962 resultados para COASTAL ZONE
A wide range of goals and objectives have to be taken into account in natural resources management. Defining these objectives in operational terms, including dimensions such as sustainability, productivity, and equity, is by no means easy, especially if they must capture the diversity of community and stakeholder values. This is especially true in the coastal zone where land activities affect regional marine ecosystems. In this study, the aim was firstly to identify and hierarchically organise the goals and objectives for coastal systems, as defined by local stakeholders. Two case study areas are used within the Great Barrier Reef region being Mackay and Bowen–Burdekin. Secondly, the aim was to identify similarities between the case study results and thus develop a generic set of goals to be used as a starting point in other coastal communities. Results show that overarching high-level goals have nested sub-goals that contain a set of more detailed regional objectives. The similarities in high-level environmental, governance, and socio-economic goals suggest that regionally specific objectives can be developed based on a generic set of goals. The prominence of governance objectives reflects local stakeholder perceptions that current coastal zone management is not achieving the outcomes they feel important and that there is a need for increased community engagement and co-management. More importantly, it raises the question of how to make issues relevant for the local community and entice participation in the local management of public resources to achieve sustainable environmental, social, and economic management outcomes. © 2015 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
Central America is one of the most vulnerable regions to the adverse effects of climate change, due to the rise of frequency and intensity that hydrometeorological phenomena have occurred in recent years. In El Salvador 484 people died and 800,000 more were affected because these extreme events and economic losses reached up to 6.711 million dollars. According to the climate projections over the next 50 years in the territory, is expected that extreme events such as droughts and rainfall will intensify. Within the last 30 years, July of 2014 is considered the one with less rainfall. Meanwhile, Tropical Depression 12E in 2011 provoked an outstanding rainfall average of 1,137 mm, affecting more than 500,000 people; most of them live in the coastal zone. The death of 34 people and living economic losses of 840.4 million was recorded, equivalent to 4% of GDP. El Salvador has policies, national plans and strategies aimed to reducing vulnerability, promoting adaptation to these changes and more effective risk management. This paper compiles the impacts of climate variability in El Salvador and the efforts of the State on adaptation to improve environmental and social resilience.
Study of batch profile evolution and scouring effect due to the wave and current impacts in the coastal zone has been one of the most important issues in coastal engineering research projects during the past decades .to construct the coastal protective structures such piers, breakwaters and seawalls, it is necessary to estimate the scouring depth and bed level changes in the vicinity of such structures. Furthermore, the time - dependent changes in the equilibrium profile of the surf zone can be of great importance in designing coastal structures. Because of the importance of coastal engineering study in Iran due to the existence of two important coastal area located in the north and south parts of the country, and due to the lack of classified data in this respect (particularly the effect of sea level rise on coastal morphology) in the present study, based on the available data of Bandar Anzali region, an analysis of the coastal zone behavior is made. Bed level elevations are measured and compared with the theoretical equilibrium profile. It is shown that the behavior of the coastal zone in the region is consistent with the dean (equilibrium profile . In the next stage, following extensive investigations, the bed level changes due to a rise in sea level at different locations in the surf zone are estimated. Finally based on the results obtained for profile evolution due to sea level rise, the conclusion is made for design of coastal structures located in the study area. The results obtained from the present study indicate that the sea level rise can have a significant effect on beach profile and resulting erosion in the study area. The results are graphically presented with can be used for design purposes and establishing a data base for the coastal zone in the study region. It is believed that the present work can be regarded as a contribution to the existing knowledge of coast process in the study area and referred to as a basis for the future coastal research projects.
The coastal zone of the Nord – Pas de Calais / Picardie showed dysfonctioning patterns of the ecosystem considered to be link to human activities along shores. These results in regular massive development of species, such as the phytoplanktonic seaweed, Phaeocystis sp. which life cycle was partly linked to nutrients availability and consequently to anthropogenic inputs. As part of the evaluation of the influence of continental inputs on the marine environment (nitrates, phosphates,…) and on potential eutrophication processes, of the estimation of the efficiency of the sewage treatments plants in the possible elimination of dumpings and in order to establish a long-term survey to follow up the change in coastal waters quality, the regional nutrients monitoring network was implemented by Ifremer in collaboration with the Agence de l'Eau Artois-Picardie in 1992 in order to complete the REPHY (Phytoplankton and Phycotoxins) monitoring programme. This study reports the main results for the year 2015 in terms of temporal change of the main physico-chemical and biological parameters characteristic of water masses sampled along three transects offshore Dunkerque, Boulogne-sur-Mer and the Bay of Somme.
