869 resultados para Breathing perception
Les troubles du spectre de l'autisme (TSAR se caractérisent par des altérations au niveau de la réciprocité des interactions sociales, des habiletés de communication verbale et non verbale, ainsi que la présence de comportements et champs d'intérêts stéréotypés. Compte tenu des conclusions décrivant leurs parents comme vivant plus de stress comparativement aux parents d'enfants non diagnostiqués sur le spectre de l'autisme, il devient nécessaire d'offrir un soutien susceptible d'alléger leur quotidien et celui de leur enfant. Le recueil de données sur l'application d'une intervention novatrice qu'est l'intégration permanente d'un chien d'assistance au sein du milieu familial offrirait une contribution considérable basée sur les conclusions des études précédentes. Le modèle conceptuel de la présente étude réfère aux transactions entre la régulation diurne du cortisol, la perception de stress parental, la sévérité des atteintes comportementales de l'enfant ainsi que les représentations d'attachement de la mère. L'approche analytique s'oriente ainsi sur le caractère multidimensionnel des variables et s'intéresse particulièrement aux différences intra-individuelles dans l'adaptation parentale illustrée par l'activité totale de cortisol sur une période de 15 semaines. L'ensemble des données soulève la présence d'une sous-activation de l'axe 1-IPA ainsi qu'une perception de niveaux élevés de stress parental. Suivant une approche centrée sur la personne, les analyses ont permis de dégager deux profils distincts de régulation basés sur l'activité totale de cortisol salivaire. La présence du chien d'assistance au sein de la famille apporte des changements notables décrits par une diminution de la réponse du cortisol au réveil spécifique au sous-groupe de mères ayant un profil de sécrétion supérieur. L'étude apporte une démonstration empirique d'une hétérogénéité des patrons de régulation hormonale issus d'un même échantillon caractérisé par le vécu d'un stress chronique. L'efficacité d'une nouvelle forme d'intervention pouvant soulager les difficultés rencontrées par les parents est discutée selon un point de vue transdisciplinaire.
L'objectif général de notre recherche était donc de déterminer l'influence des enseignantes et enseignants de Soins infirmiers sur la perception des élèves à l'égard des cours de philosophie et de littérature. Nous avons utilisé le concept de représentation sociale qui relève de la psychologie sociale, tout indiquée pour étudier l'interaction entre les enseignantes et les enseignants et les élèves. Plus spécifiquement, nous voulions répondre aux trois objectifs suivants : décrire les représentations sociales des élèves de Soins infirmiers concernant les cours de philosophie et de littérature; identifier les propos tenus par les enseignantes et enseignants de Soins infirmiers à leurs élèves au sujet des cours de philosophie et de littérature, tels que ceux-ci les rapportent; déterminer la présence de liens entre les propos tels qu'ils sont rapportés et les représentations sociales des élèves à l'égard de ces cours.
Dissertação de mestrado, Estudos Literários e Artísticos, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Les athlètes sont nombreux à parier sur les sports et leurs connaissances en sport pourraient les amener à s’y sentir compétents. Les théories similaires de la perception d’efficacité personnelle (PEP) et de l’illusion de contrôle offrent des pistes de réflexion sur cette impression de compétence. Comme la PEP peut se généraliser entre tâches similaires, la PEP des athlètes à une tâche sportive pourrait se généraliser, sous forme d’illusions de contrôle, vers la PEP à des prédictions sportives. L’objectif principal du mémoire est de vérifier si la PEP à une tâche de basketball se généralise vers des prédictions. Un objectif secondaire est de vérifier le lien entre la PEP aux prédictions sportives et l’illusion de contrôle. Vingt-trois basketteurs de niveau collégial ou universitaire sont répartis aléatoirement en deux conditions : PEP augmentée et diminuée. Lors d’une tâche de basketball, les athlètes doivent statuer le nombre de paniers qu’ils croient réussir et tenter de l’atteindre. Pour manipuler la PEP, il est mentionné aux athlètes qu’ils ont deux minutes pour accomplir la tâche, mais ont plus ou moins 15 % de ce temps. Ils effectuent ensuite des prédictions sur le basketball et sur un autre sport. Les résultats révèlent l’augmentation et la diminution significative de la PEP à la tâche de basketball, sans généralisation aux prédictions, puisque les athlètes des deux conditions rapportent une PEP élevée aux prédictions sur le basketball et modérée sur l’autre sport. Aussi, le lien PEP − illusion de contrôle n’est pas significatif. Les résultats illustrent toutefois que les athlètes présentent une PEP et une illusion de contrôle plus élevées aux prédictions sur le basketball que sur l’autre sport. Il semble que les basketteurs se sentent plus compétents pour prédire des événements de basketball qu’un autre sport, et ce, indépendamment de leur PEP à une tâche motrice de basketball.
