features of the package include a download manager for Station- to-Archive files, a tool to convert files into human readable TAB-separated ASCII-tables (similar to those output by the PANGAEA database), and a tool to check data sets for violations of the "BSRN Global Network recommended QC tests, V2.0" quality criteria. The latter tool creates quality codes, one per measured value, indicating if the data are "physically possible," "extremely rare," or if "intercomparison limits are exceeded." In addition, auxiliary data such as solar zenith angle or global calculated from diffuse and direct can be output. All output from the QC tool can be visualized using PanPlot (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.816201).


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The Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) and its central archive - the World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC) - was created in 1992. It is a project of the Data Assimilation Panel from the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) under the umbrella of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and as such is aimed at detecting important changes in the Earth's radiation field at the Earth's surface which may be related to climate changes. The data are of primary importance in supporting the validation and confirmation of satellite and computer model estimates of these quantities. At a small number of stations in contrasting climatic zones, covering a latitude range from 80°N to 90°S, solar and atmospheric radiation is measured with instruments of the highest available accuracy and with high time resolution (1 to 3 minutes). Since 2008 the WRMC is hosted by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany (http://www.bsrn.awi.de/).


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BACKGROUND Double-checking is widely recommended as an essential method to prevent medication errors. However, prior research has shown that the concept of double-checking is not clearly defined, and that little is known about actual practice in oncology, for example, what kind of checking procedures are applied. OBJECTIVE To study the practice of different double-checking procedures in chemotherapy administration and to explore nurses' experiences, for example, how often they actually find errors using a certain procedure. General evaluations regarding double-checking, for example, frequency of interruptions during and caused by a check, or what is regarded as its essential feature was assessed. METHODS In a cross-sectional survey, qualified nurses working in oncology departments of 3 hospitals were asked to rate 5 different scenarios of double-checking procedures regarding dimensions such as frequency of use in practice and appropriateness to prevent medication errors; they were also asked general questions about double-checking. RESULTS Overall, 274 nurses (70% response rate) participated in the survey. The procedure of jointly double-checking (read-read back) was most commonly used (69% of respondents) and rated as very appropriate to prevent medication errors. Jointly checking medication was seen as the essential characteristic of double-checking-more frequently than 'carrying out checks independently' (54% vs 24%). Most nurses (78%) found the frequency of double-checking in their department appropriate. Being interrupted in one's own current activity for supporting a double-check was reported to occur frequently. Regression analysis revealed a strong preference towards checks that are currently implemented at the responders' workplace. CONCLUSIONS Double-checking is well regarded by oncology nurses as a procedure to help prevent errors, with jointly checking being used most frequently. Our results show that the notion of independent checking needs to be transferred more actively into clinical practice. The high frequency of reported interruptions during and caused by double-checks is of concern.


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Economic development in East Asia is characterized by the sequential "take-off" of member countries. This multi-tiered economic development in East Asia is often termed the “Flying Geese” pattern of economic development. However, some authors argue that the traditional Flying Geese pattern is not applicable to some industries such as electronics. Here, Japan may no longer be the sole "leading goose", with "followers" such as China (now producing cutting-edge products) having "caught-up". Does this mean that the Flying Geese Model has become "obsolete" in the 21st century? The main objective of this paper is to clarify the two concepts of Flying Geese which now seem confused: (1) application of the pattern of economic development in one specific country, and (2) application of the pattern of economic development to multiple countries in sequence. This paper provides validity checks of Flying Geese Models after differentiating these two concepts more clearly


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This study examines the significance of food crop diversification as a household risk mitigating strategy to achieve "self-sufficiency" to ensure food security during the civil conflict in Cote d’Ivoire. The main motivation for seeking self-sufficiency stems from the fact that during the period of heightened tension due to conflict, the north–south divide set by the UN peacekeeping line disrupted the agricultural supply chain from the food surplus zone, Savane in the north. While we theoretically predict a positive effect on crop diversification because of interrupted food supply chain, we also consider a negative effect due to the covariate shocks. We find robust and statistically significant empirical outcomes supporting such claims. The baseline outcomes withstand a series of robustness checks. The net effect of conflict on crop diversification is positive but not statistically significant. In addition, we find that increasing vulnerability to poverty and food insecurity during conflict seems to be the underlying factors that motivate farm households to adopt such coping strategies.


