993 resultados para Bakhtine, Mikhail
Este trabalho teve como objetivos a produção, caracterização e aplicação de microelétrodos (MEs) de diamante como sensores amperométricos e potenciométricos em sistemas de corrosão nos quais a agressividade do meio e a presença de produtos de corrosão, constituem obstáculos que podem diminuir o desempenho, ou inviabilizar a utilização, de outros tipos de sensores. Os microeléctrodos são baseados em filmes finos de diamante dopado com boro (BDD – Boron Doped Diamond) depositados sobre fios de tungsténio afiados, através do método de deposição química a partir da fase vapor, assistida por filamento quente (HFCVD – Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition). A otimização das diversas etapas de fabricação dos MEs deu origem ao desenvolvimento de um novo sistema de afiamento eletroquímico para obtenção destes fios e a várias opções para a obtenção dos filmes de diamante condutor e seu isolamento com resinas para exposição apenas da ponta cilíndrica. A qualidade cristalina dos filmes de diamante foi avaliada por espectroscopia de Raman. Esta informação foi complementada com uma caracterização microestrutural dos filmes de diamante por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM), em que se fez a identificação da tipologia dos cristais como pertencendo às gamas de diamante nanocristalino ou microcristalino. Os filmes de BDD foram utilizados na sua forma não modificada, com terminações em hidrogénio e também com modificação da superfície através de tratamentos de plasma RF de CF4 e O2 indutores de terminações C-F no primeiro caso e de grupos C=O, C-O-C e C-OH no segundo, tal como determinado por XPS. A caracterização eletroquímica dos MEs não modificados revelou uma resposta voltamétrica com elevada razão sinal/ruído e baixa corrente capacitiva, numa gama de polarização quasi-ideal com extensão de 3 V a 4 V, dependente dos parâmetros de crescimento e pós-tratamentos de superfície. Estudou-se a reversibilidade de algumas reações heterogéneas com os pares redox Fe(CN)6 3-/4- e FcOH0/+ e verificou-se que a constante cinética, k0, é mais elevada em elétrodos com terminações em hidrogénio, nos quais não se procedeu a qualquer modificação da superfície. Estes MEs não modificados foram também testados na deteção de Zn2+ onde se observou, por voltametria cíclica, que a detecção da redução deste ião é linear numa escala log-log na gama de 10-5-10-2 M em 5 mM NaCl. Realizaram-se também estudos em sistemas de corrosão modelares, em que os microeléctrodos foram usados como sensores amperométricos para mapear a distribuição de oxigénio e Zn2+ sobre um par galvânico Zn-Fe, com recurso a um sistema SVET (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique). Foi possível detetar, com resolução lateral de 100 μm, um decréscimo da concentração de O2 junto a ambos os metais e produção de catiões de zinco no ânodo. Contudo verificou-se uma significativa deposição de zinco metálico na superfície dos ME utilizados. Os MEs com superfície modificada por plasma de CF4 foram testados como sensores de oxigénio dissolvido. A calibração dos microeléctrodos foi efetuada simultaneamente por voltametria cíclica e medição óptica através de um sensor de oxigénio comercial. Determinou-se uma sensibilidade de ~0.1422 nA/μM, com um limite de deteção de 0.63 μM. Os MEs modificados com CF4 foram também testados como sensores amperométricos com os quais se observou sensibilidade ao oxigénio dissolvido em solução, tendo sido igualmente utilizados durante a corrosão galvânica de pares Zn-Fe. Em alguns casos foi conseguida sensibilidade ao ião Zn2+ sem que o efeito da contaminação superficial com zinco metálico se fizesse sentir. Os microeléctrodos tratados em plasma de CF4 permitem uma boa deteção da distribuição de oxigénio, exibindo uma resposta mais rápida que os não tratados além de maior estabilidade de medição e durabilidade. Nos MEs em que a superfície foi modificada com plasma de O2 foi possível detetar, por cronopotenciometria a corrente nula, uma sensibilidade ao pH de ~51 mV/pH numa gama de pH 2 a pH 12. Este comportamento foi associado à contribuição determinante de grupos C-O e C=O, observados por XPS com uma razão O/C de 0,16. Estes MEs foram igualmente testados durante a corrosão galvânica do par Zn-Fe onde foi possível mapear a distribuição de pH associada ao desenvolvimento de regiões alcalinas causadas pela redução do oxigénio, acima da região catódica, e de regiões ácidas decorrentes da dissolução anódica do ânodo de zinco. Com o par galvânico imerso em 50 mM NaCl registou-se uma variação de pH aproximadamente entre 4,8 acima do ânodo de zinco a 9,3 sobre o cátodo de ferro. A utilização pioneira destes MEs como sensores de pH é uma alternativa promissora aos elétrodos baseados em membranas seletivas.
