907 resultados para Care to RMT victims


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En la STS, 1a, 17.7.2007 (RJ 2007\4895, MP: Francisco Marín Castán), el Tribunal Supremo sostiene que los daños que sufre una amiga de los demandados en el inmueble de éstos al tropezar con un juguete abandonado en el suelo del pasillo, insuficientemente iluminado, no son indemnizables, porque dada la especial relación de confianza entre las partes, ese nivel extremo de diligencia no es exigible. El Tribunal parece aplicar al caso un patrón de diligencia quam in suis, la que despliega uno en sus propios asuntos, que permitiría limitar la responsabilidad a los casos de dolo o culpa grave. El trabajo comenta la sentencia y presenta, además, la clasificación entre invitee, licensee y trespasser que el Common Law norteamericano ha utilizado tradicionalmente para delimitar los niveles de cuidado de propietarios (o poseedores) de inmuebles y que el borrador No. 6 del Restatement (Third) of Torts, de 12.9.2007, ha simplificado, añadiendo a la regla tradicional de No Duty to Trespasser la de una negligencia simple para los Innocent Trespasser.


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INTRODUCTION: Very little surgical care is performed in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). An estimated two billion people in the world have no access to essential surgical care, and non-surgeons perform much of the surgery in remote and rural areas. Surgical care is as yet not recognized as an integral aspect of primary health care despite its self-demonstrated cost-effectiveness. We aimed to define the parameters of a public health approach to provide surgical care to areas in most need. METHODS: Consensus meetings were held, field experience was collected via targeted interviews, and a literature review on the current state of essential surgical care provision in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was conducted. Comparisons were made across international recommendations for essential surgical interventions and a consensus-driven list was drawn up according to their relative simplicity, resource requirement, and capacity to provide the highest impact in terms of averted mortality or disability. RESULTS: Essential Surgery consists of basic, low-cost surgical interventions, which save lives and prevent life-long disability or life-threatening complications and may be offered in any district hospital. Fifteen essential surgical interventions were deduced from various recommendations from international surgical bodies. Training in the realm of Essential Surgery is narrow and strict enough to be possible for non-physician clinicians (NPCs). This cadre is already active in many SSA countries in providing the bulk of surgical care. CONCLUSION: A basic package of essential surgical care interventions is imperative to provide structure for scaling up training and building essential health services in remote and rural areas of LMICs. NPCs, a health cadre predominant in SSA, require training, mentoring, and monitoring. The cost of such training is vastly more efficient than the expensive training of a few polyvalent or specialist surgeons, who will not be sufficient in numbers within the next few generations. Moreover, these practitioners are used to working in the districts and are much less prone to gravitate elsewhere. The use of these NPCs performing "Essential Surgery" is a feasible route to deal with the almost total lack of primary surgical care in LMICs.


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The contribution of biodiversity and ecosystem services to our health care needs is significant, both for the development of modern pharmaceuticals (Chivian and Bernstein 2008; Newmann and Cragg 2007; see also chapter on contribution of biodiversity to pharmaceuticals in this volume) and for their uses in traditional medicine (WHO 2013). Long before the rise of pharmaceutical development, societies have been drawing on their traditional knowledge, skills and customary practices, using various resources provided to them by nature to prevent, diagnose and treat health problems. Today, these practices continue to inform health-care delivery at the level of local communities in many places around the world (WHO 2013). In socioecological contexts such as these, several resources used for food, cultural and spiritual purposes are also used as medicines (Unnikrishnan and Suneetha 2012). Traditional medicine practices provide more than health care to these communities; they are considered a way of life and are founded on endogenous strengths, including knowledge, skills and capabilities.


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The Prostate Cancer Programme of the European School of Oncology developed the concept of specialised interdisciplinary and multiprofessional prostate cancer care to be formalized in Prostate Cancer Units (PCU). After the publication in 2011 of the collaborative article "The Requirements of a Specialist Prostate Cancer Unit: A Discussion Paper from the European School of Oncology", in 2012 the PCU Initiative in Europe was launched. A multiprofessional Task Force of internationally recognized opinion leaders, among whom representatives of scientific societies, and patient advocates gathered to set standards for quality comprehensive prostate cancer care and designate care pathways in PCUs. The result was a consensus on 40 mandatory and recommended standards and items, covering several macro-areas, from general requirements to personnel to organization and case management. This position paper describes the relevant, feasible and applicable core criteria for defining PCUs in most European countries delivered by PCU Initiative in Europe Task Force.


