999 resultados para Ce doping


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Cet article se veut une revue des effets ergogéniques et potentiellement délétères des principaux compléments alimentaires consommés par les sportifs populaires ou d'élite. De nombreux produits sont proposés sur le marché avec des allégations prometteuses, le plus souvent sans preuve scientifique sur leur validité ou leur innocuité. Les antioxydants n'augmentent ni la force ni l'endurance. La créatine améliore la capacité de récupération pour les exercices en intervalle anaérobie mais pas en course à pied ni en natation. L'hormone de croissance et les stéroïdes anabolisants augmentent la synthèse protéique et la masse maigre mais comportent des effets secondaires graves et souvent irréversibles. Les médecins, les diététiciens et les fédérations sportives ont un rôle important à jouer dans l'information et la prévention, afin d'éviter des attitudes néfastes pour la santé, pouvant même créer des addictions. This article reviews the evidence-based ergogenic potential adverse effects of the most common products in use by recreational and elite athletes today. This is an aggressively marketed and controversial area of sports medicine wordwide. It is therefore important for the scientific societies, clinicians, dieticians sports federations to be well versed in the more popular supplements and drugs in order to have an important role in information and prevention attitudes that can lead to health risks or addictions!


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The major objective of this study was to investigate the effects of several days of intense exercise on the growth hormone marker approach to detect doping with human growth hormone (hGH). In addition we investigated the effect of changes in plasma volume on the test. Fifteen male athletes performed a simulated nine-day cycling stage race. Blood samples were collected twice daily over a period of 15 days (stage race + three days before and after). Plasma volumes were estimated by the optimized CO Rebreathing method. IGF-1 and P-III-NP were analyzed by Siemens Immulite and Cisbio Assays, respectively. All measured GH 2000 scores were far below the published decision limits for an adverse analytical finding. The period of exercise did not increase the GH-scores; however the accompanying effect of the increase in Plasma Volume yielded in essentially lower GH-scores. We could demonstrate that a period of heavy, long-term exercise with changes in plasma volume does not interfere with the decision limits for an adverse analytical finding. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 6.2.1151