This work reports one possible way to develop new functional coatings used to increase the life time of metallic structures. The functionalities selected and attributed to model coatings in the frame of this work were corrosion protection, self-sensing and prevention of fouling (antifouling). The way used to confer those functionalities to coatings was based on the encapsulation of active compounds (corrosion inhibitors, pH indicators and biocides) in micro and nanocontainers followed by their incorporation into the coating matrices. To confer active corrosion protection, one corrosion inhibitor (2-mercaptobenzothiazole, MBT) was encapsulated in two different containers, firstly in silica nanocapsules (SiNC) and in polyurea microcapsules (PU-MC). The incorporation of both containers in different models coatings shows a significant improvement in the corrosion protection of aluminum alloy 2024 (AA2024). Following the same approach, SiNC and PU-MC were also used for the encapsulation of phenolphthalein (one well known pH indicator) to introduce sensing properties in polymeric coatings. SiNC and PU-MC containing phenolphthalein acted as corrosion sensor, showing a pink coloration due to the beginning of cathodic reaction, resulting in a pH increase identified by those capsules. Their sensing performance was proved in suspension and when integrated in coatings for aluminium alloy 2024 and magnesium alloy AZ31. In a similar way, the biocide activity (antifouling) was assigned to two polymeric matrices using SiNC for encapsulation of one biocide (Dichloro-2-octyl-2H-isothiazol-3-one, DCOIT) and also SiNC-MBT was tested as biocide. The antifouling activity of those two encapsulated compounds was assessed through inhibition and consequent decrease in the bioluminescence of modified E. coli. That effect was verified in suspension and when incorporated in coatings for AISI 1008 carbon steel. The developed micro and nanocontainers presented the desired performance, allowing the introduction of new functionalities to model coatings, showing potential to be used as functional additives in the next generation of multifunctional coatings.
A computer system's security can be compromised in many ways—a denial-of-service attack can make a server inoperable, a worm can destroy a user's private data, or an eavesdropper can reap financial rewards by inserting himself in the communication link between a customer and her bank through a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. What all these scenarios have in common is that the adversary is an untrusted entity that attacks a system from the outside—we assume that the computers under attack are operated by benign and trusted users. But if we remove this assumption, if we allow anyone operating a computer system—from system administrators down to ordinary users—to compromise that system's security, we find ourselves in a scenario that has received comparatively little attention.
Dissertação de mest., Literatura Comparada, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade do Algarve, 2005
Committee: Glennys Young, Dan Abramson, Chris Jones
Este trabalho é uma releitura dos filósofos anarquistas Mikhail Bakunine e Max Stirner de modo a apurar uma estética a partir da sua ontologia anárquica. Outras fontes são usadas no sentido de mostrar a relação antagónica do anarquismo com a soberania e com a representatividade. O conteúdo abordado problematiza uma ideia de “arte de viver” que consiste na combinaçao do “nada criativo” de Stirner com a concepção de “Natureza produto-produtora” de Bakunine. Enquanto o primeiro constitui o cerne ontológico do indivíduo, o último está relacionado com a ideia de “desejo” elaborada por Deleuze e Guattari. A afirmação do “desejo” como “produção do real” torna o “nada criativo” de Stirner a morada íntima de criação do mundo
To date, for most biological and physiological phenomena, the scientific community has reach a consensus on their related function, except for sleep, which has an undetermined, albeit mystery, function. To further our understanding of sleep function(s), we first focused on the level of complexity at which sleep-like phenomenon can be observed. This lead to the development of an in vitro model. The second approach was to understand the molecular and cellular pathways regulating sleep and wakefulness, using both our in vitro and in vivo models. The third approach (ongoing) is to look across evolution when sleep or wakefulness appears. (1) To address the question as to whether sleep is a cellular property and how this is linked to the entire brain functioning, we developed a model of sleep in vitro by using dissociated primary cortical cultures. We aimed at simulating the major characteristics of sleep and wakefulness in vitro. We have shown that mature cortical cultures display a spontaneous electrical activity similar to sleep. When these cultures are stimulated by waking neurotransmitters, they show a tonic firing activity, similar to wakefulness, but return spontaneously to the "sleep-like" state 24h after stimulation. We have also shown that transcriptional, electrophysiological, and