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ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: Patients' satisfaction is scarcely studied within the context of community treatment for adolescents. Thus, this study adopts a multiple perspective on patients' satisfaction (including service users as well as staff members). The results highlighted that all informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from community treatment teams) perceived the patients to be satisfied, with foster carers reporting the highest patient satisfaction rate. Considering the patient satisfaction rate from multiple perspectives provides complementary understandings. Clinical outcomes and, specifically, a reduction in emotional difficulties were related to patient's satisfaction, but only from the patients' perspective. ABSTRACT: Community treatment (CT) teams in Switzerland provide care to patients who are unable to use regular child and adolescent mental health services (i.e. inpatient and outpatients facilities). No study has considered patients' self-rated satisfaction alongside with staff members' perspectives on patient satisfaction. Thus, adopting a cross-sectional survey design, we collected patients' satisfaction using the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8), rated by multiple informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from CT teams). Professional caregivers assessed clinical outcomes using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents. The results indicated that all informants were satisfied with the community treatment teams. The satisfaction scores were not correlated across informants; however, the alleviation of emotional symptoms was correlated with patients' satisfaction. This study indicated that the use of a combined approach including the views of service users and professionals gives important complementary information. Finally, in our sample, lower emotional symptoms were linked to enhanced patient satisfaction. This study demonstrated the importance of considering multiple perspectives to obtain the most accurate picture of patients' satisfaction. Second, focusing on the reduction of emotional symptoms might lead to a higher degree of patients' satisfaction.


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ACCESSIBLE SUMMARY: Patients' satisfaction is scarcely studied within the context of community treatment for adolescents. Thus, this study adopts a multiple perspective on patients' satisfaction (including service users as well as staff members). The results highlighted that all informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from community treatment teams) perceived the patients to be satisfied, with foster carers reporting the highest patient satisfaction rate. Considering the patient satisfaction rate from multiple perspectives provides complementary understandings. Clinical outcomes and, specifically, a reduction in emotional difficulties were related to patient's satisfaction, but only from the patients' perspective. ABSTRACT: Community treatment (CT) teams in Switzerland provide care to patients who are unable to use regular child and adolescent mental health services (i.e. inpatient and outpatients facilities). No study has considered patients' self-rated satisfaction alongside with staff members' perspectives on patient satisfaction. Thus, adopting a cross-sectional survey design, we collected patients' satisfaction using the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ-8), rated by multiple informants (patients, foster carers in foster homes and professional caregivers from CT teams). Professional caregivers assessed clinical outcomes using the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents. The results indicated that all informants were satisfied with the community treatment teams. The satisfaction scores were not correlated across informants; however, the alleviation of emotional symptoms was correlated with patients' satisfaction. This study indicated that the use of a combined approach including the views of service users and professionals gives important complementary information. Finally, in our sample, lower emotional symptoms were linked to enhanced patient satisfaction. This study demonstrated the importance of considering multiple perspectives to obtain the most accurate picture of patients' satisfaction. Second, focusing on the reduction of emotional symptoms might lead to a higher degree of patients' satisfaction.


