990 resultados para BM1958.631


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L’objectif de la recherche est de comparer une traduction d’un questionnaire américain, le Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire (JVQ) avec un questionnaire de victimisation préexistant au Canada, l’Enquête Sociale Générale (ESG). À l’aide d’une base de données formée par le JVQ en 2009, une comparaison a été conduite entre les victimisations de 783 jeunes âgés entre 15 et 17 ans afin de les comparer avec les victimisations de 631 jeunes âgés entre 15 et 17 ans de la base de données de l’ESG de 2009. Sur la majorité des points de comparaison établis entre les deux questionnaires, il existe des différences significatives entre les résultats obtenus par le JVQ et l’ESG. Pour les comparaisons des taux de victimisation des 12 derniers mois, 3 des 8 taux de victimisation comparés étaient similaires. Pour les comparaisons des taux de victimisation à vie, les 7 taux comparés étaient significativement différents. Cependant, il existe des explications méthodologiques et échantillonnales afin de rendre compte de ces différences. Les résultats indiquent qu’avec les différences inhérentes aux deux questionnaires, les échantillons des 15 à 17 ans présentent des taux relativement différents. Il est possible de valider l’utilisation du JVQ sur la population afin de recueillir des informations fiables sur la victimisation. Toutefois, en comparant les différentes questions individuellement, il est possible d’apporter des améliorations aux deux questionnaires utilisés.


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En 2001, le gouvernement québécois adopte la Politique de reconnaissance et de soutien à l'action communautaire. La mise en œuvre de cette politique a mené à des résultats contrastés en fonction des champs d'intervention considérés. Dans cet article, nous soutenons que la mise en œuvre différenciée de la Politique est directement liée à la structuration des acteurs sociaux dans chaque champ d'intervention. Par l'analyse de deux champs, le champ de l'environnement et celui de la défense collective des droits, nous montrons comment, au-delà des explications usuelles des processus de mise en œuvre des politiques publiques qui font intervenir le rôle des acteurs politiques et des réseaux, c'est la prise en compte de l'action autonome des acteurs sociaux qui permet de comprendre la différenciation des trajectoires de mise en œuvre.


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The marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL) plays a vital role in the transport of momentum and heat from the surface of the ocean into the atmosphere. A detailed study on the MABL characteristics was carried out using high-resolution surface-wind data as measured by the QuikSCAT (Quick scatterometer) satellite. Spatial variations in the surface wind, frictional velocity, roughness parameter and drag coe±cient for the di®erent seasons were studied. The surface wind was strong during the southwest monsoon season due to the modulation induced by the Low Level Jetstream. The drag coe±cient was larger during this season, due to the strong winds and was lower during the winter months. The spatial variations in the frictional velocity over the seas was small during the post-monsoon season (»0.2 m s¡1). The maximum spatial variation in the frictional velocity was found over the south Arabian Sea (0.3 to 0.5 m s¡1) during the southwest monsoon period, followed by the pre-monsoon over the Bay of Bengal (0.1 to 0.25 m s¡1). The mean wind-stress curl during the winter was positive over the equatorial region, with a maximum value of 1.5£10¡7 N m¡3, but on either side of the equatorial belt, a negative wind-stress curl dominated. The area average of the frictional velocity and drag coe±cient over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal were also studied. The values of frictional velocity shows a variability that is similar to the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) and this was con¯rmed via wavelet analysis. In the case of the drag coe±cient, the prominent oscillations were ISO and quasi-biweekly mode (QBM). The interrelationship between the drag coe±cient and the frictional velocity with wind speed in both the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal was also studied.


