1000 resultados para CONSUMO DE OXIGENO - MEDICIONES
Background: Most of the studies on sychological distress in Spain have been conducted in small geographical areas or specific population groups. However, there are no studies that provide representative data for each Autonomous Community (AC). The objectives of this paper are to determine, both in Spain and in the AC, the prevalence of psychological distress, diagnosis, use of psychoactive medication, social support and self-perceived health, as well as to study the association between psychological distress and the rest of the variables. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using data from the 2006 National Health Survey, that was completed by 29,478 persons. Variables studied: sociodemographics, psychological distress (GHQ-12), self-perceived health, mental disorder diagnosis, functional social support (Duke) and use and prescription of psychoactive medication. Results: The prevalence of psychological distress in Spain was 20,1%; the highest prevalence was found in Canary Islands (28,2%) and the lowest in La Rioja (12,2%). Among those who presented psychological distress, 62,4% had never received a mental disorder diagnosis, and 71,6% had not used psychoactive medication in the last year. The highest prevalences of non-diagnosed cases (81,8%) and cases non-treated with psychoactive medication (83,1%) were found in La Rioja, whereas the lowest prevalences were found in Asturias. Eight percent of the persons who presented psychological distress had low social support and 63,8% reported bad self-perceived health. Conclusions: Psychological distress is a prevalent phenomenon, and more than half of the persons who suffer it receive neither a diagnosis nor psychoactive medication. Moreover, there are considerable differences between the AC.
Este estudio analiza los patrones de consumo de alcohol y el papel de la influencia social y la percepcin de peligrosidad de esta sustancia en dicho consumo en una muestra de 1.624 estudiantes de Secundaria de Girona con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 18 aos (49,4% chicos). Losresultados muestran que un 20,9% de los adolescentes se consideran consumidores habituales de alcohol, y que el consumo se incrementa con la edad, independientemente del gnero. Un porcentaje elevado de consumidores supera el umbral de alto riesgo para la salud, principalmente entre las chicas debido a las diferencias de gnero en la metabolizacin alcohlica. Asimismo se confirma la influencia del entorno (amigos y familiares) y de la percepcin de peligrosidad del alcohol tanto en el consumo de esta sustancia como en su uso de alto riesgo. Alcohol consumption patterns in adolescence
En una muestra de 34 adictos al juego en tratamiento, se examinan las caractersticas deconsumo de tabaco de los sujetos fumadores y la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas dela conducta de fumar en funcin de las etapas de cambio (Prochaska, DiClemente y Norcross,1992). Los resultados muestran que, aunque los porcentajes de fumadores doblan a los existentesen la poblacin general, las personas fumadoras adictas al juego estn representadas en lasdiferentes etapas de cambio con porcentajes parecidos a los de dicha poblacin. Por otra parte,no se ha encontrado relacin entre el nivel de dependencia medido con el Test de Fagerstrm yla etapa de cambio. En cuanto a la influencia de las consecuencias percibidas del consumo detabaco, en general los sujetos tienden a conceder mayor importancia a los perjuicios que a losbeneficios de fumar. En los anlisis en funcin de las etapas de cambio, se encuentran diferenciassignificativas entre el grupo de los que piensan dejar de fumar en los prximos seis meses,(contempladores y preparados) y el grupo de los que no fuman (exfumadores y no fumadores) enel beneficio fumar ayuda a relajarse que es ms valorado por los primeros. Tambin seencuentran dichas diferencias entre los precontempladores y los que no fuman en dos perjuicios:fumar produce a veces dolor de cabeza y fumar a veces provoca taquicardia que son msvalorados por los segundos. Estos resultados sugieren la conveniencia de realizar las intervencionesms adecuadas para cada etapa de cambio, a fin de que las personas adictas al juegopuedan tambin tener xito en el abandono de la adiccin al tabaco
Se analiza el patrn de consumo de cannabis en una muestrade 580 jvenes universitarios (88.4% mujeres, edad media21.4 aos). Si bien se observa que proporcionalmente mshombres que mujeres consumen habitualmente cannabis, lamagnitud de consumo de los que se reconocen usuarios essimilar en ambos sexos. Se detecta que la dependencia percibidaal cannabis se incrementa en funcin de la magnitud de consumo.Existe una relacin positiva entre consumo de tabaco yde cannabis: el 90% de los jvenes que no ha probado nuncael tabaco tampoco ha probado nunca el cannabis, mientrasque menos del 15% de los fumadores habituales de tabaco sehallan en esa situacin. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidadde abordajes conjuntos para la prevencin del consumo de drogas,principalmente en lo que se refiere al tabaco y el cannabis
En port.: Direccin General de Salud Pblica y Participacin. Publicado en la pgina web de la Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadana / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Aguas de Consumo Pblico / Programa de Vigilancia Sanitaria y Calidad del Agua de Consumo de Andaluca)