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El papel de la enfermería se ha visto sometido a muchos cambios desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad. Cambios que han ayudado a que la profesión crezca y a que se fundamente en un cuerpo de conocimientos propios. Las enfermeras, inicialmente supeditadas al estamento médico, se encuentran actualmente con un nivel de formación que les permite desarrollar su rol autónomo. Las nuevas necesidades de cuidados, generadas por los cambios socio-demográficos, epidemiológicos y políticos, y la necesidad de dar respuesta a la demanda de la población, han generado una nueva perspectiva de los sistemas de salud. Los sistemas sanitarios tratan de adaptarse a las nuevas circunstancias generando modelos sanitarios eficaces y económicamente sostenibles, donde la enfermera tiene un papel primordial. Para poder dar la atención necesaria y profesional a todo este nuevo modelo asistencial se está procediendo cada vez más y de manera más activa, a la implantación de nuevos roles enfermeros (enfermera/o gestora/or de casos, enfermera de Enlace, etc.). Dentro de estos roles, destaca el de enfermera/o en Cuidados Paliativos (CP) por su gran complejidad e incluso desconocimiento, debido a que es un rol relativamente reciente. Dada la importancia para el colectivo enfermero de conocer y comprender los cambios que ha experimentado la enfermería, el presente trabajo pretende obtener una visión general de la evolución histórica de la enfermería y la aparición de nuevos roles, profundizando en el rol de CP. Para ello se realiza una revisión de la literatura. Palabras clave: Roles enfermería, cuidado, historia enfermería, evolución enfermería, cuidados paliativos, enfermería paliativa.


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Este trabajo tiene como finalidad identificar que áreas temáticas en relación a la salud, y en el caso de que existan, necesitan cubrir los profesionales de enfermería, teniendo en cuenta los factores asociados a la diversidad cultural, para que sea de eficaz y eficiente la atención a usuarios de otras culturas en sus consultas. Dentro de los objetivos específicos, se plantea en primer lugar, determinar las áreas temáticas de mayor importancia que deberán estar presentes en un programa de intervención de diversidad cultural para mejorar la calidad en la asistencia a usuarios de otras culturas desde la atención de enfermería. Por otro lado se propondrán estrategias de intervención para mejorar la comunicación entre los profesionales de la salud y la población inmigrante de habla no hispana. Dentro del ámbito de investigación cualitativa este proyecto se definirá mediante el paradigma construccionista interpretativo. Los participantes en el estudio serán profesionales de enfermería del CAP Vic Sud y CAP Vic Nord (Osona) con más de 6 años de experiencia en atención primaria y con un cupo de población asignada un mínimo de un 15% de usuarios de procedencia extranjera de una cultura ajena. Para acceder a la información se llevará a cabo la entrevista semiestructurada realizada de forma individual a cada profesional de enfermería, y la observación participante que se llevará a cabo en el centro y las consultas. Para el análisis de esta información previamente recogida mediante una guía de categorías de análisis, de la que se obtendrá una descripción general que capta la opinión de los participantes y de las áreas a traba


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Nursing discharge planning for elderly medical inpatients is an essential element of care to ensure optimal transition to home and to reduce post-discharge adverse events. The objectives of this cross-sectional study were to investigate the association between nursing discharge planning components in older medical inpatients, patients' readiness for hospital discharge and unplanned health care utilization during the following 30 days. Results indicated that no patients benefited from comprehensive discharge planning but most benefited from less than half of the discharge planning components. The most frequent intervention recorded was coordination, and the least common was patients' participation in decisions regarding discharge. Patients who received more nursing discharge components felt significantly less ready to go home and had significantly more readmissions during the 30-day follow-up period. This study highlights large gaps in the nursing discharge planning process in older medical inpatients and identifies specific areas where improvements are most needed.


