855 resultados para Blood transfusion, head injury, neurological outcome
Background & Aims: HFE-associated Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH) is one of the most frequent autosomal recessive disease in the caucasian population, caused by the high absorption and deposition of iron in several organs. This accumulation results in several clinical complications such as cirrhosis, arthritis, cardiopathies, diabetes, sexual disorders and skin darkening. Although most of the cases are homozygous individuals for the C282Y mutation, another two mutations, H63D and S65C, have been reported to be associated with milder forms of the disease. The objective is to avaluate the distribution of C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations in the HFE gene in patients with suspected HH in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Methods: Samples of peripheral blood were taken from 335 patients originating from Natal-RN, a city in northeastern Brazil with suspected of HH and which were screened for the HFE gene C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations, using molecular genetics assays (Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriction Fragments Length Polymorphism). The main criterion for including such patients in the study was the increasing of persistent serum ferritin in individuals aged between 18 and 70 or older, both males and females. As to the exclusion criteria, individuals holding hemolytical anemia, talassemy and previously report of blood transfusion did not take part of the study. Results: Out of the 335 patients studied, 143 patients showed absence of mutation and 195 showed some kind of mutation in the HFE gene: 07/335 (2,08%) were homozigous C282Y, 25/335 heterozygous C282Y, 25/335 (7,46%) were homozigous H63D, 115/335 (34,32%) heterozygous H63D, 5/335 (1,48%) heterozygous S65D, 11/ 335 (3,28%) and were double heterozygous (H63D/C282Y). None patients were Homozygous S65D and S65D heterozygous (S65D/H63D and S65D/C282Y). Conclusions. The distribution of the HFE gene C282Y, H63D and S65C mutations found in our group matches the tendencies observed in other European countries. Due to the high prevalence of hemochromatosis, its seriousness and easy treatment, the genetic diagnosis of HH has become a dream, especially in the high risk group.
Outcomes and Predictors of Mortality in Neurosurgical Patients at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital
Knowing the scope of neurosurgical disease at Mbarara Hospital is critical for infrastructure planning, education and training. In this study, we aim to evaluate the neurosurgical outcomes and identify predictors of mortality in order to potentiate platforms for more effective interventions and inform future research efforts at Mbarara Hospital.
This is retrospective chart review including patients of all ages with a neurosurgical disease or injury presenting to Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH) between January 2012 to September 2015. Descriptive statistics were presented. A univariate analysis was used to obtain the odds ratios of mortality and 95% confidence intervals. Predictors of mortality were determined using multivariate logistic regression model.
A total of 1876 charts were reviewed. Of these, 1854 (had complete data and were?) were included in the analysis. The overall mortality rate was 12.75%; the mortality rates among all persons who underwent a neurosurgical procedure was 9.72%, and was 13.68% among those who did not undergo a neurosurgical procedure. Over 50% of patients were between 19 and 40 years old and the majority of were males (76.10%). The overall median length of stay was 5 days. Of all neurosurgical admissions, 87% were trauma patients. In comparison to mild head injury, closed head injury and intracranial hematoma patients were 5 (95% CI: 3.77, 8.26) and 2.5 times (95% CI: 1.64,3.98) more likely to die respectively. Procedure and diagnostic imaging were independent negative predictors of mortality (P <0.05). While age, ICU admission, admission GCS were positive predictors of mortality (P <0.05).
The majority of hospital admissions were TBI patients, with RTIs being the most common mechanism of injury. Age, ICU admission, admission GCS, diagnostic imaging and undergoing surgery were independent predictors of mortality. Going forward, further exploration of patient characteristics is necessary to fully describe mortality outcomes and implement resource appropriate interventions that ultimately improve morbidity and mortality.