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This study quantitatively explores the changing population geography in Bengal, with a particular focus on Partition in India in 1947 and Independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Based on decadal census data from 1901 to 2001 at the district level, this paper explores how trends in regional population growth evolved with such historical events. Following Redding and Sturm (2008), Differences-in-Differences estimation is also employed. Estimation results show that there were different shocks on both sides and from both events. In West Bengal, the change in the regional population trends occurred in 1947 and remained similar thereafter. On the other hand, in East Bengal, the population growth became statistically significant after 1971. Further robustness checks show that the impacts were not uniform with respect to the distance from the border. Overall analyses show that the emergence of the international border in Bengal had asymmetric impacts on both sides.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es generar un modelo Edafogeomorfológico útil en la identificación de necesidades de manejo de suelos, se realizó un estudio en el área de la cuenca Cañada La Gorda Machiques-Colón, estado Zulia, Venezuela, caracterizada por un clima tropical de condición subhúmeda, con duración del periodo de crecimiento (DPC) de 230 días, régimen de humedad Ustic y de temperatura Isohipertémico. Se empleó el enfoque de la ecuación factorial de formación de suelos para el análisis y descripción biofísica de los factores a lo largo de una carena. El relieve caracterizado a partir de fotografías aéreas, imágenes de satélites y de chequeos sistemático mediante transectos en el sentido del flujo del escurrimiento; la vegetación a través del uso de la tierra, la cobertura vegetal, la identificación de las especies dominantes a partir de sus nombres vernáculos y la definición de indicadores de vegetales (Iv). Los suelos fueron descritos y clasificados según la Taxonomía de suelos y valorados mediante el modelo paramétricode Riquier et al. (1970) para determinar el índice de productividad (Ip). Se caracterizaron dos paisajes gemorfológicos: Colinar (C) y Valle (V), seis posiciones geomorfológicas entre ambos paisajes definidas por la sucesión de relieves en el sentido de la pendiente: Tope de colina-loma (TC), mesa conservada (MC), vertientes de mesa alta (VA), media (VM), baja (VB) y valle intracolinar (VI); e igual número de perfiles de suelos representativos, los cuales mostraron edafogénesis muy avanzada con Ip inferiores a 8% en todas las posiciones, exceptuando la VB, con una productividad de 13%. El uso de la tierra es a base de pastoreo semi-intensivo de plantas forrajeras introducidas. Las formaciones vegetales predominante fueron los matorrales y arbustales dispersos, acompañados con restos de una selva tropófila fuertemente afectada por la extracción forestal y la conversión en áreas de pastoreo. Se identificaron 8 Iv, asociados fuertemente con condiciones de físicas e hidrológicas del suelo. El alto impacto de las actividades humanas sobre el suelo y vegetación, expresado a través de los procesos de erosión activa, la ausencia de áreas boscosas y la baja productividad de los sistemas de ganadería reportada para la zona, señalan la necesidad de reorientación del uso actual de la tierra, para lo cual se plantean alternativas como la incorporación de bosques protectores y sistemas agrosilvopastoriles In order to generate an Edaphogeomorphological model to be used for the identification of management requirements of soils, a study was carried out in the area of the Cañada La Gorda watershed, Machiques Colon, Zulia State with a tropical climate, subsumid conditions with a growing period of 230 days, an Ustic soil moisture and Isohypertermic regimes. The soils factorial equation approach was used for the analisis and description of the factors of soil formation throughout a soil catena. Relief was characterized through aerial photographs, satellite images and systematic checks of transects drawn in the sense of surface runoff and also taking into account geomorphological features. Vegetation cover and land use were described and vegetation components were indified by its local names to defined vegetations indicators (VI) for the local conditions. Soils were described and classified according to soil taxonomy and valued by means of a parametric model proposed by Riquier et al, (1970) for determining the productivity index (PI). Two geomorphological landscapes were defined: Hilly and Valley with six positions within the landscapes: hilltop (round or elongated), preserved tableland summit, slopes of high, medium and low tableland and valleys between hills. Representative soils of each position were studied showing a highly advanced degree of edaphogenesis with PI values below 8% in all positions except the valleys with a PI of 13%. Land use type is based on semi intensive pasturing of introduced forage species, with a vegetation of brushwood and scattered shrubs, with some trees relicts of woods affected by timber extraction and turn to grassland Eight VI were identified, highly associated to local physical and hidrological soil conditions. The enormous impact of human activity on soils and vegetation as shown by active erosion processes and absence of wooded areas and the low productivity of livestock systems reported for the area, indicates the necessity of a reorientation of the present land use introducing alternatives like the incorporation of protective woods and agrosilvopastoral management systems.