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El càncer produeix un impacte a la família en totes les seves esferes, la família ha de modificar les seves rutines familiars i adoptar nous rols. En el moment del diagnòstic del càncer, a cada família hi ha una persona que assumeix el rol de cuidador principal. Aquest cuidador és el que s’ocupa del malalt a casa i fa d’enllaç entre la família i l’equip sanitari. En front del càncer, la família i el cuidador tenen un conjunt de dubtes, d’inquietuds, de preocupacions que s’acaben traduint en necessitats. L’equip sanitari i Infermeria especialment ha d’atendre aquestes necessitats i ajudar a satisfer-les. Objectiu: L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball es descriure quines són les necessitats que presenten la família i el cuidador dels pacients oncològics. Metodologia: Es va dur a terme una revisió de la literatura entre setembre del 2013 i maig del 2014. Es va utilitzar la base de dades Pubmed, a més de pàgines web i llibres. Es van obtenir un total de 75 fonts, 56 en angles, 18 en espanyol i 1 en català. Resultats: La bibliografia agrupa les necessitats de les famílies i els cuidadors en 7 grans categories: físiques, psicològiques i emocionals, socials, de informació i formació, econòmiques, de transport i espirituals. Pel que fa a necessitats més especifiques, algunes de les més freqüents són tenir informació sobre el pronòstic del malalt, assegurar-se de que l’equip sanitari està donant la millor atenció possible al malalt. Sembla haver-hi una relació entre el grau de no satisfacció de les necessitats i el grau d’ansietat i depressió en la família i el cuidador. Els autors consultats no coincideixen en afirmar si la majoria del les necessitats es veuen satisfetes o no. Conclusions: La família i el cuidador d’un pacient amb càncer també han de rebre atenció per part dels professionals. En moltes ocasions la família treu importància a les seves necessitats per tal de que l’equip sanitari es centri només en el malalt. Infermeria té un paper fonamental en detectar les necessitats dels familiars i cuidadors i en ajudar a satisfer-les, de manera que la família estigui en les millors condicions possibles per cuidar del malalt. Paraules clau: Càncer, família, cuidador, necessitats familiars, rol d’Infermeria


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The increasing prevalence of obesity and its associated complications requires specialized care to improve outcomes and control health care costs. Obesity is associated with numerous serious and costly medical problems requiring specialized care in managing health. The economic burden of obesity includes increased inpatient and outpatient medical expenditures as well as employer-related issues of absenteeism and associate costs. The objectives of this study are: - To describe the health consequences and the economic burden of obesity, - To review the existing treatment - To argue in favor of a specialized nutritional intervention that has shown to improve health and reduce obesity related health care costs. Therefore, expose the possibility of introducing the specialized nutrition in Switzerland and the feasibility of this project considering the medical trends and reimbursement system in Switzerland The benefits and outcomes for the patients will be the significant weight loss which reduces the severity and risk factors for complications and the improved health and quality of life. Weight loss will be a combination of a diet, exercise and behavioral interventions which are the basic recommendations for obesity treatment in addition to the specialized nutritional support. By nutritional support, we mean products that are intended to provide nutritional support in the dietary management of people with specific diseases and conditions when adequate intake of regular foods is compromised. These products are called, Food for special medical purposes FSMP. They are not intended to treat, cure, prevent, mitigate or have a direct impact on disease in a manner similar to drugs or other medical treatments and should be used under medical supervision. They also provide a low cost alternative to surgery. From a health care system perspective, the specialized nutrition will drive its advantage by reducing the utilization of medical services for obesity associated complications like medication, physician's consultations and surgical interventions arriving to a cost effective care for the hospitals, the health care organizations and the third party payers which are the health insurances. [Author, p. 4]