Reassembled, Slightly Askew is an autobiographical, immersive audio-based artwork based on Shannon Sickels’ experience of falling critically ill with a rare brain infection and her journey of rehabilitation with an acquired brain injury. Audience members experience Reassembled individually, listening to the audio via headphones while lying on a bed. The piece makes use of binaural microphone technology and spatial sound design techniques, causing listeners to feel they are inside Shannon’s head, viscerally experiencing her descent into coma, brain surgeries, early days in the hospital, and re-integration into the world with a hidden disability. It is a new kind of storytelling, never done before about this topic, that places the listener safely in the first-person perspective with the aim of increasing empathy and understanding. Reassembled… was made through a 5-year collaboration with an interdisciplinary team of artists led by Shannon Sickels (writer & performer), Paul Stapleton (composer & sound designer), Anna Newell (director), Hanna Slattne (dramaturgy), Stevie Prickett (choreography), and Shannon’s consultant neurosurgeon and head injury nurse. It’s development and production has been made possible with the support of a Wellcome Trust Arts Award, the Arts Council NI, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast's Metropolitan Arts Centre, and grants from the Arts & Disability Award Ireland scheme. In its 2015 premiere year, Reassembled had 99 shows across Northern Ireland, including at the Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival (the MAC, Belfast) and BOUNCE Arts & Disability Forum Festival (Lyric Theatre, Belfast). It was awarded 5 stars in the Stage, a Hospital Club h100 Theatre & Performance Award, and been shared at medical conferences and trainings across the UK. It continues to be presented in diverse artistic and educational contexts, including as part of A Nation’s Theatre Festival in 2016 at Battersea Arts Centre in London where it was given 4 star reviews in the Guardian, Time Out London and the Evening Standard. "A real-life ordeal, captured by a daring, disorientating artistic collaboration, which works brilliantly on so many levels…It should be available on prescription.” — The Stage ★★★★★ www.reassembled.co.uk Audio clips and documentary footage available here: http://www.paulstapleton.net/portfolio/reassembled-slightly-askew
SOUZA,Roberto Mascarenhas et al.Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,v. 103, p.749-751, 2009.
SOUZA, R. M. et al. Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, v. 103, n.7, p. 749—751. ISSN 0035-9203.
L’utilisation de méthodes d’investigation cérébrale avancées a permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’altérations à court et à long terme à la suite d’une commotion cérébrale. Plus spécifiquement, des altérations affectant l’intégrité de la matière blanche et le métabolisme cellulaire ont récemment été révélées par l’utilisation de l’imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), respectivement. Ces atteintes cérébrales ont été observées chez des athlètes masculins quelques jours après la blessure à la tête et demeuraient détectables lorsque les athlètes étaient à nouveau évalués six mois post-commotion. En revanche, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets neurométaboliques et microstructuraux dans la phase aigüe et chronique d’une commotion cérébrale chez les athlètes féminines, malgré le fait qu’elles présentent une susceptibilité accrue de subir ce type de blessure, ainsi qu’un nombre plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et un temps de réhabilitation plus long. Ainsi, les études composant le présent ouvrage visent globalement à établir le profil d’atteintes microstructurales et neurométaboliques chez des athlètes féminines par l’utilisation du DTI et de la SRM. La première étude visait à évaluer les changements neurométaboliques au sein du corps calleux chez des joueurs et joueuses de hockey au cours d’une saison universitaire. Les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale pendant la saison ont été évalués 72 heures, 2 semaines et 2 mois après la blessure à la tête en plus des évaluations pré et post-saison. Les résultats démontrent une absence de différences entre les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale et les athlètes qui n’en ont pas subie. De plus, aucune différence entre les données pré et post-saison a été observée chez les athlètes masculins alors qu’une diminution du taux de N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) n’a été mise en évidence chez les athlètes féminines, suggérant ainsi un impact des coups d’intensité sous-clinique à la tête. La deuxième étude, qui utilisait le DTI et la SRM, a révélé des atteintes chez des athlètes féminines commotionnées asymptomatiques en moyenne 18 mois post-commotion. Plus spécifiquement, la SRM a révélé une diminution du taux de myo-inositol (mI) au sein de l’hippocampe et du cortex moteur primaire (M1) alors que le DTI a mis en évidence une augmentation de la diffusivité moyenne (DM) dans plusieurs faisceaux de matière blanche. De iii plus, une approche par région d’intérêt a mis en évidence une diminution de la fraction d’anisotropie (FA) dans la partie du corps calleux projetant vers l’aire motrice primaire. Le troisième article évaluait des athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale dans les jours suivant la blessure à la tête (7-10 jours) ainsi que six mois post-commotion avec la SRM. Dans la phase aigüe, des altérations neuropsychologiques combinées à un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et dépressifs ont été trouvés chez les athlètes féminines commotionnées, qui se résorbaient en phase chronique. En revanche, aucune différence sur le plan neurométabolique n’a été mise en évidence entre les deux groupes dans la phase aigüe. Dans la phase chronique, les athlètes commotionnées démontraient des altérations neurométaboliques au sein du cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) et M1, marquées par une augmentation du taux de glutamate/glutamine (Glx). De plus, une diminution du taux de NAA entre les deux temps de mesure était présente chez les athlètes contrôles. Finalement, le quatrième article documentait les atteintes microstructurales au sein de la voie corticospinale et du corps calleux six mois suivant une commotion cérébrale. Les analyses n’ont démontré aucune différence au sein de la voie corticospinale alors que des différences ont été relevées par segmentation du corps calleux selon les projections des fibres calleuses. En effet, les athlètes commotionnées présentaient une diminution de la DM et de la diffusivité radiale (DR) au sein de la région projetant vers le cortex préfrontal, un volume moindre des fibres de matière blanche dans la région projetant vers l’aire prémotrice et l’aire motrice supplémentaire, ainsi qu’une diminution de la diffusivité axiale (DA) dans la région projetant vers l’aire pariétale et temporale. En somme, les études incluses dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets métaboliques et microstructuraux des commotions cérébrales et démontrent des effets délétères persistants chez des athlètes féminines. Ces données vont de pair avec la littérature scientifique qui suggère que les commotions cérébrales n’entraînent pas seulement des symptômes temporaires.
