790 resultados para Blé--Essais en plein champ
What is known today as “Oral History” is a research methodology which, in Brazil, has been widely used in the field of cultural studies by sociologists, anthropologists, and historians. Oral History was first introduced in Brazil with studies in social psychology and then spread to many other academic spheres, with the field of mathematics education being one of the most recent to adopt this method as one of its theoretical-methodological references. Topics such “What Oral History is” and “How Oral History can be implemented in mathematics education” are the foci of this paper.
From 1986 to 1994, Patrick Chamoiseau and Raphaël Confiant published a series of fictional and non-fictional writings focusing on language issues. Interest in these themes can certainly in part be explained by the "surconscience linguistique" that Lise Gauvin attributes to Francophone authors: a linguistic over-awareness which, in the case of these two Martiniquais writers, may be attributed to their Creole-French diglossia. Although we might believe that the idea of Gauvin is right, it doesn't seem enough to explain why the linguistic theme plays such a central role in Chamoiseau's and Confiant's works. Deeply influenced by Glissant's theories on Creole popular culture and Antillean literature (Le discours antillais), they conceived a "Créolité" poetics based on a primarly identity-based and geopolitical discourse. Declaring the need to build an authentically Creole literary discourse, one that finally expresses the Martiniquais reality, Chamoiseau and Confiant (as well as Bernabé, third and last author of Éloge de la créolité) found the «foundations of [their] being» in orality and its poetics in the Creole language. This belief was maily translated into their works in two ways: by representing the (diglossic) relationships occurring between their first languages (Creole and French) and by representing the Creole parole (orality) and its function. An analysis of our authors' literary and theoretical writings will enable us to show how two works that develop around the same themes and thesis have in fact produced very divergent results, which were perhaps already perceivable in the main ambiguities of their common manifestos.
La scene politique camerounaise est l'objet de nombre de contradictions, d'absurdites qui font que le motif ''irregularite'' ou celui de ''fraude'' sont toujours presents à l'issue d'echeance electorale. Parmi les causes de ces irregularites figure lecaractere deloyal des scrutins au Cameroun. Qui s'observe dans l'organisation le deroulement et le depouillement des voix. Cependant, dans ce travail, il est plus question de l'occupation spatiale des differents partis à travers les affiches de campagnes et la representation de ces partis dans l'imaginaire collectif des Camerounais. Que ce soit au niveau du dimensionnement des affiches, du temps d'antennes dans les medas chauds aloué à chaque parti, tout se dispose en sorte que le parti au pouvoir demeure.
door S. J. Cohen
Mosseh Zurreño
door A.C. Carillon
Text teilw. in dt. und franz. Sprache
ešer ḥibbēr avî ... Hirš ...
und ins daiṭše iberṭragen fon Zeligman Ber Bamberger
fon Moritz Polok
Digitalisat der Ausg. [S.l.], 1862
[Yôsēf Ben-Gōryôn hak-kōhēn]