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Valtimotautiriskin arviointi verenpainepotilailla Valtimotaudit ovat yleisin kuolinsyy koko maailmassa. Väestön elintapojen muuttuminen ja ikääntyminen uhkaavat edelleen lisätä valtimotautien esiintyvyyttä. Kokemäenjokilaakson valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektin tavoitteena oli löytää 45–70-vuotiaasta väestöstä henkilöt, joilla on kohonnut riski sairastua valtimotauteihin. Kaksivaiheisen seulontamenetelmän avulla voitiin terveydenhoitajan antama elintapaneuvonta kohdistaa riskihenkilöihin ja rajoittaa lääkärin vastaanoton tarve niihin potilaisiin, jotka todennäköisesti hyötyvät ennaltaehkäisevästä lääkityksestä. Suomalainen tyypin 2 diabeteksen sairastumisriskin arviointikaavake ja hoitajan toteama kohonnut verenpaine osoittautuivat käytännöllisiksi menetelmiksi seuloa väestöstä riskihenkilöitä. Valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektissa Harjavallassa ja Kokemäellä todettiin verenpainetauti 1 106 henkilöllä, jotka eivät sairastaneet valtimotautia tai aiemmin todettua diabetesta. Heidän tutkimustulostensa avulla voidaan arvioida kohonneen verenpaineen vaikutusta sokeriaineenvaihduntaan ja verenpaineen aiheuttamiin kohde-elinvaurioihin. Sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriöt ovat verenpainetautia sairastavilla yleisempiä kuin väestössä muutoin. Käyttämällä metabolisen oireyhtymän kriteerejä sokerirasituskokeen suorittamisen edellytyksenä voidaan tutkimusten määrää vähentää kolmanneksella ja silti löytää lähes kaikki diabetesta tai sen esiastetta sairastavat verenpainepotilaat. Verenpainepotilaista etenkin metabolista oireyhtymää sairastavilla naisilla on suurentunut munuaisten vajaatoiminnan riski. Jos verenpainepotilaan munuaisten toimintaa arvioidaan pelkästään plasman kreatiniini -arvon perusteella, kolme neljästä munuaisten vajaatoimintaa potevasta jää toteamatta verrattuna laskennallisen glomerulusten suodattumisnopeuden määritykseen seulontamenetelmänä. Joka kolmannella verenpainetautia sairastavalla voidaan todeta alaraajavaltimoiden kovettumista; useammin niillä, joiden ylä- ja alaverenpaineen erotus, pulssipaine on yli 65 mmHg. Verenpainetauti on itsenäinen perifeerisen valtimotaudin vaaratekijä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty menetelmä nilkka-olkavarsipainesuhteen määrittämiseksi soveltunee hyvin perusterveydenhuollon käyttöön riskihenkilöiden löytämiseksi. Valtimotautien kokonaisriskin arviointimenetelmät tai uuden riskitekijän, herkän C-reaktiivisen proteiinin määritys eivät voi korvata kohde-elinvaurioiden mittaamista verenpainepotilaan valtimotautiriskin huolellisessa arvioinnissa.


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Aquest estudi té com objectiu observar les relacions entre les estratègies de cura (formal, informal, mixta) que fan servir els cuidadors de persones grans dependents, la seva situació social i les seves motivacions per la decisió respecte a com fan la cura. L’estat del tema destaca el predomini de les cures informals sobre les formals en els models de benestar mediterranis i la rellevància de la interacció entre factors personals socioculturals i les polítiques socials en la presa de decisions individuals sobre la cura de la dependència. La llei de la dependència, de recent implementació a l’Estat espanyol, ha universalitzat l’accés als recursos formals, creant un nou paradigma d’interacció cuidadors-recursos. Es tracta d’un estudi observacional, transversal, descriptiu de tipus mixt quantitatiu/qualitatiu realitzat a partir d’entrevistes individuals als cuidadors de dependents ingressats en una unitat geriàtrica d’atenció intermèdia. Es recullen dades sobre el context sociofamiliar, l’estratègia de cura, l’autopercepció i les motivacions. Els resultats mostren que els cuidadors combinen prestacions econòmiques i serveis (públics i privats) per adaptar al màxim l’estratègia a les condicions del dependent i a les seves pròpies. Tenen la convicció generalitzada que l’atenció cal fer-la al domicili per motius de reciprocitat i respecte a la persona cuidada. El pas a l’atenció residencial és una decisió molt difícil pels cuidadors. La implantació de la llei de la dependència ha normalitzat la relació entre cuidadors i recursos formals, però la burocratització i la insuficiència de l’oferta de serveis no afavoreixen canvis substancials en la provisió de l’ajut, que continua essent majoritàriament informal. La millora en la percepció de continuïtat d’atenció entre el domicili i la residència, i també en la gestió i l’oferta de serveis formals públics es presenten com a reptes de treball importants al nostre país.