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An improved understanding of soil organic carbon (Corg) dynamics in interaction with the mechanisms of soil structure formation is important in terms of sustainable agriculture and reduction of environmental costs of agricultural ecosystems. However, information on physical and chemical processes influencing formation and stabilization of water stable aggregates in association with Corg sequestration is scarce. Long term soil experiments are important in evaluating open questions about management induced effects on soil Corg dynamics in interaction with soil structure formation. The objectives of the present thesis were: (i) to determine the long term impacts of different tillage treatments on the interaction between macro aggregation (>250 µm) and light fraction (LF) distribution and on C sequestration in plots differing in soil texture and climatic conditions. (ii) to determine the impact of different tillage treatments on temporal changes in the size distribution of water stable aggregates and on macro aggregate turnover. (iii) to evaluate the macro aggregate rebuilding in soils with varying initial Corg contents, organic matter (OM) amendments and clay contents in a short term incubation experiment. Soil samples were taken in 0-5 cm, 5-25 cm and 25-40 cm depth from up to four commercially used fields located in arable loess regions of eastern and southern Germany after 18-25 years of different tillage treatments with almost identical experimental setups per site. At each site, one large field with spatially homogenous soil properties was divided into three plots. One of the following three tillage treatments was carried in each plot: (i) Conventional tillage (CT) with annual mouldboard ploughing to 25-30 cm (ii) mulch tillage (MT) with a cultivator or disc harrow 10-15 cm deep, and (iii) no tillage (NT) with direct drilling. The crop rotation at each site consisted of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) - winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - winter wheat. Crop residues were left on the field and crop management was carried out following the regional standards of agricultural practice. To investigate the above mentioned research objectives, three experiments were conducted: Experiment (i) was performed with soils sampled from four sites in April 2010 (wheat stand). Experiment (ii) was conducted with soils sampled from three sites in April 2010, September 2011 (after harvest or sugar beet stand), November 2011 (after tillage) and April 2012 (bare soil or wheat stand). An incubation study (experiment (iii)) was performed with soil sampled from one site in April 2010. Based on the aforementioned research objectives and experiments the main findings were: (i) Consistent results were found between the four long term tillage fields, varying in texture and climatic conditions. Correlation analysis of the yields of macro aggregate against the yields of free LF ( ≤1.8 g cm-3) and occluded LF, respectively, suggested that the effective litter translocation in higher soil depths and higher litter input under CT and MT compensated in the long term the higher physical impact by tillage equipment than under NT. The Corg stocks (kg Corg m−2) in 522 kg soil, based on the equivalent soil mass approach (CT: 0–40 cm, MT: 0–38 cm, NT: 0–36 cm) increased in the order CT (5.2) = NT (5.2) < MT (5.7). Significantly (p ≤ 0.05) highest Corg stocks under MT were probably a result of high crop yields in combination with reduced physical tillage impact and effective litter incorporation, resulting in a Corg sequestration rate of 31 g C-2 m-2 yr-1. (ii) Significantly higher yields of macro aggregates (g kg-2 soil) under NT (732-777) and MT (680-726) than under CT (542-631) were generally restricted to the 0-5 cm sampling depth for all sampling dates. Temporal changes on aggregate size distribution were only small and no tillage induced net effect was detectable. Thus, we assume that the physical impact by tillage equipment was only small or the impact was compensated by a higher soil mixing and effective litter translocation into higher soil depths under CT, which probably resulted in a high re aggregation. (iii) The short term incubation study showed that macro aggregate yields (g kg-2 soil) were higher after 28 days in soils receiving OM (121.4-363.0) than in the control soils (22.0-52.0), accompanied by higher contents of microbial biomass carbon and ergosterol. Highest soil respiration rates after OM amendments within the first three days of incubation indicated that macro aggregate formation is a fast process. Most of the rebuilt macro aggregates were formed within the first seven days of incubation (42-75%). Nevertheless, it was ongoing throughout the entire 28 days of incubation, which was indicated by higher soil respiration rates at the end of the incubation period in OM amended soils than in the control soils. At the same time, decreasing carbon contents within macro aggregates over time indicated that newly occluded OM within the rebuilt macro aggregates served as Corg source for microbial biomass. The different clay contents played only minor role in macro aggregate formation under the particular conditions of the incubation study. Overall, no net changes on macro aggregation were identified in the short term. Furthermore, no indications for an effective Corg sequestration on the long term under NT in comparison to CT were found. The interaction of soil disturbance, litter distribution and the fast re aggregation suggested that a distinct steady state per tillage treatment in terms of soil aggregation was established. However, continuous application of MT with a combination of reduced physical tillage impact and effective litter incorporation may offer some potential in improving the soil structure and may therefore prevent incorporated LF from rapid decomposition and result in a higher C sequestration on the long term.


