971 resultados para Bioplastics,Toy sector,Sustainable materials
The potential replacement, partially or fully, of synthetic additives by bio-based alternatives derived from indigenous renewable non-food crop resources offers a market opportunity for a green supply of raw materials for different industrial and health products, with greater involvement of the farming community in crop production while addressing the ever more stringent environmental and pollution laws that now require the use of less potentially toxic/harmful ingredients, even if they are present in relatively small quantities. The work presented here relates to developing a new genre of environmentally-sustainable bio-based antioxidants (AO) for industrial uses that are obtained from extracts of UK-grown rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) plant. The performance of these AOs was tested, and their efficacy compared with some common and benchmark synthetic AOs from the same chemical class, in different products including polymers especially for packaging, as well as lubricants, cosmetics and health products. One of the main active ingredients in rosemary is Rosmarinic acid which is a water-soluble compound. This was chemically transformed into a number of ester derivatives, Rosmarinates, targeted for different applications. The parent and the modified antioxidants (the rosmarinates) were characterised and their antioxidancy were examined and tested in linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) and in polypropylene (PP) and compared with compounds of similar structure and with other well known synthetic antioxidants used commercially in polyolefins. The results show that antioxidants sourced from rosemary have the added benefit of being highly efficient and intrinsically more active than many synthetic and bio-based alternatives.
The quest for energy security and widespread acceptance of the anthropogenic origin of rising CO2 emissions and associated climate change from combusting fossil derived carbon sources, is driving academic and commercial research into new routes to sustainable fuels to meet the demands of a rapidly rising global population. Biodiesel is one of the most readily implemented and low cost, alternative source of transportation fuels to meet future societal demands. However, current practises to produce biodiesel via transesterification employing homogeneous acids and bases result in costly fuel purification processes and undesired pollution. Life-cycle calculations on biodiesel synthesis from soybean feedstock show that the single most energy intensive step is the catalytic conversion of TAGs into biodiesel, accounting for 87% of the total primary energy input, which largely arises from the quench and separation steps. The development of solid acid and base catalysts that respectively remove undesired free fatty acid (FFA) impurities, and transform naturally occurring triglycerides found within plant oils into clean biodiesel would be desirable to improve process efficiency. However, the microporous nature of many conventional catalysts limits their ability to convert bulky and viscous feeds typical of plant or algal oils. Here we describe how improved catalyst performance, and overall process efficiency can result from a combination of new synthetic materials based upon templated solid acids and bases with hierarchical structures, tailored surface properties and use of intensified process allowing continuous operation.
The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilize renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuels. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to bio-fuels. This article will highlight some of the recent developments in the development of solid acid and base catalysts for the transesterification of oils to biodiesel. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures to improve in-pore diffusion of bulky substrates. © 2011 Materials Research Society.