PURPOSE: To examine risk-taking and risk-perception associations with perceived exertion, pacing and performance in athletes. METHODS: Two experiments were conducted in which risk-perception was assessed using the domain-specific risk-taking (DOSPERT) scale in 20 novice cyclists (Experiment 1) and 32 experienced ultra-marathon runners (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, participants predicted their pace and then performed a 5 km maximum effort cycling time-trial on a calibrated KingCycle mounted bicycle. Split-times and perceived exertion were recorded every kilometer. In experiment 2, each participant predicted their split times before running a 100 km ultra-marathon. Split-times and perceived exertion were recorded at 7 check-points. In both experiments, higher and lower risk-perception groups were created using median split of DOSPERT scores. RESULTS: In experiment 1, pace during the first km was faster among lower compared to higher risk-perceivers, t(18)=2.0 P=0.03, and faster among higher compared lower risk-takers, t(18)=2.2 P=0.02. Actual pace was slower than predicted pace during the first km in both the higher risk perceivers, t(9)=-4.2 P=0.001, and lower risk-perceivers, t(9)=-1.8 P=0.049. In experiment 2, pace during the first 36 km was faster among lower compared to higher risk-perceivers, t(16)=2.0 P=0.03. Irrespective of risk-perception group, actual pace was slower than predicted pace during the first 18 km, t(16)=8.9 P<0.001, and from 18 to 36 km, t(16)=4.0 P<0.001. In both experiments there was no difference in performance between higher and lower risk-perception groups. CONCLUSIONS: Initial pace is associated with an individual's perception of risk, with low perceptions of risk being associated with a faster starting pace. Large differences between predicted and actual pace suggests the performance template lacks accuracy, perhaps indicating greater reliance on momentary pacing decisions rather than pre-planned strategy.
Thought speed and variability are purportedly common features of specific psychological states, such as mania and anxiety. The present study explored the independent and combinational influence of these variables upon condition-specific symptoms and affective state, as proposed by Pronin and Jacobs’ (Perspect Psychol Sci, 3:461–485, 2008) theory of mental motion. A general population sample was recruited online (N = 263). Participants completed a thought speed and variability manipulation task, inducing a combination of fast/slow and varied/repetitive thought. Change in mania and anxiety symptoms was assessed through direct self-reported symptom levels and indirect, processing bias assessment (threat interpretation). Results indicated that fast and varied thought independently increased self-reported mania symptoms. Affect was significantly less positive and more negative during slow thought. No change in anxiety symptoms or threat interpretation was found between manipulation conditions. No evidence for the proposed combinational influence of speed and variability was found. Implications and avenues for therapeutic intervention are discussed.
Of the many ways in which depth can be intimated in drawings, perspective has undoubtedly been one of the most frequently examined. But there is also an equally rich history associated with other forms of pictorial representation. Alternatives to perspective became particularly significant in the early twentieth century as artists and architects, intent on throwing off the conventions of their predecessors, looked to new ways of depicting depth. In architecture, this tendency was exemplified by Modernism’s preference for parallel projection – most notably axonometric and oblique. The use of these techniques gave architects the opportunity to convey a new and uniquely modern form of spatial expression. At once shallow and yet expansive, a key feature of these drawings was their ability to support perceptual ambiguity. This paper will consider the philosophy and science of vision, out of which these preoccupations emerged. In this context, the nineteenth-century discovery of stereopsis and the invention of the stereoscope will be used to illustrate the way in which attempts to test the limits of spatial perception led to an opening up of visual experience; and provided a definition of visual experience that could encompass the representational ambiguities later exploited by the early twentieth-century avant-garde.