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Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic inflammatory mucosal disease and is detected in between 0.5% - 2.2% of the population. WHO has defined OLP as a potentially precancerous disorder, representing a generalized state associated with a significantly increased risk of cancer. However, only 0.5 – 2.9% of OLP lesions will progress to cancer. Currently, there are no prognostic markers to identify the lesions at increased risk for malignant transformation. The main aim of these studies was to identify cellular and molecular markers in order to understand the pathogenesis of atrophic OLP and its progression towards malignancy. Selected markers for cell proliferation, adhesion, apoptosis, and lymphocytic infiltration were assessed by immunohistochemistry in addition to static cytometry analyses for DNA content. DNA quantification of epithelial cells in 82 biopsy samples derived from atrophic lichen planus showed altered DNA content in 41% of the samples. DNA content was associated with proliferation activity, topoisomerase IIalpha, desmocollin-1 and infection with human papillomavirus. CD27+ and CD38+ lymphocytes were detected in inflammatory cell infiltrate, indicating an abnormal homing of B cells from blood circulation to tissue. Physiologic cell death, apoptosis, is frequently seen in OLP, but its pathways are unknown. Here it was shown that caspases 2 and 12 were up-regulated in OLP, indicating that intracellular apoptosis, rather than an external causal factor, is triggering apoptosis. However, this thesis could not identify any singular prognostic marker of malignancy in OLP. Thus, every OLP patient should receive regular follow-up care to identify cancer risk patients at an early stage.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata, miten työterveyshuolto tukee nykyisellä toiminnallaan ikääntyvien (45–54-vuotiaat) työntekijöiden työkykyä ja mitä työkyvyn tukemiseen liittyviä odotuksia ikääntyvillä työntekijöillä on työterveyshuollolle. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat ”Miten ikääntyvän työntekijän mielestä työterveyshuolto tukee ikääntyvän työntekijän työkykyä?” ja ”Millaista tukea työkyvyn ylläpitämiseksi ikääntyvät työntekijät odottavat työterveyshuollolta?”. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat pääkaupunkiseudulla toimivan yksityisen lääkäriasemaketjun yli 10 hengen asiakasyritysten ikääntyvät työntekijät, jotka tekevät toimistotyöhön rinnastettavaa työtä. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sähköisellä kyselyllä kesäkuussa 2011. Tutkimukseen osallistui 21 yritystä, joissa oli ikääntyviä työntekijöitä yhteensä 422. Kyselyyn vastasi 93 työntekijää. Vastausprosentti oli 22. Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä ja avoimien vastausten tuottama aineisto induktiivisella sisällön analyysillä. Työntekijöistä kaksi kolmasosaa oli samaa mieltä siitä, että työterveyshuollon palvelut yleisesti ottaen tukevat ikääntyvän työntekijän työkykyä. Kuitenkin työntekijöistä vain hieman yli yksi viidesosaa oli samaa mieltä siitä, että työterveyshuollon toimintatavat ikääntyvän työntekijän työkyvyn tukemiseksi ovat riittävät. Syitä sille, miksi työterveyshuollon toimintaa ei pidetty työkykyä tukevana, olivat riittämätön aktiivisuus ja seuranta, asiakasorganisaation tuntemuksen puute ja näkemys siitä, että työterveyshuollon vaikutusmahdollisuudet yrityksen sisäisissä asioissa ovat riittämättömät. Työterveyshuollon arvioitiin tukevan enemmän fyysistä kuin psyykkistä työkykyä. Työterveyshuollon eri toimintojen osa-alueista ikääntyvät työntekijät arvioivat työterveyshuollon ohjaus- ja neuvontatoiminnan ja sairaanhoidon tukevan eniten työkykyään. Työterveyshuollon yleisen toiminnan arvioitiin tukevan työkykyä toiseksi eniten. Jaksamisessa ja muutoksissa tukeminen ja kuntoutustoiminta arvioitiin työkykyä vähiten tukevaksi toiminnaksi. Työntekijät odottivat työterveyshuollon toiminnalta aktiivisuutta, toiminnan ja seurannan säännöllisyyttä ja yksilöllisyyden huomioimista. Keskeisinä osaalueina, joihin työterveyshuollon tulisi panostaa, pidettiin psyykkisen jaksamisen, terveellisten elämäntapojen ja fyysisen jaksamisen tukemista sekä terveystarkastuksia ja ryhmätoimintaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää suunniteltaessa ja toteutettaessa työterveyshuollon ennaltaehkäisevää ikääntyville suunnattua pysyvän työkyvyn tukemiseen tähtäävää toimintaa. Tulokset auttavat suuntaamaan työterveyshuollon resurssit ja voimavarat oikeisiin kohteisiin.