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
As alterações climáticas impuseram modificações significativas na estrutura e dinâmica natural dos ecossistemas costeiros comprometendo as suas capacidades de resiliência cujos limites têm sido ultrapassados. A falta de políticas integradas de gestão territorial e adaptação às alterações climáticas intensificaram os riscos e vulnerabilidades sócio- ambientais em muitos espaços costeiros. Este trabalho foi realizado no município de Luanda onde a erosão, as inundações e os movimentos de massa são uma realidade cada vez mais preocupante. A metodologia de investigação para este trabalho contou com as consultas aos decisores políticos, população e ONGs presididas por inquéritos por questionário e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com primado para os aspectos qualitativos. As principais fontes de consulta foram as institucionais e os repositórios científicos de diversas universidades assim como a recolha bibliográfica. Os resultados obtidos apontam claramente para a falta de participação activa dos munícipes em processos de formação e tomada de iniciativas em sede de políticas ambientais, a gestão insustentável da zona costeira, o baixo grau de percepção ambiental e a falta de articulação integrada das instituições quanto ao ambiente.
A dragagem dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos é necessária para permitir o trânsito de navios que operam no Porto de Santos. As áreas de disposição do material dragado estão situadas na zona costeira, em frente à Baía de Santos. Este estudo visou avaliar a qualidade dos sedimentos do Canal de Santos e das áreas de disposição atuais e antigas, utilizando testes de toxicidade de sedimento integral com anfípodos e de toxicidade de elutriatos com embriões de ouriço do mar. As amostras do Canal de Santos foram consideradas as mais tóxicas: todas as amostras dessa área foram consideradas significativamente tóxicas. Além disso, algumas amostras das áreas de disposição exibiram toxicidade. Os resultados mostraram, portanto, que os sedimentos apresentam evidências de degradação em sua qualidade, porém novos estudos devem ser conduzidos visando determinar as relações entre contaminação e toxicidade. Os resultados sugerem ainda que a disposição dos sedimentos dragados deva ser reavaliada.
O objeto de estudo da presente investigação é o SIVICC. Sendo o objetivo geral demonstrar o seu desempenho organizacional nos domínios da dissuasão da ilicitude, do apoio à decisão e do suporte à atividade operacional da GNR, procurando adicionar e aprofundar conhecimento teórico e empírico. Em termos de metodologia optámos por uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa e relativamente ao desenho da pesquisa optou-se pela transversal. Os métodos e técnicas utilizadas foram as entrevistas semiestruturadas com a respetiva análise de conteúdo e a análise documental. Como resultado principal destacamos que, com base numa doutrina assente em princípios centrados em rede e no empirismo resultante das entrevistas efetuadas, o SIVICC proporciona superioridade de informação resultando numa consciência situacional partilhada da organização, o que conduz a melhores efeitos operacionais, que contribuem na prossecução da segurança de Portugal e da UE, através de uma efetiva vigilância diária e controlo do mar territorial e zona costeira. Concluímos que o SIVICC promove um apoio importante na tomada de decisão e suporta eficazmente e eficientemente a atividade operacional da GNR, que se vai refletir numa vantagem competitiva sobre o adversário que é persuadido a mudar os seus comportamentos através da dissuasão que o sistema proporciona. Abstract: The study object of this research is the SIVICC. The overall goal is to prove their organizational performance in the areas of deterrence of unlawful, in decision support and in supporting the operational activities of the GNR, attempting to add and deepen theoretical and empirical knowledge. In terms of methodology we chose a qualitative research strategy and for the design of research we chose the transversal. The methods and techniques used were semi-structured interviews with the respective content analysis and document analysis. The main result we highlight, based on a doctrine sustained on principles of centered network operations and a result empiricism of conducted interviews, that the SIVICC provides information superiority resulting in a shared situational awareness of the organization, leading to better operational effects that contribute to the pursuit security in Portugal and in the EU, through effective daily monitoring and control of the territorial sea and coastal zone. We conclude that the SIVICC promotes an important support decision making and supports effectively and efficiently operational activity of the GNR, which will reflect a competitive advantage over the adversary who is persuaded to change their behavior through deterrence that the system provides.