The UK government aims at achieving 80% CO2 emission reduction by 2050 which requires collective efforts across all the UK industry sectors. In particular, the housing sector has a large potential to contribute to achieving the aim because the housing sector alone accounts for 27% of the total UK CO2 emission, and furthermore, 87% of the housing which is responsible for current 27% CO2 emission will still stand in 2050. Therefore, it is essential to improve energy efficiency of existing housing stock built with low energy efficiency standard. In order for this, a whole‐house needs to be refurbished in a sustainable way by considering the life time financial and environmental impacts of a refurbished house. However, the current refurbishment process seems to be challenging to generate a financially and environmentally affordable refurbishment solution due to the highly fragmented nature of refurbishment practice and a lack of knowledge and skills about whole‐house refurbishment in the construction industry. In order to generate an affordable refurbishment solution, diverse information regarding costs and environmental impacts of refurbishment measures and materials should be collected and integrated in right sequences throughout the refurbishment project life cycle among key project stakeholders. Consequently, various researchers increasingly study a way of utilizing Building Information Modelling (BIM) to tackle current problems in the construction industry because BIM can support construction professionals to manage construction projects in a collaborative manner by integrating diverse information, and to determine the best refurbishment solution among various alternatives by calculating the life cycle costs and lifetime CO2 performance of a refurbishment solution. Despite the capability of BIM, the BIM adoption rate is low with 25% in the housing sector and it has been rarely studied about a way of using BIM for housing refurbishment projects. Therefore, this research aims to develop a BIM framework to formulate a financially and environmentally affordable whole‐house refurbishment solution based on the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methods simultaneously. In order to achieve the aim, a BIM feasibility study was conducted as a pilot study to examine whether BIM is suitable for housing refurbishment, and a BIM framework was developed based on the grounded theory because there was no precedent research. After the development of a BIM framework, this framework was examined by a hypothetical case study using BIM input data collected from questionnaire survey regarding homeowners’ preferences for housing refurbishment. Finally, validation of the BIM framework was conducted among academics and professionals by providing the BIM framework and a formulated refurbishment solution based on the LCC and LCA studies through the framework. As a result, BIM was identified as suitable for housing refurbishment as a management tool, and it is timely for developing the BIM framework. The BIM framework with seven project stages was developed to formulate an affordable refurbishment solution. Through the case study, the Building Regulation is identified as the most affordable energy efficiency standard which renders the best LCC and LCA results when it is applied for whole‐house refurbishment solution. In addition, the Fabric Energy Efficiency Standard (FEES) is recommended when customers are willing to adopt high energy standard, and the maximum 60% of CO2 emissions can be reduced through whole‐house fabric refurbishment with the FEES. Furthermore, limitations and challenges to fully utilize BIM framework for housing refurbishment were revealed such as a lack of BIM objects with proper cost and environmental information, limited interoperability between different BIM software and limited information of LCC and LCA datasets in BIM system. Finally, the BIM framework was validated as suitable for housing refurbishment projects, and reviewers commented that the framework can be more practical if a specific BIM library for housing refurbishment with proper LCC and LCA datasets is developed. This research is expected to provide a systematic way of formulating a refurbishment solution using BIM, and to become a basis for further research on BIM for the housing sector to resolve the current limitations and challenges. Future research should enhance the BIM framework by developing more detailed process map and develop BIM objects with proper LCC and LCA Information.
Sustainable development requires combining economic viability with energy and environment conservation and ensuring social benefits. It is conceptualized that for designing a micro industry for sustainable rural industrialization, all these aspects should be integrated right up front. The concept includes; (a) utilization of local produce for value addition in a cluster of villages and enhancing income of the target population; (b) use of renewable energy and total utilization of energy generated by co and trigeneration (combining electric power production with heat utilization for heating and cooling); (c) conservation of water and complete recycling of effluents; (d) total utilization of all wastes for achieving closure towards a zero waste system. Enhanced economic viability and sustainability is achieved by integration of appropriate technologies into the industrial complex. To prove the concept, a model Micro Industrial Complex (MIC) has been set up in a semi arid desert region in Rajasthan, India at village Malunga in Jodhpur district. A biomass powered boiler and steam turbine system is used to generate 100-200 KVA of electric power and high energy steam for heating and cooling processes downstream. The unique feature of the equipment is a 100-150 kW back-pressure steam turbine, utilizing 3-4 tph (tonnes per hour) steam, developed by M/s IB Turbo. The biomass boiler raises steam at about 20 barg 3 tph, which is passed through a turbine to yield about 150 kW of electrical power. The steam let out at a back pressure of 1-3 barg has high exergy and this is passed on as thermal energy (about 2 MW), for use in various applications depending on the local produce and resources. The biomass fuel requirement for the boiler is 0.5-0.75 tph depending on its calorific value. In the current model, the electricity produced is used for running an oil expeller to extract castor oil and the castor cake is used as fuel in the boiler. The steam is used in a Multi Effect Distillation (MED) unit for drinking water production and in a Vapour Absorption Machine (VAM) for cooling, for banana ripening application. Additional steam is available for extraction of herbs such as mint and processing local vegetables. In this paper, we discuss the financial and economic viability of the system and show how the energy, water and materials are completely recycled and how the benefits are directed to the weaker sections of the community.