La calidad de vida relacionada con la salud se ha descrito como un concepto multidimensional que incluye la identificacin de sntomas, el estado funcional, la percepcin de bienestar psicolgico y la percepcin general de salud. En el caso de la adiccin al consumo de tabaco, la preocupacin por la salud actual o futura es uno de los motivos ms informados para dejar de fumar. En el presente estudio se analiza la relacin entre la percepcin de la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y la etapa de cambio en el abandono del consumo de tabaco propuesta desde el modelo transterico a fin de mejorar las estrategias de intervencin comunitaria y clnica para la cesacin tabquica. Se ha administrado el cuestionario SF-36 a una muestra formada por 201 fumadores y exfumadores. Los datos obtenidos indican peor salud fsica percibida en las etapas de cambio ms prximas al abandono de tabaco y una peor salud mental percibida en las etapas con tabaquismo activo. Se comparan los resultados con los observados en otras poblaciones y se discuten las implicaciones a nivel de tratamiento y prevencin del tabaquismo
INTRODUCTION The quality of fats and oils used for frying is as important as the quality of the final product since during the frying process oxidization by-products are formed and become part of the diet, being potentially harmful for the consumers' health. OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of thermo-oxidised fats and oils on the oxidization of plasma lipoproteins inexperimental rats. METHODS Determination by means of spectrophotometric techniques of those substances reacting with thiobarbituric acid and total cholesterol (enzymatic method) in the sera of 40 Wistar rats that consumed crude thermooxidised oils and fats with different levels of malonil aldehyde(MDA) for 30 days. RESULTS The group of rats receiving a diet with thermooxidised oils and fats experienced significant increases in MDA plasma levels throughout the study period, lipid peroxidation being higher with increasing MDA content (p < 0.05) regardless the type of fat compound consumed. However, those rats receiving crude oils and fats kept plasma levels of lipidic peroxides without significant changes throughout the experimental period (p > 0.05). By contrast, cholesterol levels increased towards the end of the experimental period in both the rats consuming crude fats and those consuming thermo-oxidised fats (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS Consumption of oils and fats submitted to repeat thermal heating has an influence on plasma lipidic peroxidation, which becomes higher with increasing number of heating processes applied, so that it would advisable not to abuse of reheating the oils used for frying foods.
OBJECTIVE To describe and assess the consumption of the information consulted and cited in the articles published in the journal Nutricin Hospitalaria for the period 2001--2005 by means of bibliometric analysis. METHOD Cross-sectional descriptive analysis of the results obtained from the analysis of the lists of bibliographic references of the articles published at Nutricin Hospitalaria. We studied the most cited journals, the signatures index, the type of document referred, the publication language, the distribution of geographical origin, and obsolescence and readiness index. We took into account all types of documents with the exception of Communications to Congresses. RESULTS 345 articles were published at Nutr Hosp, containing 8,113 bibliographic references, with a median of 18, a maximum of 136 and minimum of 0 BR per article. The mean (rate of publications per published article during the specified period) is 23.52 (95% IC 20.93-26.10) and the mean at 5% is 20.66 per article. The 25th and 75th percentiles are 6 and 32, respectively, the interquartile interval being 26 BR per document. The semi-period of Burton and Kebler is 7 years and the Price Index is 38.18%. CONCLUSION The bibliographic references, the consumption of information, of the articles published at Nutricin Hospitalaria present parameters similar to other journals on health science. However, good data on obsolescence are observed, which reveal the good validity of most of the references studied.
Introduction. The purpose of this work was studied the magnitude, possible causes and contributing environmental factors in the waterbourne outbreaks appearance, in the performance area of the locality of Benaojn (Town of Mlaga. Spain). Material/Methods. Analysis of the potability of the water and disinfection controls. Evaluation of the fulfillment of the quality of the drinking water and sanitary technical requirements of water supplies, pursuant to the Spanish regulation on public consumption waters. Results. We have been accomplished 110 potability analysis, proving that 13,4% of the samples do not comply with the potability criteria of the water. It were practiced 647 controls of disinfection, of those which 53% resulted not accordant. The design of the supply net is of the branching type and at least presents 30 blind branches, points where the water remains stagnant. The municipal waters service doesnt make analytics controls of the quality of the water neither has implanted Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the facilities of the supply. Discussion. Environmental research suggests that the public water supply net is a source of infection, problem related to the epidemic outbreaks appearance. Because of this the water consumption not treaty must be avoided.
Boletn semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretara General de Salud Pblica, Inclusin y Calidad de Vida de la Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social
Boletn semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretara General de Salud Pblica y Participacin Social de la Consejera de Salud
Boletn semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretara General de Salud Pblica y Participacin Social de la Consejera de Salud
Publicado en la pgina web de la Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadana / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Aguas de Consumo Pblico / Instalaciones domiciliarias de aguas de consumo)
Publicado en la pgina web de la Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejera de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadana / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Aguas de Consumo Pblico / Instalaciones domiciliarias de aguas de consumo)