On Rio Grande do Norte northern coast the process of sediment transport are intensely controlled by wind and sea (waves and currents) action, causing erosion and shoreline morphological instability. Due to the importance of such coastal zone it was realized the multi-spectral mapping and physical-chemical characterization of mudflats and mangroves aiming to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process on the oil fields of Macau and Serra installed at the study area. The multi-spectral bands of 2000 and 2008 LANDSAT 5 TM images were submitted on the several digital processing steps and RGB color compositions integrating spectral bands and Principal Components. Such processing methodology was important to the mapping of different units on surface, together with field works. It was possible to make an analogy of the spectral characteristics of wetlands with vegetations areas (mangrove), showing the possibility to make a restoration of this area, contributing with the environmental monitoring of that ecosystem. The maps of several units were integrated in GIS environment at 1:60,000 scale, including the classification of features according to the presence or absence of vegetation cover. Thus, the strategy of methodology established that there are 10.13 km2 at least of sandy-muddy and of these approximately 0.89 km2 with the possibility to be used in a reforestation of typical flora of mangrove. The physical-chemical characterization showed areas with potential to introduce local species of mangrove and they had a pH above neutral with a mean of 8.4. The characteristic particle size is sand in the fine fractions, the high levels of carbonate, organic matter and major and trace element in general are concentrated where the sediment had the less particles size, showing the high correlation that those elements have with smaller particles of sediment. The application of that methodological strategy is relevant to the better understanding of features behavior and physical-chemical data of sediment samples collected on field allow the analysis of efficiency/capability of sandy-muddy to reforestation with local mangrove species for mitigation of the erosive action and coastal processes on the areas occupied by the oil industry
Predicting the evolution of a coastal cell requires the identification of the key drivers of morphology. Soft coastlines are naturally dynamic but severe storm events and even human intervention can accelerate any changes that are occurring. However, when erosive events such as barrier breaching occur with no obvious contributory factors, a deeper understanding of the underlying coastal processes is required. Ideally conclusions on morphological drivers should be drawn from field data collection and remote sensing over a long period of time. Unfortunately, when the Rossbeigh barrier beach in Dingle Bay, County Kerry, began to erode rapidly in the early 2000’s, eventually leading to it breaching in 2008, no such baseline data existed. This thesis presents a study of the morphodynamic evolution of the Inner Dingle Bay coastal system. The study combines existing coastal zone analysis approaches with experimental field data collection techniques and a novel approach to long term morphodynamic modelling to predict the evolution of the barrier beach inlet system. A conceptual model describing the long term evolution of Inner Dingle Bay in 5 stages post breaching was developed. The dominant coastal processes driving the evolution of the coastal system were identified and quantified. A new methodology of long term process based numerical modelling approach to coastal evolution was developed. This method was used to predict over 20 years of coastal evolution in Inner Dingle Bay. On a broader context this thesis utilised several experimental coastal zone data collection and analysis methods such as ocean radar and grain size trend analysis. These were applied during the study and their suitability to a dynamic coastal system was assessed.
O presente trabalho consiste na apresentação da diversidade de seláceos do Farol das Lagostas pertencente à Bacia do Cuanza. Os condrichthyes são componentes comuns da fauna aquática desde o Paleozoico. No entanto, devido à natureza cartilaginosa do esqueleto, o registo paleontológico dos mesmos restringe-se, basicamente, às partes mineralizadas como dentes, dentículos dérmicos e espinhas cefálicas O lugar Farol das Lagostas contém uma fauna de seláceos relativamente rica e variada, representada neste estudo por cerca de 1.000 dentes isolados, além de outras peças esqueléticas. Foram identificados e descritos quarenta e quatro taxa, pertencentes às seguintes ordens: Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes, Squatiniformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, Rajiformes e Myliobatiformes. Trata-se de uma diversidade faunística cuja maioria dos géneros possui representantes atuais. Os Carcharhiniformes representam 53% dos taxa identificados. Estão representadas as famílias Scyliorhinidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae, Carcharhinidae e Sphyrnidae, com 18 espécies. Verifica-se a presença de formas bentónicas e nectónicas que indicam condições térmicas moderadas, quentes e tropicais a temperadas, que habitam frequentemente zonas costeiras. A relação faunística identificada corresponde a uma zona litoral. Ora, considerando o conjunto de dados em face da presença de fauna pelágica e dos grandes predadores, especialmente Isurus hastalis e Carcharocles