metabolic correlates of sleep and wakefulness can be reliably detected in dissociated cortical cultures. (2) To further understand at which molecular and cellular levels changes between sleep and wakefulness occur, we have used a pharmacological and systematic gene transcription approach in vitro and discovered a major role played by the Erk pathway. Indeed, pharmacological inhibition of this pathway in living animals decreased sleep by 2 hours per day and consolidated both sleep and wakefulness by reducing their fragmentation. (3) Finally, we tried to evaluate the presence of sleep in one of the most primitive species with a neural network. We set up Hydra as a model organism. We hypothesized that sleep as a cellular (neuronal) property may occur with the appearance of the most primitive nervous system. We were able to show that Hydra have periodic rest phases amounting to up to 5 hours per day. In conclusion, our work established an in vitro model to study sleep, discovered one of the major signaling pathways regulating vigilance states, and strongly suggests that sleep is a cellular property highly conserved at the molecular level during evolution. -- Jusqu'à ce jour, la communauté scientifique s'est mise d'accord sur la fonction d'une majorité des processus physiologiques, excepté pour le sommeil. En effet, la fonction du sommeil reste un mystère, et aucun consensus n'est atteint le concernant. Pour mieux comprendre la ou les fonctions du sommeil, (1) nous nous sommes d'abord concentré sur le niveau de complexité auquel un état ressemblant au sommeil peut être observé. Nous avons ainsi développé un modèle du sommeil in vitro, (2) nous avons disséqué les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires qui pourraient réguler le sommeil, (3) nous avons cherché à savoir si un état de sommeil peut être trouvé dans l'hydre, l'animal le plus primitif avec un système nerveux. (1) Pour répondre à la question de savoir à quel niveau de complexité apparaît un état de sommeil ou d'éveil, nous avons développé un modèle du sommeil, en utilisant des cellules dissociées de cortex. Nous avons essayé de reproduire les corrélats du sommeil et de l'éveil in vitro. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé des cultures qui montrent les signes électrophysiologiques du sommeil, puis quand stimulées chimiquement passent à un état proche de l'éveil et retournent dans un état de sommeil 24 heures après la stimulation. Notre modèle n'est pas parfait, mais nous avons montré que nous pouvions obtenir les corrélats électrophysiologiques, transcriptionnels et métaboliques du sommeil dans des cellules corticales dissociées. (2) Pour mieux comprendre ce qui se passe au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire durant les différents états de vigilance, nous avons utilisé ce modèle in vitro pour disséquer les différentes voies de signalisation moléculaire. Nous avons donc bloqué pharmacologiquement les voies majeures. Nous avons mis en évidence la voie Erkl/2 qui joue un rôle majeur dans la régulation du sommeil et dans la transcription des gènes qui corrèlent avec le cycle veille-sommeil. En effet, l'inhibition pharmacologique de cette voie chez la souris diminue de 2 heures la quantité du sommeil journalier et consolide l'éveil et le sommeil en diminuant leur fragmentation. (3) Finalement, nous avons cherché la présence du sommeil chez l'Hydre. Pour cela, nous avons étudié le comportement de l'Hydre pendant 24-48h et montrons que des périodes d'inactivité, semblable au sommeil, sont présentes dans cette espèce primitive. L'ensemble de ces travaux indique que le sommeil est une propriété cellulaire, présent chez tout animal avec un système nerveux et régulé par une voie de signalisation phylogénétiquement conservée.
The goal of this thesis is to estimate the effect of the form of knowledge representation on the efficiency of knowledge sharing. The objectives include the design of an experimental framework which would allow to establish this effect, data collection, and statistical analysis of the collected data. The study follows the experimental quantitative design. The experimental questionnaire features three sample forms of knowledge: text, mind maps, concept maps. In the interview, these forms are presented to an interviewee, afterwards the knowledge sharing time and knowledge sharing quality are measured. According to the statistical analysis of 76 interviews, text performs worse in both knowledge sharing time and quality compared to visualized forms of knowledge representation. However, mind maps and concept maps do not differ in knowledge sharing time and quality, since this difference is not statistically significant. Since visualized structured forms of knowledge perform better than unstructured text in knowledge sharing, it is advised for companies to foster the usage of these forms in knowledge sharing processes inside the company. Aside of performance in knowledge sharing, the visualized structured forms are preferable due the possibility of their usage in the system of ontological knowledge management within an enterprise.
