955 resultados para Campus planning.


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Seven Years ofInnovation, Technological Advances, Enhanced Service & Fluid Commerce in the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division.


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Aim: Conduct a search and analytic review of literature regarding attributes of Advance Care Planning (ACP) and Advance Directive in order to identify the experiences and the best care strategies for older adults resident in nursing homes or long term institutions. Methodology: An extensive electronic search was undertaken in the following databases: Pubmed (via Ovid search), Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL, via EBHOST), psychINFO and Cochrane. After analyzing and eliminating duplicates and professional's point of view (19), 144 titles were considered relevant: 28 opinion papers, 94 descriptive/qualitative studies or predictive studies, 17 experimental and five systematic reviews. Most of them were produced in North America and only 10 were in French. Results: With regard to European experiences, studies are scarce and further research could benefit from North American evidence. Contrary to Europe, nurses in North America play a major role in the process of care planning. The major findings were related to the poor efficacy of the completion of Advance Directives, even in presence of a substantial variety of implementation strategies. The evidence supports interventions that conceptualize ACP as a process, with an emphasis on the ascertainment of patients' values and beliefs and the necessity to include the family or loved ones from the beginning of the process in order to favor the expression and sharing of one's life perspectives and priorities in care. The most relevant findings were associated with the conceptualization of the ACP as a change in health behaviors which needs an involvement in different stages to overcome a variety of barriers. Conclusion: Rigorous research in ACP for the older adults in Swiss nursing homes that promote respect and dignity in this frail population is needed. How to best achieve patients and families goals should be the focus of nursing intervention and research in this domain.


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[spa] El curso 2011-2012 se inicia la introducción de la semipresencialidad en el grado de Información y Documentación de la Facultad de Biblioteconomía y Documentación de la Universidad de Barcelona. Se ofrecen todas las asignaturas de primer curso en este formato para un grupo de 30 alumnos. La planificación ha supuesto la determinación de las condiciones y el grado de presencialidad, la creación del material docente de las asignaturas en un campus virtual y el establecimiento de indicadores y mecanismos de seguimiento y evaluación. Los primeros resultados apuntan diferencias importantes respecto al seguimiento de la titulación en formato presencial.


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In the 2010 legislative session, the General Assembly passed and the Governor signed into law Senate File 2389 (SF 2389), which provided guidance for Smart Planning in Iowa and established the Iowa Smart Planning Task Force. This Task Force was charged with recommending policies and strategies for creating a stronger planning culture in Iowa, producing more resilient and sustainable communities. The Task Force, along with its two committees and four workgroups, met throughout the summer and fall of 2010 to identify and review best practices, consult local and national experts, and craft recommendations in the best interest of Iowans. A public input process was also implemented, resulting in improved recommendations.


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Three-dimensional (3D) planning is becoming a more commonly used tool in maxillofacial surgery. At first used only virtually, 3D planning now also enables the creation of useful intraoperative aids such as cutting guides, which decrease the operative difficulty. In our center, we have used 3D planning in various domains of facial surgery and have investigated the advantages of this technique. We have also addressed the difficulties associated with its use. 3D planning increases the accuracy of reconstructive surgery, decreases operating time, whilst maintaining excellent esthetic results. However, its use is restricted to osseous reconstruction at this stage and once planning has been undertaken, it cannot be reversed or altered intraoperatively. Despite the attractive nature of this new tool, its uses and practicalities must be further evaluated. In particular, cost-effectiveness, hospital stay, and patient perceived benefits must be assessed.


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Eighty-five of 99 Iowa counties were declared Presidential Disaster Areas for Public Assistance and/orIndividual Assistance as a result of the tornadoes, storms, and floods over the incident period May 25 through August 13, 2008. Response dominated the state’s attention for weeks, with a transition to recovery as the local situations warranted. The widespread damage and severity of the impact on Iowans and their communities required a statewide effort to continue moving forward despite being surrounded by adversity. By all accounts, it will require years for the state to recover from these disasters. With an eye toward the future, recovery is underway across Iowa. As part of the Rebuild Iowa efforts, the Long Term Recovery Planning Task Force was charged with responsibilities somewhat different from other topical Task Force assignments. Rather than assess damage and report on how the state might address immediate needs, the Long Term Recovery Planning Task Force is directed to discuss and discern the best approach to the lengthy recovery process. Certainly, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor expect the task to be difficult; when planning around so many critical issues and overwhelming needs, it is challenging to think to the future, rather than to rise to the current day’s needs.


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Considerando a importância do conhecimento do comportamento hídrico das coberturas pedológicas para os estudos de prevenção e contenção dos processos erosivos, o presente trabalho foi realizado em uma vertente com sistema pedológico "Latossolo Vermelho eutrófico/Argissolo Vermelho eutrófico", oriundo do arenito Caiuá, localizado na fazenda experimental da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, município de Cidade Gaúcha, noroeste do Estado do Paraná. Após abordagem morfológica detalhada do sistema pedológico, realizaram-se ensaios de infiltrometria nos principais horizontes diagnósticos e suas respectivas transições em seis perfis de solos dispostos ao longo da vertente. A dinâmica hídrica da cobertura latossólica encontra-se marcada por um comportamento distinto entre a superfície e a subsuperfície. Os horizontes superficiais Ap, AB e, ou, BA exibem ao longo do tempo uma alternância de condições de umidade, ora mais úmidos, ora mais secos, devido à distribuição e intensidade das chuvas. Em profundidade, no horizonte Bw, as condições hídricas dependem da movimentação da água vertical e lateral, não respondendo, portanto, diretamente às variações atmosféricas como na superfície. Na cobertura argissólica, o bloqueio da drenagem vertical ocorre no topo do Bt, gerando acima (horizonte AE) uma zona mais constantemente úmida. De modo geral, os horizontes superficiais dos Argissolos não apresentam as alternâncias de umedecimento e secamento verificadas nos Latossolos; permanecem sempre mais úmidos do que aqueles, em razão dos fluxos hídricos laterais de montante.