SOUZA,Roberto Mascarenhas et al.Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,v. 103, p.749-751, 2009.
SOUZA, R. M. et al. Presence of antibodies against Leishmania chagasi in haemodialysed patients. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, v. 103, n.7, p. 749—751. ISSN 0035-9203.
Dengue fever is one of the most important mosquito-borne diseases worldwide and is caused by infection with dengue virus (DENV). The disease is endemic in tropical and sub-tropical regions and has increased remarkably in the last few decades. At present, there is no antiviral or approved vaccine against the virus. Treatment of dengue patients is usually supportive, through oral or intravenous rehydration, or by blood transfusion for more severe dengue cases. Infection of DENV in humans and mosquitoes involves a complex interplay between the virus and host factors. This results in regulation of numerous intracellular processes, such as signal transduction and gene transcription which leads to progression of disease. To understand the mechanisms underlying the disease, the study of virus and host factors is therefore essential and could lead to the identification of human proteins modulating an essential step in the virus life cycle. Knowledge of these human proteins could lead to the discovery of potential new drug targets and disease control strategies in the future. Recent advances of high throughput screening technologies have provided researchers with molecular tools to carry out investigations on a large scale. Several studies have focused on determination of the host factors during DENV infection in human and mosquito cells. For instance, a genome-wide RNA interference (RNAi) screen has identified host factors that potentially play an important role in both DENV and West Nile virus replication (Krishnan et al. 2008). In the present study, a high-throughput yeast two-hybrid screen has been utilised in order to identify human factors interacting with DENV non-structural proteins. From the screen, 94 potential human interactors were identified. These include proteins involved in immune signalling regulation, potassium voltage-gated channels, transcriptional regulators, protein transporters and endoplasmic reticulum-associated proteins. Validation of fifteen of these human interactions revealed twelve of them strongly interacted with DENV proteins. Two proteins of particular interest were selected for further investigations of functional biological systems at the molecular level. These proteins, including a nuclear-associated protein BANP and a voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3, both have been identified through interaction with the DENV NS2A. BANP is known to be involved in NF-kB immune signalling pathway, whereas, Kv1.3 is known to play an important role in regulating passive flow of potassium ions upon changes in the cell transmembrane potential. This study also initiated a construction of an Aedes aegypti cDNA library for use with DENV proteins in Y2H screen. However, several issues were encountered during the study which made the library unsuitable for protein interaction analysis. In parallel, innate immune signalling was also optimised for downstream analysis. Overall, the work presented in this thesis, in particular the Y2H screen provides a number of human factors potentially targeted by DENV during infection. Nonetheless, more work is required to be done in order to validate these proteins and determine their functional properties, as well as testing them with infectious DENV to establish a biological significance. In the long term, data from this study will be useful for investigating potential human factors for development of antiviral strategies against dengue.