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The progressive depletion of fossil fuels and their high contribution to the energy supply in this modern society forces that will be soon replaced by renewable fuels. But the dispersion and alternation of renewable energy production also undertake to reduce their costs to use as energy storage and hydrogen carrier. It is necessary to develop technologies for hydrogen production from all renewable energy storage technologies and the development of energy production from hydrogen fuel cells and cogeneration and tri generation systems. In order to propel this technological development discussed where the hydrogen plays a key role as energy storage and renewable energy, the National Centre of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Experimentation in Spain equipped with installations that enable scientific and technological design, develop, verify, certify, approve, test, measure and, more importantly, the facility ensures continuous operation for 24 hours a day, 365 days year. At the same time, the system is scalable so as to allow continuous adaptation of new technologies are developed and incorporated into the assembly to verify integration at the same time it checks the validity of their development. The transformation sector can be said to be the heart of the system, because without neglecting the other sectors, this should prove the validity of hydrogen as a carrier - energy storage are important efforts that have to do to demonstrate the suitability of fuel cells or internal combustion systems to realize the energy stored in hydrogen at prices competitive with conventional systems. The multiple roles to meet the fuel cells under different conditions of operation require to cover their operating conditions, many different sizes and applications. The fourth area focuses on integration is an essential complement within the installation. We must integrate not only the electricity produced, but also hydrogen is used and the heat generated in the process of using hydrogen energy. The energy management in its three forms: hydrogen chemical, electrical and thermal integration requires complicated and require a logic and artificial intelligence extremes to ensure maximum energy efficiency at the same time optimum utilization is achieved. Verification of the development and approval in the entire production system and, ultimately, as a demonstrator set to facilitate the simultaneous evolution of production technology, storage and distribution of hydrogen fuel cells has been assessed.


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Large cross section structural timber have been used in many structures over long periods of time and still make up an important part of the market due to its mechanical properties. Furthermore, it is frequent its employment in new construction site. It involves the need for a visual grading standard for timber used in construction according to the quality assessment. The material has to satisfy the requirements according to the currently regulations. UNE 56544 is the Spanish visual grading standard for coniferous structural timber. The 2007 version defined a new visual grade in the standard for large section termed Structural Large Timber (MEG). This research checks the new visual grading and consists of 116 structural size specimens of sawn coniferous timber of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Segovia, Spain. The pieces had a cross section of 150 by 200 mm. They were visually graded according to UNE 56544:2007. Also, mechanical properties have been obtained according to standard EN 408. The results show very low output with an excessive percentage of rejected pieces (33%). The main reasons for the rejection of pieces are fissures and twist


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During the past years, the industry has shifted position and moved towards “the luxury universe” whose customers are demanding, treating individuals as unique and valued customer for the business, offering vehicles produced with the state of the art technologies and implementing the highest finishing standards. Due to the competitive level in the market, car makers enable processes which equalizes customer services to E.R. management, being dealt with the maximum urgency that allows the comparison between both, car workshops and emergency rooms, where workshop bays or ramps will be equal to emergency boxes and skilled technicians are equivalent to the health care specialist, who will carry out tests and checks prior to afford any final operation, keeping the “patient” under control before it is back to normal utilization. This paper establishes a valid model for the automotive industry to estimate customer service demand forecasting under variable demand conditions using analogies with patient demand models used for the medical ER.


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During the past years, the industry has shifted position and moved towards “the luxury universe” whose customers are demanding, treating individuals as unique and valued customer for the business, offering vehicles produced with the state of the art technologies and implementing the highest finishing standards. Due to the competitive level in the market, motor makers enable processes which equalizes customer services to E.R. management, being dealt with the maximum urgency that allows the comparison between both, car workshops and emergency rooms, where workshop bays or ramps will be equal to emergency boxes and skilled technicians are equivalent to the health care specialist, who will carry out tests and checks prior to afford any final operation, keeping the “patient” under control before it is back to normal utilization. This paper ratify a valid model for the automotive industry to estimate customer service demand forecasting under variable demand conditions using analogies with patient demand models used for the medical ER


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We present two concurrent semantics (i.e. semantics where concurrency is explicitely represented) for CC programs with atomic tells. One is based on simple partial orders of computation steps, while the other one is based on contextual nets and it is an extensión of a previous one for eventual CC programs. Both such semantics allow us to derive concurrency, dependency, and nondeterminism information for the considered languages. We prove some properties about the relation between the two semantics, and also about the relation between them and the operational semantics. Moreover, we discuss how to use the contextual net semantics in the context of CLP programs. More precisely, by interpreting concurrency as possible parallelism, our semantics can be useful for a safe parallelization of some CLP computation steps. Dually, the dependency information may also be interpreted as necessary sequentialization, thus possibly exploiting it for the task of scheduling CC programs. Moreover, our semantics is also suitable for CC programs with a new kind of atomic tell (called locally atomic tell), which checks for consistency only the constraints it depends on. Such a tell achieves a reasonable trade-off between efficiency and atomicity, since the checked constraints can be stored in a local memory and are thus easily accessible even in a distributed implementation.