Marshall McLuhan's "global village", and his theories on communications and technology, in conjunction with Patrick McGoohan's television series The Prisoner (ATV, 1967-1968) are explored in this thesis. The Prisoner, brainchild of McGoohan, is about the abduction and confinement of a British government agent imprisoned within the impenetrable boundaries of a benign but totalitarian city -state called "The Village". The purpose of his abduction and imprisonment is for the extraction of information regarding his resignation as a government spy. Marshall McLuhan originally popularized the phrase "the global village" in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making o/the Topographic Man (1962), asserting that, "The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village" (p. 31). This thesis argues that valid parallels exist between McGoohan's conception of "village", as manifested in The Prisoner, and McLuhan's global village. The comprehensive methodological stratagem for this thesis includes Marshall McLuhan's "mosaic" approach, Mikhail Bakhtin's concept ofthe "chronotope", as well as a Foucauldian genealogicallhistorical discourse analysis. In the process of deconstructing McLuhan's texts and The Prisoner as products of the 1960s, an historical "constellation" (to use Walter Benjamin's concept) of the same present has been executed. By employing this synthesized methodology, conjunctions have been made between McLuhan's theories and the series' main themes of bureaucracy as dictatorship, the perversion of science and technology, freedom as illusion, and the individual in opposition to the collective. A thorough investigation of the global village and The Prisoner will determine whether or not Marshall McLuhan and/or Patrick McGoohan visualize the village as an enslaving technological reality.
Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are important in geology and geomorphology, since elevation data contains a lot of information pertaining to geomorphological processes that influence the topography. The first derivative of topography is attitude; the second is curvature. GIS tools were developed for derivation of strike, dip, curvature and curvature orientation from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). A method for displaying both strike and dip simultaneously as colour-coded visualization (AVA) was implemented. A plug-in for calculating strike and dip via Least Squares Regression was created first using VB.NET. Further research produced a more computationally efficient solution, convolution filtering, which was implemented as Python scripts. These scripts were also used for calculation of curvature and curvature orientation. The application of these tools was demonstrated by performing morphometric studies on datasets from Earth and Mars. The tools show promise, however more work is needed to explore their full potential and possible uses.
Rapport de recherche
Honoré de Balzac est aujourd’hui connu pour être le père du roman moderne et l’écrivain de La Comédie humaine. Mais nous oublions souvent qu’entre 1830 et 1832, au début de sa carrière, l’auteur a écrit, comme plusieurs écrivains de son temps, des contes. De multiples facteurs peuvent expliquer cet intérêt : les Contes fantastiques d’Hoffmann sont traduits de l’allemand en français et leur succès est immédiat. De plus, les nouveaux modes de publication littéraire, dans les revues et les journaux, favorisent la prolifération du genre. Un corpus retiendra notre attention : Les Cent Contes drolatiques, un projet, impopulaire en son temps, avec lequel Balzac souhaite « restaurer l’école du rire » en France. Au milieu du dix-neuvième siècle, l’auteur recrée des contes comme ceux que Rabelais, Verville et la reine de Navarre écrivaient en leur temps, trois ou quatre siècles auparavant. Pour ce faire, Balzac invente un langage qui simule le vieux français et crée des personnages grotesques. Qu’est-ce, dans l’écriture balzacienne, que l’esthétique du rire, et comment l’auteur exprime-t-il ce concept dans ses Cent Contes drolatiques? Pour répondre à ces questions, nous étudierons les manifestations du grotesque dans l’ensemble de l’œuvre de l’auteur. Aussi, selon Mikhaïl Bakhtine, dans L’Œuvre de François Rabelais et la culture populaire au Moyen Âge et sous la Renaissance , le grotesque, uni au rire, est relié au corps : « Le trait marquant du réalisme grotesque est le rabaissement, c’est-à-dire le transfert de tout ce qui est élevé, spirituel, idéal et abstrait sur le plan matériel et corporel. » Par conséquent, ce sont les représentations du corps que nous examinerons dans ce travail. Finalement, l’étude du corps grotesque dans Les Cent Contes drolatiques montrera une autre facette de l’écriture balzacienne, souvent ignorée par les chercheurs : l’importance du rire et la vision du monde que celui-ci communique à travers la littérature.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle, sous la direction de M. Philippe Despoix (Université de Montréal) et de M. Michel Marie (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3)
Personnes responsables: Alexis Jutras (alex.j.nihon@gmail.com), Martin Chaput-Tanguay (martin.chaput-tanguay@umontreal.ca), Alexandre Aspirot (alexandre.aspirot@umontreal.ca) Note: Pour une meilleure résolution des documents, s.v.p nous contacter