Leishmania infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi are trypanosomatids of medical importance and are, respectively, the etiologic agents of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and Chagas disease (CD) in Brazil. People infected with L. infantum or T. cruzi may develop asymptomatically, enabling the transmission of pathogens through blood transfusion and / or organs. The assessment of the infection by T. cruzi is included among the tests performed for screening blood donors in Brazil, however, there is no availability of tests for Leishmania. Serological tests for T. cruzi are very sensitive, but not specific, and may have cross-reactions with other microorganisms. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of Leishmania infection in blood donors and assess whether the serological test for T. cruzi detect L. infantum. Among the 300 blood samples from donors, discarded in 2011, 61 were T. cruzi positive, 203 were from donors with other infections and 36 were from handbags with low blood volume, but without infection. We also assessed 144 samples from donors without infections and able to donate blood, totaling 444 subjects. DNA was extracted from blood samples of all to perform quantitative PCR (qPCR) to detect Leishmania DNA. The buffy coat obtained from all samples was grown in Schneider medium supplemented and NNN. All samples were evaluated for the presence of anti-Leishmania antibody. The serological results indicate a percentage of 22% of Leishmania infection in blood samples obtained from discarded bags. A total of 60% of samples positive in ELISA for T. cruzi were negative by IFI, used as confirmatory test, ie 60% false positive for Chagas. Among these samples false positive for Chagas, 72% were positive by ELISA for Leishmania characterizing the occurrence of cross reaction between serologic assays. Of the 300 cultures performed, 18 grew parasites that were typed by qPCR and specific isoenzymes, found the species Leishmania infantum crops. Among the 18 cultures, 4 were purged from scholarships for low volume and all negative serology blood bank, thus demonstrating that there is a real risk of Leishmania transmission via transfusion. It is concluded that in an area endemic for leishmaniasis in Brazil, serological diagnosis performed to detect infection by T. cruzi among blood donors can identify infection by L. infantum and although cause false positive for Chagas, this cross-reactivity reduces the risk of Leishmania infection via blood transfusion, since tests are not applied specific detection of the parasite. In this way, there remains the need to discuss the implementation of a specific serological screening test for Leishmania in endemic countries such as Brazil
Objectives: To study the relationship between severity of injury of the lower limb and severity of injury of the head, thoracic, and abdominal regions in frontal-impact road traffic collisions. Methods: Consecutive hospitalised trauma patients who were involved in a frontal road traffic collision were prospectively studied over 18 months. Patients with at least one Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) ≥3 or AIS 2 injuries within two AIS body regions were included. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the severity of injury to the head, chest or abdomen. Low severity group had an AIS < 2 and high severity group had an AIS ≥ 2. Backward likelihood logistic regression models were used to define significant factors affecting the severity of head, chest or abdominal injuries. Results: Eighty-five patients were studied. The backward likelihood logistic regression model defining independent factors affecting severity of head injuries was highly significant (p=0.01, nagelkerke r square = 0.1) severity of lower limb injuries was the only significant factor (p=0.013) having a negative correlation with head injury (Odds ratio of 0.64 (95% CI: 0.45-0.91). Conclusion: Occupants who sustain a greater severity of injury to the lower limb in a frontal-impact collision are likely to be spared from a greater severity of head injury.
International audience
L’utilisation de méthodes d’investigation cérébrale avancées a permis de mettre en évidence la présence d’altérations à court et à long terme à la suite d’une commotion cérébrale. Plus spécifiquement, des altérations affectant l’intégrité de la matière blanche et le métabolisme cellulaire ont récemment été révélées par l’utilisation de l’imagerie du tenseur de diffusion (DTI) et la spectroscopie par résonance magnétique (SRM), respectivement. Ces atteintes cérébrales ont été observées chez des athlètes masculins quelques jours après la blessure à la tête et demeuraient détectables lorsque les athlètes étaient à nouveau évalués six mois post-commotion. En revanche, aucune étude n’a évalué les effets neurométaboliques et microstructuraux dans la phase aigüe et chronique d’une commotion cérébrale chez les athlètes féminines, malgré le fait qu’elles présentent une susceptibilité accrue de subir ce type de blessure, ainsi qu’un nombre plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et un temps de réhabilitation plus long. Ainsi, les études composant le présent ouvrage visent globalement à établir le profil d’atteintes microstructurales et neurométaboliques chez des athlètes féminines par l’utilisation du DTI et de la SRM. La première étude visait à évaluer les changements neurométaboliques au sein du corps calleux chez des joueurs et joueuses de hockey au cours d’une saison universitaire. Les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale pendant la saison ont été évalués 72 heures, 2 semaines et 2 mois après la blessure à la tête en plus des évaluations pré et post-saison. Les résultats démontrent une absence de différences entre les athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale et les athlètes qui n’en ont pas subie. De plus, aucune différence entre les données pré et post-saison a été observée chez les athlètes masculins alors qu’une diminution du taux de N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) n’a été mise en évidence chez les athlètes féminines, suggérant ainsi un impact des coups d’intensité sous-clinique à la tête. La deuxième étude, qui