993 resultados para Charles III, of Durazzo, 1345-1386.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Reports on administration and enforcement of the Illinois Chemical Safety Act and Title III of the Superfund amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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At head of title: Under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Printer's device on t.-p.


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Spine title: Erzherzog Carl.


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Forms Vol. III of his Recherches philosophiques, etc., 1772.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Pt. III of the First annual report, 1913/14, "covers the work of the Commission as the administrative board of the Workmen's compensation fund."


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Vol. 3 has imprint: Paris, Imprimerie nationale.


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verso: Sitting or squatting Spaulding, McGregor, Griffin & Orr. Back-Hale Smith in middle. Starved Rock-1948?


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O presente estudo avaliou as dimensões transversais dos arcos dentais mandibulares em indivíduos com diferentes padrões faciais. A amostra foi constituída por telerradiografias em norma lateral direita e modelos em gesso de 33 indivíduos, leucodermas, em ambos os sexos, com idade entre 13 e 25 anos, na fase de dentição permanente. O Padrão Facial foi obtido pela análise facial subjetiva em fotografias frontal e de perfil de 1500 documentações ortodonticas, foi utilizada análise cefalométrica por meio do ângulo ANB para confirmar o padrão esquelético, o qual deveria coincidir com a classificação de maloclusão de Angle. A amostra foi dividida em três grupos: Grupo I Padrão I, Classe I de Angle e ANB 2,0 o ±0,5o; Grupo II Padrão II, Classe II divisão 1 de Angle e ANB ≥ 4,0, e Grupo III Padrão III, Classe III de Angle e ANB ≥ - 4,5o. As dimensões transversais do arco foram mensuradas após a digitalização dos modelos em gesso pelo Scanner Dental Wings (3D), a partir dos quais foram estabelecidas as distâncias transversais intercanino, inter 1º PM, inter 2º PM, inter 1º M (cúspide mesial e distal), inter 2º M (cúspide mesial e distal), com o auxílio do software Geomagic Studio® 12. As médias e desvio padrão das dimensões transversais foram obtidas, e, para comparação entre os três grupos foi utilizado a Análise de Variância e teste de Tukey. Em todos os testes estatísticos foi adotado nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Houve diferença estatística em duas dimensões transversais das 14 avaliadas no arco maxilar na região mesial do segundo molar (p=0,024) e no mandibular na região distal do primeiro molar (p=0,047). Os arcos dentais mandibulares foram semelhantes nos três grupos estudados.


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Various hypotheses could explain the relationship between beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposition and the vasculature in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Amyloid deposition may reduce capillary density, affect endothelial cells of blood vessels, result in diffusion from blood vessels, or interfere with the perivascular clearance mechanism. Hence, the spatial pattern of the classic ('cored') type of Abeta deposit was studied in the upper laminae (I,II/III) of the superior frontal gyrus in nine cases of sporadic AD (SAD). Sections were immunostained with antibodies against Abeta and with collagen IV to study the relationships between the spatial distribution of the classic deposits and the blood vessel profiles. Both the classic deposits and blood vessel profiles were distributed in clusters. In all cases, there was a positive spatial correlation between the clusters of the classic deposits and the larger diameter (>10 microm) blood vessel profiles and especially the vertically penetrating arterioles. In only 1 case, was there a significant spatial correlation between the clusters of the classic deposits and the smaller diameter (<10 microm) capillaries. There were no negative correlations between the density of Abeta deposits and the smaller diameter capillaries. In 9/11 cases, the clusters of the classic deposits were significantly larger than those of the clusters of the larger blood vessel profiles. In addition, the density of the classic deposits declined as a negative exponential function with distance from a vertically penetrating arteriole. These results suggest that the classic Abeta deposits cluster around the larger blood vessels in the upper laminae of the frontal cortex. This aggregation could result from diffusion of proteins from blood vessels or from overloading the system of perivascular clearance from the brain.


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Fluidized bed spray granulators (FBMG) are widely used in the process industry for particle size growth; a desirable feature in many products, such as granulated food and medical tablets. In this paper, the first in a series of four discussing the rate of various microscopic events occurring in FBMG, theoretical analysis coupled with CFD simulations have been used to predict granule–granule and droplet–granule collision time scales. The granule–granule collision time scale was derived from principles of kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). For the droplet–granule collisions, two limiting models were derived; one is for the case of fast droplet velocity, where the granule velocity is considerable lower than that of the droplet (ballistic model) and another for the case where the droplet is traveling with a velocity similar to the velocity of the granules. The hydrodynamic parameters used in the solution of the above models were obtained from the CFD predictions for a typical spray fluidized bed system. The granule–granule collision rate within an identified spray zone was found to fall approximately within the range of 10-2–10-3 s, while the droplet–granule collision was found to be much faster, however, slowing rapidly (exponentially) when moving away from the spray nozzle tip. Such information, together with the time scale analysis of droplet solidification and spreading, discussed in part II and III of this study, are useful for probability analysis of the various event occurring during a granulation process, which then lead to be better qualitative and, in part IV, quantitative prediction of the aggregation rate.