Abstract Structural ceramics were manufactured from industrial byproducts and lime by a compression moulding/vacuum dewatering technique. Treatment of these ceramics with supercritical carbon dioxide was found to both significantly increase their flexural strength and activate cementation in the industrial byproducts at least as efficiently as heat curing. Flexural strengths of up to 10 MPa were achieved. Strength improvements were associated with decreased porosity and conversion of calcium hydroxide to calcium carbonate. Life cycle assessment of proposed products made from such materials indicated that the total reduction in embodied carbon dioxide achieved, as a result of combining use of byproducts with recombination of carbon dioxide, was up to 70%. © 2010 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.
A vállalatok egyre gyakrabban alakítanak ki olyan kapcsolatokat, melyek célja az egymással, illetve más típusú szervezetekkel (pl. kormányzati vagy civil szervezetekkel) különféle célok érdekében megvalósuló együttműködés. Ezen együttműködési formák egy része kedvező hatással van a vállalatok környezeti, illetve társadalmi teljesítményére is, és ezáltal – a szűken vett profitérdekeken túl – elősegíti a fenntartható fejlődés társadalmi céljának megvalósítását is. Jelen cikk célja, hogy bemutassa a vállalati szférára jellemző együttműködési formákat magyarázó legfontosabb szervezetelméleti megközelítéseket, majd ezek tükrében ismertesse a fenntartható fejlődés ügyét is elősegítő együttműködési kapcsolatok korszerű megnyilvánulási formáit. _________ Corporations more and more often engage in relationships, which aim at cooperation with each other and other types of organisations (e.g. governmental or nongovernmental organisations). Some of these collaborative efforts have a positive impact on the environmental and social performance of participating organisations and thus – apart from their positive impact on profitability – also foster the implementation of sustainable economic and social development. The objective of this article is to introduce the most important organisational theories, which give an explanation of the cooperative efforts of the corporate sector and, using this as a basis, to provide an overview of the most up-to-date forms of cooperation, which enhance our chances in the direction of a sustainable future.
As part of a wider research program we analysed the theoretical frameworks and the developments of the process of internationalisation (transnationalisation) of small- and medium-sized enterprises in the European Union and specifically in Hungary and Spain. We tried to highlight the barriers and trends of internationalisation. We consider internationalisation of the SME sector as a crucial factor in increasing competitiveness and as an important condition for sustainable and dynamic growth and improving employment (Europe 2020). We made policy recommendation mostly for the government in terms of how to promote the process. We carried out analyses of documents and databases, interviews, and online data collection.
A megújuló energiatermelés szerepének erősödését figyelhetjük meg az utóbbi években, évtizedekben. A zöldenergiák iránti igényt három fő motivátorcsoporttal lehet indokolni: ellátásbiztonság növelése, környezetvédelem és gazdaságélénkítés. Ezek a szempontok együttesen a fenntartható fejlődést szolgálják, és egyre inkább előtérbe kerülnek mind az EU, mind pedig hazánk szintjén. Magyarország 2010 végén az EU által előírt, 2020-ra elérendő 13%-os megújuló energiaarányt meghaladó, 14,65%-os vállalást tett a Nemzeti Cselekvési Tervben, ezzel is kifejezve elköteleződését a zöldenergiák ösztönzése felé. A jelenlegi kapacitások több mint megkétszerezését igénylő cél a hazai megújuló energiaszektor számára érdemi lehetőségeket jelent, de ezek megvalósításához szükség lenne az ígért új zöldenergia-támogatási rendszer, mielőbbi életbe lépésére. ____ The role of the renewable energy generation is getting even bigger and bigger in the last years, decades. The demand for the green energy has three main motivators: energy security, protecting the environment and fostering innovation. These goals serve the conception of sustainable development, and their function is increasingly highlighted in the EU and in Hungary as well. The EU has prescribed Hungary to reach a 13% share of renewable energy sources in 2020, but in the Hungarian national renewable action plan we have aimed to top the EU request, and to reach a 14,65% in the renewable proportion. This shows that our country is committed to inspire the renewables. In order to reach this goal, Hungary has to more than double its green power plant capacity, which means great possibilities in the sector; but at the same time means challenges as well, because the new renewable promoting system needs to come into force as soon as possible.