utilisait le DTI et la SRM, a révélé des atteintes chez des athlètes féminines commotionnées asymptomatiques en moyenne 18 mois post-commotion. Plus spécifiquement, la SRM a révélé une diminution du taux de myo-inositol (mI) au sein de l’hippocampe et du cortex moteur primaire (M1) alors que le DTI a mis en évidence une augmentation de la diffusivité moyenne (DM) dans plusieurs faisceaux de matière blanche. De iii plus, une approche par région d’intérêt a mis en évidence une diminution de la fraction d’anisotropie (FA) dans la partie du corps calleux projetant vers l’aire motrice primaire. Le troisième article évaluait des athlètes ayant subi une commotion cérébrale dans les jours suivant la blessure à la tête (7-10 jours) ainsi que six mois post-commotion avec la SRM. Dans la phase aigüe, des altérations neuropsychologiques combinées à un nombre significativement plus élevé de symptômes post-commotionnels et dépressifs ont été trouvés chez les athlètes féminines commotionnées, qui se résorbaient en phase chronique. En revanche, aucune différence sur le plan neurométabolique n’a été mise en évidence entre les deux groupes dans la phase aigüe. Dans la phase chronique, les athlètes commotionnées démontraient des altérations neurométaboliques au sein du cortex préfrontal dorsolatéral (CPDL) et M1, marquées par une augmentation du taux de glutamate/glutamine (Glx). De plus, une diminution du taux de NAA entre les deux temps de mesure était présente chez les athlètes contrôles. Finalement, le quatrième article documentait les atteintes microstructurales au sein de la voie corticospinale et du corps calleux six mois suivant une commotion cérébrale. Les analyses n’ont démontré aucune différence au sein de la voie corticospinale alors que des différences ont été relevées par segmentation du corps calleux selon les projections des fibres calleuses. En effet, les athlètes commotionnées présentaient une diminution de la DM et de la diffusivité radiale (DR) au sein de la région projetant vers le cortex préfrontal, un volume moindre des fibres de matière blanche dans la région projetant vers l’aire prémotrice et l’aire motrice supplémentaire, ainsi qu’une diminution de la diffusivité axiale (DA) dans la région projetant vers l’aire pariétale et temporale. En somme, les études incluses dans le présent ouvrage ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances sur les effets métaboliques et microstructuraux des commotions cérébrales et démontrent des effets délétères persistants chez des athlètes féminines. Ces données vont de pair avec la littérature scientifique qui suggère que les commotions cérébrales n’entraînent pas seulement des symptômes temporaires.
Aims: Hyperglycaemia (HG), in stroke patients, is associated with worse neurological outcome by compromising endothelial cell function and the blood–brain barrier (BBB) integrity. We have studied the contribution of HG-mediated generation of oxidative stress to these pathologies and examined whether antioxidants as well as normalization of glucose levels following hyperglycaemic insult reverse these phenomena. Methods: Human brain microvascular endothelial cell (HBMEC) and human astrocyte co-cultures were used to simulate the human BBB. The integrity of the BBB was measured by transendothelial electrical resistance using STX electrodes and an EVOM resistance meter, while enzyme activities were measured by specific spectrophotometric assays. Results: After 5 days of hyperglycaemic insult, there was a significant increase in BBB permeability that was reversed by glucose normalization. Co-treatment of cells with HG and a number of antioxidants including vitamin C, free radical scavengers and antioxidant enzymes including catalase and superoxide dismutase mimetics attenuated the detrimental effects of HG. Inhibition of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38MAPK) and protein kinase C but not phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3 kinase) also reversed HG-induced BBB hyperpermeability. In HBMEC, HG enhanced pro-oxidant (NAD(P)H oxidase) enzyme activity and expression that were normalized by reverting to normoglycaemia. Conclusions: HG impairs brain microvascular endothelial function through involvements of oxidative stress and several signal transduction pathways.
Aim To determine the distribution of haematological parameters in healthy individuals residing in Blantyre, Malawi. We also examined the effect of sociodemographic and nutritional factors on the haematological variables. Methods We conducted a proof-of-concept cross-sectional study, involving 105 healthy blood donors at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service in Blantyre. Eligible participants were HIV-negative males and females, aged 19 to 35 years, who did not have any evidence of acute or chronic illness, or bloodborne infection. We performed the haematological tests at the Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Trust laboratory in Blantyre, and the screening tests at Malawi Blood Transfusion Service laboratories. Results Out of 170 consenting healthy volunteers, haematological results were available for 105 participants. The proportions of results which were below the lower limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 35.2% (37/105) for haemoglobin, 15.2% (16/105) for neutrophils, 23.8% (25/105) for eosinophils, and 88.6 % (93/105) for basophils. The proportions of results that were above the upper limit of the manufacturer’s reference ranges were 9.5% (10/105) for platelets and 12.4% (13/105) for monocytes. We also observed that the mean leucocyte and basophil counts were significantly higher in males than females (p = 0.042 and p = 0.015, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences in haematological results observed among different ethnic, age, and body mass index groups. Conclusions Over half of otherwise healthy study participants had at least one abnormal haematological result, using previously established foreign standards. More detailed studies are needed to establish locally relevant normal ranges for different age groups and other demographic characteristics of the Malawian population. This will lead to accurate interpretation of laboratory results.