megalodon, podemos admitir que existisse então um Golfo relativamente largo de uma faixa Atlântica aberta (Antunes & Balbino, 2004); ABSTRACT: Selachians from Farol the Lagostas (Cuanza Basin, Angola) The present work consists of the presentation of diversity of selachians from Farol das Lagostas, which belongs to the Cuanza Basin. The condrichthyes are a part of aquatic fauna since the Paleozoic. However, due to the nature of the cartilaginous skeleton, the paleontological registration of the same ones is restricted to mineralized parts like teeth, dermal denticles and cephalic spines. The of formation, Farol das Lagostas has a fauna of selachian relatively rich and diverse, represented in this study for around 1.000 isolated teeth, and other skeletal parts. Forty four taxa were described and identified, belonging to the following orders: Hexanchiformes, Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes, Squatiniformes, Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes, Rajiformes e Myliobatiformes. It’s a faunal diversity whose most genera have current representatives. The Carcharhiniformes represente 53% of the identified taxa. The represented families are Scyliorhinidae, Triakidae, Hemigaleidae, Carcharhinidae e Sphyrnidae, with 18 species. There is presence of benthic and nektonic forms that indicate moderate thermal conditions, the temperate and tropical hot, often inhabit coastal areas. The identified faunal relation corresponds to a coastal zone. So, considering the data set, due to the presence of pelagic fauna and large predators, especially Isurus hastalis e Carcharocles megalodon, we can admit that then there was a relatively large Gulf of open Atlantic range (Antunes & Balbino, 2004).
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) should be considered as one of the main components to be able to implement sustainable development. Friuli Venezia Giulia region with its 93 km of coastline is committed to investing its resources in projects aimed at studying the evolution of the coast. In this report, reference will be made to the area in front of the municipality of Grado, where the Banco della Mula di Muggia is located. Starting from previous studies and surveys, morphology of the coastal stretch between the municipality of Grado and the mouth of the Isonzo river will be reproduced through numerical modeling tools, to simulate its hydrodynamic behavior on an annual basis and also as a function of significant events such as storms, calm events or floods of the Isonzo river. The software employed will be the MIKE by DHI with in particular the implementation of "Littoral Drift" and "MIKE 21/3" Coupled models. The first to calculate net and gross longshore transport on an annual basis along a transverse profile, the latter is a modelling system for coastal application that will be used for the analysis of significant events effects. Although not primary focus of this work, there will be included an initial review of finger bars. These particular sand formations are present at the south-western border of the Banco della Mula di Muggia and may have an impact on it. This work could form the starting point of future investigations to build on the findings of this report.
Free-living or host-associated marine microbiomes play a determinant role in supporting the functioning and biodiversity of marine ecosystems, providing essential ecological services, and promoting the health of the entire biosphere. Currently, the fast and restless increase of World’s human population strongly impacts life on Earth in the forms of ocean pollution, coastal zone destruction, overexploitation of marine resources, and climate change. Thanks to their phylogenetic, metabolic, and functional diversity, marine microbiomes represent the Earth’s biggest reservoir of solutions against the major threats that are now impacting marine ecosystems, possibly providing valuable insights for biotechnological applications to preserve the health of the ocean ecosystems. Microbial-based mitigation strategies heavily rely on the available knowledge on the specific role and composition of holobionts associated microbial communities, thus highlighting the importance of pioneer studies on microbial-mediated adaptive mechanisms in the marine habitats. In this context, we propose different models representing ecologically important, widely distributed, and habitat-forming organisms, to further investigate the ability of marine holobionts to dynamically adapt to natural environmental variations, as well as to anthropogenic stress factors. In this PhD thesis, we were able to supply the characterization of the microbial community associated with the model anthozoan cnidaria Corynactis viridis throughout a seasonal gradient, to provide critical insights into microbiome-host interactions in a biomonitoring perspective. We also dissected in details the microbial-derived mitigation strategies implemented by the benthonic anthozoan Anemonia viridis and the gastropod Patella caerulea as models of adaptation to anthropogenic stressors, in the context of bioremediation of human-impacted habitats and for the monitoring and preservation of coastal marine ecosystems, respectively. Finally, we provided a functional model of adaptation to future ocean acidification conditions by characterizing the microbial community associated with the temperate coral Balanophyllia europaea naturally living at low pH conditions, to implement microbial based actions to mitigate climate change.