Az utóbbi évtizedben a környezettudatos gazdálkodás szerepének felértékelődése új tevékenységi területet nyitott meg a bankok előtt, amit nemzetközi szóhasználattal élve green banking-nek neveznek. A fenntartható fejlődést támogató projektek banki finanszírozása számos lehetőséget nyit a pénzügyi intézmények számára – hírnév, új ügyfélbázis, kockázatcsökkentés, jövedelmezőség növelése –, amennyiben a bankok a fenntarthatóság elveit megfelelően integrálják működési stratégiájukba. A cikksorozat második részében a szerzők a bankok fenntartható működését támogató külső és belső motiváló tényezőit veszik vizsgálat alá, amelyet már nemzetközi elvek és megállapodások is szabályoznak és támogatnak. Kiemelt fontosságot tulajdonítanak a környezettudatos gazdálkodás banki stratégiába történő integrálásának, melynek alapjait teremthetik meg a cikkben vizsgált nemzetközi irányelvek. ________ In the last decade, a lot of publications came to light, dealing with the social and environmental responsibility of financial institutions. Banks are expected to improve their competitive advantage by demonstrating economic development, while promoting environment care and social responsibility. This sustainable finance means to manage environmental and social risks in corporate lending and project financing. Green financial institutions have developed a wide range of innovations that can support sustainable development. This article highlights a few external and internal factor that support this aim, and which are regulated by international principles. However the authors’ survey shows that in the relevant literature there are a lot of ways to define sustainability and its achievement. They suggest that all of them can be interpreted associated with green banking operation. The goal of this paper is to identify the role of financial institutions in achieving sustainable development, and stress its strategic importance. The authors also attempt to show, why and how can this sector become the promoter of sustainability.
The presences of heavy metals, organic contaminants and natural toxins in natural water bodies pose a serious threat to the environment and the health of living organisms. Therefore, there is a critical need to identify sustainable and environmentally friendly water treatment processes. In this dissertation, I focus on the fundamental studies of advanced oxidation processes and magnetic nano-materials as promising new technologies for water treatments. Advanced oxidation processes employ reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can lead to the mineralization of a number of pollutants and toxins. The rates of formation, steady-state concentrations, and kinetic parameters of hydroxyl radical and singlet oxygen produced by various TiO2 photocatalysts under UV or visible irradiations were measured using selective chemical probes. Hydroxyl radical is the dominant ROS, and its generation is dependent on experimental conditions. The optimal condition for generation of hydroxyl radical by of TiO2 coated glass microspheres is studied by response surface methodology, and the optimal conditions are applied for the degradation of dimethyl phthalate. Singlet oxygen (1O2) also plays an important role for advanced processes, so the degradation of microcystin-LR by rose bengal, an 1O2 sensitizer was studied. The measured bimolecular reaction rate constant between MC-LR and 1O2 is ∼ 106 M-1 s-1 based on competition kinetics with furfuryl alcohol. The typical adsorbent needs separation after the treatment, while magnetic iron oxides can be easily removed by a magnetic field. Maghemite and humic acid coated magnetite (HA-Fe3O4) were synthesized, characterized and applied for chromium(VI) removal. The adsorption of chromium(VI) by maghemite and HA-Fe3O4 follow a pseudo-second-order kinetic process. The adsorption of chromium(VI) by maghemite is accurately modeled using adsorption isotherms, and solution pH and presence of humic acid influence adsorption. Humic acid coated magnetite can adsorb and reduce chromium(VI) to non-toxic chromium (III), and the reaction is not highly dependent on solution pH. The functional groups associated with humic acid act as ligands lead to the Cr(III) complex via a coupled reduction-complexation mechanism. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy demonstrates the Cr(III) in the Cr-loaded HA-Fe 3O4 materials has six neighboring oxygen atoms in an octahedral geometry with average bond lengths of 1.98 Å.
