965 resultados para Ce_(1-x)Ca_xO_(2-x)


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Satire von pro-tschechischer Seite nach der Niederschlagung des Prager Pfingstaufstandes (17. Juni 1848). Der heilige Johannes von Nepomuk wurde als Symbol des habsburgischen Katholizismus sowie als Gegenbild zu Jan Hus von der nationaltschechischen Bewegung abgelehnt


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Composition of ore minerals in MAR sulflde occurrences related to ultramaflc rocks was studied using methods of mineragraphy, electron microscopy, microprobe analysis, and X-ray analysis. Objects are located at various levels of maturity of sulflde mounds owing to differences in age, duration and degree of activity of the following hydrothermal systems: generally inactive Logatchev-1 field (up to 66.5 ka old), inactive Logatchev-2 field (3.9 ka), and generally active Rainbow field (up to 23 ka). Relative to MAR submarine ore occurrences in the basalt substrate, mineralization in the hydrothermal fields mentioned above is characterized by high contents of Au, Cd, Co, and Ni, along with presence of accessory minerals of Co and Ni. The studied mounds differ in quantitative ratios of major minerals and structural-textural features of ores that suggest their transformation. Ores in the Logatchev-1 field are characterized by the highest Cu content and development of a wide range of multistage contrast exsolution structures of isocubanite and bornite. In the Logatchev-2 field, sphalerite-chalcopyrite and gold-arsenic exsolution structures are present, but isocubanite exsolution structures are less diverse and contrast. The Rainbow field is marked by presence of homogenous isocubanite and the subordinate development of exsolution structures. The authors have identified four new phases in the Cu-Fe-S system. Phases X and Y (close to chalcopyrite and isocubanite, respectively) make up lamellae among isocubanite exsolution products in the Logatchev-1 and Logatchev-2 fields. Phase Y includes homogenous zones in zonal chimneys of the Rainbow field. Phases A and B formed in the orange bornite domain at low-temperature alteration of chalcopyrite in the Logatchev-1 field. Mineral assemblages of the Cu-S system are most abundant and diverse in the Logatchev-1 field, but their development is minimal in the Logatchev-2 field where mainly Cu-poor sulfides of the geerite-covellite series have been identified. Specific features of mineral assemblages mentioned above reflect the maturity grade of sulfide mounds and can serve as indicators of maturity.


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Low-temperature rock magnetic measurements have distinct diagnostic value. However, in most bulk marine sediments the concentration of ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic minerals is extremely low, so even sensitive instrumentation often responds to the paramagnetic contribution of the silicate matrix in the residual field of the magnetometer. Analysis of magnetic extracts is usually performed to solve the problems raised by low magnetic concentrations. Additionally magnetic extracts can be used for several other analyses, for example electron microscopy or X-ray diffraction. The magnetic extraction technique is generally sufficient for sediments dominated by magnetite. In this study however, we show that high-coercivity components are rather underrepresented in magnetic extracts of sediments with a more complex magnetic mineralogy. We test heavy liquid separation, using hydrophilic sodium polytungstenate solution Na6[H2W12O40], to demonstrate the efficiencies of both concentration techniques. Low-temperature cycling of zero-field-cooled, field-cooled and saturation isothermal remanent magnetization acquired at room temperature was performed on dry bulk sediments, magnetic extracts, and heavy liquid separates of clay-rich pelagic sediments originating from the Equatorial Atlantic. The results of the thermomagnetic measurements clarify that magnetic extraction favours components with high spontaneous magnetization, such as magnetite and titanomagnetite. The heavy liquid separation is unbiased with respect to high- and low-coercive minerals, thus it represents the entire magnetic assemblage.


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Vaccinia uses actin-based motility for virion movement in host cells, but the specific protein components have yet to be defined. A cardinal feature of Listeria and Shigella actin-based motility is the involvement of vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (VASP). This essential adapter recognizes and binds to actin-based motility 1 (ABM-1) consensus sequences [(D/E)FPPPPX(D/E), X = P or T] contained in Listeria ActA and in the p90 host-cell vinculin fragment generated by Shigella infection. VASP, in turn, provides the ABM-2 sequences [XPPPPP, X = G, P, L, S, A] for binding profilin, an actin-regulatory protein that stimulates actin filament assembly. Immunolocalization using rabbit anti-VASP antibody revealed that VASP concentrates behind motile virions in HeLa cells. Profilin was also present in these actin-rich rocket tails, and microinjection of 10 μM (intracellular) ABM-2 peptide (GPPPPP)3 blocked vaccinia actin-based motility. Vinculin did not colocalize with VASP on motile virions and remained in focal adhesion contacts; however, another ABM-1-containing host protein, zyxin, was concentrated at the rear of motile virions. We also examined time-dependent changes in the location of these cytoskeletal proteins during vaccinia infection. VASP and zyxin were redistributed dramatically several hours before the formation of actin rocket tails, concentrating in the viral factories of the perinuclear cytoplasm. Our findings underscore the universal involvement of ABM-1 and ABM-2 docking sites in actin-based motility of Listeria, Shigella, and now vaccinia.


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Sparse, poorly preserved late Oligocene (3 species) and early Miocene (4 species) ostracod faunas have been recovered from CRP-2A, while relatively more abundant Quaternary faunas occur in CRP-1 (24 species). All taxa are marine. No definitive age assignments can be made on the two older faunas, which are not considered to be in situ, although the taxa identified are not at variance with sediment ages determined on other grounds. The Oligocene ostracods (Lithostratigraphical Unit, LSU 9.4) suggest deposition in cold, relatively shallow, shelf waters with faunal connections to the Antarctic Peninsula and South America, while the Miocene fauna (LSU 5.1) is considered to be a cool-cold, deeper water (?outer shelf) association with faunal connections to both New Zealand and the Antarctic Peninsula. The Quaternary faunas are primarily from LSU 3.1 (carbonate-rich layer), and suggest deposition in very cold, relatively quiet water that was at least 100 m, and possibly 130-200 m deep. None of the taxa are known from pre-Pleistocene sediments, and all occur in modern Antarctic/sub-Antarctic regimes, predominantly from south of 60° S. Specimens in the "carbonate-rich layer" probably have suffered minor penecontemporaneous fractionation, while the fauna in LSU 2.2 has suffered more extensive post-mortem transportation and possible reworking (though not necessarily from pre-Quaternary sources).


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Metalwork, Iran, Achaemenid; H: 7 7/8 in.; silver