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Cuaderno didáctico que incluye diez fichas correspondientes cada una de ellas a las diez salas del museo. En éstas se presentan simultaneamente una sucesión variada de ajuares completos de tumbas, ordenadas cronológicamente, testimonios relativos a los grandes temas sociales y culturales del mundo ibérico al que pertenece el yacimiento de El Cigarralejo. La colección monográfica expuesta en el museo permite rastrear la evolución de la civilización y la cultura de un poblado íbero. Cada una de las fichas incluye una hoja del alumno con actividades y una selección de vocabulario relativo a los restos arqueológicos y formas y costumbres de los íberos.


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Se presentan la relación de la oferta de ciclos formativos (de grado medio y superior) y los programas de incorporación a la empresa agraria, formación continua, formación agroalimentaria específica para inmigrantes y formación ocupacional que se realizarán en los Centros Integrados de Formación y Experiencias Agrarias de la Región de Murcia (Jumilla, Lorca, Molina de Segura y Torre Pacheco) durante el curso académico 2008/2009, con el objetivo de formar a profesionales de la agricultura capaces de optimizar el rendimiento de los recursos de los que disponen, desde una perspectiva técnica, económica, medioambiental y de seguridad..


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Memoria de actividades del Servicio de Formación y Transferencia Tecnológica de la Consejería de Agricultura y Agua de la Región de Murcia durante el año 2007,donde se expone la formación profesional específica, continua y ocupacional llevada a cabo en los Centros Integrados de Formación y Experiencias Agrarias (CIFEA), así como los programas de colaboración en transferencia tecnológica realizados. Todo ello expresado en forma de tablas y gráficos que permiten visualizar el tratamiento estadístico de los datos recabados..


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Su contenido puede ser consultado a través de Internet www.infoconsumo.es/eecred/


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Estudio del comportamiento de pacientes con lesiones corticales contridas fundamentalmente de origen neoplásico vascular o traumático, analizando la comprensión del lenguaje en la entrada auditiva y en su comprensión verbal, centrándose en las pruebas de denominación. La muestra la componen 50 sujetos divididos en 5 grupos. Primer grupo: 10 pacientes afásicos con lesiones del hemisferio izquierdo. Segundo grupo: 10 pacientes con lesiones del hemisferio izquierdo. Tercer grupo: 10 pacientes con lesiones del hemisferio derecho. Cuarto grupo: 10 sujetos adultos sin patologías en el sistema nervioso. Quinto grupo: 10 niños con edades entre 5 y 8 ocho años sin patologías en el sistema central y sin problemas escolares. En base al modelo de Caramazza, Berndt y Browell (1982) se analiza la denominación en relación a la modalidad sensorial de entrada, la cantidad de información y la categoría semántica. Se localizan las estructuras cerebrales que se encuentran fundamentalmente dañadas. Se relaciona finalmente la denominación con la clasificación de las afasias, la lateralización hemisférica de funciones y la base neuroanatómica lesionada. Pruebas clínicas de denominación. Diseños factoriales mixtos, con el primer factor entre grupos y con el resto de los factores de medidas repetidas -estos últimos cambian-. Se ha realizado transformación al arcoseno de la variable dependiente y ajustes en proporciones siguiendo el método propuesto por Snedecor y Cochran. Se han realizado los correspondientes análisis de varianza. Desajuste de los niveles de análisis entre la neuropsicología tradicional y la psicología cognitiva actual. Importancia de las modalidades sensoriales a presentación, cantidad de información y categoría semántica en la denominación. Peor ejecución de los pacientes con lesiones en el hemisferio derecho, interpretado como un problema en el procesamiento en las etapas iniciales. No existe un paralelismo de pacientes afásicos y el grupo infantil. Este último se asemeja al grupo control de adultos. Confección de un mapa de localización de la corteza cerebral que cuando se lesiona puede sufrir trastornos en la denominación. Esta capacidad se realiza fundamentalmente en el giro temporal superior de hemisferio izquierdo. El marco teórico que puede adoptarse para el estudio de la denominación es el de los modelos de producción verbal. La clasificación de las afasias en tareas debe cambiar en componentes de las mismas.


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