Tubular and sector heat pipes with interconnected branches for gas turbine and/or compressor cooling
Designing turbines for either aerospace or power production is a daunting task for any heat transfer scientist or engineer. Turbine designers are continuously pursuing better ways to convert the stored chemical energy in the fuel into useful work with maximum efficiency. Based on thermodynamic principles, one way to improve thermal efficiency is to increase the turbine inlet pressure and temperature. Generally, the inlet temperature may exceed the capabilities of standard materials for safe and long-life operation of the turbine. Next generation propulsion systems, whether for new supersonic transport or for improving existing aviation transport, will require more aggressive cooling system for many hot-gas-path components of the turbine. Heat pipe technology offers a possible cooling technique for the structures exposed to the high heat fluxes. Hence, the objective of this dissertation is to develop new radially rotating heat pipe systems that integrate multiple rotating miniature heat pipes with a common reservoir for a more effective and practical solution to turbine or compressor cooling. In this dissertation, two radially rotating miniature heat pipes and two sector heat pipes are analyzed and studied by utilizing suitable fluid flow and heat transfer modeling along with experimental tests. Analytical solutions for the film thickness and the lengthwise vapor temperature distribution for a single heat pipe are derived. Experimental tests on single radially rotating miniature heat pipes and sector heat pipes are undertaken with different important parameters and the manner in which these parameters affect heat pipe operation. Analytical and experimental studies have proven that the radially rotating miniature heat pipes have an incredibly high effective thermal conductance and an enormous heat transfer capability. Concurrently, the heat pipe has an uncomplicated structure and relatively low manufacturing costs. The heat pipe can also resist strong vibrations and is well suited for a high temperature environment. Hence, the heat pipes with a common reservoir make incorporation of heat pipes into turbo-machinery much more feasible and cost effective.
The non-timber forest products sector in nepal : policy issues in plant conservation and utilization
The non-timber forest products (NTFPs) sector in Nepal is being promoted with the concept of sustainable management as articulated by the Convention on Biological Diversity. To promote and regulate this sector, Nepal adopted the Herbs and NTFP Development Policy in 2004. The goal of this thesis was to assess the effectiveness of this policy along with other forestry and natural resource policies in Nepal concerning the conservation and sustainable use of NTFPs. I conducted open-ended semi-structured interviews with 28 key informants in summer 2006 in Nepal where I also collected relevant documents and publications. I did qualitative analysis of data obtained from interviews and document review. The research found many important issues that need to be addressed to promote the NTFP sector as envisioned by the Government of Nepal. The findings of this research will help to further implement the policy and promote the NTFP sector through sustainable management practices.
Everyday Millions of disposable plates, cups and utensils are used in fast food establishments, cafeterias, restaurants and homes worldwide. These single-use disable plates, cup and utensils, when of polystyrene or plastic, do not biodegrade and decompose like fruit, vegetables or meat; they only breakdown into smaller pieces on a physical level. This lack of decomposition means that these products persist and accumulate in landfills consuming the available space and contaminate the surrounding area. With an ever growing global population, the disposable waste generated annually is increasing and landfills worldwide are rapidly filling. Therefore, more landfills are needed sooner but they are expensive to create, they consume a large amount of usable space and can harm the environment. In order to reduce the dependence on landfills, the waste can be diverted through recycling programs, reducing human consumption and purchasing reusable and/or compostable materials. These methods of waste reduction would be implemented at the municipal level but it would be possible to change provincial and state legislation so that municipalities would be required to do so rather than of their own volition. If initiated worldwide than the amount of waste produced by humans would be greatly reduced and the dependence on landfills would decrease.