Objective: The Finometer (FMS, Finapres Measurement Systems, Amsterdam) records the beat-to-beat finger pulse contour and has been recommended for research studies assessing shortterm changes of blood pressure and its variability. Variability measured in the frequency domain using spectral analysis requires that the impact of breathing be restricted to high frequency spectra (> 0.15 Hz) so data from participants needs to be excluded when the breathing impact occurs in the low frequency spectra (0.04 - 0.15 Hz). This study tested whether breathing frequency can be estimated from standard Finometer recordings using either stroke volume oscillation frequency or spectral stroke volume variability maximum scores. Methods: 22 healthy volunteers were tested for 270s in the supine and upright positions. Finometer recorded the finger pulse contour and a respiratory transducer recorded breathing. Stoke volume oscillation frequency was calculated manually while the stroke volume spectral maximums were obtained using the software Cardiovascular Parameter Analysis (Nevrokard Kiauta, Izola, Slovenia). These estimates were compared to the breathing frequency using the Bland-Altman procedures. Results: Stroke volume oscillation frequency estimated breathing frequency to <±10% 95% levels of agreement in both supine (-7.7 to 7.0%) and upright (-6.7 to 5.4%) postures. Stroke volume variability maximum scores did not accurately estimate breathing frequency. Conclusions: Breathing frequency can be accurately derived from standard Finometer recordings using stroke volume oscillations for healthy individuals in both supine and upright postures. The Finometer can function as a standalone instrument in blood pressure variability studies and does not require support equipment to determine breathing frequency.
This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure–volume curves and the pseudophaseplane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.
This paper reports on the analysis of tidal breathing patterns measured during noninvasive forced oscillation lung function tests in six individual groups. The three adult groups were healthy, with prediagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and with prediagnosed kyphoscoliosis, respectively. The three children groups were healthy, with prediagnosed asthma, and with prediagnosed cystic fibrosis, respectively. The analysis is applied to the pressure-volume curves and the pseudophase-plane loop by means of the box-counting method, which gives a measure of the area within each loop. The objective was to verify if there exists a link between the area of the loops, power-law patterns, and alterations in the respiratory structure with disease. We obtained statistically significant variations between the data sets corresponding to the six groups of patients, showing also the existence of power-law patterns. Our findings support the idea that the respiratory system changes with disease in terms of airway geometry and tissue parameters, leading, in turn, to variations in the fractal dimension of the respiratory tree and its dynamics.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature has largely neglected consumers’ perceptions in the debate regarding the role of CSR in the aftermath of the financial crisis. In that context, this study aims to test the possibility that consumers’ perceptions of CSR level, firm reputation and brand trust, might depend on the type of industry sector of a firm, the level of fit of an initiative or both. By conducting a survey on Portuguese consumers and running a two-way analysis of variance, it suggests that solely the type of industry sector has an effect on consumer perception and that consumers are less tolerable of controversial industries.
O objectivo desta dissertação é identificar a estrutura da percepção tal como ela é desenhada por Hiérocles nos <,(#= >1!(?$%&'(). Para alcançar este objectivo focar-me-ei na análise que o filósofo estóico leva a cabo em torno da percepção. O foco começa por incindir sobre a distinção entre percepção de si e percepção do exterior, com todas as suas subtilezas. Tal análise implicará então a consideração da importância da não-indiferença nessa estrutura de percepção. O objectivo é compreender como a percepção é sempre relacional e interessada. . Centrar-me-ei então na noção de !"#$%&'(), tentanto explorar a complexidade e multiplicidade do fenómeno em causa. Será também estabalecida a relação com o fragmento de Estobeu (6.671), que é, a par da obra, a fonte mais importante do pensamento de Hiérocles. Através desta relação introduzir-se-á a estrutura circular e concêntrica de uma percepção relacional e interessada. Toda esta dissertação será levada a cabo focando-se principalmente nos textos do próprio Hiérocles.
The aim of this research is to evaluate if a premium beauty brand, in this case, Lancôme, can influence positively the purchase intention from Brazilian young adults, between 18 and 29 years old, consumers of beauty products, by initiating a relationship with a local celebrity or “it” girl on social media. This hypothesis has not been tested, and this research is a first attempt of evaluating it. Additionally, the consumer behavior, brand preferences and social media activeness of this age segment in Brazil are further studied as important insights for beauty brands to conquer these consumers. Results did not confirm the positive influence of local celebrities on this age segment’s purchase intention but several suggestions are made for future research to revisit this topic. Furthermore, there is a significant brand love for M.A.C., an international Lancôme competitor, amongst this target, as well as a probable price sensitivity facing premium beauty brands.
This study aimed to understand employees’ reactions to organizational politics in Contact Centers. Drawing from a sample of 187 supervisor-employee dyads, we studied the relationship between employees’ perceptions of organizational politics and supervisor-rated task performance and deviance, and mediation effects by authenticity at work and affective commitment. Results indicate that workers tend to react to workplace politics with deviant behavior and worse task performance. We found that the relationship between perceived politics and task performance was mediated by authenticity. The relationship between perceived politics and supervisor-rated deviance was mediated by affective commitment to the organization. Implications for management are discussed.